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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

That BTB was over 10 months ago. That was when I was like only one month or two months here. I was new and noobish here just like we all were at one point in time and to be fair I never did post a show and ended it after two days I think.

Yet you expect to be taken seriously? Never going to happen.

I Second what Paranoir was saying not how he said it. Think about that, I agreed (like I said) that it should be moved, though I didn't agree with how he said it. (which is also said about a line underneath) >_>

Para summed up what he said by telling the person to fuck off and you said 'I second that notion'. Pretty simple logic that surely even you can understand, right?

Yeh I know, to be fair no offense to XBA he is a great great guy and cuts it right down the middle but there should be a mod that comes in here more often. But what has that got to do with me?

I was replying to what you had said about a mod moving it.

I know it's an alt account, I said that in HIAT last night more then once. I even said it is probably by the same person who made that wwe369 account around a month ago or whenever that happened.

Then you shouldn't care about the flaming, right? Since it's a gimmick, the flaming isn't at the actual person, rather the gimmick.

And no, it's not the same person as wwe369.

Evil Austin

I know I will never be the most popular here and I know I never will be receiving a giant weekly fan base like some of the section but I aim to acheive respect from some members that I have stuck around for so long while half of the section or two guys and their followers continue to get in a battle of words with me. Yet I still come in here and give it my best weekly shows I can.

The XBA thing I know I said to move it, but you were quoting me and saying things like 'XBA hasn't been active around as of late =/' And I was saying what can I do about that, or what has that got to do with me that he isn't around.

I would also like to say about the Para comment he didn't just say 'fuck you or fuck off'. He actually gave a few points in which I said I agreed with but not with the flamming which also is connected to the alt. account thing, I said last night that I think it was the same guy as the wwe369 guy though there is a slight chance that I am wrong and this is a real ten year old kid. And that's why to be on the safe side I was sticking up for the kid.

And if I am wrong about it, since when did you care about my thoughts on anything anyway?

And I am just going to leave it at that.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I know I will never be the most popular here and I know I never will be receiving a giant weekly fan base like some of the section but I aim to acheive respect from some members that I have stuck around for so long while half of the section or two guys and their followers continue to get in a battle of words with me. Yet I still come in here and give it my best weekly shows I can.

That's really quite touching, but it doesn't change the fact that many people in this section will never take you seriously.

The XBA thing I know I said to move it, but you were quoting me and saying things like 'XBA hasn't been active around as of late =/' And I was saying what can I do about that, or what has that got to do with me that he isn't around.

It was a reponse to what you had said. Did I say it related directly back to you? Unless you're xba's alt, I doubt it does.

I would also like to say about the Para comment he didn't just say 'fuck you or fuck off'. He actually gave a few points in which I said I agreed with but not with the flamming which also is connected to the alt. account thing, I said last night that I think it was the same guy as the wwe369 guy though there is a slight chance that I am wrong and this is a real ten year old kid. And that's why to be on the safe side I was sticking up for the kid.

PARA said:
In short, fuck off.

As far as him being an alt goes, anyone with half a noggin can figure it out.

And if I am wrong about it, since when did you care about my thoughts on anything anyway?

Since you began wasting my time with your useless dickriding.

And I am just going to leave it at that.

My internet provider thanks you.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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About CenaHardy's BTB, it isn't the least bit funny or entertaining. I think it’s just stupid. But no one should be complaining about it being spammed up if they’re going to take part in the spamming. Besides CenaHardy hasn’t done anything wrong but if it’s bothering you so much then just ignore him or don’t click on his thread. It’s as simple as that.

I don’t remember anyone bitching so much when KenFan had the Ghetto Hood Wrestling BTB which was a joke BTB. Then again imo KenFan’s BTB was actually entertaining for the two whole pages it lasted. WEW is just stupid and it's going on eight pages now? Wow...

About XBA and his modding duties, there's no reason for XBA to do anything about CenaHardy's BTB because he's not doing anything to break the rules of the section. The one thing he and every other booker who has been in his thread has done is spam but besides that, there's actually nothing happening that can destroy the section as we know it. And even if I think it's stupid , it's still just a little harmless fun on the part of CenaHardy.

All anyone can do is either sit back and laugh about it or just ignore the thread if it doesn't interest you. Just like any other BTB.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Bristol, England
I gotta agree with Anigma here. Like why make a big fuss about it when you got the option whether you want to view it or not.

If you don't like it, don't look at it. Eg. Gay porn, I don't like it so I don't watch it. It may appeal to some people though. At the end of the day if you like the BTB, keep reading it but if you don't like it, just ignore it. Simple as. It's not like you're being forced to read it.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Let's hope it takes a little less than the three or so months it's taken HFH to make his rant. lol

I never felt like posting it. Most of the shit that was happening at the time was really settled when I was going to post it. And Diesel posted his rant, and I don't want to be known as someone that just does something the same time others are. I've given up on this section with all the stupid bickering, I don't feel like I need to say anything anymore, because I'm sick of it.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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Everyone should check out my match in the "Show your talent" Thread.. I like it alot!


Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
About CenaHardy's BTB, it isn't the least bit funny or entertaining. I think it’s just stupid. But no one should be complaining about it being spammed up if they’re going to take part in the spamming. Besides CenaHardy hasn’t done anything wrong but if it’s bothering you so much then just ignore him or don’t click on his thread. It’s as simple as that.

I don’t remember anyone bitching so much when KenFan had the Ghetto Hood Wrestling BTB which was a joke BTB. Then again imo KenFan’s BTB was actually entertaining for the two whole pages it lasted. WEW is just stupid and it's going on eight pages now? Wow...

About XBA and his modding duties, there's no reason for XBA to do anything about CenaHardy's BTB because he's not doing anything to break the rules of the section. The one thing he and every other booker who has been in his thread has done is spam but besides that, there's actually nothing happening that can destroy the section as we know it. And even if I think it's stupid , it's still just a little harmless fun on the part of CenaHardy.

All anyone can do is either sit back and laugh about it or just ignore the thread if it doesn't interest you. Just like any other BTB.

The most amazing thing about it is the fact the BTB has managed to get this far without a Moderator closing it. What a waste of space.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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HFH said:
And Diesel posted his rant

Yeah, don't want to compete with something out of you're league anyways. :winking:

Ninja Guy said:
I know I will never be the most popular here and I know I never will be receiving a giant weekly fan base like some of the section

Man, if you don't care don't reply. I understand defending yourself, but just leave it at that. I'm not trying to look down upon, or talk shit to BKB, or you, but seriously stop spamming the thread. WTF.

As for CenaHardy, I completly back Anigma. If he didn't say it, I would've right now. He isn't doing shit wrong. Lets give him the benefit of the doubt, he was like me four years ago. He discovered a place to chat about wrestling, and found an interesting hobby. He got into writing. Of course, I'm not going to say this kid goes into other thread for tips, which is clearly not true. A ten year old couldn't understand half the things we write. So he tries to make of what he does know. The kid is ten years old, co-champions whom are BFF's might seem awesome to it. Its probably is an alt. account, but unless MS, WS, Chuck, TG, or any other administrator, or staff member finds out. We aren't 100% sure.

The flamming, I can care less for. Make your opinion known, but try to keep it out the section guys. I'd say we all forget about WEW unless we really are going to give advice.

The Renegade Biatch said:
Well being that CenaHardy is ten years old :gspot: , its not that bad. Although, I really doubt a 10 year old would have such stunning puncuation, and grammer being that he just only learned how to multiply. I'll stay tuned, and keep you're creative juices flowing kid. It does make for some great writing in Language Arts!

In all fairness that was a sincere post. I didn't really care much for writing a review. I should have, but instead I just said I'd stay around. Hell don't you wonder what goes through a 10 year olds mind? Probably not, but whatever I do.

So without making this a spamtastic post, what are your thoughts on heel v. heel feuds/storylines?

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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I don't think heel vs. heel feuds can work. There needs to be a face because with a heel vs. heel feud, the crowd wouldn't know who to cheer for and who to boo. If you throw a face into the mix, it'll make things easier for the crowd to understand the feud/storyline. There always needs to be a face in the mix.

Take Batman for example. What would Batman be like if The Joker and Two-Face started going against one another? Sure it would be entertaining but it wouldn't make much sense if they both have a common goal in getting rid of Batman and taking over Gotham City. An odd example, I know but wrestling is pretty much the same.

Would it make sense for Randy Orton and Chris Jericho to beat the hell out of each other for no reason whatsoever other than they don't like each other when it would be easier to team up and take out the champion and thus become the top superstars?

Bottomline- I think you need a face thrown in the mix of things because a heel vs. heel feud won't work out for the reasons specified above.


What's with all the ruckaus? I am the law, and if I hear my name I got to see what is going on....I see my name up there :shifty:

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Well, XBA to make a long story short. This dude named CenaHardy created a BTB, it was intended to be funny, some thought it was while others thought it was disrespectful to the section and some just thought it was stupid. A few bookers were saying how you should've closed the thread and I pointed out CenaHardy hadn't broken any rules. Nevertheless, his thread has been spammed up for about eight pages now by BTB'ers and eventhough some complain about it being bumped up and spammed they continue to spam it up with meaningless posts. Some want it closed and CenaHardy banned while others don't see what the big deal is and find it funny. That's where we're at right now, XB. The rest is in your hands. May the force be with you.


Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
But it is a BTB just like any other. I'm sorry if you don't like it, I'll do better next time. :(