Total Non-Stop Action 2008

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Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
BM : Angle / AJ. It was realy surprising and added some excitement into the show ! well done

WM: Kazarian vs Kip James I wasnt into it at all, maybe because I hate Kip james and BG

BP : Jim Cornette, all night long, Kurt Angle was good too

WP : Dudleyz, I wasnt into it

AC: Good Show your building to the ppv is very effective,even if you should have more build the 8 men tag match

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Breaking News:

It was recently rumored all over major Wrestling sites, that Ron "The Truth" Killings left TNA for WWE, but apparently that's all they were, rumors. Ron Killings said on his website he finally got a deal done, and is back with TNA full-time now. TNA is said to be very happy about this. No word yet on when his return date is set, but what is going around backstage is that after Destination X is the time period. Other sources have said that there are many other TNA Original names considered being brought back. Stay tuned on this story and others.​


Active Member
Jul 2, 2007
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Downtown Atlanta
Aww, I wish you did all your matches how you did the 'recap' in the very first post. I was thinking 'holy shit, this is actually a good read!' I personally find it painfully boring to read matches. Good show though.

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
I find it hard sometimes to write the matches out also, lol. I just don't want to do recaps because I think I might get criticized, or not be nominated for awards, Power Rankings, ect.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2007
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Downtown Atlanta
That's true. A few of us, I know me and Monkeystyle atleast, just like reading the recaps. It's cool dude, you're doin good, so just keep with what you're doin :p goodluck

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
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iMPACT! Preview

March 6th,, 2008.

iMPACT! Zone

On Thursday-Night, it is the final stop before Destination X!

Last week Matt Morgan aligned himself with Kurt Angle, Karen Angle & AJ Styles, now the newest member of the Angle Alliance! Also, Matt Morgan will face Kevin Nash at Destination X, in a Battle of The Big Men. This week, he will be in action.

After Jim Cornette made the ruling that every tag team in TNA will be in the Tag Team Guantlet Match at Destination X, Team 3D input their names, and a preview of that match will take place on iMPACT!

In other news, Kazarian and James Storm will face each other in a semi finals of the TNA T.V. Title Tournament. The winner of that match faces A.J. Styles at Destination X in a match to crown the first ever TNA Television Champion!

Also, apparently Kurt Angle will not be in the iMPACT! Zone this Thursday-night. Kurt said he's angry, and down right P'd off at A.J. Styles, about what went down last week. Kurt Angle did say he will send Joe a statement, but what will it be?

Tune in to find out all of this, and more!

Official Matches Thus Far:

Preview Of The Six Man Warfare:
Raven & Rhino vs. Black Reign & RelliK

Semi Finals Of The TNA T.V. Title Tournament:
James Storm vs. Kazarian

#1 Contendership For The Knockout Championship:
ODB vs. Gail Kim vs. Salinas​

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
{OOC - Sorry for the lack of results. This week I'm busy, and to be honest, I wanted to get the show done quickly, and get ready for the PPV. Aplogies again.}

iMPACT Opens up to highlights from the previous week, showing everything important that went down, including Samoa Joe taking out Kurt Angle, and A.J. getting the upset over Angle. After the video ends, the iMPACT! opening video gets shown, and the announcers welcome everyone to the show. Before Don West could add something, Team 3D's theme hits, and they come walking down to the ring, getting ready for the up-coming match.

Opening Bout
Christian Cage vs. Elix Skipper vs. Chris Sabin vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Brother Devon vs. Hernandez
After 3D's entrance, LAX's theme hits, and out comes Homicide and Hernandez. Hernandez is the one representing LAX in this match-up. XXX comes out next, with Elix Skipper representing the team, followed by Rock n Rave Infection, with Lance Hoyt as the representative for the team, Motor City Machine Guns out next, Chris Sabin representing that team, and finally comes Tomko and Christian, with Christian representing that team. The match starts off with Sabin attacking Slix Skipper, and the two going back and forth in the corner. Brother Devon and Lance Hoyt attack Hernandez, and Christian Cage stops the beating from getting worse, as he takes Devon's head and hits him face-first into the turnbuckle. Christian turns him around, and chops Devon in the corner multiple times, untill Hoyt comes over, and slams Christian down with a Scoop Slam. Hernandez comes from behind, Irish whipping Hoyt across the ring, and hits a big shoulder block! Chris Sabin is seen hitting a Diving Cross Body off the top rope onto PrimeTime! Brother Devon runs over, and takes Sabin down with a vicious clothesline. He stomps away on Chris Sabin, and drags him over to the middle ropes. He sticks his knee into Sabin's back as he chokes him on the middle rope. The referee counts, and Devon finally stops before the five count. Lance Hoyt connects with a Big Boot to Devon! Christian is up to his feet and starts striking Hoyt with rights. He Irish whips Hoyt against the ropes, Hoyt goes for a Big Boot, Christian ducks and hits a Reverse DDT! Christian covers Hoyt, only a two as Skipper makes the save. Skipper pounds on Christian and kicks him in the back. He picks Cage up and takes him down with a dropkick. Hernandez grabs Skipper by the back of the head and throws him over the top ropes. Daniels and Senshi are seen helping him up, and Hernandez is backing up, runs full speed and jumps over the top ropes taking down all of Triple X!! Hernandez gets up to a roar of the crowd, but he gets one-up'ed as Chris Sabin is now seen running through the ropes, and hits Hernandez taking him down! Chris Sabin does his Detroit taunt, and fans chant his name. Brother Devon climbs out of the ring and attacks Sabin, hitting him with an elbow to the jaw. Devon grabs Sabin by the head, and rams him into the announcer's table. Brother Ray walks over to them, and as the referee has his back turned to that, Ray and Devon throw Sabin into the guard rail! Shelley jumps up on the apron, runs around the side of it, and jumps off hitting Ray and Devon! They both catch him, and Ray drops Shelley down onto the outside ring1 Christian and Hoyt are going at it inside the ring. Lance gets some cheap shots in, and Jimmy rave pulls Christian's cheap, getting the advantage for Hoyt....but Tomko runs over and knocks Jimmy Rave down. Lance Hoyt climbs to the top rope, going for that big Moonsault of his, but Christian moves otu of the way, and Hoyt gets nothing but canvas! Christian gets back up, and kicks Lance a few times. He picks him up, and chops him a couple times. He tries hitting a Suplex, but the bigger Hoyt stops it, and reverses it into his suplex own suplex, but as Christian is lifted into the air, he jumps off behind Lance Hoyt. Christy is seen standing on the apron, trying to get the referee's attention to help Lance win, but Christian pushes Lance into Christy, knocking her off! Hoyt stumbles back, and Christian gets Hoyt into the Unprettier position, and nails it! Christian turns Hoyt over and hooks the leg, 1...2...3! Christian picks up the victory, and Tomko gets in the ring, raising Christian's hand. The two leave the ring and up the ramp.
Winner - Christian Cage via pinfall at 10:04

Video Promo
A video airs highlighting Ron "The Truth" Killings' career in TNA. Showing him win the NWA World Title multiple times, and his times with the 3LK. When it's done, Truth is heard doing his "What's Up?!" catchphrase, and then it reads "Ron Killings Returns to Total Non-Stop Action Wrestling!"


Backstage Segment
B.G. James is backstage with his father, talkign to him. Bullet Bob has a cast around his leg, from the attack by Kip James at Against All Odds. As the two are talking, Kip comes into the picture and takes B.G. down and out! He begins to brawl with B.G., and then grabs Bullet Bob's crutch, and hits him with it, as well as B.G.! Security come late to break up the brawl.

Triple Threat #1 Contendership
Salinas vs. Gail Kim vs. ODB
After all three women make their way to the ring, the match begins. They all have a back and forth match, each one getting their moments in. The match is quite entertaining, with some good spots, and towards the ending of this match, Salinas is knocked out on the outside of the ring, after ODB dropped her with a body slam. ODB and Kim are face to face in the ring, staring each other down. The two exchange blows back and forth, and Kim runs for a move, but ODB reverses it with a Power Slam! ODB cvers Kim, but a kickout at two. Kim gets to her knees, and gets some shots in onto ODB's mid section. Kim gets up, and nails a few forearm shots now. She Irish Whips ODB against the ropes, ODB goes for a clothesline, but Kim ducks it, and rolls ODB up, 1...2...Kick out! ODB just gets her shoulder up, both women get to their feet, Kim runs at ODB, and ODB nails a kick to the Mid section, and picks Kim above her head, in what looks like a modified Dominator. ODB connects with it! ODB pins Kim, 1...2...3! ODB wins the match, and celebrates her victory.
Winner - ODB via pinfall at 8:42

After the match, and Kim and Salinas are gone from ring area, ODB is in the ring calling out Awesome Kong! She says she's wants Kong out here now, to give her a sneak speak at what she will recieve at the PPV. ODB also adds that the difference between their match now, and at Against All Odds, is that now she knows Awesome Kong's every moves, and will be ready! Awesome Kong's familar theme is heard as she comes walking down to the ring, looking intimidating. Her manager, Saed is trying to stop her. Kong climbs up to the apron, and tries to enter, but ODB knocks her off the apron! ODB stands in the ring, fans chanting her name. Kong is outside of the ring, in shock at being knocked down. Saed helps her.

Video Promo
Another video is shown for Sharkboys' career status as of right now. The doctor's say he should be back to normal, in his own identity soon.


Backstage Interview
Crystal intervies Scott Steiner, and asks him about his match this Sunday vs. Petey Williams.

Scott Steiner: You want a comment, you want to know my thoughts about facing that little punk, Petey Williams? I'll give you one then! When I was a little kid I knew this cat named Petey. And I think it's pretty damn funny, all these years later, Petey Williams is just liek that cat. They're both little, they're both pussy's! And more importantly, when it counts, they both get treated like crap! I'm like the big dog around, and Petey is that little pussy cat. I'm goign to take his ass out, beat him, make him bleed, and when it's all over, Big Poppa Pump is going to be the World Champion, and X-Division Champion in the matter of weeks! I'm back, and I'm going for that gold. And I WILL NOT let that pussy cat, Petey Williams, get in my way!

Scott looks at Crystal, pats his case, and walks off.

Tag Team Match
Rhino & Raven vs. RelliK & Black Reign
Each team had their third member ringside. Black Reign and Raven begin the macth. It starts off as a slugger match, with the two brawling it out at each other. Raven nails a Piledriver, and gets a tag into Rhino, and Rhino stomps away down to Black Reign. He grabs Black Reign's head, and slams him face first into the mat! Rhino then drops consecutive elbow's onto Black Reign's cold, dark heart. rhino covers him, getting only a two count. Rhino tags Raven back in, and Raven kicks Black Reign in the stomach as Rhino held his arm up. Raven clotheslines Black Reign, and covers for just a two. Raven picks Black Reign up, and chops him in the chest. Black Reign falls into the corner. Raven backs up some, and sizes him up. Raven runs up to him, and Black Reign gets out of the way. He gets Raven with a feirce uppercut, and drops him down with a Russian Leg Sweep. Black Reign tags in RelliK, and he walks in, slowly, and looking demented. He attacks Raven's calf, as he runs at it, hitting a chop block. RelliK stomps down on Raven's calf, and pulls him over to the bottom rope. He places Raven's leg on the rope, and jumps up, landing on Raven's calf! RelliK tags Black Reign quickly back in. Black Reign comes in, and drops an elbow on Raven's leg/calf area. Raven tries sitting up, and Black Reign gives him another lethal uppercut. Black Reign covers Raven, but only a two count. He tags RelliK back into the match, and the two throw Raven into the corner, shoulder first! RelliK backs up, and charges at Raven, hitting a knee to Raven's chest! RelliK and Raven make quick tags to each other, keeping each other fresh. The two dominate over the next couple minutes. RelliK has a Sleeper Hold on Raven at this point. rhino, as well as Sting on the outside, and the fans are cheering Raven on. After sometime in the Sleeper Hold, Raven reverses it into a Back Body Drop! Raven finally gets to make a tag to Rhino! He comes in, and charges at RelliK taking him down with a shoulder block. He knocks Black Reign off the apron with an elbow. Rhino waits for RelliK to get up to his feet, and Rhino takes him down with multiple clotheslines, and is looking to hit that Gore at any moment now! rhino is in the corner, waiting for RelliK to get up. Once he does Rhino runs at him and hits the Gore!! Rhino covers RelliK and gets the victory for his team! Judas MEsias gets into the ring, and he takes Rhino down! Black Reign then climbs into the ring, slong with JAmes Mitchell. Black Reign has that weapon, Darkness Falls. They take out Raven with that deadly weapon, and challenge Sting to get in. Just then, JAke "The Snake" Roberts comes walking down to the ring from the behind entrance stage. Jake sneakingly pulls his Snake out of the bag, and puts it into the ring! All three men run out of the ring, looking scared, especially James Mitchell. Sting takes down Black Reign with a few shots on their way up the ramp, and Sting climbs into the ring with Jake Roberts, Raven and Rhino. RelliK is the only man still down in the ring. Raven picks him up, and delivers a Raven Effect DDT! RelliK is knocked out inside the ring, and Jake picks his snake up, and lays it on top of RelliK like back in the day! JAke Roberts, Raven, Rhino and Sting are standing tall inside the ring.
Winner - Raven & Rhino via Pinfall at 7:22

Destination X Preview
***Matches At The Pay-Per-View***

Single's Match
Kip James vs. B.G. James

Case vs. Case Match
Scott Steiner vs. Petey Williams

Tag Team Titles Guanlet Match
Tomko & Christian[c] vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team 3D vs. LAX vs. XXX vs. Rock n Rave Infection

Finals Of The T.V. Title Tournament
A.J. Styles vs. ?

X-Division Title Match
Johnny Devine[c] vs. Black Machismo

Six Man Warfare
Black Reign, RelliK & Judas Mesias w/James Mitchell vs. Rhino, Raven & Sting w/Jake Roberts

Battle Of The Big Men
Kevin Nash vs. Matt Morgan

Knockout Title Match
Awesome Kong vs. ODB

Tag Team Match
Booker T & Partner Of Choosing vs. Robert Roode & James Storm

TNA World Title Match
Kurt Angle[c] vs. Samoa Joe


Backstage Interview
Matt Morgan is interviewed by Crystal, and he tells Crystal that He made the right choice joining the Angle Alliance, and now his career will shoto right off. He also says Grand Daddy Cool(Nash) is the past dominating big man, but now, in 2008, Matt Morgan is the new dominate Big Man! And at Destination X, Kevin Nash will have to learn the hard way.

Single's Match
Matt Morgan vs. Sonjay Dutt
Both men make their entrances to the ring, and Matt Morgan treats Sonjay Dutt like he's a rag doll. Matt picks Sonjay up above his head, and tosses him up in the air, and Sonjay hits the cavas! Matt Morgan picks Sonjay Dutt up, and drops him with a Powerbomb! Matt smirks, as he drops a Leg Drop on Sonjay's throat. Matt Morgan slaps Sonjay Dutt, saying this is what will happen to Kevin Nash Matt Morgan waits for Sonjay to get to his feet, and Morgan runs, hitting a Big Boot! Matt Morgan covers Sonjay, and gets the easy win! Matt Morgan does not celebrate his victory, he grabs Sonjay Dutt, puts him on his shoulders, and nails the F-5!!
Winner - Matt Morgan via Pinfall at 2:14

In-Ring Segment
Out of nowhere, Kevin Nash comes walkign to the ring. He gets inside and looks at Matt Morgan face-to-face. Nash has a microphone in hand, and he tells Morgan that at Destination X he will do what he's been doing for years. Making money and winning matches. He also adds Matt Morgan's biggest match will be because of Nash, and thanks to him, he's going to make Morgan look like a million bucks. Nash drops the microphone, and looks at Morgan as the two stands there for several seconds untill Morgan looks for a cheap shot, but Nash ducks and hits a Big Boot! Nash climbs back out of the ring, laughing at Matt Morgan, as if he's calling him a boy in a man's game.


Backstage Segment
Jim Cornette and Joe are finally able to do the contract signing! Joe signs his contract, and is with TNA for the next five years. Joe shakes Cornette's hand, and tells Cornette "Destination X, that TNA Title finally gets some respect"

Tag Team Match
Black Machismo & Booker T vs. Robert Roode & Johnny Devine
Black Machismo comes out to the ring, followed by Booker T, then Robert Roode and Johnny Devine. Devine and Booker start the match out, and is actually a great contest to start this match off. The two go back and forth against one another, and Devine begins dominating the match fo a couple minutes, untill Booker gets a Spinebuster in! Booker tries crawling over to his partner's corner, but Devine gets a tag in first, and Roode comes running in and pulls Booker away! Roode stomps away on Booker T, and mounts on top of him. Robert punches away to Booker, calling him names as he does it. Robert tags Johnny Devine back in, ad the two hit a double Suplex on Booker. Devine covers Booker, only a two count. Johnny Devine picks Booker up, and pushes him into the corner. Johnny taps Booker on his cheeks, slapping him! This gives Booker fuel, as he turns Devine into the corner, and lays in right punches, as well as chops to the chest! Booker kicks Devine in the gut, and drops him with a overhead body drop! Booker finally gets over to his partner's corner, and tags in Black Machismo. He comes in, taking Johnny Devine down. he then gives Robert Roode elbow's to the head, as well as Devine! Black Machismo begins doing his Macho Man taunts, as he gets hyped up. He takes Devine down with a Dropkick. Roode comes in about to attack Black Machismo, but Booker T runs at him, hitting a Heel Kick! Roode goes out of the ring, and Booker hits the Scissors Kick onto Johnny Devine! Black Machismo climbs up to the top rope, and nails an Elbow Drop! Black Machismo pins Devine, 1...2...3!
Winners - Black Machismo and Booker T via Pinfall at 9:52

After the match, Robert Roode high tails it, telling Booker T he'll get him at the Pay-Per-View! Booker T and Black Machismo shake hands, and raise their arms in victory


Backstage Segment
A.J. Styles, Matt Morgan and Karen Angle are backstage. Karen is upset at AJ, telling him he should have layed down last week like he was supposed to! AJ says he was sick of getting bullied by Kurt and really wanted to become the T.V. Champion. Karen says Kurt is on fire, mad at everyone. Matt Morgan buts in saying don't worry, tonight, they'll take out Joe, and make sure Kurt is happy by Destination X

Main Event
Kazarian vs. James Storm
Kazarian comes out to the ring, followed by James Storm with Jackie Moore. James Storm attacks Kazarian from behind before the bell rang. Storm kicks Kazarian multiple times. He picks Kazarian up and hits him with hard chops. Storm then Irish whips KAzarian as hard as he can into the opposite corner, so hard that Kazarian falls down to the mat as he hits the corner! Storm smirks, and taunts around when he slaps Kazarian in the back of the head. Storm turns Kazarian ver on his back, and rops an elbow down on his chest. Storm covers Kazarian, only a two. Storm picks Kazarian up, and goes for a Scoop Slam, but Kazarian reverses it, and hits a Neckbreaker on James Storm! Kazarian covers Storm, but only gets a two count. Kazarian then gets up to his feet, and sits Storm up in a sit-up position. Kazarian kicks Storm right in the chest! Kazarian runs against the ropes, and comes back, hitting a standing Moonsault! Kazarian goes for another cover, but again yet another near fall. These two men show why they want that T.V. Championship, as they go at it for several minutes. They take a commercial break, and when it comes back on the air, Kazarian and Storm are fighting it out on top of the turnbuckle. Storm pushes Kazarian off, and jumps off for a Double Ax Handle, but Kazarian hits him with a Spinning Wheel Kick!! Both men are laid out for some time, and as the two get up to their feet, they exchange punches to each other. Storm kicks Kazarian in the stomach, and pulls him into the corner, Kazarian hitting the middle turnbuckle pad! Storm backs up, and waits for Kazarian to turn around. He waiting to hit that Super Kick. Kazarian shakes it of at first, and turns around, but ducks the Super Kick! Storm turns around to Kazarian, and Kazarian runs at him, hitting a modified Shining Wizard! Kazarian covers Storm, 1...2...Kick out! Kazarian is in disbelief, he can't believe it! Kazarian goes to pick up Storm, but Storm kicks him off, and Kazarian bumps into the referee! The ref goes down, and when Kazarian is aiding to the referee, trying to help him, Jackie Moore is seen handing a beer bottle to James Storm! But then, Booker T runs down, and grabs the beer bottle out of Storms' hand!
booker T throws the bottle down, and hits Storm across the face! James stumbles back, still on his feet. He turns around, and Kazarian runs at Storm hitting a move that looks like (Codebreaker)! Storm is out, and Kazarian covers him. Booker T helps the referee, and he counts, 1.......2.........3!! Kazarian gets the win! Booker T gets in the ring, and raises Kazarian's hand congratulating him. Booker T looks down at storm, laughing, getting payback on him.
Winner - Kazarian via Pinfall at 14:39

After the match, Robert Roode comes running down to the ring, a he and Storm fight with Booker T all the way to the back. Kazarian is left in the ring....untill A.J. styles & Matt Morgan come walking down to the ring, smirking. They get in, and A.J. steps to Kazarian, looking at his opponent for this Sunday. A.J. hits Kazarian, and then Matt Morgan attacks Kazarian also, Kevin Nash and Samoa Joe finally come down to the ring, and all hell breaks loose as they brawl with AJ & Morgan, and suddenly Kurt Angle comes from the crowd, as he was dressed up as an imposter! He attacks Kevin Nash to the leg, with his chair! He then attacks Joe with the chair as well1 Kurt strikes Joe a couple more times with the chair. AJ picks Kazarian up, and Kurt takes him down with the chair! Kurt Angle laughs and looks at A.J. Styles....and then shakes his hand! He then shakes Matt Morgan's hand. The Angle Alliance are standing tall inside the ring!

The show comes to an end as a video highlighting the past few weeks, for the up-coming Destination X, hyping it up really good.

Please, feel free to leave feedback, as well as Pay-Per-View Predictions/comments, ect. Thanks in advance to the people who do so.​

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
I don't mean to be one of theme dudes that 'complain' about their BTB not being commented on much, ect. But, I feel I should be getting more reviews, feedback, ect. I'm not being arrogant at all, but I think mine is a great BTB, and it is getting many views, but not many feedback.....Again, I don't mean to be 'that dude' but, before my first PPV, I just thought I'd be getting more recognition so to speak. Why aren't I getting more comments? lol.

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Destination X Preview

March 9th, 2008

Norfolk, Virginia

This Sunday embarks on a huge night in TNA Wrestling as they come to Norfolk, Virginia for Destination X!

The fued between Kip James and B.G. James seems to get more heated as the weeks go by, and at the PPV the two go head-to-head to finally settle it.

Johnny Devine defends the X-Division Title vs. Black Machismo. Devine stole the Title from Lethal back in January, and at Against All Odds Black Machismo earned his #1 Contender's Spot. Now the two will finally go at it one on one for the Title.

In a rematch of Against All Odds, ODB faces awesome Kong for the Knockout Title.

Weeks ago Jim Cornette announced a tournament to detirmine the first ever TNA T.V. Champion, and finally the two men who went through it all will battle it out for the Title. It's A.J. Styles vs. Kazarian for the right to be the first ever TNA Television Champion!

For months, Robert Roode & Booker T have had battles. Since Booker stepped in TNA, Robert Roode has had a problem with him, and this fued has escelated since then. Including Robert Roode striking Booker T's wife, Sharmell. Now, Booker T got himself screwed out of the TNA T.V. Title thanks to Robert Roode & his newly aligned partner, James Storm. And at Destination X It is Storm and Roode facing Booker T and a partner of his choice. Booker T has said he got himself somebody who he knows has his back, and he can trust, but who is it?

Matt Morgan has been on Kevin Nash's bad side for weeks now, and at Destination X the two will have a Battle of The Big Men!

Big Poppa Pump and MapleLeaf Muscle go head-to-head after months of trying to prove each other wrong, and one-up another. They have been bickering over the cases from Feast or Fired, and now this match will settle it. The winner gets both cases, which means somebody gets a guaranteed World Title & X-Division Title shot.

The new TNA Tag Team Champions Christian Cage & Tomko put their strength of a team to the test as they defend their Titles vs. the Rock n' Rave Infection, Team 3D, the Motor City Machine Guns, LAX & Triple X!

At Against All Odds Sting made his return to help Abyss after a brutal beat down by Judas Mesias, following their brutal match they had in Barbwire Massacre. With Abyss now on the shelf, Sting felt it was right to get revenge on James Mitchell, and his Monsters Judas Mesias, RelliK and Black Reign. Sting got himself two partners in Raven & Rhino, as well as a manager to take care of James Mitchell, none other than the legendary Jake "The Snake" Roberts!

Samoa Joe has finally signed his five year contract with TNA, and has gotten everything he wanted, including this huge TNA World Title shot vs. Kurt Angle with everyone being banned from ringside! The two will battle it out for the Title one more time!

Tune into TNA Destination X this Sunday!

OOC - Sorry I got delayed on this, I was busy this week like I said, and I will get the whole PPV up as soon as I can, I can't promise they'll be awesome, but they should be pretty good nonetheless. Thanks.​


Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
maybe your reviewed your own show with another account, you got busted and that was very stupid ? it could be an answer.
it's rude but it's true, even if i think you have a good BTB, anyway here are my predictions :

Destination X Preview
***Matches At The Pay-Per-View***

Single's Match
Kip James vs. B.G. James
I always liked him more than BG James, i think he needs to go over

Case vs. Case Match
Scott Steiner vs. Petey Williams
I guess the winner will go to the main event scene, and I don't want Steiner to do that lol

Tag Team Titles Guanlet Match
Tomko & Christian[c] vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs. Team 3D vs. LAX vs. XXX vs. Rock n Rave Infection
I love Motor city machine guns, but I think you will put over the champions, they need it

Finals Of The T.V. Title Tournament
A.J. Styles vs. ?

X-Division Title Match
Johnny Devine[c] vs. Black Machismo

Six Man Warfare
Black Reign, RelliK & Judas Mesias w/James Mitchell vs. Rhino, Raven & Sting w/Jake Roberts
I mark for the snake, and i think he will get involved so here we go with team Sting

Battle Of The Big Men
Kevin Nash vs. Matt Morgan
I guess this is not the last match between these two, so Morgan but not a clean finish

Knockout Title Match
Awesome Kong vs. ODB
Considering how you put Kong over, it would be a shame to see her losing in this match

Tag Team Match
Booker T & Partner Of Choosing vs. Robert Roode & James Storm
Here with go with Booker, but I can't find who'll be his partner, maybe an ex wwe superstar ?

TNA World Title Match
Kurt Angle[c] vs. Samoa Joe
The hardest to predict, both men deserve the victory, but maybe you will have these two in some kind of stip matches later. So Angle retains

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Destination X

Norfolk, Virgina

March 9th, 2008

Grudge Match
Kip James vs. B.G. James
After each of their entrances, the match starts off with a lock-up. Kip uses his strength by kicking B.G. right in the mid section, and hitting a rough clothesline. Kip taunts off to the crowd as he stomps away on B.G. This match was all Kip the whole time, untill the ending where B.G. brought himself back. He got some hard shots in on Kip, and hit a dropkick! B.G. covered Kip, but only got a two out of it. B.G. picks Kip up, and hits him with multiple rights to the face, an Irish whip, and then a overhead body drop! B.G. nails his shaky Knee Drop, but gets only another two. B.G. grabs Kip, but Kip reverses it, and nails a kick to the gut, followed by a Fame-Ass-Er! Kip James covers B.G., 1...2...3!
Winner - Kip James via pinfall at 7:12

After the match, the camera cuts to the back, and shows a car pulling up. Booker T is then seen walking into the garage, and looks happy about his partner arriving to the arena. Booker tells the cameras to go, as he does not want anyone to see who it is.

X-Division Title Match
Black Machismo vs. Johnny Devine[c]
Black Machismo makes his way to the ring with his usual Macho Man gimmick. Johnny Devine comes out next, with the X-Division Title over his shoulder. Devine rolls in the ring, and the bell rings. It starts off with Black Machismo taunting a little, and Devine takes that as an advantage. He gets a cheap shot in on Lethal, and lays in multiple chops, followed by an Irish whip, and a cross body takedown! Devine covers Lethal, only a two. Devine stomps away on Lethal, and begins taking control of this match. Johnny Devine picks Lethal up, going for a Suplex, Lethal reverses it to a roll up, but another quick two. They both get to their feet quick, and the fans applaud that. The two go to lock up, but Devine gets another cheap kick in. He laughs, with a smirk on his face, but Lethal reverses a move attempt, and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! Jay Lethal gets the crowd into it with a couple of taunts. As devine gets up, Lethal hits him with an Elbow to the head, followed by another one, and then an Irish whip to the corner. Lethal runs at him, and hits a dropkick to the chest! Lethal picks Devine up, and throws him down on the mat. Jay Lethal goes climbing up the top rope. He looks to be calling for the Elbow Drop, but as he jumps off, Johnny Devine gets out of the way in time! Johnny Devine recovers, getting to his feet. He slaps Lethal in the bac of the head a few times. Johnny Devine then looks out of the ring to So Cal Val, and gives her a wink and blows her a kiss. So Cal Val looks disgusted, but Devine just smiles. He then turns his attention back to Lethal. He picks Lethal up, with a few kicks to the gut, and he hits one of his trademark moves, the Devine Driver! Devine covers Lethal, but only gets a two count. This match went on over the next few minutes, being a back and forth contest. Lethal just hits a backflip moonsault off the top rope to the outside of the ring, taking Devine down! Black Machismo taunts on to the crowd as they go crazy. Lethal rolls Devine back into the ring, and covers him, 1...2...Kick out! Lethal can't believe it, but he does not waste his time. He grabs Devine, picking him up. Lethal goes for the Lethal Combination, but Devien reverses it into a Devine Intervention, but Lethal also reverses that into an attempt of a Lethal Injection, and he hits it! Lethal covers him, but yet again another near fall! Fans begin chanting "This Is Awesome!" as Lethal gets to his feet, and heads to the top of the turnbuckle. Devine gets to his feet, and follows him up there, striking Lethal a few times to the face. The two begin exchanging hard hits, and Devine gets an eye rake, and hits the Devine Retribution from the top rope! Devine covers Lethal, with his hands on the rope, 1...2...3! Johnny Devine retains the X-Division Championship.
Winner - Johnny Devine via Pinfall at 13:43

Backstage Scott Steiner gives an interview, saying he WILL walk out with both cases, and promises to become the World Champion and X-Division Champion very soon.

Case vs. Case Match
Scott Steiner vs. Petey Williams
Big Poppa Pump makes his way to the ring, followed by MapleLeaf Muscle Petey Williams. Each bringing their respective cases with them. The match starts off with both posing at each other. The two argue at each again over who has the better body. Scott Steiner then pie faces Petey down to the mat. Steiner shows off his arms, kissing his biceps. Petey gets back to his feet, and runs at Steiner, hitting him with a Dropkick to the knee. Steiner goes down to one knee, and Petey hits an Enzuigiri! Petey quickly goes to covers Steiner, but only a two cout. Steiner pushes Petey off of him. Steiner quickly gets back up, and takes Petey down with a hard clothesline! Scott flexes hsi arm, and drop an elbow on Petey's chest. Steiner then does multiple Push Ups. Scott stands back up, and grabs Petey by the hair. He then hits a Belly 2 Belly Suplex! Scott Steiner covers Petey, only a two count. Steiner picks Petey up again, and hits a T-Bone Suplex! Steiner begins getting in his Suplex Mode, as he hits a couple more after that, and Petey lays out of it in the ring. Steiner covers Petey, but another kick out! Steiner can't believe it, and he begins hitting Petey multiple times. The referee begins a five count, and Steiner just stops at four. Scott shows off to the crowd for a little, and this gives Petey Williams just enough time to get himself together. He gets up, and when Steiner turns around, Petey hits a few shots to Steiner. He runs at Steiner, but as Scott goes for a clothesline, Petey ducks, Steiner trns to face Petey, and Petey takes Steiner down with a kick to the gut, followed by a Tornado DDT! Petey Williams covers Steiner, 1...2...Kick out! Petey Williams quickly gets up to the top rope, and hits a Leg Drop! Petey covers Steiner again, but only a two. Petey stomps on Steiner a few times, and calls for the Canadian Destroyer! Can he do this to Steiner? Scott gets up to his feet slowly, and Petey kicks Steiner in the stomach, and puts Steiner in the Canadian Destroyer position, but Steiner reverses it by lifting Petey up and over his shoulders! Steiner takes Petey down with another version of one of his Suplexes! Steiner then calls for the Steiner Recliner, and locks it in on Petey Williams! For a while Petey is locked in, and finally taps out, resulting in Scott Steiner winning and getting both cases!
Winner - Scott Steiner via Submission at 10:21

Backstage, Robert Roode & James Storm are together, talking about their match vs. Booker T & his partner later tonight. They discuss who could be his partner, and who he has a history with, and the only man they could come up with was his former partner and brother Stevie Ray.

Six Man Warfare
Rhino, Raven & Sting w/Jake Roberts vs. RelliK, Black Reign & Judas Mesias w/James Mitchell
After everyone's entrances, the fans are chanting "Jake The Snake!" as he stands ringside, with his bag of a Snake. Raven and Judas Mesias start things off. Judas gets some uppercuts in on him, and smashes Raven's head into the turnbuckle. Judas then kicks Raven a couple times, and drops him down with a Sidewalk Slam. Judas goes on to pound away on Raven's head, and then tags in Black Reign. He comes in, and drops an elbow on Raven's chest, and covers him for only a two. Black Reign pounds hard away on Raven, and lifts him up to his feet. He Irish whips Raven against the ropes, and hits a Spinebuster! Black Reign tags in RelliK now, and they perform a double team move, taking Raven down to the mat. RelliK covers Raven, only a two again. RelliK pulls Raven up, and Raven begis striking RelliK in the stomach as he is on his knees. Raven hits RelliK square in the throat, and gets to his feet, and takes RelliK down with a vicious DDT! Raven crawls to his corner and tags in Rhino! Rhino comes in like hot fire as he takes RelliK down with a hard clothesline, and knocks Judas and Black Reign off the apron. Rhino turns around, and gets decked by a big boot from RelliK, stopping him in his tracks! Sting then comes into the ring and takes down RelliK himself. Judas and Black Reign climb into the ring, and Sting begins fighting them himself, untill Raven and Rhino get up, and make it even as all six men are in the ring, fighting one another on the opposite side. Sting grabs Judas, and throws him over the top rope. Raven flips RelliK up over his head, and onto the outside of the ring. Rhino then waits for Black Reign to get to his feet, as he is close to the edge of the ring, Rhino runs and gores Black Reign out of the ring!! Raven, Rhino and Sting stand tall inside the ring like they have for many weeks, as the fans cheer them. As James Mitchell's Monsters try to leave to the back, saying forget this match, Jake The Snake Roberts stops them in their tracks, threatening to expose the Snake. They all looked terrified of Snakes, and Sting, Raven & Rhino climb out of the ring, and grab one of their heads, forcing them back into the ring. Raven & Rhino are seen getting weapons from under the ring, including one chair, and a table! Rhino slides the table in the ring, as Raven gets himself the chair. Raven gets in the ring, and goes right ahead and hits Black Reign over the head with a Steel Chair! Black Reign is staggering over, but not quite down yet, Raven backs up, and hits him one more time with all of his might with that chair, and Black Reign goes down. Sting and Judas Mesias are going at it in the corner, as Stign sets him up. Sting then backs up to the opposite corner, and runs hitting a Stinger Splash! Rhino is setting up a table in the corner. Rhino hits RelliK a few times with shots to the face, and then palnts him on the table. Fans begin chanting "Gore!" as Rhino pounds his chest, getting amped up for it. Rhino goes to the other corner, and kneels down setting it up. As RelliK is getting to his feet, and turns around, Rhino runs at him and Gored RelliK through the table!! Rhino pins RelliK, 1...2...3! RelliK is eliminated from the match. Referee Earl Hebner tries to seperate the teams of men that are left as all hell was broken loose. Black Reign takes a complete cheap shot as the referee had his back turned, and he nails Raven with the Darkness Falls weapon! He strikes Raven multiple times with it, untill Raven is bleeding heavily. Black Reign picks Raven up, and hits the Blackout! Black Reign covers Raven, and the referee turns around, 1...2...3! Raven is now eliminated. Judas Mesias and Sting are now going at it in the ring, exchanging blows to the face, but Judas takes control as he hits a kick to Sting's stomach, and drops him down with a Spinebuster! Judas covers Sting, but only can get a two count. Judas grabs Sting by the hair, and locks him in a Headlock. For a couple of minutes in the Headlock, Sting is almost out of it, untill the fans in Norfolk, Virgina give him the fuel, and Sting reverses the Headlock into a Back Body Drop! Sting gets a tag in on Rhino, and Rhino comes in, and takes Judas down with one Hip Toss, and then charges at him with a clothesline. Rhino chops Judas Mesias in the chest a couple times, but Judas doesn't even show any effect as he spits blood out of his mouth, and takes Rhino down with the Straight To Hell!! Judas Mesias covers Rhino, 1...2...3! Rhino is now eliminated, and it's down to Judas and Black Reign vs. Sting. Sting can't believe it, and he slowly enters the ring, and gets a cheap kick in on Judas. Sting fights for his life in this now handicap match, but Judas Mesias takes him down with Suplex! Judas goes for the cover, but another near fall. Judas tags in Black Reign, and he comes in and drops a knee drop! Black Reign hits Sting a couple times, and Irish whips him against the ropes, Sting ducks a clothesline attempt, and hits Black Reign with chops and kicks. He lifts Black Reign above his head, and takes him down to the mat! Sting then picks Black Reign up, calling for the Scorpion Death Drop, but Black Reign reverses it into an attempt of the Schizophrenic, but Sting rolls him up, and the ref counts, 1...2...3! Sting gets the huge pin, and eliminates Black Reign from this contest. It is now down to Sting and Judas Mesias. Judas comes into the ring, and goes to attack Sting, but Sting is too smart for that, and he ducks a clothesline attempt, and knocks Judas Mesias down with a clothesline of his own! Sting kicks Judas Mesias a couple of time as he is on the canvas, and Sting lifts Judas Mesias' legs up, calls for it, and locks in the Scorpion Death Lock! Sting has it locked in, but right from the beginning Judas Mesias tries fighting out of it. Judas Mesias psends a little time in the Death Lock, as he gets to the ropes! Sting is forced to stop the hold, and as Sting is picking Judas Mesias up, Judas kicks him off, and Sting bumps into referee Earl Hebner, and he goes down! Sting tries recovering him, but Judas goes right on the attack, and rakes the eyes of Sting! Father James Mitchell then hands Judas Mesias the Darkness Falls weapon. Judas holds it up high, about to use it on Sting, but just then Jake The Snake Roberts is seen getting in the ring, and he takes that weapon out of Judas Mesias' hands. Judas looks at Jake Roberts, and goes to attack him but Jake quickly kicks Judas Mesias in the gut, and puts him in the DDT Position! The fans are going crazy, chanting "DDT!" as Jake goes to nail it, but James Mitchell hits Jake. Jake looks as if it did no damage, and he then puts both James Mitchell and Judas Mesias in the DDT Position, and he nails it on both of them at once! Sting then walks over and covers Judas Mesias, and Jake Roberts grabs Earl Hebner's hand, and counts it himself, 1...2...3! Sting wins the match for his team, and fans begin cheering both him and Jake The Snake Roberts. Sting celebrates his victory as he and Jake have a moment of respect inside the ring, as they shake hands raise each other arms in the ring.
Winners - Team Sting via Pinfalls at 17:41

A video is shown, hyping the return of Ron "The Truth" Killings. In this video, Ron says the TNA fans will finally get the Ron Killings of old. And promises to be back at the top of TNA, where he deserves.

Knockout Title Match
ODB vs. Awesome Kong[c]
This match was a lot like their last meeting at Against All Odds, with Awesome Kong doing the dominating like she's been doing since she came to TNA. Towards the ending of this match, ODB got some fuel in the tank, and began taking down Awesome Kong with a clothesline from the top rope! ODB thought she had this match won as she went for the pin, but Awesome Kong kicked out, and then nailed the Awesome Bomb on ODB, and got the victory. After that, Awesome Kong took out ODB again, untill Gail Kim made the save, courtesy of her and a steel chair! Gail cleared the ring, and stood tall yelling back at Kong, but was at the aid of ODB.
Winner - Awesome Kong via Pinfall at 6:08

Backstage Kevin Nash is given an interview in where he simply puts, his knee may be bad, and he might not be what he was ten years ago, but the sad thing about that is, he can still take out Matt Morgan, and he will up next.

Battle of The Big Men
Kevin Nash vs. Matt Morgan
Following both of their entrances, they have the test of strength as they try to take one another down, but to no avail for both men. Morgan tried taking Nash down with a shoulder block, but Nash only stumbles a bit, and still stands on his feet. Nash then goes against the ropes and hits a Clothesline...but Morgan is still on his feet. Morgan taunts at Nash, and Kevin just takes Morgan down by an eye poke, and a big Boot! Nash has a laugh after he does that, and then drops a huge Elbow on the chest of Matt Morgan. Nash gets a near fall. He picks Morgan up and exchanges right hands. Morgan Irish whips Nash across the ring, and hits a big clothesline, this time taking Big Kev down. Morgan jumps up, and hits a Leg Drop on Kevin, covers him but just a two. These two men go on the next couple minutes pretty back and forth. Morgan drags Nash over to the bottom ropes, and puts his knee into Nash's back, choking him with the rope. Matt stops at four, and then runs across the ropes, and hits Nash in the back with another knee. Matt Morgan mounts on top of Nash, and begins hitting him over the head, non-stop. The referee tries taking Morgan off, but Morgan pushes Andrew Thomas off of him, and continues viciously hitting Nash over and over across the face. Nash is seen with blood trickeling down the face, as Matt continues this. Referee Andrew Thomas finally stops this contest, and makes Kevin Nash the winner by DQ!
Winner - Kevin Nash via DQ at 8:19

Christian Cage & Tomko are interviewed, and they simply put that the tag teams of TNA say they shouldn't be the Champs, but after tonight they will change their minds whether they like it or not.

Tag Team Title Guantlet Match
Team 3D vs. XXX vs. LAX vs. Motor City Machine Guns vs. Rock n Rave Infection vs. Christian & Tomko[c]
By rule a Champion has to start the match first, and it is Tomko. He starts it off randomly with....Hernandez. The two big guys look face to face in the ring, and when the bell is rung, these big fellas go right at it. Back and forth hits, and the first to go down is Tomko after Hernandez hits a Belly 2 Belly Suplex! Hernandez stomps away on Tomko, and after one minute, out comes Senshi. He runs to the ring, climbs on the top rope, and attacks Hernandez taking him off his feet! Senshi taunts in the ring, but right when he turns around, Tomko takes his head off with a Big Boot! Tomko grabs Senshi above his head, and goes to drop him out of the ring, but Senshi jumps off of Tomko's back, and tries eliminating Tomko out of the ring. After the next minute comes Brother Ray. He runs to the ring, and takes down Senshi, and begins pounding away on Tomko. Ray tells Hernandez to help him now, and Hernandez looks at Brother Ray like he's crazy, and Hernandez pushes Ray. Ray pushes him back, and then they begin going at it in the ring, and Hernandez some how takes Brother Ray down with a Scoop Slam. After the next minute, Elix Skipper comes running down, and Triple X is the only team to be in the match right now. Senshi and Skipper begin double teaming on the other guys, trying to get an advantage, They take down Hernandez with a double team move, but then both get taken down by Brother Ray! Fans boo Ray as he makes fun of the X-Division. Out next comes Chris Sabin, and he runs down to the ring, and goes right after Brother Ray. Ray treats him like a rag doll, but Sabin takes Brother Ray out and over the top rope with a Hurricanranna and

Brother Ray is Eliminated

Ray can't believe it, and stands on the outside of the ring P'd off. He tries getting back in the ring, but the referee's force him out. Coming out next is...Brother Devon. And Ray tells Devon to take care of them. Devon gets in the ring and pounds away on Chris Sabin. He takes him down with a Sidewalk Slam, and then an elbow to the chest. Devon begins dominating the match-up, untill the minute counts down, and out comes Lance Hoyt. He gets in the ring and right away uses his Guitar Hero Guitar, and hits Senshi over the head with it. He eliminates Senshi!

Senshi Is Eliminated

And then Primetime Elix Skipper takes Lance Hoyt over the top rope with a dropkick, which means

Lance Hoyt is Eliminated

Brother Devon attacks Primetime from behind, and hits him with a Neckbreaker. Devon grabs Skipper by the head, and rams him into teh turnbuckle. Another minute goes by, and comes running out is Homicide. He gets in the ring, and taunts with Hernandez, and the two begin double teaming overone, and dominating the match, as Hernandez grabs Elix Skipper by the throat, and hits him with the Cracker Jack over the top rope! Resulting in

Elix Skipper is Eliminated

LAX takes down Brother Devon, and then Chris Sabin, but before they can take down Tomko now, the minute is up, and Christian Cage comes running down! He slides into the ring, and begins chopping away on Homicide, and drops him with a Dropkick. Christian then chops away on Hernandez, and hits him with right hands. Christian then runs at Hernandez, but Hernandez hits him with a Big Boot. Tomko takes Hernandez down with a Big Boot of his own, and pounds on his face hitting him multiple times. Another minute gone, and Jimmy Rave is out next. He runs down to the ring, and he and Sabin go at it for some time. Alex Shelley is the last one out after the final minute, and now everyone who is in the ring are the final men. Sabin and Shelley double team on Brother Devon, and take him out over the top rope!

Brother Devon is Eliminated

The Guns, LAX, Christian & Tomko, and Jimmy Rave are the ones left now. The three teams seem to be on the same page for atleast right now, as they take Jimmy Rave, and toss him out!

Jimmy Rave is Eliminated

The three teams just all go at it, with Herhandez and Tomko battleing it out. Sabin and Homicide having some first fired at each other, and Shelley takes Christian down with a Enzuigiri! Shelley taunts on the turnbuckle showing off the MCMG palm pose that they do. But from behind is Tomko, and he sends Shelley over the top rope!

Alex Shelley is Eliminated

The time goes on for some time, with no elimination, untill finally Christian and Tomko double team on Hernandez, and they throw him over the top rope.

Hernandez is Eliminated

Cage and Tomko continue their double team on Homicide and Chris Sabin, but Sabin gets some shots in, and he somehow takes Tomko up and over the top rope!

Tomko is Eliminated

Christian, Homicide and Chris Sabin are the final three here, and Christian runs at Homicide, taking him down with a hard clothesline. Homicide is out, and Christian and Sabin now exchange blows. Christian gets Sabin in a DDT position, and nails it! Christian grabs Sabin, and tries eliminating him, but can't as Sabin gets out of it, and knocks Christian down with a hesitated Dropkick to the face! Homicide now gets back up, and he attacks Sabin with a Gringo Cutter! Homicide does the Eddie Guerrero-like taunt as he grabs Sabin by the head, and tries eliminating him. As this is going on, Christian gets to his feet, and he runs at them, taking both homicide and Sabin out and over the top rope!

Chris Sabin is Eliminated

Homicide is Eliminated

This leaves some controversy, as there is supposed to be two final men so it can begin as a tag team match, but Christian is handed both Titles, and Tomko comes out as both he and Christian taunt with the belts
Winners - Christian Cage & Tomko via Eliminations at 13:57

Backstage, before he next match, Booker T gets interviewed, and he says he is promising the roof to go off in this place when his boy, his partner, comes down that ramp, and after they get down with Storm and Roode, they will know who's runnin' TNA now. And ends it with "I know they can dig that, Sucka!"

Tag Team Match
Booker T & Partner Of His Choosing vs. JAmes Storm & Robert Roode
Robert Roode, James Storm, and their managers Jackie Moore and Miss Banks make their way to the ring together. They taunt in the ring for some time, untill "Can you Git It?" hits, and Booker T comes down to the ring, with his wife Sharmell for the first time since Final Resolution! If that wasn't a big surprise already, Booker T and Sharmell wait on the outside of the ring for Booker's surprise partner. It's qute like Booker's debut in TNA, as the time goes on of anticipation. And finally, a new version of "One of A Kind!" hits, and out comes none other than Rob Van Dam!! The fans are going insane, seeing the debut of RVD here in TNA. He comes out and as the announcer says his name, he does his RVD taunts. He walks around the ringside area, greeting the fans, and then shakes Booker T's hand, as well as Sharmell's. Booker T and RVD get in the ring, and Roode & Storm looked completely shocked as they did not expect this. Fans chant RVD's name for quite some time, and the match finally gets underway with Storm and Booker T. Book takes Storm down with a couple chops to the chest, and hits to the face, then a big Hip Toss! Storm gets taken aback by this, as he did not expect Booker T to be so ready for this like he is. Booker quickly goes back on the offense, as he takes Storm down yet again with a Spinning Heel Kick! Booker T covers Storm, and gets a near fall. Booker picks Storm up, and Irish whips him to the ropes, but Storm ducks a clothesline attempt, and he hits Booker with an elbow to the face, followed by a Snapmare! As Booker is in a sit-up position, Storm backs up, and kicks Booker directly in the back! Storm does this again, and then works Booker over putting him in a reverse Chin Lock, with his knee right in Booker's back. As Storm keeps this locked right in, adding the pain with his knee, Booker struggles trying to get out, untill the fans and RVD bring him on. They start clapping, and cheering, and this brings Booker up, and he gets an wlbow to Storm's gut, followed by another. Booker gets out of the hold, runs against the ropes and comes back at Storm hitting him with Leg Lariat! Storm goes down, and Booker tries getting RVD the tag, but Robert Roode jumps in and pulls Booker back. RVD tries getting in the ring, but the referee holds RVD back, and with the ref's back turned, Storm and Roode take advantage of the double team oppertunity, and they take Booker down with a Manhatten Drop by Storm, followed by a vicious clothesline from Roode! Booker is down, and Storm goes for the pin, 1...2...Kick out! Booker gets his shoulder up, and one more time Booker builds his come back, and nails a Spinebuster out of nowhere! Both men are down, and crawl to their respective corners. And at the same time, they make a tag to their partners! RVD and Roode come in, and as Roode goes for a clothesline, RVD ducks, kicks Roode in the gut, but Roode catches RVD's leg. RVD then does his trademark spinning crescent kick, taking Robert Roode down! Storm tries coming from behind, but RVD ducks by doing the splits, and takes Storm down with a Monkey Flip! Fans begin chanting RVD's name again as he does his "RVD" taunts. RVD goes back on the offense to Robert Roode for the next several minutes, making frequent tags with Booker T. By this time in the match, Robert Roode and Booker T are slugging it out in the middle of the ring. Roode attempts the Payoff, but Booker T reverses it, Roode turns around, and Booker T hits the Book End! Booker T pins Roode, 1...2...Kick out! Booker picks Robert Roode up, and lays in some vicious chops and punches. He Irish whips Roode across the ring, Roode ducks a Wheel Kick attempt, and catches Booker with a Spinebuster! Robert Roode covers Booker T, 1...2...Kick out again! Robert Roode's frustrations are visable at this point, and he tags in James Storm. Storm taunts a little before going at Booker T and that gives Book enough time, as he takes Storm down with a Side Slam. Booker T gets the tag into RVD, and when RVD comes in, James Storm climbs out of the ring, wanting nothing to do with RVD. The referee begins the count, 1....2....3....4....5....6....RVD decides he does not want to win this by a Count Out, and he backs up, and runs full speed taking Storm down on the outside with a Suicide Dive!! RVD lands still on his feet, and taunts on the outside, but Roode attacks him from behind, and Booker climbs out, and takes care of Robert Roode. He grabs Roode by the hair, and slams him face first into the ring steps. RVD rolls Storm back in the ring, and as Storm in on his knees, attempting to get to his feet, Booker slides in, runs against the ropes, and nails the Scissors Kick on Storm! RVD climbs to the top rope, and he hits the Five Star Frog Splash!! The cover, 1....2....3! Booker T and Rob Van Dam capture the victory, and embrace each other in the ring with Booker T's wife Sharmell. They taunt around, as Robert roode has a angry look on his face as he stands on the outside of the ring.
Winners - Booker T & RVD via Pinfall at 13:41

After the match, the camera is cut backstage, where Matt Morgan, A.J. Styles, Karen Angle & Kurt Angle are. They basically discuss their strategy for Kurt Angle's match later tonight, and tells Matt to go ringside with A.J. to make sure he wins that T.V. Title.

TV Title Match
Kazarian vs. AJ Styles
Kazarian comes to the ring by himself, and A.J. Styles comes with Matt Morgan. The T.V. Title is shown ringside in a case, promising to be awarded to the winner of the match. This match starts off with A.J. getting a dirty shot in, and takes complete control of this contest for several minutes, as Kazarian just seemed to not be himself since the cheap shot. Later down in this match, A.J. went for the Styles Clash, but was quickly reversed by Kazarian into a modified Alabama Slam-type move! Kazarian had finally done a big move at this point, and he goes for the cover, but Matt Morgan distracts the referee by jumping on the apron. Kazarian looks angry at this, and he runs at Morgan, taking him off the apron by a Dropkick! Morgan is down, and Kazarian is now in control of this one, as he drops A.J. with multiple clotheslines, followed by a Dropsault! Kazarian climbs to the top rope, A.J. gets to his feet, and Kazarian hits a Missle Dropkick! Kazarian covers A.J., 1...2...Kick out. Kazarian grabs A.J. and hits him with a DDT, and then hits A.J. with a Back To The Future! The pin, but only a two. Kazarian is in somewhat disbelief that A.J. kicked out. As Kazarian goes for his finisher, A.J. reverses the attempt, and rolls Kaz up, 1...2...Kick out! Both men get to their feet, run at each other, and take each other down with a Clothesline by one another! The ref begins counting, and at about 8 the men get up, and exchange blows to the face. A.J. gets a kick to the gut in, and puts him in the Styles Clash position. A.J. tris hitting it, but again Kazarian reverses it, this time into the Save of The Future! Kazarian covers A.J. 1.....2....3!! Kazarian gets the huge victory, and then gets awarded the first ever TNA T.V. Championship!
Winner - Kazarian vie Pinfall at 11:00

Following that match, a video is aired of Kurt Angle/Samoa Joe's long 1 and a half year fued. After the video ends, Joe is interviewed, and he says he doesn't promise, he guarantees a victory. And not a DQ Victory, not a Cout Out Victory, But a legit pin or give up victory on Kurt Angle. And Joe says if he does not walk out the Champion, then he will walk out of TNA.

Main Event World Title Match
Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle[c]
Both men make their way to the ring, and as the rules, everyone is banned from Ringside. The bell rings, and the two feel each other out for a litt,e and then lock up. Angle gets Joe in a side headlock, but Joe pushes him off, and takes Angle down with a shoulder block. Joe runs against the ropes, and takes Kurt down yet again with a shoulder block. Kurt rolls out of the ring, not looking happy as he's had a bad start thus far. Kurt slowly gets back into the ring, and goes to lock up once again, and as he goes for another Side Headlock, Joe takes him down with a Back Body Drop! Joe stands up, looking confident, as Kurt gets to his knees, holding his back, and the announcers mention Kurt might have taken Joe lightly for this match and was not totally prepared. Kurt gets up, and tries the test of strength, but goes to his dirty ways as he kicks Joe in the stomach, and clotheslines Joe down to the ring. Kurt stomps on Joe for a couple times, and picks Joe up, hitting a European Uppercut. Kurt now gets back in his groove over these next couple minutes as they are all his. He has Joe in a pin attempt now, but Joe gets his arm up at two. Kurt has been working over Joe's ankle early on, so he can get the Ankle Lock in. Kurt climbs out of the ring, and drags Joe to the ring post. He hits Joe's leg across the ring post with all his might! Kurt then wraps Joe's leg around the post, and locks in a Figure Four Leg Lock! The ref begins his count, and Kurt is forced to stop it before five. Kurt rolls back into the ring, mounts on top of Joe, and strikes him multiple times. But Joe reverses it, and gets on top of Kurt now, striking him with vicious shots to the face. The referee breaks it up. Joe gets back up, as well as Kurt, and Joe runs at him, kicking Kurt right in the chest, and taking him down! Joe is noticably limping in this match, but nonetheless goes on the dominate the next few minutes of the match. Joe has Kurt in a sit-up position, and he Backahnd chops Kurt in the back, and then kicks Kurt right in the chest kncoking him down, and he ends it with bouncing off the ropes, and landing on Kurt with a running jumping knee drop! Joe covers Kurt, 1...2...Kick out. Another near fall by one of these two warriors. Joe takes Kurt down with a Snapmare, and kicks Kurt directly in his back. Joe lifts Kurt up, and nails him with a Belly-2-Belly Suplex. Joe covers him, and yet again another two count. Samoa Joe locks Kurt in on one of his trademark submission holds right in the center of the ring. And Joe kept that lock in for several minutes, untill Kurt fought his way out, by actually biting one of Joe's hands. Joe stops the hold, and shakes his own hand in pain. When Joe turns around, Kurt takes him down with a German Suplex! Kurt gets back up, keeping his arms locked, and hits the second German Suplex. Kurt's hands still locked in place, he goes for a third, but that, however, is blocked by Joe, and Joe turns around, locking Kurt in a German Suplex, and he nails Kurt with one of his own!! Both men are down for quite a bit, but Joe is the first to his feet. He stands up, holding his ankle that is still in pain. And Kurt gets up, and quickly takes Joe down with a Chop Block! Kurt then begins working over Joe's leg yet again, and drops an elbow on Joe's bad leg/ankle. Kurt goes to Irish whip Joe across the ring, but Joe reverses it, by Irish whipping Kurt across the ring, and when Kurt comes back to him, Joe hits a quick snap Power Slam! Jeo covers Angle, 1...2...Kick out! Again, a near fall is in this contest. Joe lifts Kurt up, and repeatedly hits Kurt with open hand slaps and palm strikes to the face, followed by a jumping knee to the temple of Kurt Angle! Kurt is down and out, and Joe decides to do something spectacular here. Joe climbs to the top rope, looking to hit a high risk move, but as Joe is up there, just about to jump off, Kurt quickly gets to his feet, runs up there, and hits Joe with a Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex off the top rope!! Both men are laid out once again in that ring. Kurt is the first to get to his feet. He stomps on Joe again, and he now climbs up to the top rope. Kurt looks to be going for his moonsault, and he goes for it, and nails it perfectly, and hooks the leg! 1...2...Kick out! Another near fall in this match, and Kurt is seen getting frustrated. he stans up, and walks over to the referee, but Joe quckly grabs the leg of Kurt, and locks Kurt in his own version of the Ankle Lock! Joe has him in the Ankle Lock, with Kurt screaming in pain, trying to get to the bottom rope. Joe drops the leg, applyig more pressure to it now. Kurt is pretty close to the ropes, and is able to crawl and grab the bottom rope. Joe cant believe that, and he walks over to Kurt's head, but Kurt pulls Joe, taking him out of the ring. Joe is laid out for a couple seconds on the outside. He finally gets up on the apron, and Kurt runs at him, but Joe jumps up, kicking Kurt in the side of his head, knocking Kurt down! Joe jumps over the ropes, and hits a Senton Bomb on Kurt! Joe covers him, 1...2...Kurt gets his foot on the rope! Joe was so close, but the smarts of Kurt Angle is shown when he did that. Joe picks Kurt up, and Kurt runs at Joe, hitting him with a couple shoulder thrusts in the corner. Kurt backs up some, and runs at Joe, but Joe catches him with a vicious S.T.Joe from the corner, dropping Kurt down! Fans begin chanting Joe's name and Kurt's name back and forth, respecting both of these warriors in this awesome match-up. Joe grabs Kurt by the head, and chops him in the chest. Kurt reverses a second attempt, and out of nowhere Kurt Angle hits the Olympic Slam!! Kurt hooks the leg, and covers Joe. 1....2...Kick out! Near fall after near fall in this contest, and Kurt gets up to his feet, and pull the straps down! Kurt is in the zone now, as he stomps on the mat, waiting for Joe to get up so he can drop him with another Olympic Slam. When Joe does get up, Kurt runs at him attempting the move, but Joe reverses it, jumping off of Kurt's shoulders, and Joe pushes Kurt chest first into the corner. Kurt htis the corner, and turns around, and Joe runs at Kurt in the corner, hitting a knee right in the jaw of Kurt Angle! Joe then sits Kurt up on the turnbuckle, and puts him in the Muscle Buster position. Joe takes him to the center of the ring, and hits the Muscle Buster! The crowd is on fire now, and Joe pins Kurt, 1...2...KICK OUT! Kurt kicks out again, and again, and that has to be the biggest one of this match. Joe looks shocked by this as he begins argueing with the referee now. Kurt crawls over to Joe, and takes Joe down, putting him in the Ankle Lock! Kurt has Joe locked in tightly, and he keeps it locked in for quite some time. Joe is somehow able to turn on his back, and push Kurt off. Kurt hits the ropes chest-fisrt, and when Kurt falls back, Joe grabs him into the Coquina Clutch!! Joe has him in the Clutch, dead center in the ring. Joe has it locked in, looking zoned and not looking to break the hold at any time. For several seconds, Kurt is stuck in this hold. The tiem goes by, and Kurt Angle is forced to do nothing bu Tap Out!!!! Kurt Angle taps, and Samoa Joe is the brans new TNA World Heavyweight Champion for the first time!! Joe is awarded the Title, and he holds it up high in the air, and even looks to be getting emotional as the fans chant Joe's name through the entire arena. The scene fades away with Joe holding his new Title high in the air.
Winner - Samoa Joe via Submission at 20:50


BM-6 Man Warfare Match
WM-Knockout Championship Match

BP-Joe Interview
WP-Kevin Nash Interview

Overall i enjoyed the show so i will give it a 8 out of 10

CT Styles

Okay I was just scrolling through I haven't read all of it yet so I won't give it a review yet, if I get a chance I will but what I will do is give you some pointers.

- Spacing, Space out your matches, that makes them easier to read.

- Colours, use colours to seperate promos and matches etc.

If I get time I will read it in full. :)


Jun 19, 2007
Reaction score
BM- ME Angle v Joe
WM-Womens Champion match (Knockouts)
BP-Joe Interview
WP-none really
Overall good show 8.5 out of 10

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
iMPACT Preview:

March 16th, 2008

Check out the fall-out of TNA Destination X! The PPV that changed the face of TNA, as Samoa Joe finally captured the TNA World Championship after nearly three years.

The main event for iMPACT has been announced, and it will be Booker T, and his new partner, nto to mention the man making his iMPACT! Zone debut, Rob Van Dam, going against The Angle Alliance, consisting of A.J. Styles & Matt Morgan.

Also, after the controversial finish to the Guantlet Tag Team Match, what will LAX & The Motor City Machine Guns have to say about their Title shots?

In what was a shocker to some, Jim Cornette announced on TNA Today that he felt TNA had too much talent, to be narrowed down to less matches thanks to the Knockouts. So he has said that TNA Knockout Title, and Division for right now is on hiatus.

Ron Killings makes his return to TNA Wrestling, as he faces a former partner and friend of his, B.G. James.

And what will Kurt Angle do, or say, about losing his Championship at Destination X? Tune into iMPACT! to find out.

Comfirmed Matches So Far:

Hardcore Match
Judas Mesias vs. Rhino

The Truth's Return Match
Ron Killings vs. B.G. James

Main Event Tag Team Match
Booker T & Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles & Matt Morgan