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BM: Main Event Tag was pretty good

WM: Orton vs. Santino was pretty short, but since Orton won, I don't care, Orton is the man, good match though

BP: Highlight Reel

WP: Well, none really

AC: Really enjoyed reading, I know I don't drop by alot, but I am very glad I did, was really surprised with this show. Edge vs. Angle was a pretty good match as well, good work


BM - Well most matches did for me. But the Main Event Tag stood out.

WM - Santino vs. Orton

BP - Hightlight reel

WP - Well...... None....

AC - Pretty Good show. I'll look into this more and reveiw for reveiw

Rate - 8.5/10

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
St. Catharines, Ontario
You're the first BtB i've read besides my own. Honored? :p

BM: Robert Roode & Mr Kennedy Vs Jeff Hardy & Kane
WM: If any of them would be the worst I guess it would be Orton Vs. Santino, due to length. But on the other hand, if your use of the superstars is influenced by their use in WWE, then I wouldn't expect the match to go on for too long. So it's the worst match, based purely on length. Lol.
BP: Highlight Reel.
WP: There be none here.


Apr 3, 2008
Reaction score
BM: Tag Match for titles
WM: X division Gaunlet
AC: I could not understand who got elimanted in the X gaunlet.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
BM - ME It was quite a good match. So was the openar. The openar was better than most of them.
BP - The Highlight Reel. In character.
WM - Orton vs. Santino Marella Too short really
WP - Not sure there all good..
AC - A very good show but Orton vs Santino could have been amazing.
CP= Check out ECW. Review for a review.


BM: Tag Match for titles
WM: X division Gaunlet
AC: I could not understand who got elimanted in the X gaunlet.

you wouldnt of understood the x gauntlet because there wasnt one! and thanks for all your reviews...
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity
Best Match: Main Event - Nice length and was pretty nice to read.

Worst Match: Santino vs Orton - Santino never had a chance lol. Well it was the worst match of the show but not really bad cause it was meant to bring up Orton.

Best Promo: Highlight Reel with Y2J,Christian and Orton - I liked how it was written and the dialog was pretty good as well. Nice read.

Worst Promo: N/A

Additional: Well you're improving and the promos are going great as well. Nice job with the show and keep it up dude :)



J.R: Good evening everybody and Welcome to Monday night Impact

King: What a show it will be tonight but first lets go down to General Manager J.B.L in the ring.

J.B.L: Last week in the opening match it was Edge Vs Kurt Angle. This match was so good and so many people liked it I have decided to make this a match at Mega mayhem where the winner becomes the gets a title shot at the PPV following Mega Mayhem.

Edge’s Music comes on as he comes down to the ring

Edge: So you’re saying if I beat Kurt Angle at Meg Mayhem I will get a T.N.E World title shot against the champion at the time. How am I supposed to beat Kurt when that skank Velvet Sky comes to ring side with him, you saw what she did to me last week. She screwed me out of the victory and not in a good way.

J.B.L: It’s simple, she is band from ring side and if she interferes somehow she will be released from her contract!

Edge: Now that’s more like it J.B.L.

Kurt Angle comes down to the ring

Kurt: Wait! Edge, you think the only reason why I beat you last week is because Velvet cheated for me. I didn’t ask her to do that and I would have kicked your ass either way! I am an Olympic Goldmedalist!

Edge: Well why don’t you prove that you can beat me with out cheating next week at Mega Mayhem!

Kurt: Believe me, I will!

They walk up to each other and get in each others faces

J.B.L: Settle down you, save it for the Mega Mayhem.

They all leave the ring

J.R: Now we have another great match added to Mega Mayhem

King: I know, now it’s time for our opening match.

Match 1
Hardcore Holly with Stevie Richards Vs CM Punk with Carlito

They bind up in the middle of the ring; Hardcore overpowers the young CM Punk. He Irish whips him into the ropes and then runs and shoulder blocks Punk to the mat, pin, 1…and a quick kick out. Punk gets up and gets his chest chopped by Hardcore Holly a couple of times followed by a hard clothesline, pin, 1…2…and Punk kicks out once more. punk gets up and hardcore punches him in the head a few times before Irish whipping him into the turnbuckle, he then runs at Punk for a clothesline but Punk ducks leaving him to go chest first into the turnbuckle, punk rolls him up, 1…2…and Holly manages to kick out. Hardcore gets up to his feet and punk hits him with a couple of thunderous kicks to the thighs of Hardcore almost knocking him off his feet. Punk then runs and cross bodies Hardcore Holly down to the mat, pin, 1…2…and hardcore kicks out. Punk starts to stomp on the head of Holly, he then picks him up and punches him a few times followed by a huge step up enziguri, pin, 1…2…and again hardcore kicks out. Punk pulls Hardcore Holly up to his knee’s and slaps him right in the face, he then runs up and dropkicks Hardcore right in the face. Stevie starts clapping his hands on the outside of the ring trying to get momentum for his good mate Hardcore Holly.
Punk goes over to pick up Holly but Hardcore Holly counters by elbowing Punk in the ribs and then the face, he gets up and runs and CM Punk and drops him down to the mat with a hard clothesline, pin, 1…2…but Punk kicks out. Punk gets up and gets a couple more chops to the chest by Hardcore making his chest look raw. Hardcore then lifts punk up and slams him down with a scoop slam followed by a standing elbow drop, pin, 1…2…and Punk finds a way to kick out. Punk gets to his feet and turns around only to be dropkicked in the chest which pushes CM Punk backwards through the ropes. Hardcore rolls outside the ring and grabs punk by the head, he then slams it down onto the steel steps. Hardcore then starts to repetitively do that until CM Punk is busted wide open. The blood pours out while Hardcore Holly tosses Punk into the security wall, the ref counts them out, 1…2…3…4…5…6…Hardcore gets back inside the ring and Carlito grabs Punk and throws him back into the ring. Hardcore goes for the pin, 1…2…and somehow CM Punk kicks out. Hardcore can’t believe it, he goes for another pin, 1…2…and Punk kicks out. Hardcore lifts CM Punk up for the Alabama Slam but Punk reverses it into a sunset flip pin, 1…2…and Hardcore kicks out.
Hardcore Holly gets up and turns around and he is knocked to the mat from a huge spinning heel kick by CM Punk. Punk goes outside the ring onto the apron and waits for Hardcore Holly to get up, he gets up and Punk springboards off the ropes and hits Holly with a diving clothesline, pin, 1…2…and Hardcore kicks out again. Punk lifts Holly up and drops him with a dropkick followed by a standing leg drop, pin by Punk, 1…2…and Hardcore breaks the cover. Punk gets up and pulls Hardcore up with him, he lifts Hardcore up for the GTS but Hardcore jumps off and dropkicks Punk in the head. Hardcore goes for the pin, 1…2…and another kick out. Hardcore picks up Punk and Punches him a couple of times, he then lifts Punk up for the Alabama Slam as Carlito slides into the ring behind Hardcore. Hardcore Holly slams CM Punk down with the Alabama Slam and right after that Carlito jumps up and nails Hardcore Holly with the Back Cracker.

The Ref calls for the bell as Stevie Richards slides into the ring and him and Carlito are throwing punches all over the place. Then all the security guards come down to break it up. They all leave and go back stage.

Here is your winner by DQ, Hardcore Holly

King: Wow this rivaly is really starting to spice up.

J.R: Tell me about it King.

The Camera goes backstage to the locker room

Randy Orton: So you know the game plan for tonight right…good. It’s nice to know that someone’s got my back out there.
Alright ill see you out there later tonight.

J.R: There’s Randy Orton talking to his mystery tag Partner for tonight.

King: I wonder who it could be.

J.R: Now its time for our next match up.

Match 2
AJ Styles & Petey Williams Vs Double X

Senshi starts the match off with AJ Styles. They trade punches and then Senshi gives AJ a huge kick to the mid section, he then clotheslines him to the mat. AJ gets up and runs into a dropkick from Senshi, Senshi then gives AJ a standing leg drop followed by a pin, 1…2…and AJ kicks out.
Senshi goes and tags in Elix Skipper, skipper runs in and hits AJ with a huge running hurricanrana which throws AJ over to Petey Williams who Styles tag in. Petey runs in at Skipper but Skipper ducks under Williams, he then jumps up and dropkicks Petey over to Senshi who he makes the tag to. Senshi climbs to the top rope and Williams gets up, Senshi jumps out and missile dropkicks Petey. Senshi goes for the pin, 1…2…and Petey Williams kicks out. Senshi picks up Williams but Williams pokes him in the eye, then he jumps and cross bodies Senshi down to the mat.
Petey goes and makes the tag to AJ Styles, AJ runs in and hits Senshi with a standing moonsault, pin, 1…2…and Senshi kicks out.
Senshi gets up and runs at AJ but AJ ducks underneath Senshi, Senshi turns around to get Styles but Styles hits Senshi with the Paylay. Senshi slowly gets up as AJ runs and moonsault springboards off the ropes behind Senshi dropping him with a inverted DDT, pin by Styles, 1…2…and Senshi manages to kick out. AJ climbs to the top rope for the spinal tap, he goes for it but Senshi rolls out of the way and Styles lands on his stomach. Senshi makes the tag to Elix Skipper, Skipper runs in and goes for the pin, 1…2…and AJ kicks out. Skipper starts to stomp on the head of AJ before picking him up; he kicks Styles in the mid section and then springboards off the ropes and drops AJ with a huge enziguri. Styles starts to slowly crawl over to Petey Williams for the tag but Skipper grabs him by the foot, Styles kicks Skipper in the head and dives to make the tag to Petey Williams. Williams runs in and is dropkicked down to the mat by Skipper who tags in Senshi. Senshi runs in and gives Williams a couple of hard kicks to the legs and stomach of Petey, and then Senshi scoop slams Petey down to the mat. Senshi climbs to the top rope and jumps out and stomps on the stomach of Petey Williams from the top rope, pin by Senshi, 1…2…and Somehow Petey managed to kick out. Senshi picks up Williams but Williams clotheslines Senshi over, they both drop down to the mat. Petey slowly crawls over to AJ, Williams gets there but AJ doesn’t tag in and he starts to walk off up the entrance ramp staring at Petey. AJ stands half way up the ramp watching as Petey is left there to fight both members of Double X. Senshi tags in Elix Skipper. Senshi runs at Petey and Petey dropkicks him down to the mat and he rolls out of the ring, Skipper comes in and Williams kicks him in the mid section and then hits him with his finishing move the Canadian Destroyer, pin by Petey, 1…2…and 3.

Here are your winners, Petey Williams and AJ Styles

J.R: AJ Styles looks shocked!

Christopher Daniels runs down and throws AJ Styles into the ring with Petey, Petey then hits AJ with the Canadian Destroyer!

They all leave the ring…

King: Whoa! Petey Williams is on fire. Canadian destroyer’s everywhere.

J.R: I still can’t believe Petey Williams won the match.

King: You better believe it.

Mr Kennedy enters the ring

Kennedy: people! I have just heard some news from general manager J.B.L concerning my Rising star title match at Mega Mayhem.
J.B.L has said that he is not sure whether to put that joke! Jeff Hardy in the match and there have been other superstars that want a title shot, So he is letting you, the people decide who should be in the match.

Roode comes down to the ring with a mic

Roode: What! Letting the fans decide, what do these jerks no!

Kennedy: I do agree with you, here are your options of who you vote for. You can vote for the Rainbow haired Moron Jeff Hardy, The Samoan Bulldozer Umaga or you can vote for a mystery Superstar. Only J.B.L no’s who he is and we will find out at Mega Mayhem who the Jackass is if you vote for him.

Roode: Well knowing these fans they will vote for that horrible wrestler Jeff Hardy!

Kennedy: If Hardy is voted in it will help me pick up the victory quicker.

Roode: You mean help ME pick up the victory quicker, there is no way that you are going to win that title.

Kennedy: Don’t be to sure about that. I will win no matter what!

Jeff Hardy comes down to the ring

Jeff: neither of you are going to win that title, it is my destiny to win the rising star title and when these fans vote me into the match I will beat all of your asses!

Roode: Yeah, Okay small fry. They day you beat me is the day I, well actually there’s nothing to it! You will never beat me!

Kennedy: And you will never beat Mrrrrrrr Kennedy……………………………Kennedy!

Roode and Kennedy both grab their microphones and hit Hardy in the head with them, they then start to stomp on him and punch him.
They both leave the arena leaving behind a hurt Jeff hardy

J.R: nearly every week they have attacked poor Jeff Hardy.

King: I know now lets go backstage with Christian Cage and Chris Jericho.

Cage: Alright Jericho I don’t like you and you don’t like me, but tonight is our chance to get the upperhand at Mega Mayhem.
If we really hurt Orton tonight there is no way he will be 100% at Mega Mayhem!

Jericho: Yeah, for once I agree with you. I also want to get that Ass Clown Orton back for what he done to us a few weeks ago after our match when he RKO’ed us.

Cage: Same here. So let’s go out there and kick his ass!

Jericho: What about his tag team partner?

Cage: You take care of him and ill take Orton.

They both leave

J.R: These two are former tag champions so you know they can work well together as a tag team.

King: Yeah but Randy Orton sounded quite confident about his tag partner too.

J.R: Now it’s time for the next match of the evening.

Match 3
LAX Vs Sonjay Dutt & Kane

Homicide and Sonjay Dutt start the match off for each team. They both start throwing punches at each other. Homicide grabs Sonjay and Irish whips him off into the ropes, Dutt bounces back and dropkicks Homicide right in the face. Pin by Dutt, 1…and a quick kick out by Homicide.
Homicide gets up and Irish whips Sonjay into the turnbuckle, he then runs at Sonjay and clotheslines him dropping him to the mat. Sonjay gets up and runs at Homicide for a clothesline but Homicide ducks and runs and bounces off the ropes, he jumps into Sonjay and knocks him down with a cross body. Homicide goes for the pin, 1…2…and a kick out by Dutt. Homicide goes and tags in Hernandez as Sonjay Dutt tags in Kane, the two monsters stand in the ring staring each other down. They start to trade punches in the middle of the ring, hit for hit. The two are very evenly matched, Kane bounces off the ropes and shoulder blocks Hernandez but he hardly moves and then Hernandez shoulder blocks can and he hardly moves. Kane then runs at Hernandez and attempts to clothesline him but again he barely moves, Hernandez runs at Kane for a clothesline but Kane ducks underneath Hernandez arm. Hernandez turns around and Kane hits him with a big boot which pushes him back into his tag team partner Homicide. Homicide is now the legal man as so is Kane.
Homicide runs at Kane but Kane turns him inside out with a huge clothesline, pin, 1…2…and Homicide kicks out. Kane lifts up Homicide and tosses him into the ropes, he bounces back towards Kane and is big booted to the ground. Pin by Kane, 1…2…and Homicide kicks out again.
Kane Irish whips Homicide into the turnbuckle followed by a clothesline, Homicide stumbles out and walks into the arms of Kane who lifts Homicide up and side slams him down. Kane then makes the tag to Sonjay Dutt who runs in and goes for the pin on Homicide, 1…2…and a kick out. Homicide slowly starts to get up and as soon as he does Sonjay runs and hits him with a huge hurricanrana, pin by Dutt, 1…2…and Homicide kicks out. Dutt goes and picks up Homicide but Homicide elbows Dutt in the face and jumps up and dropkicks him down to the mat.
Homicide the dives and makes the tag to Hernandez who gets into the ring and clotheslines Sonjay Dutt down to the mat. Hernandez then lifts Dutt up and spine busters him down, pin by Hernandez, 1…2…and Sonjay manages to kick out. Sonjay gets up and walks into Hernandez who scoop slams him to the ground, he then elbow drops Sonjay and goes for the pin, 1…2…and Sonjay kicks out again. Hernandez tag Homicide back into the ring. Homicide runs in and hits Sonjay with a huge snap suplex followed by a pin, 1…2…and Sonjay kicks out one more time.
Homicide climbs to the top rope and goes for a diving leg drop but Dutt rolls out of the way and climbs to the top rope, he goes for the Hindu press and nails it on Homicide, pin by Sonjay, 1…2…but Hernandez runs in and breaks the pin. Sonjay goes and tags in the big red machine Kane, Kane runs in and picks up Homicide. He grabs Homicide by the throat as Hernandez runs into the ring. Kane pushes Homicide away and starts trading blows with Hernandez as Sonjay Dutt runs back into the ring.
Sonjay goes and picks up Homicide but Homicide counters and hits Dutt with the Gringo Buster which causes Sonjay to roll out of the ring.
Kane starts hammering away at Hernandez, he then pushes him into the turnbuckle and hits him with a hard clothesline. Kane turns around and Homicide tries to hit him with the Gringo Cutter but Kane pushes him off, Kane then throws Homicide onto Hernandez well Hernandez is getting up which causes them both to fall down to the mat. Hernandez rolls outside the ring and sees Sonjay Dutt about to go back into the ring so he grabs him and clotheslines him to the ground. In the ring Kane grabs Homicide and hammers him with the chokeslam, pin, 1…2…and pulls the leg of Kane pulling him Homicide to break up the pin. Hernandez then pulls Homicide out of the ring by him, Hernandez picks up Sonjay Dutt and gives him a huge Border Toss and he smashes down through the announcers table. Sonjay is near knocked out as both of the LAX members climb onto the apron. Kane runs and clotheslines Hernandez off the apron down to the outside ground as Homicide jumps into the ring. He runs at Kane and Kane ducks, Homicide turns around and is slammed down with another Chokeslam, pin by Kane, 1…2…and 3.

Here are your winners, Sonjay Dutt and Kane

King: Wow great match and good victory for Kane going into Mega Mayhem where he defends his Rising star title.

J.R: Yeah, and now the medical team is down here and helping Sonjay get back to the locker room. I hope he’s alright.

The Camera goes backstage with Londrick

Brian Kendrick: Next week at Mega Mayhem, I and Paul London will be defending our T.N.E World tag team titles against the Motor City Machine Guns.

Paul London: Yeah, we respect Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley but that does not mean that we are going to go easy on them because we will do anything to hang onto these titles.

Brian: That’s right Paul

The MCMG enter the room

Shelley: Hey guys, I and Chris just came to wish you luck in our match this Sunday.

They shake each others hands and leave

J.R: Talk about the respect these two teams show for each other.

King: I know J.R.

Umaga enters the ring for his match

Match 4
Umaga Vs Cade & Murdock

Cade & Murdock both run at Umaga but Umaga drops them both with a double clothesline. They both get up and Umaga gives the both another clothesline each. Lance Cade gets up and Umaga punches him directly in the face, he then does the same to Trevor Murdock. Umaga walks over to Cade and gives him a huge kick right into the side of the jaw which drops Cade to the mat. Umaga then grabs Murdock and Irish whips him into the turnbuckle, Umaga runs at Murdock and squashes him into the turnbuckle with a huge clothesline which drops Murdock. Umaga then goes back over to Lance Cade and picks him up, he headbutts him a couple of times and then scoop slams him down to the mat. Umaga then climbs up to the top rope, he jumps out and lands onto Trevor Murdock with a huge diving splash. Umaga goes and drags Trevor Murdock over to the bottom of the turnbuckle and on the other side he hangs Lance Cade in reverse. Umaga runs and hits Murdock in the face with his ass which whip lashes the neck of Murdock. He then runs and jumps in the air and hits Cade in the face with a huge falling head butt which drops Lance Cade down to the mat.
He goes and lifts up Trevor Murdock and drops him with a huge Samoan drop, he then goes and picks up Lance Cade. He hits Cade with the Samoan Spike and goes for the pin, 1…2…and 3.

Here is your winner, Umaga

Umaga goes and gets a two steel chairs, he smashes them both over the head of Cade and Murdock. He places Murdock up against the bottom of the turnbuckle once again, he then places the chair up against Murdocks head. He runs and bangs his ass into the steel chair which nearly knocks Murdock out cold. Umaga then DDT’s Cade onto the other steel chair and climbs to the top rope, he jumps off onto Cage with a huge diving splash which knocks all the air out of Lance Cade. Umaga walks away leaving the to dismantled in the middle of the ring. The medics come and carry them both away.

J.R: What a statement made by the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga.

King: Yeah, he must really want in on that Rising Star title match.

J.R: Most people would. Now Santino Marella is in the ring.

Santino: Just before I came down here in front of you pathetic people, General Manager J.B.L said since I have been losing so much and the show doesn’t need losers that if I do not win my match tonight I will have to kiss the ass of J.B.L to stay on the roster. I am not going to kiss his fat American ass! So whoever my opponent is get down to the ring a now.

Music starts clapping

King: It’s Mickie James!

Santino: You really expect me to fight this little Puppy.
I would rather do other things with her that could actually be fun if you imbeciles know what I mean. Oh well Ill get this over and done with.

Match 4
Santino Marella Vs Mickie James
If Santino loses he has to kiss J.B.L ‘s ass to stay on the T.N.E roster

Santino walks over to Mickie and slaps her across the face. Mickie then grabs Santino and starts to kiss him, Santino looks at the crowd in shock. Mickie then un does her shirt and shows Santino her boobs, Santino starts to drool and looks at them in a daze. Mickie catches him off guard and rolls Santino up, 1…2…and 3!

Here is your winner, Mickie James!

J.R: OMG, Mickie won.

Santino starts to curse and as Mickie runs off up the entrance ramp.

King: What an upset!

J.R: Now at Mega Mayhem we will also see Santino kiss J.B.L to keep his job in T.N.E.

King: I know, I still don’t believe it.

J.R: Now its time for what we have all been waiting for, the main event.

Main Event
Chris Jericho & Christian Cage Vs Randy Orton & ???????

All superstars come down to the ring and wait for the mystery opponent to come down.
A limo drives out and J.B.L gets out of it and walks down to the ring.

King: Its general manager J.B.L!

The bell rings and the match is started.

Randy Orton starts the match off with Y2J. They bind up in the middle of the ring, Orton manages to overpower Jericho and then throws him off into the ropes. Jericho bounces back and shoulder blocks Orton to the mat, he then runs and bounces off the rope. Orton gets up and sees Jericho coming so he hits him with a hip toss, pin, 1…and a quick kick out by Chris Jericho. They both get up and Jericho runs and clotheslines Orton down to the mat, Orton gets up and returns the favour to Jericho.
Orton goes and tags in the general manager J.B.L.
He runs in and big boots Chris Jericho in the face, he then goes for the pin, 1…2…and Jericho kicks out. J.B.L picks Jericho up and Irish whips him into the turnbuckle where Randy Orton is; he knee’s Jericho a couple of times and then tags in the legend killer. Orton holds Jericho up against the turnbuckle and gives him a few European uppercuts before running and clotheslining him down to the mat. Pin by Orton, 1…2…and Jericho kicks out again. Orton grabs Jericho in the middle of the ring and hits him with a snap suplex, he then goes and tags J.B.L back in.
J.B.L walks over to Jericho and elbow drops him a couple of times followed by another pin, 1…2…and Jericho kicks out once again.
J.B.L lifts up Y2J and scoop slams him down to the mat, Jericho gets up in pain and J.B.L throws him into the turnbuckle where Orton stands.
J.B.L runs and clotheslines Jericho, he then tags in Orton and they start to double team him. J.B.L and Orton drop Jericho with a huge double DDT, Orton goes for the pin, 1…2…and Cage runs in and breaks it up.
Jericho slowly starts to crawl over to Christian Cage for the tag but Orton starts to stomp on the head of Chris Jericho and then pulls him back into the middle of the ring. Orton picks up Chris Jericho and Jericho jumps up and enziguri’s Orton which drops Orton to the mat. Jericho crawls and then dives to make the tag to Christian Cage, Cage runs into the ring and clotheslines Randy Orton. J.B.L runs into the ring at Cage, Cage ducks and when J.B.L turns around he is hit with a huge dropkick by the instant classic Christian Cage. Orton gets back up and Cage runs and hits him with a huge cross body. Randy Orton gets up and Cage hits him with an atomic drop followed by a dropkick which drops Orton, pin by Cage, 1…2…and J.B.L breaks it up. Jericho runs across and cross bodies J.B.L, they both roll outside the ring. Cage starts to hammer away at the T.N.E World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton. He pushes him back into the turnbuckle and starts throwing punches and kneeing Orton in the mid section. Cage lifts Orton up onto the top rope and Cage also climbs up, he grabs Orton and superplexs him right off the top down to the mat. Cage goes for the pin on Orton, 1…2…and somehow Randy Orton kicks out.
J.B.L and Chris Jericho are throwing punches on the outside, in the ring Cage picks up Randy Orton and Irish whips him into the ropes, Cage bounces off the ropes and runs at him. Cage gets to him and dives at him but Orton counters with a huge powerslam, pin by Orton, 1…2…and Cage kicks out. On the outside Jericho grabs J.B.L by the head and starts slamming it down on the steel steps which drops him down to the hard ground. Jericho slides back into the ring and clotheslines Orton down to the mat and then goes back to his corner on the apron. Cage crawls over and tags Jericho in straight away, Jericho runs over to Orton. He grabs Orton and throws him off into the ropes, Orton bounces back and Jericho hits him with a one handed bulldog. Jericho goes for the pin, 1…2…and Orton finds a way to kick out. Jericho grabs Orton while he’s on the ground and locks in the Walls of Jericho; Orton starts to scream in pain.
He raises his arm up to tap out but J.B.L runs into the ring and smashes Jericho with a huge clothesline from hell! J.B.L goes back to his corner and waits for Orton to come and tag him. Jericho is lying in the ring barely moving as Orton makes the tag to J.B.L. he runs into the ring and goes for the pin on Jericho, 1…2…and Jericho kicks out! He lifts Jericho up and leaves him standing in a daze in the middle of the ring, J.B.L runs and bounces off the ropes. He goes for the clothesline from hell but Jericho ducks out of the way, J.B.L bounces back towards Jericho and Jericho hits him with the Code breaker. Jericho falls down by Cage and makes the tag on the way down. Cage climbs up to the top rope and hits J.B.L with a Frog splash, he goes for the pin but on the outside Randy Orton is grabbing a steel chair which gets the refs attention. Orton slides into the ring and the ref grabs Orton and tells him to stop, Randy pushes the ref out of the way into the turnbuckle so the ref calls for the bell.

Here are your winners by DQ, Chris Jericho & Christian Cage

Orton smashes the steel chair over the refs head and turns around only to be dropkicked in the face by Christian Cage. Cage then places the steel chair in the middle of the ring and hits Randy Orton with the Unprettier on it which bust Orton open. Cage turns around and Jericho hits him with the Code breaker.
Jericho leaves the ring smiling.

J.R: bodies are down everywhere!

King: Tell me about it!

J.R: Join us next week for our PPV Mega Mayhem.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
BM:Main event, nice twist having genral manager
WM:Santino/Mickie obviously.
AC: Not a bad show but matches could be a bit longer and a few more promo's

Check out WWE: Trio Brand Wars


Mega Mayhem

J.R: Good evening ladies and Gentlemen and Welcome to Mega Mayhem. I’m Jim Ross along side Jerry “The King” Lawler and what a night it shall be.

King: That’s right J.R. All four titles will be on the line tonight and all of the matches will be great.

J.R: Yes they will King, now lets start off the PPV with a huge X-Division title match.

Match 1 for the X-Division title
AJ Styles Vs Christopher Daniels Vs Petey Williams ©

They start off all staring at each other; AJ Styles makes the first move by running at Petey Williams. He goes for a clothesline but Petey ducks; AJ turns back around and is hit with a huge dropkick by the fallen angel Christopher Daniels. AJ gets up straight away and is knocked back down to the mat by a clothesline by the X-Division champion Petey Williams. AJ gets up by the ropes, Daniels and Petey both run at him and they double clothesline him over the top rope and down to the hard ground outside the ring. Daniels and Williams both bind up in the middle of the ring, Petey over powers Daniels and Irish whips him into the turnbuckle.
Williams runs at Daniels and jumps up to hit Christopher Daniels with a clothesline but Daniels ducks out of the way leaving Petey to slam his chest into the turnbuckle. Williams holds his chest and walks back, he is dropkicked down to the met. Christopher Daniels goes for the pin, 1…2…and a kick out by Petey. Williams gets up and starts to trade punches with Daniels, Daniels then hits Petey with a hip toss. Williams returns the favour by hip tossing Daniels, they both get up and start to stare each other down.
They both run at each other and dive at each other; they hit each other with cross bodies which drop them both down to the mat as AJ Styles jumps back up onto the apron. Williams and Daniels both get up to their feet at the same time; they turn around and are both dropped with a double springboard clothesline from Styles. AJ crawls over to Williams and goes for the pin, 1…2…and Petey kicks out so AJ goes for the pin on Daniels, 1…2…and Daniels kicks out. Daniels get up and walks into a huge hurricanrana by AJ Styles which sends Daniels rolling out of the ring. AJ turns around and Petey starts to hit him, AJ knee’s Williams in the mid section, he then Irish whips Williams into the ropes. Petey bounces back and hits him with a flapjack, Styles goes for the pin, 1…2…and a kick out by Williams. Petey gets up and AJ runs at him, Williams lifts AJ up and throws him over the top rope and Styles lands on Christopher Daniels who was just starting to get up. Williams gets out of the ring and picks up Styles, he grabs him by the head and walks over to the steel steps. AJ elbows Petey Williams in the ribs and then hits him with a Russian leg sweep on the hard ground. Daniels gets up and walks over to AJ; he grabs him and throws him back into the ring. Daniels climbs to the top rope and AJ gets up and turns around, Daniels jumps off and hammers him with a diving cross body followed by a pin by Daniels, 1…2…and AJ kicks out. AJ gets up and is slammed down by a scoop slam for Christopher Daniels followed by a standing leg drop. Daniels picks up the Phenomenal AJ Styles and Irish whips him into the ropes, he bounces back to Daniels and Daniels hits him with a huge powerslam, Daniels goes for the pin, 1…2…and again AJ Styles kicks out.
AJ gets up and Daniels runs at him for a clothesline but AJ ducks, Daniels turns around and is dropped to the mat by a huge Paylay.
AJ drops onto Daniels for the pin, 1…2…and Williams slides back into the ring to break up the pin. Christopher Daniels rolls outside the ring as Williams starts punching Styles, AJ then jumps up and dropkicks Petey into the turnbuckle. Styles runs at him and knee’s him right in the stomach followed by a bulldog but Williams throws AJ off and he lands on his back on the mat. AJ gets up and is cross bodied by Petey Williams who the climbs to the top rope, AJ gets up and Petey dives and hits him with a missile dropkick. Williams runs over and goes for the pin on AJ Styles, 1…2…and somehow AJ kicks out. Petey picks up AJ but AJ pokes him in the eye and then jumps up and drops him with a huge step up enziguri. Daniels slowly crawls back into the ring, he goes for the pin on Petey, 1…2…and AJ stomps on Daniels head to break it up.
AJ picks up Daniels and Irish whips him into the ropes, Daniels bounces back and hits AJ with a spinning elbow to the face. AJ gets up and runs at Daniels but Daniels counters and hits him with a hard hip toss, Styles gets up straight away and is knocked straight back down by a spinning heel kick by Christopher Daniels. Daniels goes for the pin on AJ, 1…2…and Styles manages to kick out. Daniels runs and jumps up to the second rope then up to the top and is about to do the BME but Petey Williams runs over and pushes Daniels which causes him to fall off outside the ring and hit the security wall. Petey turns around and grabs AJ and sets him up for the Canadian Destroyer but AJ counters by throwing Williams over his head with a back drop. AJ climbs to the top rope and goes for the Spinal Tap but Petey moves out of the way and AJ Styles lands on his stomach, Williams crawls across and goes for the pin on Styles, 1…2…and somehow AJ kicks out. Williams goes and stands out on the apron waiting for Styles to get to his feet, Styles gets up and Petey goes to jump over the rope but Daniels grabs his foot and Petey drops down and hits his face on the apron, Daniels slides into the ring. AJ tries to clothesline him but Daniels ducks underneath his arm, he bounces back towards Styles and hits him with a quick spinning neck breaker, pin by Christopher Daniels, 1…2…and AJ finds away out. Daniels springs up to the top rope and goes for the BME and he hits it on AJ Styles, he goes for the pin on AJ, 1…2…and Petey leg drops Daniels to break up the pin. Petey grabs Daniels and goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Christopher Daniels hits Williams with a jaw breaker which stuns Petey, Daniels then locks Petey Williams in for the Angels wings, he nails it and goes for the pin on Petey, 1…2…and AJ breaks the pin up to keep the match going.
Daniels gets up and walks into AJ Styles who locks in Christopher Daniels for the Styles Clash; he hits it on Christopher Daniels. AJ goes for the pin, 1…2…and Daniels kicks out! AJ gets up frustrated, he climbs up to the top rope and AJ hits Petey Williams with the Spinal Tap, pin, 1…2…and 3.

Here is your winner and new X-Division Champion, AJ Styles

King: Wow what a match.

J.R: We have a new X-Division Champion and his name is AJ Styles.

King: I no, now let’s go back stage with Todd for and important interview.

Todd: I’m here with Mr Kennedy, Kennedy how do you feel about your match tonight with the Rising Star title on the line.

Kennedy: I feel good because I know I am going to win the match tonight and there is no one that can stop me, not even Kane.

Todd: How do you feel about having a mystery opponent tonight?

Kennedy: To be honest Todd I couldn’t care less about who ever it is.
Like I just said, No one can stop me from winning tonight.

Roode walks in the interview space

Roode: Kennedy, for the last time I am going to win. I have a little proposition for you though. If you stay out of my way in our match tonight, I will give you the first title shot next week on Impact.

Kennedy: Thanks for the offer but I am going to win the match tonight whether you like it or not. Here is the winner of the match, and the new Rising star Champion, Mrrrrrrr Kennedy………………Kennedy!
Oh sorry about that, just practising.

Roode frowns and walks off as Kennedy walks off with a smile on his face

Todd: Wow, back to you J.R and King.

J.R: Mr Kennedy sounds pretty confident about winning the fatal four way match later tonight for the Rising Star title.

King: He shouldn’t be so confident; he’s up against Kane, Robert Roode and a mystery opponent!

J.R: I know, and now it’s time for our next match.

Match 2
Hardcore Holly & Stevie Richards Vs CM Punk & Carlito

Stevie Richards and CM Punk start off the match for each of the teams.
They bind up in the middle of the ring, Richards throws Punk off into the ropes. Punk bounces back and shoulder blocks Stevie down to the mat, Punk goes and bounces off the ropes as Richards gets back up to his feet. Punk bounces back and is hit with a clothesline from Stevie Richards. Punk gets right back up and walks into another clothesline by Richards, pin by Stevie, 1…2…and a kick out by CM Punk. Stevie goes and makes the tag to Hardcore Holly who runs in and shoulder blocks Punk, Punk gets up and is hit with a hard back suplex by Harcore, pin, 1…2…and again Punk kicks out. Harcore picks up CM Punk and Irish whips him into the ropes, he bounces back and goes to grab Punk but Punk leap frogs over Hardcore Holly. When Punk bounces back he hits Hardcore Holly with a huge diving kick to the head, pin by the straight Edge superstar CM Punk, 1…2…and Holly kicks out. Punk gets up and makes the tag to Carlito who rushes into the ring and elbow drops Hardcore Holly. He then picks up Holly and hits him with a devastating swinging neck breaker followed by a pin by Carlito, 1…2…and again Hardcore Holly kicks out. Holly slowly gets up and walks into a knee to the mid section by Carlito, he then snapmares Hardcore Holly and then a dropkick to the back. Carlito then goes and tags CM Punk back into the ring who runs in and goes for the pin, 1…2…and somehow Hardcore Holly kicks out. Punk lifts Holly up and punches him a few times before hitting Holly with a huge dropkick which pushes Hardcore back into the turnbuckle.
Punk runs and jumps into hardcore hitting him with his knee, he then grabs Holly by the head and runs out for the bulldog but Hardcore pushes Punk off and Punk goes running down towards Stevie Richards who punches CM Punk in the head. Hardcore Holly comes running up from behind and he clotheslines Punk down to the mat, Holly then makes the tag to his tag partner Stevie Richards. Stevie gets in the ring and Punk runs at him, Richards grabs Punk and hits him with a hip toss. Punk gets right back up and runs into another hip toss from Richards, Richards goes for the pin, 1…2…and a kick out by CM Punk. Punk then gets up and is hit with a clothesline by Stevie Richards, Punk gets straight back up and is dropped to the mat by a dropkick. CM Punk rolls out of the ring to catch his breath, Stevie rolls out of the ring and starts to chase after CM Punk. Punk runs around the corner past Carlito followed by Richards who is dropped to the ground by a clothesline from Carlito off the apron, the ref starts to count Stevie out as Punk tags Punk back into the ring. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…Stevie gets up and slowly rolls into the ring, Carlito rushes over to Richards and starts to stomp on the back and head of Stevie. Carlito picks Stevie up and gives him a couple of chops to the chest and then hits him with a suplex followed by a pin, 1…2…and Stevie Richards manages to kick out. Carlito lifts Stevie up to his feet and slaps him across the face he then goes to punch him but Richards ducks and when Carlito turns around Richards drops him with a huge Super kick, Stevie goes for the pin, 1…2…and Punk runs into the ring and breaks it up. Stevie gets up and tosses Carlito into the turnbuckle where Hardcore Holly is, he tags in Holly and the both start to stomp a mudhole in Carlito. Hardcore Holly picks up Carlito and Punches him in the face a couple of times followed by a reverse suplex, Hardcore then goes for the pin, 1…2…and again Carlito kicks out. Hardcore goes to pick up Carlito but Carlito hits him with a low blow while the ref wasn’t looking; Hardcore drops to the ground but on the way down he tags in Stevie Richards. Richards and punk both run at each other, Richards goes for a clothesline but CM Punk ducks and when Richards turns around Punk hits him with a cross body. Richards gets back up and Punk drops him to the mat with a spinning wheel kick, Punk goes for the pin, 1…2…and Richards kicks out. Punk lifts up Stevie Richards and Irish whips him into the turnbuckle, Punk runs and knee’s Richards in the stomach and then follows up with a huge bulldog. Punk gets out onto the apron and waits for Richards to get to his feet, Stevie gets up and Punk dives out at him for a diving clothesline but Stevie hits him with a devastating Super kick which drops Punk to the mat motionless. Carlito runs into the ring and hits Stevie Richards with a huge Back Cracker from behind, Richards rolls out of the ring as Hardcore Holly runs in. Carlito runs at Holly but Holly ducks, Carlito turns around and is lifted up for the Alabama Slam but Carlito wriggles his way off the shoulders of Hardcore Holly, he drops down and sunset flips over the top of Hardcore. Carlito gets to his feet as does Holly, Carlito grabs his apple as the ref goes to check on Stevie Richards out side the ring. Carlito takes a bite and spits it right in the face of Hardcore Holly; Carlito then drops Hardcore with a DDT. Carlito is told to get back up onto the apron so he drags CM Punk over and makes the tag making him and Stevie Richards the legal men. Punk rolls out of the ring and Hardcore Holly rolls out to the apron while Stevie Richards slowly crawls into the ring. Richards gets up and locks Carlito in for the Stevie-T but Carlito punches Richards in the ribs a couple of times, Stevie stumbles back and Carlito nails him with the Back Cracker once again. Carlito runs and shoves Hardcore Holly off the apron and then goes for the pin on Stevie Richards, 1…2…and 3.

Here are your winners, CM Punk and Carlito

J.R: Wow what a match, I got to be honest I didn’t expect those two to win it.

King: Really J.R, I thought they had that match in the bag from the start.

J.R: Sure King.

The Camera goes back Stage to J.B.L’s office

Edge: J.B.L, you were serious about what you said last week weren’t you? About if Velvet Sky gets involved she will be fired.

J.B.L: Edge, I assure you if she interferes in the match she will fired.

Edge: Good, ill see you later

Edge walks out of J.B.L’s office and bumps into Chris Jericho

Jericho: Watch where you’re walking you Ass clown!

Edge: What did you just call me!

Jericho: I called you an Ass clown! Now junior if you excuse me I have a T.N.E World Heavyweight title match to get ready for.

Edge: Maybe if you win your match tonight I will face you for the title after I win my number 1 contenders match against Kurt Angle.
Oh who am I kidding you will never win the World title!

Jericho: You know what Jackass! You just Pissed me off, so next week How about the soon to be New T.N.E World Champion Y2J Chris Jericho Vs the man who will lose to Kurt Angle tonight, the Rated R for blueberry Edge in the main event!

Edge: Okay, and if you have won the World title which isn’t very likely the title could be on the line too!

Christian Cage walks over

Cage: Hey Edge, Sorry but the title will not be on the line next week because I would have already won it.

Jericho: All the Jerichoholics know that I am the next T.N.E World Champion.

Cage: Are there even any Jerichoholics left?
All my peeps know that I am the instant Classic and they all know I will walk out of Mega Mayhem the World Champion!

Edge: And all of the Edge heads know once I win the number 1 contenders match tonight I will go onto Vs my X tag team partner Christian Cage for the World title.

Jericho: Out of my way losers!

Jericho walks off leaving E & C there

Cage: Yeah, We still reek of awesomeness!!!

J.R: Things heating up there with Jericho and Edge

King: Tell me about it, and now it is time for our next match

Match 3 for the Rising Star Championship
Kane © Vs Mr Kennedy Vs Robert Roode Vs ?????

Mr Kennedy, Robert Roode and Kane all come down to the ring and await the surprise superstar.

“Don’t waste…My time!” Elijah Burke comes down to the ring.

Burke, Kennedy and Roode all run at Kane and punch him. They start to beat him down, Kane gets to one knee and they all continue to punch and kick him. Elijah runs and dropkicks Kane in the face which drops him to the mat and he rolls out of the ring. Roode goes and starts to punch the newest superstar on the T.N.E roster Elijah Burke, Kennedy follows Roode and starts to punch Burke. Kennedy and Roode double Irish whip Burke off the ropes, he bounces back towards them both and knock him to the mat with a double clothesline. Elijah gets straight back up and is atomic dropped by Kennedy followed by a dropkick from Robert Roode.
Burke rolls out of the ring leaving just Mr Kennedy and Robert Roode in the ring. They bind up in the middle of the ring, they both poke each others eyes at the same time and both walk off holding there faces.
Both of their visions come back and they both run at each other, they drop each other down to the mat with a clothesline each. They both slowly get up and stare at each other, they then both turn around and are dropped with two arm clothesline by the big red machine Kane.
Roode gets up and stumbles into Kane who hits him with a scoop slam, followed by Kennedy who is also scoop slammed. Kennedy and Roode both get up and are punched a couple of times by the rising star champion, Kane then Irish whips Mr Kennedy into the turnbuckle and Irish whips Roode into the ropes. Roode bounces back and is hit with a huge big boot by Kane which drops Roode and he rolls out of the ring.
Kane walks over to Kennedy and punches him a few more times, Kennedy stomps on Kane’s foot and then grabs Kane and pulls him into the turnbuckle. Kennedy starts hammering away at Kane and then knee’s him in the stomach a couple of times. Kennedy then drops Kane with a DDT, Kennedy goes for the pin, 1…2…and Elijah slides into the ring and breaks up the pin. Kane slowly rolls out of the ring and Burke starts to stomp on the head of Mr Kennedy. Burke picks up Mr Kennedy and punches him a couple of times; he then Irish whips him into the turnbuckle. Kennedy stumbles out and is knocked to the ground by a dropkick from Elijah Burke. Burke goes for the pin, 1…2…and Kennedy kicks out. Kennedy gets up and walks into Elijah who hits Kennedy with a snap suplex, Burke goes for another quick pin, 1…2…and Roode slides into the ring to break it up. Elijah gets up and runs right into a clothesline from Robert Roode, Roode then lifts up Mr Kennedy. He starts to punch Kennedy and then lifts Kennedy up and hits him with a huge Gut buster.
Kennedy rolls out of the ring holding his stomach as Elijah gets to his feet, Roode starts to slap Burke around. He grabs Elijah and Knee’s him in the mid section and follows it up with a neck breaker, Robert Roode goes for the pin, 1…2…and Elijah Burke kicks out. Roode picks up Burke and throws him into the ropes, Burke bounces back towards Roode and Roode goes for a clothesline. Burke ducks and bounces off the ropes behind Roode, Roode turns around and is hit with a shoulder block which drops Robert Roode to the mat. Roode gets up and Elijah knocks him back down with a cross body, pin by Burke, 1…2…and Roode manages to kick out. Kane slides into the ring and grabs Elijah Burke by the throat but Roode chop blocks Kane from behind, Kane drops to the ground and Elijah and Roode start to stomp on the chest and face of Kane. They both move back and start to trade punches and then Kane sits up. Roode and Burke both kick Kane back down and again Kane sits up. Kane gets to his feet and Elijah and Roode both run at him but they are both dropped to the mat with a double clothesline from Kane. Kennedy slides into the ring and runs at Kane but Kane sees him and slams him down to the mat with a huge side buster. Roode gets up and is clotheslined over the top rope by Kane; Kane then hits Elijah Burke with a huge big boot. Kane goes for the pin on Burke, 1…2…and Kennedy breaks it up. Kennedy starts to punch Kane in the head and Kane stares at him, Kennedy backs down but Kane starts hammering away at the face of Mr Kennedy. Kane punches Kennedy in the mid section which causes him to bend down; Kane then lifts Kennedy up for a powerbomb and slams him down. Kane goes for the pin, 1…2…and Kennedy somehow kicks out. Burke gets up and dropkicks Kane in the back which pushes him into the turnbuckle stomach first, Burke runs and hits Kane with the Elijah Experience.
Kane drops down to the mat and Burke goes for the pin, 1…2…and Roode slides into the ring as Kane kicks out. Elijah gets up and turns around to Robert Roode who clotheslines Burke down to the mat.
Burke gets up and starts to trade punches with Robert Roode, Roode ducks and gets behind Elijah Burke and Roode drops him with a huge back drop. Roode then goes for the pin on Burke, 1…2…and Elijah kicks out. Burke gets up and leans against the ropes, Roode gets up and runs at Burke but Burke counters and tosses Robert Roode over the top rope down to the hard outside ground. Burke runs over to Mr Kennedy and goes for the pin, 1…2…and Kennedy kicks out. Burke picks up Kennedy but Kennedy jabs Elijah in the eye, he then drops Burke with the Mic check. Kennedy climbs to the top rope very slowly and dives out for the Kenton Bomb but Elijah rolls out of the way. Kennedy lies on the mat hurt as Robert Roode rolls back into the ring and goes for the pin on Kennedy, 1…2…and Kane gets up and breaks up the pin. Roode gets up and runs at Kane and ducks under the arm of Kane, Roode bounces back and is turned inside out with a devastating clothesline which causes Roode to flip backwards. Elijah gets up and is hit with a side slam by the big red Machine Kane. Kane climbs to the top rope; Kennedy gets up and is dropped with a huge diving clothesline. Robert Roode gets up and turns around into Kane who hits him with a huge Chokeslam, Kane goes for the pin, 1…2…and 3.

Here is your winner, and still Rising star Champion, Kane!

J.R: Wow, Can beat all three of the other superstars.

King: Yeah and Elijah Burke is now on the T.N.E roster.

J.R: I can’t believe it. What a night it has been so far and there are still three more matches to come.

King: Right now General Manager J.B.L is in the ring.

J.B.L: Alright, Santino get out here right now!

Santino Marella enters the ring

J.B.L: Because you lost your match last week on Impact you now have to kiss my ass to keep your job on the T.N.E roster!

Santino: No! Please anything else.

J.B.L: Another match with Umaga!?

Santino: Um not that!

J.B.L: Then get kissing my ass! Now!

J.B.L pulls his pants down and bends over and Santino gets down on his knees. Santino leans over and LOW BLOWS General manager J.B.L. Santino walks back stage with a huge smile on his face.
J.B.L gets up slowly and painfully and shouts, I will get you for this!!!

King: Run Santino Run!

J.R: J.B.L won’t be happy about that. He is going to ruin young Santino’s career. J.B.L could even fire him!

King: he won’t be missed much J.R. now its time for the number 1 contenders match.

Match 4 number 1 contender qualifier
Kurt Angle vs Edge

Both superstars start the match off binding up. Angle pulls Edge down into a headlock, and then Angle swings Edge over slamming him down on the mat. Edge pulls himself up off the mat and Irish whips Angle into the ropes, he then runs at Angle and knee’s him right in the mid section. He then hits Angle with a swinging neck breaker and goes for the pin, 1…2…and a kick out by Angle. Edge starts to stomp on Angle and gives him a hard elbow drop, he then lifts up Angle up and throws him into the turnbuckle. Edge lifts Kurt up onto the top rope and gives him a hard superplex off the top, Angle rolls around in pain as Edge crawls over for the pin, 1…2…and Angle kicks out. Kurt and Edge both get up, Edge punches Angle a couple of times and then lifts him a for a suplex but Angle counters, he jumps down behind Edge and hits him with a German suplex. Edge slowly gets up and Angle runs at him and knocks him over with a huge clothesline. Angle picks him up and hits him with a devastating belly to belly suplex, he crawls over to Edge and hooks the leg, 1…2…and Edge somehow manages to kick out. Kurt Irish whips Edge into the turnbuckle, Edge bounces out right into the arms of Kurt Angle who hits Edge with a fishermen suplex, pin by Angle, 1…2…and once again Edge finds a way to kick out. Angle picks up Edge and slaps him across the face; he then pushes him into the turnbuckle. Angle runs at Edge and attempts to clothesline him but Edge moves and Kurt’s head goes straight into the steel part of the turnbuckle which drops Kurt down onto the mat. Edge lifts up Angle and hits him with an Edge-o-Matic, pin by Edge, 1…2…and Angle kicks out. Edge picks up Angle and gives him an atomic drop, he then goes and clotheslines himself and Kurt over the top rope down to the outside ground. The ref starts to count them out as they both get up and start trading punches with one another, 1…2…3…4…Edge drop kicks Angle and quickly slides back into the ring. 5…6…7…Angle slowly gets to his feet and crawls back into the ring. Angle gets up and ducks a clothesline from Edge, he then hip tosses Edge over to the other side of the ring. Edge comes back for more but is tossed over the back of Kurt. Angle then quickly grabs Edge by the ankle and gets him in the Angle lock. Edge screams in pain as he tries to make it to the ropes, he slowly gets closer and closer, Edge makes it but Angle drags him back into the center of the ring. Edge counters by flipping over which throws Kurt off into the ropes, he bounces back and jumps over Edge, Edge gets to his feet and hops towards Angle. He gets to Kurt and hits him with a spinning wheel kick kicking him with his good leg.
Edge goes for the pin, 1…2…and a kick out by Angle.
Edge throws Angle into the turnbuckle and Edge runs at him but is elbowed in the face and then Kurt throws Edge backwards knocking the ref over which means anything is legal until the ref revives. Kurt quickly jumps outside the ring and brings in a steel chair; Angle cracks the chair right on the dome of Edge. Angle goes and wakes the ref and then drags him over, Kurt goes for the pin, 1…2…and oh my god, Edge kicked out.
Kurt slides the ref away to the outside of the ring and the ref is in too much pain to do anything. Kurt picks up Edge and starts to hammer away at his face, he lifts Edge up and attempts to DDT him onto the steel chair but Edge reverses and knee’s Angle in the stomach followed by a neck breaker. Edge then picks up Angle and places him sitting in the corner of a turnbuckle, Edge picks up a chair and runs and drop kicks it into the face of Kurt. It busts Angle wide open, then Edge clothesline Angle over the top rope and to the outside floor with Edge following. Edge throws Kurt onto the announcers table and then Edge gets up onto it. He lifts Angle up and smashes him down with a huge powerbomb through the announcers table leaving them both lying there in pain for a lot of time.
After lying there in pain for a lot of time they both slowly get up and crawl back into the ring. Edge grabs the steel chair and throws it outside the ring as the ref gets up and crawls back into the ring. Edge kicks Angle a couple of times and then clotheslines him down to the mat, pin by Edge, 1…2…and somehow Angle kicks out. Edge sets up for the spear in the corner, he goes for it but Angle drops to the mat and Edge goes right over the top of him. Edge gets up and turns around and Angle hits him with another huge belly to belly suplex. Angle slowly crawls over for the pin, 1…2…and a kick out by Edge. Edge gets up and walks into a huge T-bone suplex by the Olympic gold medallist Kurt Angle. Kurt crawls over to Edge and goes for another pin, 1…2…and again Edge kicks out. Angle gets up really frustrated, he starts to stomp on the head of edge, he then picks up Edge and Edge hits him with a dropkick out of nowhere. Edge gets up and picks Angle up with him, he then atomic drops Kurt followed by a clothesline down to the mat, pin by Edge, 1…2…and Angle kicks out. Angle gets up and Edge starts to punch him, he knee’s Angle in the mid section followed by a scoop slam. Kurt slowly gets up and Edge hits him with another huge DDT, pin, 1…2…and Kurt kicks out once again.
Edge is the one getting frustrated this time; he grabs Angle and lifts him up onto the turnbuckle. Edge climbs up and hip tosses Angle off the top rope, Angle shakes around on the mat in pain. Edge slowly crawls over for the pin, 1…2…and once again Angle manages to kick out.
Edge gets back to the corner and sets up for the Spear again, Angle gets up and Edge runs at him. Once again Angle ducks and Edge Spears the Ref! Edge slowly rolls the ref over to the side of the ring and some guys are running down the ramp, its CM Punk and Carlito. Edge is hit with a huge Back Cracker from behind; Punk then picks up Edge and hits him with a huge Go 2 Sleep! Angle then picks up the Rated R superstar Edge and hits him with an Angle Slam. He wants Edge to suffer so he locks Edge in the Angle lock, Edge is knocked out and just lies on the mat. Carlito and CM Punk run away back stage as Kurt Angle wakes up the ref, Kurt Angle goes for the pin, 1…2…and 3.

Here is your winner, Kurt Angle

J.R: OMG Edge was screwed out of victory.

King: I know. Angle now gets a title shot at Randy Orton’s title whenever he likes.

J.R: Carlito and Punk are still in the ring with Angle as Edge is taken back stage by the medical team.

Velvet Sky walks down and gets into the ring holding a microphone

Kurt: I knew you would come through for me.

Velvet: I told you I would.

Kurt: Thanks guys.

Punk and Carlito: No problem

Kurt: Say how would you two like to join an Alliance with me?

Punk talks to Carlito

Punk: Yeah sure, why not.

Carlito: Yeah, you seem to be cool.

Kurt: alright, we will announce our new team name on Impact.

Velvet: Kurt, could I continue to manage you?

Kurt: Of course, come on guys I’m tired after that match.

They all walk off backstage

J.R: Looks like we have a faction on our hands King.

King: looks like it J.R. these 4 could do a lot of damage to the wrestlers of T.N.E

J.R: Well I hope not. Now it's time for our next match

Match 5 for the tag team titles
MCMG Vs Londrick ©

London and Sabin start off the mat as they both start to circle the ring. Sabin then advances and they get locked up in a collar and elbow tie up and then Sabin locks in an arm bar but London quickly rolls through breaking trhe arm bar before London gives Sabin a hip toss from him. London then quickly gets back to his feet as does Sabin. They both give a grin as London then rushes Sabin but then Sabin falls down to the mat hitting a drop top hold before quickly returning to his feet before running the ropes but London goes down and then Sabin leaps over him and London quickly gets to his feet. London then runs toward Sabin and they both hit a cross body on each other. The crowd let out a big cheer as both not quickly but regularly return to their feet even after those simultaneous cross bodies. London and Sabin then once again lock up in a collar and elbow tie up and London get Sabin in an arm bar and drags him over to Kendrick and then tags in Kendrick who now climbs up to the top rope and hits wa sort of Pin drop onto the twisted arm of Sabin. Kendrick then hits a quick arm drag sending Sabin halfway across the ring. Sabin then quickly rolls over and tags in a waiting Shelley. Shelley quickly jumps over the top rope and then runs at Kendrick who then hits a quick arm drag and Shelley nearly gets thrown out of the ring. Kerndrick gives a smile as Shelley gets up using the ropes. Kendrick and Shelley then lock up and Shelley gets Kendrick with a kick to the midsection before hitting a quick neck breaker and Kendrick and Shelley both go to the matr. Shelley then returns to his feet before running the ropes and springboarding before hitting a moonsault on Kendrick before making the pin 1..2... kickout by Kendrick. Shelley then returns to his feet before sending Kendrick to his corner where Sabin is waiting. Shelley then runs in as Sabin climbs into the ring and gets on his hands and knees and Shelley leaps off the back and hits a dropkick on Kendrick. Sabin then climbs out back onto the apron before tagging himself in as Shelley is still on the mat.
Sabin then as Kendrick is sitting in the turnbuckle hits a hard kick to the ribs and Kendrick gives a yell in pain. Sabin then lifts Kendrick out of the turnbuckle and pulls him back into the center of the ring before sending him to the ropes with an Irish whip and Sabin goes to hit a dropkick and leaps but Kendrick holds onto the ropes and Sabin Crashes and burns. Kendrick then with the help of the ropes leaps and makes the tag too Paul London who enters the ring though the second rope before taunting for Sabin to get up and when He does, London hits a super kick before making the quick pin 1...2.. Kick out by Sabin. London then returns to his feet and then runs the ropes and goes to hit a leg drop but Sabin is able to move out of the way. Sabin then slowly returns to his feet as London is still sitting before Sabin runs the ropes before sliding and hitting a low dropkick to the chest of London knocking him down and then Sabin returns to his feet again and then lifts London to his feet and then scoops him up in a fisherman’s carry and tags in Shelley who climbs up to the top rope and then Shelley leaps off the top rope and then pushes London down and Sabin falls back hitting a combined Samoan drop. Shelley then crawls over and makes the pin on London as Sabin crawls out of the ring 1.. Kendrick enters the ring .2..breakup of the pin by Kendrick who quickly exits the ring as Shelley rolls off of London and Shelley is hurt from the hammer drop to the back. Shelley now returns to his feet slowly and He grabs hold of the rope and then Shelley climbs up to the top rope and taunts the crowd but London is playing possum and He then leaps up and lands on the top rope and that knocks Shelley off the top rope and to the mat. Now both men are on the mat. London now starts to crawl over to tag in Kendrick. London is nearly out there as Shelley is relatively close to Sabin who has his hand extended. Shelley now makes the tag into Sabin as London is able to make the hot tag to Kendrick who quickly enters the ring as does Sabin. Sabin and Kendrick look exhausted but still they enter the middle of the ring and stare each other down but Sabin then extends his hand and Kendrick takes it and as it looks like they are goiing to shake hands, Sabin sends Kendrick to the ropes with an Irish whip and then as Kendrick comes back Sabin goes to hit a back body drop but Kendrick rolls off the back and then Kendrick rolls off the back and then Kendrick goes to backslide Sabin but Sabin reverses it by hooking his leg in Kendrick's but then goes for a backslide himself but Kendrick releases himself and rolls off the back of Sabin and they go face to face. Sabin then gives a little chuckle and Kendrick just smiles. Sabin now resorts to a hard right hand before hitting another and then resorting to a kick to the ribs. This ignites a flame beneath Kendrick who starts to hit multiple kicks to the legs of Sabin before hitting a stiff kick to the midsection before hitting a tornado DDT on Sabin using the ropes. Kendrick then slowly returns to his feet and then Kendrick lifts Sabin back up and gets him in an inverted front face lock and then moves towards the ropes looking to go for the Sliced Bread Number two but Shelley comes in from behind and then hits a hard kick to the back and then as Kendrick lets go of Sabin is forced to exit the ring by the referee. Sabin then hits a blatant poke to the eyes and then the referee then is blindsided as London goes to enter the ring to protect his partner and then Shelley enters the ring and the they go for the ASCS rush but as Shelley goes for the Super kick Kendrick ducks and then the super kick hits Sabin square in the jaw and then Kendrick then sets up for the Sliced bread Number two and He hits in on Alex Shelley and then London runs in and climbs up to the top rope closest to Chris Sabin and then London leaps off the top rope and He hits a huge Shooting Star Press on Sabin before Kendrick pushes London off softly and then Kendrick makes the pin 1...2...and 3.

Here are your winners and still Tag team champions, Londrick

J.R: What a win for Londrick, they managed too defend their tag titles,

King: Yeah, they had to fight hard for them though, the MCMG wouldn’t give up.

J.R: And now its time for what we have all been waiting for, The Main Event!

Main Event for the TNE World Heavyweight Championship
Chris Jericho Vs Christian Cage Vs Randy Orton ©

The each start off the match staring at each other, Cage runs at Orton and starts punching him in the head, Jericho then runs over and starts to punch Christian Cage in the head. Orton then begins to punch Jericho but Jericho jumps up and hits the Champion Randy Orton with a dropkick causing Orton to roll out of the ring. Jericho and Cage are left in the ring, the bind up in the very middle of the ring. Jericho starts to get over powered by Christian Cage so Jericho decides to poke Cage in the eye and he then knee’s Cage in the mid section a couple of times. Jericho then Irish whips Christian Cage into the ropes, Cage bounces back and Jericho ducks under the arm of Christian who goes and bounces off the ropes on the other side of the ring. Cage bounces back towards Chris Jericho and Jericho clotheslines Cage down to the mat, he goes for a quick pin, 1…2…and Christian Cage kicks out. They both get up and start to trade punches, Jericho kicks Cage in the mid section and goes and bounces off the ropes, Jericho bounces back and doesn’t realise that Cage had followed him, Christian dives and him and hits him with a huge cross body followed by a pin, 1…2…and Jericho kicks out. Jericho gets up and Christian Cage chops his chest a couple of times before Irish whipping Jericho into the turnbuckle, Cage then runs and clotheslines Chris Jericho against the turnbuckle. Orton slides into the ring behind Cage as Cage walks backwards a little bit and Randy Orton nails Christian Cage with inverted DDT, Orton goes for a pin, 1…2…and Jericho drops down onto Orton to break it up. Cage rolls over to the side of the ring as Randy Orton and Chris Jericho get up; they each start to trade punches in the middle of the ring. Jericho jumps up to dropkick Randy Orton but Orton dives out of the way leaving Jericho to land directly onto his back, Jericho gets up grabbing at his back as Orton gets up and gives Chris Jericho a few European Uppercuts which knock Jericho backwards into the ropes. Randy Orton then runs up and clotheslines Chris Jericho over the top rope and down to the hard ground outside the ring as Christian Cage gets up behind Randy Orton. Cage grabs Orton and attempts the Unprettier but Randy Orton pushes Cage off into the ropes, Christian Cage bounces back to Randy Orton and drops him with a clothesline, Cage goes for the pin, 1…2…and Randy Orton kicks out. Orton gets up and walks right into a couple of right hands by Christian Cage followed by a huge swinging neck breaker by the instant classic. Orton rolls around the mat in pain as Chris Jericho gets up and rolls into the ring, he runs and jumps up and nails Christian Cage with an enziguri followed by a pin, 1…2…and Cage kicks out. Orton and Cage lay there in the middle of the ring next to each other and Jericho runs to the ropes for the lionsault and Cage and Orton see, they both get up and run out of the way as Jericho flips backwards and notices that they have moved. Jericho lands on his feet and is immediately hit with a dropkick by Randy Orton followed by a huge back suplex by the TNE Champion Randy Orton.
Chris Jericho slowly rolls out of the ring in pain leaving Orton and Cage in the ring trading punches with one another. Christian clotheslines Randy Orton over to the mat, Cage then climbs out of the ropes onto the apron. Orton quickly gets up and punches Christian Cage and then drops his head down onto the ropes, Cages body hangs out into the ring over the middle rope and Randy Orton grabs his head. Randy grabs Christian by the head and drops down to the mat with a devastating DDT, Orton goes for the pin, 1…2…and Cage just kicks out. Cage lies in the ring hurt as Randy Orton gets out of the ring and goes over to Chris Jericho. Jericho is on the security barricade and Orton walks over and out of nowhere Jericho gets up and slams Randy Orton’s head against it which drops Orton down to the ground. Jericho then begins to stomp all over the body of Randy Orton, Jericho then picks Randy up and throws him into the turnbuckle which busts Orton wide open. The blood pours out of Orton’s head as Christian Cage rolls out of the ring over to Chris Jericho, Jericho and Cage start to throw punches at each other. Jericho starts to chop Christian Cage’s chest and then out of nowhere Cage dropkicks Chris Jericho and Jericho falls backwards into the hard barricade. Orton and Jericho lay outside the ring on the ground in pain leaving Christian Cage the only man standing. Cage walks around the corner and Randy Orton gets up and runs at Cage, Cage grabs Orton and throws him over his back which leaves Orton to fall down onto the hard ground on his back. Orton rolls around in pain as Chris Jericho gets up and slams Christian Cages face onto the ring apron causing Cage to fall to the hard ground. Jericho goes and picks up Randy Orton, he lifts him up onto the announcers table and then Jericho himself gets up onto it. Orton jumps up and attempts to RKO Chris Jericho through the announcers table but Jericho counters by pushing him off, Orton turns around and Jericho pushes Orton’s head down in between his legs, he then nails Randy Orton with a huge Power bomb through the announcers table which leaves Randy Orton lying on the ground motionless. Christian Cage rolls back into the ring followed by Chris Jericho. Cage gets up and turns around and he is dropped to the mat by a huge spinning wheel kick by Chris Jericho, Jericho goes for the pin, 1…2…and a kick out by Cage. Christian Cage slowly gets to his feet, Jericho begins to knee Cage in the mid section and then he hits Christian Cage with a one handed bulldog. Jericho goes for another pin, 1…2…and again Cage kicks out. Christian Cage gets up and walks into Chris Jericho who trips Cage up and locks in the Walls of Jericho! Jericho locks it in hard and Christian Cage starts to scream out in pain, Cage starts to slowly crawl over to the ropes. Christian gets close to the ropes but Chris Jericho pulls Cage back out into the middle of the ring, Cage turns over and punches Chris Jericho in the head a couple of times which forces Jericho to let go of Christian Cage. Cage pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes, he turns around and Jericho hits Cage with a chop block which knocks Christian Cage off his feet. Jericho then begins to stomp on the body of Christian Cage and Jericho then goes for a pin, 1…2…and somehow Cage kicks out. Jericho picks up Christian Cage but Cage punches him in the stomach a few times and then the face. Cage lifts up Chris Jericho and slams him down with a hard suplex followed by a pin, 1…2…and this time Jericho kicks out. On the outside Randy Orton slowly gets up to his feet and in the ring Jericho and Cage both get up.
Jericho runs at Cage and Cage tosses him over his back, Jericho gets straight back up and runs at Christian Cage and Cage hits him with an atomic drop. Jericho stands up holding his groin in pain and Christian Cage runs and cross bodies him down to the mat and goes for a pin, 1…2…and Jericho kicks out. Christian picks up Chris Jericho and hits him with a scoop slam, Cage then climbs to the top rope, he jumps off and nails Jericho with a huge frog splash. Cage goes for the pin, 1…2…and Jericho kicks out! Randy Orton slowly rolls back into the ring, he grabs Christian Cage and hits him with an inverted back breaker and goes for a quick pin, 1…2…and Cage manages to kick out. Orton picks up Christian Cage and Irish whips him into the ropes, Cage bounces back and is hit with a hard power slam by the Legend Killer. Orton drops his knee down onto the head of Cage and then picks him up, he gives him a few hard uppercuts which knock Cage backwards into the turnbuckle. Orton garbs him and lifts him up onto the turnbuckle, he climbs up and gets ready to superplex Cage off the top rope but Christian reverses by pushing Orton off the top and Orton falls down hard onto the mat. Orton gets up holding his stomach and Cage hits him with a diving cross body from the top rope and Cage goes for the pin, 1…2…and Randy Orton just manages to kick out. Cage gets up and turns around and he is hit with a huge Code breaker, Christian Cage rolls out of the ring hurt. Randy Orton gets up and starts to trade punches with Y2J Chris Jericho. Orton grabs Jericho and hits him with a snap suplex followed by a knee drop from the TNE World Champ. Jericho gets up and Orton drops him with a hard clothesline, Orton goes for a pin, 1…2…and Jericho kicks out. They both get up and bounce off the ropes; they jump at each other and drop each other to the mat with cross bodies. They both lay there on the mat for a while and then both get up and Randy Orton drops Chris Jericho with an RKO! Orton goes for the pin as Christian gets to his feet, 1…2…Cage is just gotten into the ring, 3!

Here is your winner and still TNE World Heavyweight Champion
Randy Orton!

J.R: OMG! Randy Orton is victorious!

King: I don’t believe it, he won!

J.R: Christian Cage can’t believe it either; he just missed out on winning the title again.

Randy Orton grabs the belt and walks up the ramp holding the title high in the air and in the ring Cage stomps on the ground with anger

King: You can see the anger on Christian Cage’s face.

J.R: What a PPV! Join us this Monday on Impact, Good night everybody.


Apr 3, 2008
Reaction score
BM: MCMG VS Londrick
WM: Hardcore Holly & Stevie Richards Vs CM Punk & Carlito
BP: Edge, Jericho and Christan Backstage
WP: Start of the allience after Angle's match. Wasn't well done :(
AI: You made some funny typo's :D you called Kane 'Can' , know as 'no' and a few others :p

Alright show :D

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
BM: The main event was good but then again most of the matches were of a good quality
WM: Pesonally i didnt like the rising star championship match, also i wouldnt class Kane as a rising star.
WP: Santino/JBL
AC: That was a good show and matches were a really good read. Not sure about the types of matches though because there was only 1 singles match which makes me think you might have a few to many superstars that you wnt to push.


BM: all were good. but me was best.
WM: there wasnt
BP: Jericho and edge and punk.
WP: Santino Marella and JBL
AC: now this is why i voted you for most improved BTB! well done sharky. 8/10. i'm really impressed.

check out my BTB, the links in my sig, the pic of the raw gfx, i'm posting a show tonight.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: The main event, along with Kurt Angle vs Edge. But trully, I enjoyed all matches, you have really improved on this department.

WM: None

BP: Edge/Cage/Y2J, it is a really good promo.

WP: None

AC: Amazing show, you have really improved in the show flowing, it was great, thumbs up. Only complain I have is that the main event picture seemed too blurry during the show, too many people around the belt, or possible title matches.
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