
I did read it just made a few mistakes.
With the Brock Lesnar thing I was meant to say Face that was my mistake; because Triple H is the heel.
And Brock being cocky; I thought he was a tad after his win and he was rubbing it in the face of the former champion in the opening promo like 'I told you so'. (he didn't use those exact words) but he was like 'after weeks of Triple H telling him that he isn't in his league and that he couldn't win but here I am now...I told you so and I can do it again even.' Not that it's a bad thing I am just explaing why I said it.
And with Cage and Jericho I still think that something can happen; there are four weeks until Busted Open. I have a feeling like I said in the reveiw that you are going to do something like Jericho and Lesnar vs. Former Champions Cage and HHH at one of the weekly show events and Cage and Jericho end up renewing a rivalry and while Brock and HHH have a blow off match. Or it could end up being a fatal four way match. But I have my reasons for my predictions...I could end up being wrong with them but I did read the show.
I'm not going to believe you here. Reading your reviews on my shows there is always something that points to you not reading properly, especially in the previews. I'll find some examples, but what you do is rather sad.