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Kurt Angle
Sheik Abdul Bashir
Booker T
Brother Devon
Brother Ray
Christian Cage
Consequences Creed
Curry Man
Johnny Devine
Sonjay Dutt
B.G. James
Cute Kip
Jeff Jarrett
Jay Lethal
Matt Morgan
Jimmy Rave
Lance Rock
Robert Roode
Chris Sabin
Samoa Joe
Shark Boy
Alex Shelley
James Storm
AJ Styles
Super Eric
Petey Williams
Awesome Kong
Christy Hemme
Rhaka Khan
Angelina Love
Velvet Sky
Taylor Wilde
Raisha Saeed

TNA Champions:




Beer Money


Sheik Abdul Bashir


Taylor Wilde

TV Shows:

TNA iMPACT! Thursday night at 9PM

TNA PPVs (all PPVs on "Week 5"):

January: Final Resolution
February: Against All Odds
March: Destination X
April: Lockdown
May: Sacrifice
June: Slammiversary
July: Victory Road
August: Hard Justice
September: No Surrender
November: Genesis
December: Turning Point



Nothing to say really, it looks like TNA lol. I know you are a good writer and I will check out your shows, you can show us what you would pretty much do with TNA if you were in charge which seems pretty cool since I know you like it. Check out IPW if you want and I will be checking out your first show.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Awesome to see you back chess, and with a BTB that I never thought you'd write :shifty:

You're one of the best around here, so it's great to have you back. Hopefully, people take the time to review your shows, because you deserve it.


You have no knockouts and a vacant heavyweight title, which is pretty interesting... also i thought you would have fired some people but you have the full roster there, except for Frank Trigg lol. Hopefully you drop some of the bad gimmicks in TNA and fire BG James... interested to see who will win the world title, and curious to why you took it off Joe.

Will check out :)


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Yes! Chess is back. I really enjoyed your last BTB a few months ago, hoopefully this can match that standard, and probably even surpass it. It'll be interesting to see what ideas and storylines you have for TNA.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Whoah, Chessarmy and a TNA BTB, I would have never guessed.

But anyway good luck Chessy and I wish you luck and if any GFX are needed... dont ask me. Looks like TNA and I hope you can get to the top with this BTB.

CT Styles

It's simple. Let's see what you got. A vacant championship; interesting. One question, when will this take place?


*Updated with TNA Knockouts* I forgot them :laugh:

TNA Wrestling: Preview for Thursday's iMPACT! broadcast

This Thursday night on iMPACT! Jim Cornette will speak on the current TNA World Heavyweight Title picture! Who will get a chance to claim the gold? Find out this Thursday night!

Also, "Chattin with the champ" returns this Thursday night on iMPACT! Christian Cage has brought back his acclaimed talk show segment, this week his guest will be non other than the phenominal AJ Styles! What does Cage have in store for AJ? Find out this Thursday

Also scheduled for the broadcast:

A 3 way X-Division number 1 contenders match, its Jay Lethal vs Consequences Creed vs Johnny Devine!

Kurt Angle takes on "The war machine" Rhino in singles action!

Beer Money take on The Motor City Machine Guns in tag team action!

Roxxi and ODB team up against Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed in a no DQ tornado tag team contest!

All this and much more comes to you this Thursday night only on Spike

Evil Austin

A 3 way X-Division number 1 contenders match, its Jay Lethal vs Consequences Creed vs Johnny Devine!

Kurt Angle takes on "The war machine" Rhino in singles action!

Beer Money take on The Motor City Machine Guns in tag team action!

Roxxi and ODB team up against Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed in a no DQ tornado tag team contest!

:laugh: at you forgetting the knockouts thats funny I didn't even notice that.
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
A 3 way X-Division number 1 contenders match, its Jay Lethal vs Consequences Creed vs Johnny Devine!

Kurt Angle takes on "The war machine" Rhino in singles action!

Beer Money take on The Motor City Machine Guns in tag team action!

Roxxi and ODB team up against Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed in a no DQ tornado tag team contest!




TNA iMPACT! Thursday, Week 1, November 2008


Jeremy Borash:
Kurt Angle, tonight, Jim Cornette will be making an announcement about the TNA World Heavyweight Title picture. We all know you think you're going to be a part of it. My question is...

Kurt Angle: Woa woa hold on a minute! I THINK I'm going to be a part of it? Borash, I KNOW I'm going to be a part of the TNA World Title picture. Look, there is something that you and all those shmups in the iMPACT! Zone need to know. You see, I control the landscape here in TNA, I am THE top dog in this company. I'm an Olympic gold medalist!! The only Olympic gold medalist in all of pro wrestling, not just TNA. I'm the top draw, everyone comes here to see ME! Thats it! Ever since I came to this company, ratings went up, PPV buy rates went through the roof! And you know why? Because of ME, Kurt freakin Angle! So Borash, if Cornette and the rest of his little TNA Management groupies were smart, they would HAND me the TNA World Title on a silver platter! Because when it comes down to it, I am the only Olympic gold medalist in Pro wrestling history, I am carrying this stinkin company on my back, and I deserve that Title more than anyone on this roster! Oh its real...its DAMN real!


The iMPACT! Zone:

Mike Tenay:
Tonight on iMPACT! Jim Cornette lets us in on the TNA World Heavyweight Title situation! Who will get a shot at the gold?

Don West: Also tonight, Beer Money and The Motor City Machine Guns collide in tag team action, and in an X-Division 3 way, its Consequences Creed vs Johnny Devine vs "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal!

The pyro goes off in the iMPACT! Zone as the crowd goes crazy

Johnny Devine's theme hits, the crowd boos as Devine comes down the heel ramp with the paparazzi productions camera

Jay Lethal's theme hits, Black Machismo comes down the ramp and into the ring

Consequences Creed's theme hits, Creed comes down the ramp filled with energy, he jumps into the ring

3 way number 1 contenders match for the X Title:​

Johnny Devine vs Jay Lethal vs Consequences Creed​

Creed, Devine, and Lethal stare each other down from opposite corners as the bell rings, Devine and Lethal start brawling, Creed springs off the ropes and hits a double clothesline on both Devine and Lethal! Devine rolls to the outside as Creed brings Lethal to his feet, he starts hitting him with a series of right hands to the face, Creed then springs off the ropes but Lethal catches him with a snap slam! Cover..1..Creed quickly kicks out! Lethal brings Creed to his feet and wips him into the ropes, Creed holds on, Lethal runs at him and clotheslines Creed over the top rope to the floor! Lethal goes to the outside as well, Devine tries to attack him but Lethal catches him with a stiff right hand, he then hits him with a scoop slam! Lethal brings Creed to his feet but Creed quickly kicks him in the gut and wips him intot he steel post! Creed rolls back into the ring, Devine and Lethal are on their feet on the outside, Creed springs off the ropes and hits an over the top rope suicide dive on both Lethal and Devine on the outside!! The crowd goes crazy, they start "TNA! TNA! TNA!" chants. Creed gets back to his feet and rolls Devine into the ring. Cover...1...2...Lethal quickly makes it to his feet, rolls into the ring and breaks it up. Lethal brings Creed to his feet and wips him into the corner, he brings Devine to his feet as well and he wips him into the same corner! Creed and Devine are stacked in the corner, Lethal charges at them and hits a splash on both men! Both Creed and Devine fall to the mat, Lethal then positions Creed in the middle of the ring, Lethal heads to the top rope, but Devine quickly gets up and jumps up to the top rope as well. Now Lethal and Devine are brawling on the top, Creed nips up and sees both men on the top rope. He charges over to them, and grabs Johnny Devine's legs, he then hits a power bomb on both Devine AND Lethal from the top! All 3 men are down, the fans start "This is awesome" chants. Creed crawls over to Lethal and puts his arm over him, 1....2....Lethal kicks out. Creed then crawls over to Devine and does the same thing...1....2...kick out! Creed makes it to his feet, he brings Devine to his feet as well, he starts hitting him with a series of punches and chops to the chest. Creed then wips Devine to the corner, he charges at him but Johnny is able to bring his boot up and Creed goes face first into Devine's boot. Devine then hits a neck breaker on Creed, Lethal gets up, Devine kicks him in the gut and throws him over the top rope to the floor. Devine then turns around, Creed nips up and charges at Devine, he kicks him in the gut and gets in position...CreeDDT!! Creed covers...1....2....3

Winner and new number 1 contender for the X-Division championship: Consequences Creed

Mike Tenay: Creed did it! Consequences Creed is the number 1 contender!

Don West: That was a great match, all 3 men gave it their all

Mike Tenay: Wait a minute, here comes the X-Division Champion, Sheik Abdul Bashir!!

The Sheik comes down the ramp with a steel chair, Devine runs at him but Bashir clocks him in the head with the chair, Lethal does the same but he gets hit in the head with the chair as well. Finally, Creed gets up, he turns around and Abdul Bashir decks him with a steel chair shot! Creed falls to the mat, hurt. Abdul Bashir grabs a microphone

Sheik Abdul Bashir:
Mugalabughafa! Jufaba muhabibi! Anarabi jufabi!

Mike Tenay: What is he saying?

Sheik Abdul Bashir: This is a disgrace! I refuse to defend my X Division Title against a blatant American like Creed! Instead, next week right here on iMPACT! For the first time ever, you will all be a part of a muslim praying session! I will show you what the only real religion, Islam, is all about! Mughaba ishaba jubi!

Don West: A Muslim praying session? What the hell?

Mike Tenay: The Sheik is absolutely crazy Don. To the back Lauren with Taylor Wilde!


I'm standing by with the TNA Knockouts Champion, Taylor Wilde! Taylor, at Genesis you are scheduled to defend that Knockouts championship against...

The Beautiful People run in, Angelina Love and Velvet Sky attack Taylor, they start stomping on her. Cute Kip then puts the paper back on her

Angelina Love:
Thats right Lauren, poor little Taylor Wilde is going to defend her title against ME! At the Genesis PPV, the Knockouts Championship comes home! And when I do win the title, I'm going to give it a makeover! I'll make it look prettier than ever before! As a matter of fact, I have a preview of what the new title will look like, and I'm going to reveal it to the world! Lets go guys!



Jeremy Borash:
I'm here with the TNA World Tag Team Champions, Beer Money. Tonight you guys will be taking on the team of Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. One has to believe that if Sabin and Shelley win it could go a long way in determining who the number 1 contenders for those tag titles are going to be

Robert Roode: And? Whats your point? Is that all you had to say? You took time out of our lives, to get us here to this stupid little interview area to say that!? Who the hell are you? Captain obvious? Of course its going to "go a long way" in determining the number 1 contenders...thats why we are going to win tonight!

James Storm: We gon teach them rifle guns...whatever they call themselves, a lesson. Wrestling 101, don't mess with us! Don't mess with Beer!

Robert Roode: Money!

James Storm: Remember those shirts, where it said "place tag titles here". Well, we got them right here Borash

Storm and Roode shove the tag titles in Borash's face

James Storm:
You see that!? Thats gold! That is REAL gold! This should tell ya, that we really are the best of the best. Aint no rifle guns gonna stop us from keepin these!

Robert Roode: Shelley, Sabin, tonight you two bums will learn better than anyone has ever learned before, that it be Roode

The iMPACT! Zone:

Angelina Love's theme hits, Love comes down the ramp with Velvet Sky, and Cute Kip

Mike Tenay:
Oh great, here come The Beautiful People

Don West: Apparently Love has a preview of the new Knockouts title that she wants to show everyone here tonight

Angelina Love: Check check, is this thing working? Anyway, The Beautiful People are out here tonight, because we want to show you guys what I am going to do to the TNA Knockouts Championship after a take it from that skank, Taylor Wilde! I'm going to Beautify it

Love looks at Sky and Kip, they confirm that "beautify" is a word

Angelina Love:
I am going to make it look pretty, and luxurious, exactly what The Beautiful People stand for! I'm not going to make you guys wait anxiously anymore, them the poster!

Kip rips off the cover of the poster featuring the new Knockouts belt. The fans boo, the poster has a picture of the belt with glitter and diamonds all over it. The belt is pink

Cute Kip:
Its beautiful...just like us!

All 3 of them laugh. Taylor Wilde's theme hits, Taylor comes out of the tunnel with a mic in hand. She stands on the babyface stage

Mike Tenay:
Finally! Taylor Wilde is here to save us all!

Taylor Wilde: Are you kidding me!? If THAT is what you're going to change the Knockouts title into, then all these fans..and myself, better PRAY that I retain at Genesis!

The crowd pops

Taylor Wilde:
Angelina Love, I want to remind you of something. Please, watch this:


Taylor Wilde: You see that!? THAT is what the Knockouts are all about! Angelina Love, you're tarnishing this womens division! You're ruining what we stand for! All you do, is come out here and worry about your own looks, but what you don't understand is. This company, we pride ourselves because of the fact that we don't CARE about looks! This is wrestling, not a beauty contest! This company is about who the best WRESTLER is, not who has the bigger beasts, or who can show more on TV without getting in trouble. This Knockouts division was built with the idea that TNA was going to showcase true women athletes. Angelina Love, you came out of the same indie promotion that I did, and it makes me sad to see what you have become. You're ruining the image of the Knockouts, but more importantly, you're ruining yourself!

The crowd pops and starts "Taylor" chants

Velvet Sky:
Shut up Taylor! The only reason you don't care about your own looks as much as we do, is because you're ugly! Because we are beautiful, we need to STAY beautiful. THAT is what the Knockouts are about, if someone turns on the television and sees someone like Roxxi, or ODB, they will change the channel immediately!

Cute Kip: In other words, what she is saying is...The Beautiful People equal, ratings!!!

Velvet Sky: Exactly!

Taylor Wilde: I've had enough of this, all 3 of you are too stubborn to accept the truth. It looks like I'll have to beat it into you!

Taylor runs down to the ring and attacks Velvet Sky, Love and Kip pull her off though. Angelina Love hits a stiff clothesline on Taylor. Sky and Love start stomping on Wilde. Cute Kip then puts the paper bag on her

Mike Tenay:
Oh come on! This is just disgusting! Why the hell did they do that!?

Don West: I guess the beautiful people will never change Mike

Mike Tenay: Its Beer Money vs The Guns, next!


Beer Money's theme hits, Storm and Roode come down the ramp and into the ring

The Motor City Machine Guns' theme hits, The Guns run into the ring

Tag Team Match:​

The Motor City Machine Guns vs Beer Money​

Shelley and Roode start things off, they lock up. Shelley starts hitting a series of chops to the chest of Roode. Shelley then wips Roode across the ring and connects with a spinning heel kick! Cover...1...2...kick out! Shelley brings Roode to his feet, he kicks him in the gut, springs off the ropes and hits a neck breaker. Shelley drags Roode to his corner and tags out to Chris Sabin. Sabin and Shelley start stomping on Roode, Sabin brings him to his feed and wips him into the corner. Sabin charges at him but Roode hits him with a decapitation clothesline! Roode covers...1....2...kick out! Roode drags Sabin to his corner and tags out to James Storm. Storm starts stomping on Sabin, he brings him to his feet and wips him across the ring, he hits a back body drop. Storm springs off the ropes and hits an elbow to the chest of Sabin, cover...1...2...kick out! Storm brings Sabin to his feet, he locks him in a bear hug! Sabin is screaming in pain as Storm continues the pressure on the bear hug. Sabin starts hitting a series of headbutts, and Storm finally breaks the hold. Sabin springs off the ropes but Storm hits him with a clothesline! Storm tags out to Roode, Robert Roode brings Sabin to his feet and connects with a running power slam. He starts taunting Shelley who is still waiting for a tag. Roode drags Sabin to the corner and puts his boot to Sabin's throat, the referee starts counting...1...2...3...4...Roode stops. Roode then brings Shelley to his feet and wips Sabin across the ring into another corner. Roode charges at him and hits a splash in the corner! Sabin falls to the mat, Roode then locks in the figure 4! The crowd start "woo!" chants as Roode continues the pressure on the figure 4 leg lock. Sabin starts gaining momentum however. Finally Sabin is able to reverse the pressure, but Roode quickly grabs the bottom rope and Sabin breaks. Both men are down, the referee starts counting...1...2...3...4....Sabin and Roode make it to their feet and exchange right hands in the middle of the ring. Roode tries for a clothesline but Sabin ducks and hits a backstabber! Both men are down again, and they are crawling towards their respective corners. Both men tag out and Shelley and Storm charge into the ring, Storm tries for a right hand but Shelley blocks and hits him with a drop kick! Shelley charges at Storm but The cowboy kicks him in the gut and tries for a powerbomb, Shelley reverses it into a hurricanrana! Cover...1...2...Storm kicks out! Shelley brings Storm to his feet, he hits him with a series of kicks. He then wips Storm across the ring and hits another drop kick. Shelley brings Storm to his feet again, Sabin gets into the ring. The Motor City Machine Guns try for a double team move but Robert Roode jumps into the ring and stops it, he attacks Sabin and throws him over the top rope to the floor. Roode drops down to the outside and grabs something from his tights. In the ring, Shelley and Storm exchange right hands. Shelley gets the better of it, he tries for the Sliced Bread Number 2, but just before he hits it Roode hops up on the apron and throws salt into the eyes of Shelley! Storm then hits him with the last call! Cover...1...2...3.

Winners: Beer Money

Mike Tenay:
Dammit! Beer Money took the short cut by throwing the salt into the eyes of Shelley!

Don West: They blinded him Mike, he had no chance to win

Mike Tenay: To the back, JB with Rhino


Jeremy Borash:
Rhino tonight, you will be going one on one with the Olympic Gold medalist, Kurt Angle. What are your thoughts?

Rhino: My thoughts? All I have to say, is tonig-

Kurt Angle runs into the interview set and attacks Rhino from behind. He throws him THROUGH the iMPACT! logo in the background. The glass logo is scattered everywhere, Rhino is bloodied

Kurt Angle:
Looks like you won't be having a match tonight War Machine! Oh its real...its DAMN real! Hahaa

iMPACT! Zone:

On camera:

Mike Tenay:
What the hell was that? Kurt Angle just attacked Rhino from behind! Rhino is in no shape to compete tonight!

Don West: I don't know what has gotten into the head of Kurt Angle, but I think its safe to say that the guy is going crazy right now

Mike Tenay: Ladies and gentlemen, still to come tonight. Christian Cage's talk show, Chattin with the champ! Plus, Jim Cornette's ruling on the World Title situation!

Kurt Angle's theme hits, Kurt comes down the ramp and into the ring

Kurt Angle:
I guess poor little War Machine won't be able to wrestle here tonight. Why? Because I just beat his ass in the back! Rhino isn't even in my league! I am not going to waste my time with him tonight

Rhino's theme hits, Rhino comes out of the tunnel with blood running down his face. He limps into the ring

Mike Tenay:
Oh my god! Its Rhino! I can't believe he's out here! What heart and determination!

The referee checks on Rhino, he then signals something to ring announcer Dave Penzer

Dave Penzer:
Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has deemed Rhino unable to compete here tonight.

The crowd boos. Kurt Angle grabs Rhino and locks in the Ankle Lock! Referees and security come running out to try and stop Angle

Mike Tenay:
What the hell? Kurt Angle is going insane right now Don! This guy just won't stop!

Don West: I think he is sending a message to Jim Cornette for later tonight. He wants in on the Title match at Genesis!

Mike Tenay: Christian Cage's chattin with the champ is up next!


Christian Cage's theme hits, Christian comes down to the ring which is set up with props for the talk show

Christian Cage:
Welcome everyone, to "Chattin with The Champ!"

The Crowd pops

Christian Cage:
Tonight, I have a very special guest. I man that I know real well. We've had our differences, but I'm pretty sure thats all behind us now. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles!

"I Am" hits as AJ Styles comes down the ramp and into the ring

Christian Cage:
AJ, welcome to the show

AJ Styles: I'm glad to be here

Both AJ and Christian sit down on chairs with "CC" written on them

Christian Cage:
So AJ, I have a few questions here. These were written by yours truly, the Instant Classic! Some of these might be a little controversial so please try and conduct yourself in a professional manner. AJ Styles, how come you haven't even come close to winning the TNA World Title for so long?

AJ Styles: To be honest, its because of guys that came here from that other company. Guys like Booker T, Kurt Angle, and

Christian Cage: What?

AJ Styles: You heard me, I said YOU. Christian Cage. Its guys like you that knock me off the ladder, just as I'm about to reach for the World Championship. But because I am AJ Styles, I get right back up. Only to get knocked back down again by some other guy from Vince's company.

Christian Cage: AJ, just in case you forgot. I MADE you who you are today! If it wasn't for me, you would be a curtain jerker, and a 50 time X-Division Champion!

AJ Styles: Christian, just in case YOU forgot, I was a triple crown winner way before you even knew TNA existed! I helped this entire company get to where it is today! And then guys like you jump on the band wagon and claim it for yourselves, when it was me who busted my ass to keep this company alive!

The crowd pops, Christian gets up. AJ does too

Christian Cage:
After everything that I've done for you, this is how you thank me AJ?

AJ Styles: All you did was make me the laughing stock of TNA, you almost ruined my entire career. That doesn't qualify as helping

Christian Cage: Really? Well, this does

Cage slaps AJ across the face, AJ slaps him back

AJ Styles:
I'm done

AJ drops the mic and is about to leave, Cage hits him with a low blow. He brings AJ to his feet, screams at him, and hits him with the Unprettier

Christian Cage:
I should have never helped you! Apparently, you don't respect or admire anything that I've done for you! You thought that "people like me" knocked you off the ladder? Well you haven't seen nothing yet! I'm going to send you right back down to the pre-show, where you belong!

Cage brings AJ to his feet and hits him with another unprettier

Mike Tenay:
Oh come on! What has gotten into Christian Cage? Why is he doing this?

Don West: You've got to be kidding me! I can't believe Cage did this, I've lost all respect for him now

Mike Tenay: To the back where Lauren is in Jim Cornette's office!

Jim Cornette's office:

Jim, later tonight you are going to tell us about the World Title picture. Can you give us a little preview right now?

Jim Cornette: All I can say is its going to be shocking, 4 men will be involved, these 4 men are the elites in TNA. Guys that really deserve to be on the pedestal that is the TNA World Championship. Later tonight, you, the fans, and everyone watching at home will find out who the elites are. Does that answer your question?

Lauren: Pretty much

Jim Cornette: Ok good, now if you don't mind. I have some work to do


Awesome Kong's theme hits, Kong comes down the ramp along side Raisha Saeed

ODB's theme hits, ODB comes running down to the ring

Roxxi's theme hits, Roxxi makes her way to the ring

No DQ Tornado tag team match:​

Roxxi and ODB vs Raisha Saeed and Awesome Kong​

Saeed and Roxxi start brawling, Kong and ODB brawl as well. ODB kicks Kong in the gut and clotheslines her over the top rope to the floor. ODB then climbs up to the top turnbuckle and comes off with a cross body on Kong on the outside! In the ring, Roxxi and Saeed continue to brawl, Roxxi wips Saeed into the corner. Roxxi charges at her and splashes her in the corner. Roxxi then kicks her in the gut and hits a fisherman suplex, cover...1...2....kick out by Raisha Saeed! On the outside, ODB and Kong continue to brawl. ODB throws Kong over the guard rail, ODB climbs over the rail and starts brawling with Kong on the outside. In the ring, Roxxi jumps to the outside and grabs a steel chair, she goes back into the ring but Saeed catches her with a superkick. Saeed grabs the chair, Roxxi gets up and Saeed clubs her in the head with the steel chair. ODB and Kong continue to brawl in the crowd, the fans start "TNA! TNA! TNA!" chants. Kong gets the advantage, she drags ODB back to the guard rail. She throws her over and ODB goes crashing to the outside. Kong climbs over the rail. She grabs ODB and rolls her into the ring. Kong rolls back into the ring as well. Saeed jumps out of the ring and grabs two steel chairs, she rolls back into the ring and gives one of the steel chairs to Kong. Both Roxxi and ODB get up, Kong and Saeed his both of them with their respective Steel chairs! Roxxi and ODB fall down to the mat. Kong and Raisha cover their opponents...1...2...both Roxxi and ODB kick out! Saeed goes over to ODB, Kong and Saeed start stomping on ODB. Roxxi gets up and grabs a steel chair, she hits Raisha in the back with the chair. Kong turns around and Roxxi hits her with the chair but Kong doesn't feel a thing. Roxxi then uses all her power and throws the steel chair on Kong, who falls down to the mat. ODB gets up, she goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a splash on Kong from the top...cover...1...2...kick out! ODB brings Kong to her feet, she starts hitting her with a series of right hands. Roxxi brings Saeed to her feet, ODB wips Kong into the corner, Roxxi wips Saeed into the same corner and both of them are stacked. ODB charges at them and splashes both Raisha Saeed and Awesome Kong in the corner! Both women fall down to the mat, ODB covers Saeed....1...2...kick out! Roxxi covers Kong...1..2...kick out! Roxxi brings Kong to her feet, ODB and Roxxi start hitting her with right hands. Roxxi jumps to the outside and brings out a table, she slides it into the ring. ODB hits a drop kick on Kong who falls down to the mat. Roxxi grabs another table and slides it into the ring. She rolls into the ring as well. ODB sets up both tables side by side in the middle of the ring, Raisha Saeed tries to attack her from behind but Roxxi hits her with a clothesline. Roxxi brings Kong to her feed, Raisha Saeed is brought to her feet by ODB, Roxxi then tries to suplex Kong through one of the tables but Kong blockes it and hits a spinning back fist out of nowhere! Kong then attacks ODB. Kong brings Roxxi to her feet and sets her up on the top turnbuckle. Kong gets in position and hits a powerbomb on Roxxi through on of the tables! Raisha Saeed brings ODB to her feet and hits a vertical suplex through another one of the tables. Both Roxxi and ODB went through tables. Kong covers Roxxi...1....2.....3

Winners: Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed

Mike Tenay:
What a match that was! ODB and Roxxi gave it their all but they couldn't pull out the win!

Don West: It was one hell of a hardcore match though Mike!

Mike Tenay: To the back where Kevin Nash and Samoa Joe are in the locker room!

Locker room:

Kevin Nash:
Alright champ, Cornette is set to make the announcement next. Lets hope you're included in the title picture

Samoa Joe: I'm sure I am, Cornette knows how much I busted my ass to get to where I'm at today.

Kevin Nash: I just want to warn you though, since the title is vacated expect to be involved in a multi man match up at Genesis

Samoa Joe: Kev, it doesn't matter who or what I have to go through. I'm taking back my TNA World Title. Everyone knows the sacrifices that I've had to make throughout my career to get to where I'm at today, I'm not going to let that all slip away Kev. As a matter of fact, I can't wait anymore. I'm getting this over with

Joe leaves

Kevin Nash:
No..wait, Joe, where are you going?


Samoa Joe's theme hits, Joe comes down the ramp and into the ring

Samoa Joe:
Jim! I've waited long enough! What are going to do with the World Title? You can't keep it vacated forever! Get your ass out here and tell the world your plans so we can get this over with.

Jim Cornette comes down the ramp and into the ring with the TNA World Title belt on his shoulder

Jim Cornette:
Alright Joe, you got your wish. You see, at TNA's Genesis PPV we are going to have 2 men battle it out for this World Title. These two men are going to be the top dogs here in TNA, the two wrestlers that really deserve to be where they are at. But Joe, to get to 2 guys, we are going to start out at 4. You see, next week right here on iMPACT! we are going to have a 4 way match up featuring you, Samoa Joe. Kurt Angle, Booker T....and "The monster" Abyss!

The crowd pops, Kurt Angle's theme hits. He comes down the ramp and into the ring

Kurt Angle:
Are you kidding me? Jim, I'm an Olympic gold medalist! I am the only reason why TNA's ratings have skyrocketed lately! I put this damn company on the map! As I said at the top of the show, you should hand me that TNA World Title on a silver platter!

Samoa Joe: What makes you think that Angle? Huh? Just because you have a shiny gold medal you think you're worth something all of a sudden? Just so you know, you have to EARN your spot here in TNA. You need to fight for the right to be World Champion, and next week here on iMPACT! when I win the 4 way, I'll prove to you, and to all these fans, who the REAL world champion really is.

Booker T's theme hits, Booker comes down the ramp and into the ring

Booker T:
Everybody be quiet! You are now in the presence....of greatness

The crowd boos

Booker T:
At Genesis, there is only 1 man that will stand tall. Only 1 man that will bring royalty back to the TNA World Title. That is me, Bookah! T!!! Now can you two, dig that? SUCKAS!

Abyss' theme hits, The monster comes down the ramp and into the ring

None of you....know....what..I have been through over the past year. Pain....torture...blood...sweat....tears...I went through it all. But I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, the TNA World Championship. When I win that title, I can regain what I have lost. Glory...pride...and pleasure. The championship will symbolize the new Monster Abyss, the new....Chris Parks!

Kurt Angle: He's a freakin phyco! I don't want to deal with this!

Jim Cornette: Everyone listen to me! Listen to me! Before I got interrupted, I had something I needed to say. Next week on iMPACT! we are having a 4 way, but it won't be a normal 4 way match. It will be a 4 way elimination style match up. And the final two men that are left in the match, will be the two men that will wrestle for the World Title at Genesis! That leaves the question, "well...whats the point of winning the match then?". Well, the winner of the 4 way will gain the right to choose the match type, for the World Championship bout at Genesis!

The crowd pops

Samoa Joe:
Jim, you have done everything in your power to make this fair enough for everyone, and I applaud you for that. But something is brewing inside of me, I don't know if I can wait until next week. I think we should do this 4 way...RIGHT NOW!

Joe attacks Angle, Booker attacks Abyss and all 4 men start brawling in the 6 sided ring

Mike Tenay:
All hell has broken loose here on iMPACT! All 4 men are beating the hell out of each other!

Don West: We need security! We need security out here now!

Jeff Jarrett's theme hits, Jeff comes out of the babyface tunnel. He stands on the stage with a smile on his face

Mike Tenay:
What the hell? Its Jeff Jarrett! What is he out here for?

Don West: The King of the Mountain is back!



Post iMPACT! TNA Today:

Jeremy Borash: I'm here in the iMPACT! Zone, I'm going to try and get a few words from Jeff Jarrett.

Jeff walks up to Borash

Jeremy Borash:
Jeff Jarrett, we saw you appear at the very end of the show, what do you have in store for us all?

Jeff Jarrett: You, and all the fans around the world will get the answer to that question next week on iMPACT! Until then, all I have to say is its great to be back.

Jarrett walks away

Jeremy Borash:
Well, there you go. Jeff Jarrett will speak next Thursday night on iMPACT! Now lets send it to Don West.

TNA Studios:

Don West:
Ladies and gentlemen I have a deal today that you just can't refuse! This TNA Knocked out DVD that usually costs 20 bucks...well, since I am DW Don West, and since this IS the deal of the day...the TNA Knocked out DVD is now going to be available for only 15.99!!! Oh, you guys thought I was done didn't you? You thought I was finished? Hell no! I'm going to add in an exclusive, the TNA Knockouts T-Shirt for him AND for her, FREE with your purchase of the DVD! So you're getting a 20 dollar DVD and a 20 dollar T-shirt for only 15.99!! You won't find this anywhere else, act NOW!


Reviews for my latest show would be much appreciated. I will return all reviews

CT Styles

Best Match: X-Division Match. It flowed well; that is something I always look for in a match. I think the three men had good chemistry and good to see Creed's getting a push.

Worst Match: Knockouts Match. I'm not a fan of Womens Wrestling. It was good but I dislike it in general so I won't enjoy it, no matter what.

Best Promo: Probably the last one or the AJ Styles/Christian Cage one. I liked the Cage/Styles one and I think that could be a great feud and I'm excited for it if that is to happen. The last one also set up an exciting match-up. Both were very good.

Worst Promo: All your promos were at least reasonable. None that were terrible.

Additional Comments: I can't really pinpoint one really bad weakness so my advice for you is to try and improve on all skills you have in BTB. That way you will move up to the next level, in my opinion. You have talent, that's for sure. I enjoyed that show. I liked how it was set out, you can create feuds great and set up PPV cards. I'm liking this BTB. Keep it up.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Kurt Angle promo: This is the start we always have to iMPACT! Realism is a great, great thing to have in a BTB when it's based on a real company. Anyway, Angle was awesomely in character, you had him really good in his heel persona. Good start to the show.

Consequences Creed vs Johnny Devine vs Jay Lethal A pretty fast opener here, you kept thepace going right from the start, with Creed kickstarting the match. You made it clear where everyone was, which is crucial in a multi man match. Everything went along logically, and Creed picked up a nice win, surprised Devine. The finish was fine, and Devine jobbing is good (he's not on the level of the other two, obviously). I like Creed, so hopefully he gets the title. :D

Aftermath: Bashir came down and pwnt! But he pwnt Creed. :( I'm interested to see this 'Islam Praying Session'. No doubt Creed will interrupt it.

Beer Money promo: Pretty good promo, both men were in character. I can only assume this means we will see the Guns get a tag title shot at Genesis.

The Beautiful People/Taylor Wilde promo: The Beautifuil People at their best. They have great characters, and this was a very solid promo. Taylor played the classic face (which really is her character, she needs a gimmick). Hoping Angelina gets the win at Genesis.

Beer Money vs Motor City Machine Guns: This match was kind of like the first one. Everything flowed along pretty logically, no real flaws at all. I would have liked to see more team work from The Guns, as that's their specialty, but meh, twas still good. Nice heelish finish, this suggests that these two will definitely be feuding. A good feud starter, and it's good to see you using The Guns well ... because everyone loves The Guns (especially Shelley)!

Rhino 'promo': Obivously a feud coming here. Interesting way to start it.

'Kurt Angle vs Rhino': Another way to build a feud between these two. Pretty cool booking.

Chattin With The Champ: I woiuld have liked the interview to have a few questions before AJ mouthed off to Cage, and the two started fighting. Anyway, the promo was good, and it turned cage heel in a very effective way. A feud between these two is pretty awesome, so I look forward to seeing what you can pull off with it.

Jim Cornette promo: In character, as he is generally that type of snappy guy, who wanrs to do his job and not much more. Good promo. I'm interested to see which four men you'll be using.

Roxxi and ODB vs Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed: It's good to see that you give the Knockout's more than just the one segment. It adds more to the realism of this BTB, as that's what TNA does. Anyway, the match was once again fine. You again made it clear what everyone was doing, and everything just flowed from one thing into another. The finish was pretty cool. Powerbomb off the top rope is ftw.

Kevin Nash/Samoa Joe promo: Nice promo character wise. I wonder if you'll feud Nash and Joe.

Closing promo: Everyone was very, very in character. It felt about the right length, as there wasn't much more to say. The match next week looks interesting. If I had to guess, I'd say we'll be getting Joe vs Booker at Genesis. The ending was cool, with Jarrett. Nice to see that little exclusive too, adds to the realism once again. Jarrett next week will be pretty cool.

AC: Good show chess, it's great to see you back. The whole show seemed pretty solid, and I didn't see any weak points. You're already going about bulding feuds which is cool. I hope to see you keep going with this.