I totally stole this from another guy at another board, but we're good friends so it's whatever. What I want to do is a list of the top wrestlers from this decade, based on each person's opinion. I'll probably pick somewhere between 4 or 5 others to participate. I'm being vague with it now, because I'll PM those involved when it comes time. For now, sign up here if:
1. You've watched wrestling since at least 2000.
2. You've watch a well-rounded amount of wrestling. By this I mean that you've watched the WWF/E, some of the final years of WCW, and enough TNA, possibly ROH, possibly smaller Indys, and possibly Puro to know enough about the workers in those companies. Basically when you sign up, say what companies you've watched, and during which range of years.
Again, details on how this works laterz.
Note: I put this in the WWE forum because I thought it would get the most exposure here. If a mod wants to move it to General Wrestling, feel free.
1. You've watched wrestling since at least 2000.
2. You've watch a well-rounded amount of wrestling. By this I mean that you've watched the WWF/E, some of the final years of WCW, and enough TNA, possibly ROH, possibly smaller Indys, and possibly Puro to know enough about the workers in those companies. Basically when you sign up, say what companies you've watched, and during which range of years.
Again, details on how this works laterz.
Note: I put this in the WWE forum because I thought it would get the most exposure here. If a mod wants to move it to General Wrestling, feel free.