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Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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It'll just be a one show thing, and it probably will be with people not on the roster (think Samoa Joe vs Brock Lesnar). But it might just be too much work just for a show that doesn't really count.


Peace. Love.

I've got a couple of questions, and I'm looking for answers, not debates on the current state of the BTB Secion. K?

Would mentioning the growth and success of a BTB Promotion be important?
That's how I intended to do PRIDE, but the matches got in the way of that. (Like how a promotion moves from college gyms to arenas or from no TV to a TV debut)

What would the response be to a show that doesn't have to do anything with feuds? Like a showcase, dream match show.

I certainly think the evolution of a project could be fun, as long as it's realistic. Seeing a start-up promotion get a TV slot after a yet and move to the Astro Dome a year after that is just silly.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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To HFH, you should promote it. Make it like a "PRIDE presents An Evolution". Something like that. Make one show building it up, where you have faces facing faces, heels meeting heels, a comedic segment with the stable of Flair, Danielson, and others.


Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
In the interest of reality, I could warn you and even infract you if I qualified all your posts as spamming this thread.

You should warn or infract yourself for making comments like this. It's as good as spam. "I COULD warn you and EVEN infract you". Flaunting your power, again? Surely not. Not for the third or fourth time in a matter of two pages of this particular thread.

Is the apology sincere? No. In my mind, call me stubborn, stupid, whatever you mind, I have my criteria as to why you did it. If that wasn't the case, then take the apology. But that doesn't mean I will change my opinion.

Do you ever read what you've typed, after you've typed it? This makes zero sense. I wouldn't call you stubborn for this either, but I probably would call you stupid, like you suggested I do. I knew there'd be something you could say that I'd eventually agree with.

I'll go back and say what I did in my first post, people coming from that other forum have to live, fairly or not, with the image Emperor DC comes and leaves with his every single post, in which he leaves nothing more than critics.

Basically what you're doing there is judging a whole forum by one person? Which is completely idiotic. You'd be damn lucky to get some of the members from there over to IWF not just as bookers but as people too. (and it would work vise versa, there are a few people on here that I'd love to see over there). You can't judge an entire of forum on one person, but I think it's amusing you do, because DC is a good bloke and he's a damn good booker, so I think there'd be several people on "the other forum" (which I won't name out of fear of being infracted :hang:). If I were to judge anyone that joined WF (oops, curse word) from over here on the back of what I know of you, their apparent (self-appointed?) fearless leader, it would be disastrous because it would mean people that come over there that are also prevelant here, and contribute quite a bit like BKB and Gards, wouldn't get a look in.

Under that view, I could say that your post would try to put the entire section of the other forum, as a whole, over this one, as many other members coming from the other forum have done.

Nope. Wrong again, genius. And once again, you're reading way too much into it. I've said this before, but since it's apparently the in thing around here to repeat yourself, I'll say it again. This place and WF (oops, said the name again, silly me) are two completely different entities, comparable only by name. The Booking between the two forums is completely different, there are threads over there that are successful but might fail here, there are threads here that are successful but would fail on WF. I don't compare the two forums in the slightest, so don't even imply for a second that I do, especially when you don't have a clue that the fuck you're talking about. Threads are booked in a completely different fashion on WF, especally in the way shows are presented and matches are written. It's an unfair comparison, therefore, I'd appreciate it if you don't put words into my mouth. You can think what you want, but don't go stating it as if it's fact. You don't have some sort of new-found mind reading ability via a computer screen, therefore you don't have a clue what I think, so don't assume you do.

I'm sure there are a few people around here that will agree with what I'm saying but would not publicly make this clear out of fear of what sort of reaction that would bring from you and your infraction stick.

The Rated R CMStar

I never stated it like a fact. It's my opinion. Just like I said I COULD consider your post to do what I said it does. Then again, I am not stating it as a fact, it's just my opinion.

As for people siding with you, why would that result in an infraction? TBKB already did, and he doesnt have an infraction. Like I said, it's my opinion, not a fact or a reality.

You'd be damn lucky to get some of the members from there over to IWF not just as bookers but as people too
Agreed. Personally I think TRI and WCW Rules have been some of the best members this section has had. However, as good as Emperor DC might be, what he has shown is here doesn't reflect that, so personally I don't want him around.

Do you ever read what you've typed, after you've typed it? This makes zero sense. I wouldn't call you stubborn for this either, but I probably would call you stupid, like you suggested I do. I knew there'd be something you could say that I'd eventually agree with.

I am stating a two case scenario:

1) You accept my apology (which I made clear, it's not sincere), because you did what you do with good intention, and therefore you deserve that apology.

2) You don't accept my apology, as you understand that I am not truly apologizingas like I said, call me stubborn (for not changing my mind), or stupid, I really think you did so to put over the other forum above this.

And yeah, I am judge the members coming from that other forum, especially when their opening post (at least as I see it), put over the other forum.

As for flaunting my powers, call it like that if you want. I am just stating what could happen if I'd consider those posts as spam. Then I said I wasn't going to do so.

Is just like saying the rules would allow me to warn for mentioning WF. For obvious reasons, I won't. It's not flaunting my mod powers, is sending an indirect warning to the people that they are breaking the rules and could get infracted about it. Saves me time, as otherwise I'd had to give them an official warning.


Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
I never stated it like a fact. It's my opinion. Just like I said I COULD consider your post to do what I said it does. Then again, I am not stating it as a fact, it's just my opinion.

As for people siding with you, why would that result in an infraction? TBKB already did, and he doesnt have an infraction. Like I said, it's my opinion, not a fact or a reality.

Agreed. Personally I think TRI and WCW Rules have been some of the best members this section has had. However, as good as Emperor DC might be, what he has shown is here doesn't reflect that, so personally I don't want him around.

I am stating a two case scenario:

1) You accept my apology (which I made clear, it's not sincere), because you did what you do with good intention, and therefore you deserve that apology.

2) You don't accept my apology, as you understand that I am not truly apologizingas like I said, call me stubborn (for not changing my mind), or stupid, I really think you did so to put over the other forum above this.

And yeah, I am judge the members coming from that other forum, especially when their opening post (at least as I see it), put over the other forum.

As for flaunting my powers, call it like that if you want. I am just stating what could happen if I'd consider those posts as spam. Then I said I wasn't going to do so.

Is just like saying the rules would allow me to warn for mentioning WF. For obvious reasons, I won't. It's not flaunting my mod powers, is sending an indirect warning to the people that they are breaking the rules and could get infracted about it. Saves me time, as otherwise I'd had to give them an official warning.

Once again, I'm not going to bother with most of this. It's all mindless dribble, again, making little sense.

Only thing I will touch on was the fact is this bit -

And yeah, I am judge the members coming from that other forum, especially when their opening post (at least as I see it), put over the other forum.

Aside from the fact that you've reminded us that your grammatical ability is rat shit, that was not my first post on these forums. I've posted here before, and for a while, although not in an overly plentiful amount. In fact I believe I even reviewed your thread once, and guess what, I'm pretty sure that hit a few nerves at the time as well. Obviously you've forgotten that, but I understand if you have, I can't expect someone of such high standing in BTB such as yourself to remember feedback from a mere minion like me.

The Rated R CMStar

I remember your review. One of the best ones I have gotten. It had some mistakes on it, but that doesn't take away from the review itself.

As for the quote, what can I say? I am really ashamed as it has a lot of mistakes. I was writing fast, my bad.

Then again, how long ago was that review? How long ago was your last post? In a way, that could be qualified as your first post.

From this post on, if you want to post anything else, concerning this or not, be my guest. If you want to stick around the section, do it, if you don't, fine by me. I am not answering any more of your posts. I think I have stated my point of view, which might be stupid to you or to a lot of other members, by now.

The Rated R CMStar

UHmm, I am not sure. The Yearbook, which would be up in March/April, has a special edition of Awards, so I don't know if we should just wait to that award ceremony, or hold one before.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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We haven't tried a year end awards for 2008. I believe there are still some great things happened last year like BKB being a Breakout Star of the section, the return of some great BTBers and the Arrival of the Indy BTB's.


Well, I am thinking of holding another tournament. Is that okay with you CMS?I will explain the rules now.

I will list 200 superstars, Indies and Mainstream (TNA,WWE), and I will draft them, 20 superstars in each roster. There will be 10 rosters, and each contestant, a max of 10, will take control of a roster, and book a card, not write, book a Wrestlemania card, using all the wrestlers given to you. The booker who produced the best card, will win.


Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
Well, I am thinking of holding another tournament. Is that okay with you CMS?I will explain the rules now.

I will list 200 superstars, Indies and Mainstream (TNA,WWE), and I will draft them, 20 superstars in each roster. There will be 10 rosters, and each contestant, a max of 10, will take control of a roster, and book a card, not write, book a Wrestlemania card, using all the wrestlers given to you. The booker who produced the best card, will win.

That actually sounds like a top idea. Would you have to state who wins the matches? Would be good to have a brief backstory for each match too. You could even introduce a trade system where if a booker gets a certain wrestler, whom they might not like, could trade him to another booker for a different wrestler? But you'd put a limit at like 3 trades per booker or something. I dunno, food for thought.