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Is this like letting 10 guys run their own promotion with their rosters?

Correct-u-mundo. Although it seems like alot of work if you put it like that.

That actually sounds like a top idea. Would you have to state who wins the matches? Would be good to have a brief backstory for each match too. You could even introduce a trade system where if a booker gets a certain wrestler, whom they might not like, could trade him to another booker for a different wrestler? But you'd put a limit at like 3 trades per booker or something. I dunno, food for thought.

That sounds pretty interesting. Trading and all.

I could have each man have the 20 superstars. Each person will trade it out, for three weeks, thinking about it. Then they will have a weak to post a card, with backstory's for each match. The best card will win.


Aug 18, 2008
Reaction score
Three weeks is probably a bit long, most people will know pretty quickly if they have someone they have no use for. I guess people could offer up superstars ie "I have no use for Randy Orton... does anyone want him and if so, who are you offering instead?"

edit - another thing you could do would be to seperate the wrestlers up via their pulling power (main eventers, mid carders etc). Then when drafting the wrestlers, each booker would have say 6 main eventers, 8 upper mid carders, 6 mid carders or something like that.


I would say that is fair, the Main Eventers thing. And 3 weeks is a bit long, but I want people to think about it thoroughly.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

and contribute quite a bit like BKB and Gards, wouldn't get a look in.
You were nice to me, then took it all away two words later.

I joke Gards. :shifty:

Evil Austin

I think that's a swell idea Beer -- On the topic of the awards if there are March / April ones in the year book, then I think we should have those though in the next week or two have a big end of year one were we host the best of the best of 2008.

The Rated R CMStar

Beer, I like the idea, it's really, really great, and Para just made it even better by adding to it. I dont know who many people will sign up or amongst those who sign up who will stick with the tournament. I'd say go ahead and start the tournament.


Great stuff. I will make a thread in the BTB Section, a Sign-Up Thread, and we will see how many people we get at first.

Evil Austin

By the way with the idea of the trading are there going to be General Managers to chose from as well or only wrestlers and we are technically the GM's?

By the way once again this is a kick ass idea. Good stuff. (Just so I understand correctly) Once we chose a roster -- Which should be done fairly like one pick each or something cause otherwise people will come in early and take everyone good. Anyway and then we make a Wrestle mania card with a backstory and results. And whichever is the best and most creative wins using their roster? Or is it longer then that? do we have more then one ppv?

Correct me if I am wrong though. Just making sure I understand what I am getting myself into :eek:


We are obviously the GM's. And you won't be picking one each. It will be drawn out of a hat.
Finally, read the thread to find out exactly what you have to do.

Evil Austin

Ok I get it now, thanks. And I obviously posted that before you posted the thread so yeah. :p

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

The thing that always wrecks these tournaments is that people never go through with what they're volunteering for. We always have people backing out, and it wrecks it imo. That's why I didn't enter the promo tourney and it's why I'm not going to enter this.

I'm willing to bet that multiple people will not do it in the end, despite signing up.


I think the people signed up are pretty reliable. James, can you judge?

Question: Rosewt01? Shall I allow him to enter?

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Yeah, I said in the thread I'll judge.

Let anyone enter I suppose. If they don't do it, then we just bomb their house.

Another thing that's been bugging me is all the useless sticky threads. Can we have some removed plz? Beer's promo tourney doesn't need to be there anymore, and neither do the old awards.


Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
New Zealand
Okay i need to know is there anyone thta is currentely wrestling that has a genuine hate for the McMahons so htey can be like in a Representiuve match against a representive of the McMahons?