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BM: I liked the opening 3 way match where the winner became X-div #1 contender, it flowed nicely and the wrestlers in the match were talented which made it more exciting. Nice to see you push Creed and Bashir is going to have a good feud with him imo.

WM: All of the matches were pretty decent, nice job with those.

BP: Well there were quite a few good promos. I really liked the one at the end, it was pretty long which is good for a promo ending the show and they were all in good character. It was interesting also and was a nice choice of wrestlers. Kurt Angle opened the show nicely but the other good promo was "Chattin with the Champ", him Vs AJ should be good and this promo was quite good and I enjoyed it.

WP: Your promos were kinda up and down, you had some good ones but a few of them were really short. They weren't bad but there is room to improve on them.

AC: Good solid show Chess, the matches were the best of the show and the promos were nicely executed for starting your feuds. The world title picture is looking good as is Cage/Aj. Good show and I will check out your others!


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Impact Week 1 review

Angle promo- I really liked this. Very in character.

Triple Threat- Good fast paced match with an ending that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Shiek promo- Praying session? Could be interesting.

Love promo- Not bad. About as good as her real life promos are.

Beer Money promo- This was really good. These two's promo styles work well together.

Beautiful People/Wilde promo- Really good mic work from Wilde here. Same from Love.

Tag Match- Good match. Action throughout and I liked the ending. Beer Money kept the titles, but it didn't make the MCMG look weak.

Rhino promo and Impact Zone Angle promo- Rhino just got owned. lol Looks like Rhino's gona be a jobber.

Christian/AJ promo- Really good AJ promo. This is the attitude that the original TNA wrestlers should have.

Cornette promo- Short, but it served it's purpose.

No DQ Tag Match- Awesome brawl. Great ending.

Ending promo- Just a great promo. I kinda liked it better when Abyss didn't talk.

BM: No DQ Tag Match
WM: None were bad, but if I had to choose the Triple Threat
BP: Christian/AJ Promo
WP: Shiek promo
AC: Very good show. Not to long or to short. I look forward to the next one.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: MCMG vs. BM Inc.- This was a great match IMO. I thought the tag teams had some good chemistry in the ring and it seemed to work well. The teams seem to be polar opposites with MCMG being a quick and high-flying tag team and BM Inc. being more of a power team. It worked out well. The X-Division opener was great as well but I feel the tag team encounter edged it out slightly.

Worst Match: Knockouts Match- I couldn't get into this match at all which is why I'd have to say it's the worst of the show.

Best Interview/Segment: Christian Cage/AJ Styles- It was a tough choice because all of your promos are solid but I'm going to have to go with Cage/Styles. Styles vs. Cage could be one heck of a great match-up if it is to happen.

Worst Interview/Segment: N/A- Your promos delivered throughout the entire show. No complaints here.

Additional Feedback/Comments: As I said above, the matches were decent at worst. The Knockouts match was decent, MCMG vs. BM Inc. was great and the X-Division match was very good. All of your promos delivered. I could not find a single one that wasn't entertaining or enjoyable to read. The size of the show was great, too--it wasn't too long or too short but just right.



This Thursday night, TNA returns with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling iMPACT! as the road to the Genesis PPV continues!

Below is a preview of what is expected on the broadcast:

"The King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett will speak on his recent appearance last Thursday night on iMPACT! What does Jeff have to say? Does he want in on the TNA World Title match at the Genesis PPV?

"The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe, battles "Olympic gold medalist" Kurt Angle, Booker T, and "The Monster" Abyss in a 4 way elimination style match up! The two men that are left standing in the middle of the ring will face each other for the vacant TNA World Heavyweight Championship at the Genesis PPV. The one man that wins the match will gain the right to choose the stipulation for the World Title match! Who will come out on top after this war is over? Find out this Thursday night!

The director of TNA Management, Jim Cornette, has told that he has a huge plan for TNA Wrestling's tag team division! What does he have in store for the tag teams of TNA?

"Big poppa pump" Scott Steiner will take on a furious "Phenomenal" AJ Styles! Will AJ take out his frustrations on Scott Steiner? Or will Scott find a way to pick up the win?

In a tag team bout, it will be Team 3D taking on LAX!

The Knockouts will be in action as Roxxi takes on Velvet Sky of The Beautiful People

All this and much more comes to you on TNA iMPACT!, this Thursday night at 9PM on Spike​

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
The preview is looking great. I'm curious as to what Jarrett has to say. Joe vs. Angle vs. Booker vs. Abyss should be a great match. I wonder what Cornette's plan is for the tag team division. The matches are looking great this week and I will be checking out the show.

Here are my predictions for the show:
Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle vs. Booker T vs. Abyss

I think the final two will be Joe and Angle with Angle gaining the victory.

Scott Steiner vs. AJ Styles

Team 3D vs. LAX

Roxxi vs. Velvet Sky


I think that the last guys in that 4-Way match will be Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle also with Kurt Angle winning and making the stipulation at Genesis!

Scott Steiner vs. AJ Styles

Team 3D vs. LAX

Roxxi vs. Velvet Sky

Looks pretty good and I will check it out, Check out IPW if you want...
Dec 13, 2007
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
BM: MCMG and Beer Money. It's amazing how well you handled their different styles, yet made them flow so well. Kudos.

WM: I really don't care for knockouts, so I'll give that the worst match of hte show, though it wasn't too bad.

BP: Man, lots of promos tonight huh? Christian and AJ, though I really liked the attack after the opener. The random babbeling by Sheik was hilarious and the "Anurabi Jufabi!" made me LOL.


AC: You, my deer Chessarmy, need to come check out my BTB. XCW's new episode is up and I hope you can leave a review if you find the time. Another great show and sorry I haven't been around to read in a while. GoOoOD JoOoOrb!

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle vs. Booker T vs. Abyss

Booker T is the winner, while Joe is the last man eliminated. Angle is feuding with Rhino, and I don't see Abyss in a world title match yet.

Scott Steiner vs. AJ Styles

AJ >>>>>>>>>>> Steiner. So he better win, or else: :gun_rifle:

Team 3D vs. LAX

I see an LAX break up coming, or a heel turn. Something to freshen them up.

Roxxi vs. Velvet Sky

By DQ, after Love interferes. Wilde then makes the save.

Looks good chess, I'll check it out.



Thursday, Week 2, November, 2008

Jim Cornette's office:

Jeremy Borash:
Hello wrestling fans, JB Jeremy Borash here and ladies and gentlemen we have a huge TNA iMPACT! broadcast scheduled for you, we will see the huge 4 way elimination match up, as well as a big announcement by Jim Cornette. A few days ago, Cornette told that he is going to change the face of TNA's tag team division with a new innovative match. I am going to try and get a few words from Jim to get an idea of what he is going to announce later tonight.

Borash walks into Cornette's office. Traci Brooks and Jim Cornette are talking

Jeremy Borash:
I hate to interrupt Jim, but everyone around the world is buzzing about what you have to say later tonight. You claimed that the face of TNA's tag division will never be the same. Can you give us a sneak peak at what you have in store for the tag team division?

Jim Cornette: JB, its simple. I've noticed that a lot of the tag teams here in TNA need to regroup. They need to step back, grab a dictionary, and look up the word "Tag Team". I want them to actually understand what a tag team really is JB. I noticed that most of the tag teams in TNA don't really work as a team. They are only out there because they couldn't make it in singles competition, so they found some other guy who was in the same situation and they formed a team. That isn't what I want the tag division to be like. I want the tag teams here in TNA, to work as an actual team. They need to trust each other, and work as one cohesive unit. Actually, the key word is TRUST. Because later tonight I will be changing the face of the tag division by introducing a concept match that will require trust, faith, and team work.

Jeremy Borash: Ok, well, thanks for your time

Traci Brooks: Wait wait, hold on a minute. JB, I think you want to know a little bit more don't you?

Jeremy Borash: Yea, that would be nice

Traci Brooks grabs a pencil from Cornette's desk, she snaps it in half

Traci Brooks:
There you go. Now, Jim, I'm going to borrow your line this week. Get the hell out of my office!


Mike Tenay: Tonight on iMPACT! the huge 4 way elimination style match up where the final two men will face off for the vacant TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Genesis and the winner will pick the stipulation for the match!

Don West: Also tonight, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner takes on "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles! Plus, Jeff Jarrett speaks on his appearance at the end of last week's iMPACT!

The pyro goes off as the crowd goes crazy. The Beautiful People's theme hits, Velvet Sky comes down the ramp along with Cute Kip and Angelina Love

Mike Tenay:
We're going to open Thursday Night iMPACT! with the Knockouts in action

Roxxi's theme hits, Roxxi comes down the ramp and into the ring

Don West:
Here comes Roxxi! She looks ready for action here tonight

Singles Match:
Roxxi vs Velvet Sky (With Angelina Love and Cute Kip)

Roxxi and Sky lock up, Roxxi gets the advantage by throwing Sky into the corner. Roxxi charges at Sky and nails her with a splash in the corner. Cover..1...Sky kicks out and nips up to her feet. Sky and Roxxi lock up again, Velvet Sky gets the advantage this time but hitting Roxxi with a series of forearms to the face of Roxxi. Sky then kicks Roxxi in the gut, wips her across the ring and she connects with a back body drop on Roxxi. Sky stomps on her, she then brings Roxxi to her feet and starts hitting her with a series of right hands and chops. Velvet Sky wips Roxxi into the corner. She runs at her and hits a monkey flip! Cover...1....2...Roxxi kicks out! Velvet Sky grabs the arm of Roxxi and she locks in an arm bar submission. The referee checks on Roxxi who refuses to give up, Velvet continues the pressure on the arm bar as Roxxi screams in pain. Roxxi then tries to reach for the rope but she is to far, Sky drags her even farther away from the ropes. Finally, Roxxi starts showing signs of life, she makes it to on knee, then back to her feet. She starts hitting Sky with a series of right hands to the gut, finally Sky breaks the hold. Roxxi quickly springs off the ropes but Sky catches her with a shoulder block. Roxxi makes it back to her feet, Sky runs at her and hits a low drop kick. Cover..1...2...Roxxi kicks out! Sky brings Roxxi to her feet, she kicks her in the gut and tries for a DDT but Roxxi reverses into a bridge...1...2...kick out! Roxxi and Sky both get up and exchange right hands, Sky tries for a clothesline but Roxxi ducks and hits a back suplex! Roxxi then walks over to the turnbuckles, she climbs up to the top! Just before she takes to the air, Cute Kip jumps up to the apron and shakes the top rope causing Roxxi to fall on the top turnbuckle. Velvet Sky makes it to her feet and jumps up to the top turnbuckle as well. Roxxi and Velvet start exchanging right hands on the top, Sky then tries for a DDT but Roxxi blocks. Roxxi then gets in position and she hits a front suplex from the top rope! Both women are down, Roxxi makes it to her feet first. She brings Velvet Sky to her feet and starts hitting her with a series of right hands. Sky tries to retaliate, but Roxxi blocks and hits a headbutt. Sky falls down to the mat. Roxxi brings Velvet Sky back to her feet again, she kicks her in the gut and hits the voodoo drop! Roxxi goes for the cover..1....2...Angelina Love rolls into the ring and breaks the pin. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Roxxi (by DQ)

Mike Tenay:
Oh come on! Angelina Love broke the pin, and the referee had no choice but to DQ Velvet Sky!

Don West: Well, with both Angelina Love AND Cute Kip at ringside, I hate to say it but. I definitely saw this coming

Cute Kip rolls into the ring, Velvet Sky makes it to her feet. Love and Sky start stomping on Roxxi, Taylor Wilde's theme hits

Mike Tenay:
Here she comes! Its the TNA Knockout Champion, Taylor Wilde!

Taylor runs down the ramp and into the ring, she starts attacking Angelina Love. Cute Kip grabs Taylor from behind though, and Velvet Sky starts hitting her with a series of right hands. The Prince Justice Brotherhood's theme hits

Don West:
The Prince Justice Brotherhood is here!

Super Eric, Shark Boy, and Curry Man run into the ring. Angelina Love and Velvet Sky leave the ring. Cute Kip stays however, and starts taunting all 3 members of the Brotherhood. Super Eric then hits him with a clothesline, Kip gets up, Shark Boy hits him with a chummer. Curry Man brings Kip to his feet and throws him over the top rope to the floor. Curry Man then brings Taylor Wilde to her feet, as Super Eric and Shark Boy make sure she's ok.

Mike Tenay:
Super Eric, Shark Boy, Curry Man, The Prince Justice Brotherhood. They have saved the day for the TNA Knockout Champion!

Don West: They are TNA's superheroes Mike!

Mike Tenay: To the back where Lauren is standing by with Scott Steiner!


I'm here with Scott Steiner and Petey Williams, tonight Scott, you have a match against a furious AJ Styles. After what Christian did to him last week, are you at all concerned about going into this match up against a man that is looking to take out his frustrations on you?

Scott Steiner: Hold on

Steiner leaves the interview set, he comes back with a box of tissues. He grabs a tissue and starts wiping his "tears"

Scott Steiner:
Awww, is mittle AJ mad about what Christian Cage did to him last week? I'm so sowwy mittle AJ, maybe I can get in touch wit ur moder to try and cheer u up! Or maybe I could go to the local K-Mart and buy you those glow in the dark stars that you always wanted, just so u can forget about what meanie Christian did to you last week!

Steiner throws the box of tissues away

Scott Steiner:
AJ, maybe its tyme that you became a reeeaal maaan! Maybe its tyme that u understood that happy endings aren't real! Last week, u pissed of Christish, Christian Cage! And he took acceshption to that by beating your ass in the middle of that 6 sides, sided ring! So AJ, you should stop ur cryin, and stop ur bitching and moanin, because when it comes down to it. You aren't going to be takin out any frurstrations on me! Because I am Big Poppa Pump, the big bad booty daddy, and tonight, I'm going to kick your ass! Because AJ, ur notin but white trash from some hick town in Georgia. And when I go out into dat ring and beat you within in inch of your life, ur going to be wishing that you never accepted to wrestle this match.

Petey Williams: And I'll be by Scotty's side tonight!

Scott Steiner: AAY! Who told you to talk?

Petey Williams: Sorry

Scott Steiner: Anyway, the bottom lines is this. Lauren, honey, u should be askin AJ Styleses if he is afraid of wrestling ME tonight! Because I'm not in a good moood either. And tonight, i'm takin my frusrations out on you AJ! Oh and Lauren, after the match, I think me and u should get together. I'll show u what if feeeels like to be wit a reeeel man! Wouldn't you want to get satisfied every week, by the gegenic..genetic freak!? Wouldn't you want to come home and see me, the man with the laregest eerms in the world?

Lauren: Actually, I'm seeing someone right now

Scott Steiner: Well tell me where he is so I can kick his ass!

Lauren: Hey!

Petey Williams: I'm sorry Lauren, Scotty isn't in a good mood right now, I think we should go.

Scott Steiner: Petey! I leave on my own terms!

Awkward silence

Scott Steiner:
Alright fine, lets go!


Mike Tenay is in the ring

Mike Tenay:
Ladies and gentlemen, when you think back over the 6 year history of Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. There is one man that comes to mind, one man that made it all happen. He calls himself "The King of The Mountain", he is...Jeff Jarrett!

Jeff Jarrett's theme hits, Jeff comes down the ramp and into the ring

Don West:
Here he comes, the King of The Mountain is here in the iMPACT! Zone. And one has to wonder whether or not he'll tell us why he made an appearance last week.

Mike Tenay: Jeff, first off I just want to say, its great to see you back here in the iMPACT! Zone

The crowd pops

Mike Tenay:
Now Jeff, last week here on iMPACT!, at the very end of the broadcast. Your music hit, you came out of that tunnel and you stood on the stage with a smile on your face as the 4 competitors that will be in tonight's main event were brawling. With all the chaos that was going on inside this ring, what made you smile? And more importantly, what made you decide to return to TNA?

Jeff Jarrett: Well Mike, I'm sure you and all of these fans know what I've been through over the past two years. I lost two very important things, one of them being the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. The other was my crown jewel. No, not another championship, my beautiful wife Jill.

Jeff gets a little choked up

Jeff Jarrett:
She was the best thing that could have ever happened to not only me, but TNA. You don't understand all the sacrifices that SHE made to make TNA what it is today. That is why, Jill, I know you're somewhere listening to this. All I have to say to you, is thank you. Thank you for making my life so great over the years that we were together, and thank you for helping to bring Total Nonstop Action Wrestling to all the fans around the world.

The fans cheer, and start "TNA! TNA! TNA!" chants

Jeff Jarrett:
Due to those circumstances, I decided that I needed to take a step back and take a break. I needed to collect all the pieces of my life, and put them back together. After the loss of my wife, I thought it was all over. I had no desire to return to wrestling, I had no desire to get back into this ring and I had no desire to come out of that tunnel and come down that ramp. I had no desire to even be a part of this business at all......until tonight!

The crowd pops

Jeff Jarrett:
After I heard about what Jim Cornette had planned for Genesis, and the big 4 way match up that he made for later tonight. I decided that I needed to move on with my life, I needed to get back to doing what I love to do. And that is come out here, and entertain the best fans in the world!

The crowd pops and starts "Jeff! Jeff! Jeff!" chants

Jeff Jarrett:
So last week, I made a brief appearance at the end of the show, and I saw all 4 of those guys in the ring. I saw just how hungry they were to be World Champion, just like I was. I saw how desperate they were to prove not only to the fans, but to TNA Management exactly why they deserve to be the top dog in this company. I looked down at this 6 sided ring, and when I saw those 4 men battling it out, knowing that only 1 of them will end up as the World Champion. I couldn't help but smile, because I finally realized that those 4 men that were beating the hell out of each other last week, are the future of this company. They are the guys that took the ball that I dropped, and ran with it. I look at TNA as my creation, because it is, and when I saw the 4 guys that were going at it last week, I couldn't help but smile. Because I knew that all the months that I spent away from TNA, didn't go to waste. I realized that it was the right thing to do, because now, my main event spot has been taken by younger wrestlers who deserve it more than I do. Because they are the future of this business, and they are the future of TNA. I gave them the limelight that I once had, and it made me smile. It made me feel that I did the right thing for my creation, the company that I live, breathe, bleed, and sweat for. T-N-A!

The crowd pops and starts another "TNA!" chant

Jeff Jarrett:
Mike, the fact is. I can't wrestle as much as I used to. My body is still feeling the effects of the nonstop years of punishment that I've taken in WCW, and here in TNA. But its ok because young up and comers, and even some veterans, have taken my spot and I'm happy about it. It showes that TNA has depth, so when guys like me, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Scott Steiner, and Kevin Nash can't go anymore, there will be young guys that will be there to take our spots. But Mike, that doesn't mean that I can't be a part of the TNA World Title match now does it? I mean, lets be honest, don't you think the World Title match at Genesis could get just a little more interesting? Sure, two of the best TNA Wrestlers are going to go at it for the Title that is vacant right now. And we know for sure that the match will have a stipulation. But, I think that we can raise the bar even higher! That is why, I want to see the guys who took my spot first hand! I don't want to be IN the match, but I want to be a PART of the match at Genesis.

Mike Tenay: So Jeff, where are you getting at?

Jeff Jarrett: I want to be the special referee for the World Title match at Genesis

The crowd pops

Jeff Jarrett:
I want to make sure that everything goes as planned during the World Title match! I want to make sure that the man who truly deserves to win, gets the victory and the TNA World Heavyweight Championship! And at Genesis, that is exactly what I'm going to do. Thank you Mike Tenay for YOUR time, thank you fans for the support, and I'll see you all at Genesis. Where one man will win, and we now know for sure, that the one man that DOES win, will be the best wrestler in the world! Because when I step into that ring as a referee, I'm going to make sure of it! I'll see you all at the PPV!

Jeff Jarrett's theme hits, Jeff leaves the ring and backs up the ramp as he waves to the crowd.

Don West:
Wow, what an ovation for the King of the Mountain. We now know that Jeff Jarrett will be the special referee for the World Title match at Genesis. Ladies and gentlemen you can't miss what we have in store for you later tonight. We will finally find out who will wrestle for the World Championship at Genesis, and what kind of match it is going to be! Lets send it to the back where JB is standing by with Team 3D!


Jeremy Borash:
I'm here with perhaps the best tag team in all of wrestling, Team 3D! Tonight, you guys will be taking on the team of Homicide and Hernandez, the LAX. What are your thoughts?

Brother Ray: Listen Borash, you need to understand something. Tonight, we aren't in a good mood. Oh, just to clear a few things up. We ACTUALLY AREN'T in a good mood, unlike Steiner and AJ who will find literally anything to complain about. JB, Team 3D has been overlooked here in TNA. We are the greatest tag team that ever walked the earth, yet we aren't even the number 1 contenders for the World Tag Team Championship! If it wasn't for us, TNA's tag division would be in the toilet. So Jimbo, I'm warning you right now. If you don't include us in that little announcement that you say will change the face of the tag division. I swear to god, me and D-Von are going on a rampage that you and everyone else in this company will never forget!

Brother D-Von: And as for you two mexicans, tonight we aren't going to leave that ring unless we get the victory. Unfortunately TNA Management are so light headed that they want us to actually prove why we deserve tag title shots. So tonight, LAX, you guys are going to get your asses kicked courtesy of the best tag team in the world. Oh ma brotha.....TESTIFY!


Mike Tenay: Team 3D are focused on getting the victory tonight against LAX.

Team 3D's theme hits, Brother Ray and Brother D-Von come down the ramp and into the ring

LAX's theme hits, Homicide and Hernandez come down the ramp and into the ring

Tag Team Match:
LAX vs Team 3D

Brother Ray and Hernandez start things off, Ray starts hitting Supermex with a series of right hands. Brother Ray then kicks Hernandez in the gut and wips him across the ring, Ray then hits a clothesline. Brother Ray tags in Brother D-Von. D-Von gets into the ring and starts stomping on supermex. He brings Hernandez to his feet and starts hitting him with chops that light up the chest of Hernandez. D-Von then hits him with a headbutt that sends Hernandez down to the mat. D-Von covers...1...2..kick out! D-Von starts stomping on Hernandez, he drags Hernandez to the corner and puts his boot to the throat of Hernandez, the referee starts the count..1...2...3...4...D-Von finally stops. He brings Hernandez to his feet and wips him into the corner. D-Von charges at him but Hernandez moves out of the way and D-Von goes crashing into the turnbuckles. Hernandez tags in Homicide who jumps into the ring. D-Von gets up and Homicide nails him with a drop kick. D-Von makes it to his feet once again, Homicide charges at him but D-Von hits him with a decapitation clothesline! D-Von covers..1...2..kick out by Homicide. D-Von brings Homicide to his feet, he wips him into the corner. D-Von then charges at him and hits a splash in the corner. Homicide falls down to the mat, D-Von drags Homicide to his corner and he tags out to Brother Ray. Ray brings Homicide to his feet, he then hits him with a superkick. Cover..1...2..kick out! Brother Ray grabs the head of homicide and he locks in a headlock submission hold. Homicide screams in pain as Ray continues the pressure on the head of Homicide. The referee asks Homicide if he wants to give it up, but Homicide refuses. Ray applies even more pressure on the headlock, the fans try and will Homicide back into the match. They start "187!" chants. Homicide starts gaining some energy, he makes it to one knee, and then back to his feet. Homicide then hits a series of elbows to the gut of Brother Ray. He springs off the ropes and hits a flying forearm! Homicide gets back to his feet and tags out to Hernandez. Supermex jumps into the ring, Brother Ray makes it back to his feet, Hernandez charges at him and hits a flying shoulder block! Hernandez brings Ray to his feet, he kicks him in the gut and tries for a border toss, but Brother D-Von jumps into the ring and breaks it up. Ray and D-Von bring Hernandez to his feet, they try for the 3D but Homicide jumps into the ring and he breaks it up. Homicide grabs D-Von, he wips him into the ropes and then clotheslines him over the top rope to the floor. D-Von gets back to his feet on the outside, Homicide springs off the ropes and hits the Tope Con Hilo on Brother D-Von on the outside! The fans chant "TNA! TNA! TNA!" as both Homicide and Brother D-Von try to make it to their feet on the outside. In the ring, Hernandez and Brother Ray exchange right hands. Ray goes for a clothesline, but Hernandez ducks. He kicks him in the gut and he goes for a border toss once again! The Border Toss connects on the 250 pound Brother Ray! Hernandez goes for the cover....1...2....Johnny Devine runs down to the ring with a kendo stick, he breaks the pin by hitting Hernandez in the back with the stick. The referee calls for the bell

Winners: LAX (By DQ)

Mike Tenay: Johnny Devine, Team 3D's associate, got involved in the match up and the referee just wouldn't stand for it.

Don West: He had no business being out here anyway Mike.

Brother D-Von gets up on the outside, he rolls Homicide into the ring. D-Von rolls into the ring as well. Johnny Devine brings a table out from the outside, he slides it into the ring. Brother Ray grabs the table and sets it up. D-Von brings Homicide to his feet, then Brother Ray and Brother D-Von set Homicide up for the 3D. The Motor City Machine Guns' theme hits

Mike Tenay:
Here they come! The Motor City Machine Guns are out here to stop this attack!

Shelley and Sabin run to the ring, they start attacking 3D. Shelley throws Ray over the top rope to the floor. Sabin grabs D-Von, he wips him into the ropes and clotheslines him over the top to the floor. Hernandez of LAX gets up. He grabs the table and throws it to the outside, he then grabs Johnny Devine. Hernandez gets him in position, and then hits a Border Toss on Devine from the ring, to the outside! Devine lands on Team 3D. LAX and The Motor City Machine Guns stand tall in the ring

Mike Tenay:
The Motor City Machine Guns saved LAX from what could have been a devastating attack!

Don West: Wait a minute, here come Jim Cornette!

Mike Tenay: What is he out here for?

As Team 3D and Johnny Devine make it to their feet on the outside, Jim Cornette comes out of the tunnel with a mic in hand

Jim Cornette:
That was great, Shelley...Sabin, good job. You saved LAX from that beating, I'm impressed. This little alliance that you have gonig, isn't going to last long however. Because I have an announcement to make about TNA's tag division. You see, the Genesis PPV already is set to be one of the best PPVs of the year, but I am going to make it just that much better. Because at Genesis, we are going to have a match that I like to call, the Make Up or Break Up match! There will be 4 teams participating, Team 3D

The crowd boos

Jim Cornette:
The Motor City Machine Guns

The crowd cheers

Jim Cornette:

The crowd cheers

Jim Cornette:
And the TNA World Tag Team Champions, Beer Money! Now I'm sure all of you are wondering what this "Make up or Break up" match is, so I'll explain it to you. Its simple, there will be a contract hanging high above the ring, the object of the match is to climb up a ladder and retrieve that contract. The team that wins the match, will gain a contract called a "Break Up" contract. This contract will give one of the 4 teams participating in the match, the right to break up ONE established tag team in TNA at any time from now, until November 2009! Which means, that there will be a team right here in TNA that will have the power to break up any tag team that they desire. Even the TNA World Tag Team Champions! Good luck.

Cornette drops the mic, and walks back into the tunnel to the backstage area

Mike Tenay:
Oh my god! Jim Cornette will give one of the 4 tag teams the power to break up any tag team here in TNA!

Don West: But remember, you have to win the big 4 team ladder match at Genesis first. And then you will gain the right to break up any established tag team in TNA

Mike Tenay: Don, you have to wonder, why exactly is Jim Cornette doing this?

Don West: I think he just wanted to shake up the tag division Mike. This is going to be an awesome match, I can't wait for it!

Mike Tenay: To the back where JB is standing by with AJ Styles!


Jeremy Borash:
I'm here with the phenomenal AJ Styles, and AJ, up next you will be taking on Scott Steiner. After what Scott said earlier tonight, do you still feel frustrated about what happened to you last week?

AJ Styles: Do I still feel frustrated? You think what Scott Steiner says, or ANYONE for that matter, can change what I feel? Last week, Christian Cage, who was supposed to be a friend of mine, stabbed me in the back! And I know why, because he didn't want to hear the truth. He didn't want to admit that its guys like HIM that are keeping me away from the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. He jumped on the TNA bandwagon because he knew that this company was the future of pro wrestling, but instead of helping TNA, he hurt it. He took my spot, and he took the spots of all the young guys in the back who are way more deserving than Christian Cage ever will be! Last week, on his stupid little talk show segment, I spoke the truth. I told Christian Cage exactly how I felt, I wanted to be honest with someone who was supposedly my friend. But instead of him taking it with respect for me and everything that I've done for this company, he spit in my face! He attacked me, and he proved that everything I said was true! He couldn't argue with me, so he threw our friendship away. As for you Scott Steiner, tonight, I am going to beat the living hell out of you. All you did, was take my anger to another level. I'm going to prove to you, Christian Cage, and all the fans in the iMPACT! Zone that you're nothing but a washed up piece of garbage! Scott, tonight, when you get in the ring with me you will find out why I AM the Phenomenal...A...J...Styles!


AJ Styles' theme hits, AJ comes down the ramp and into the ring

Mike Tenay:
Here comes AJ Styles. Tonight, AJ looks to take out his frustrations on Scott Steiner!

Scott Steiner's theme hits, Steiner comes down to the ring with Petey Williams

Singles match:
Scott Steiner (with Petey Williams) vs AJ Styles

Steiner and AJ lock up, Steiner has the power advantage as he sends AJ flying into the turnbuckles. Steiner charges at AJ and tries for a splash but AJ moves out of the way and Steiner goes crashing into the corner. AJ springs off the ropes and hits a drop kick on Steiner who falls to the mat. AJ goes for a cover...1..2..kick out! AJ brings Steiner to his feet, he kicks him in the gut and hits him with a DDT. AJ then hits a standing moonsault on Steiner! Cover..1...2...kick out! AJ brings Steiner to his feet, he starts hitting him with rights and lefts. AJ then springs off the ropes but Steiner catches him with a big boot out of nowhere. Steiner starts stomping on AJ, he then drags AJ to the middle of the ring and locks in a body scissors submission hold. AJ screams in pain as Steiner continues the pressure on the body scissors. The ref checks on AJ who shows no signs of giving up, Steiner continues the pressure. AJ tries to reach for the ropes but he is too far away as he is in the middle of the ring. Steiner applies even more pressure on the body scissors, AJ is about ready to tap out but he doesn't. AJ wills himself back into the match, he grabs the foot of Steiner and he moves out of the way, AJ then twists his body out of the body scissors position, he then nips up. Steiner quickly makes it to his feet, AJ hits him with a drop kick. AJ Styles then hits him with an elbow to the chest, he covers...1...2...kick out! AJ Styles brings Steiner to his feet, he wips Steiner into the corner. AJ charges at him and hits a flying forearm in the corner! Steiner staggers into the middle of the ring, AJ springs off the ropes and tries for a hurricanrana but Steiner counters into a sidewalk slam! Steiner covers...1...2....kick out! Scott Steiner makes it to his feet, he starts stomping on AJ. Steiner grabs AJ's arm, he pulls him to his feet and then starts hitting a series of elbows to AJ's arm. Steiner then his an arm drag and then he locks in an arm bar. AJ screams in pain as Steiner continues the pressure on the arm of AJ. Styles makes it to a knee, and eventually back to his feet. He hits a series of right hands to the gut of Steiner who breaks the hold. AJ springs off the ropes but Steiner clubs him with a huge clothesline! Cover...1..2...kick out! Steiner brings AJ to his feet, he sets him up on the top turnbuckle. Steiner heads up to the top as well and he hits a series of headbutts on AJ. Steiner then tries for a Frankensteiner but AJ holds on to the top rope and Steiner goes crashing to the mat. AJ from the top, hits a missile drop kick! He then drags Steiner to the middle of the ring, he heads back to the top rope again. Petey Williams jumps up on the apron, he distracts AJ Styles. Scott Steiner gets up, he jumps up to the top turnbuckle and hits a superplex! Both men are down, the referee starts the count..1...2...3...4...5....AJ and Steiner make it to their feet. They exchange right hands, Steiner goes for a clothesline but AJ ducks and hits the Pele kick! Petey jumps up to the apron again, he rakes the eyes of AJ Styles! This gives Steiner time to get up, AJ his struggling to see, Steiner rolls him up...1...2...3

Winner: Scott Steiner

Mike Tenay:
Petey Williams cost AJ Styles this match! Dammit!

Don West: If we thought AJ was pissed off before this match, I'm sure he is even MORE pissed now Mike.

Christian Cage's theme hits, Christian comes down the ramp with a steel chair. He slides into the ring

Mike Tenay:
Oh no, come on! What the hell is Christian Cage doing here? And why does he have a chair?

Steiner and Petey leave the ring, Christian Cage waits for AJ to get up. Styles finally makes it to his feet, Christian hits him with the steel chair right to the head. AJ falls down to the mat. Cage then puts the chair in position, he brings AJ to his feet and he hits an Unprettier on the chair! AJ Styles gets busted open, Christian stands over him

Don West:
This is sick! Why is Christian Cage doing this?

Mike Tenay: Christian Cage has crossed the line! Last week, he stabbed AJ in the back, and this week he brutally attacks him. The question is, why? Why does Christian feel the need to do this?

Don West: Unbelievable

The camera shows Mike Tenay and Don West sitting at the announcers table

Mike Tenay:
Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to try and shift gears here, to the TNA iMPACT! Videogame! It has recently been announced that if you have the Xbox 360 videogame system, you will be able to play against TNA Wrestlers, Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal on Xbox Live!

Don West: Think about it Mike, anyone can play against Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal on the TNA iMPACT! Videogame. If you have the skills, make sure to showcase them against two of TNA's most popular wrestlers. Make sure to head over to for the latest updates on anything related to the TNA iMPACT! Game, or this special event. But right now, check out this special video with all the latest information.


Sheik Abdul Bashir's theme hits, The Sheik comes down the ramp and into the ring. A muslim praying carpet is laying in the middle of the ring, along with the kouran.

Mike Tenay:
Well, here comes Sheik Abdul Bashir, and it looks like its time for the muslim praying session Don.

Don West: Oh please, someone better stop this or I might have to do it myself.

The Sheik grabs a mic

Sheik Abdul Bashir:
Tonight, all of you in the iMPACT! Zone will witness the first ever, muslim praying session! Tonight, everyone will finally understand why islam is the only REAL religion in this world. This is what the future of this disgusting country should be.

The Sheik gets down on his knees. The crowd is booing heavily, some are even throwing garbage like bottles, and cans, into the ring

Sheik Abdul Bashir:
Alllaaaaahhhh, ooo akbarrrrr!

The crowd boos even more

Sheik Abdul Bashir:
Muhamad Jihad! Jihad, mahamad jugad jikibuka! Jihad jukablacki.

The Sheik picks up the kouran, he bows down and starts praying to Muhammad

Sheik Abdul Bashir:
Allah, mukalimogahidi. Mulakibigo, ujabagibi! Joobaba jobojaba muhammad jihad.

Mike Tenay: When is this going to finally come to an end?

Don West: Right about now Mike

Don West takes off his headset, he gets up off his chair. Don climbs up the steps and into the ring, he grabs a mic

Sheik Abdul Bashir:
Muhammad jihad allah

Don West: Alright thats enough! Stop!

The Sheik stands up, he puts down the kouran, he looks very angry

Mike Tenay:
I don't like the looks of this.

Don West: Listen Sheik, I understand that you have loyalty to your religion, and your culture. I get it, we all get it. But how does that give you the right to first of all, bash our country, the United States of America!

The crowd pops

Don West:
And second, why do you want to even do this? You are cramming your religion down everyone's throats, and Sheik, I have a newsflash for you...NOBODY CARES!

The crowd pops

Don West:
These people here in the iMPACT! Zone came here to watch wrestling! They came here to see the greatest athletes in the world compete inside this ring! Not to watch some praying session! Sheik Abdul Bashir, with all due respect to your culture, and your religion, please...get the hell out of this ring and end this right now!

The crowd pops again

Sheik Abdul Bashir:
Who the hell do you think you are? Huh? Go sit at your announcers table with that old man! You think you have the right to interrupt this praying session? Don, just in case you forgot. I'm a WRESTLER! Unlike you, I compete inside this ring. Which means that I have the right to say, and do, whatever I want!

Don West: No! You have no right to bash this country! If it wasn't for the United States, you wouldn't even be here Bashir!

Sheik Abdul Bashir: If it wasn't for this crap hole of a country, my home, the middle east, would be in much better shape than it is now! The USA invaded my country, they took everything away from us! The United States, and TNA for that matter, can go strait to hell for all I care!

The crowd boos, they start "USA!" chants

Don West:
You know what? Sheik, you can too!

Don West slaps The Sheik across the face

Mike Tenay:
Oh my god! DW, Don West, just slapped the taste out of Bashir's mouth!

Sheik Abdul Bashir gets very angry, he hits a low blow on Don West. The Sheik then takes of his belt, and starts whipping West

Mike Tenay:
Oh come on! Sheik Abdul Bashir is whipping my broadcast partner! Someone come out here and stop this!

The Sheik starts choking Don with the belt. Finally, Consequences Creed's theme hits. Creed runs down the ramp

Mike Tenay:
yes! Finally! Its Consequences Creed!

Creed slides into the ring, he goes to attack Sheik but Abdul Bashir runs out of the ring and backs up the ramp. Creed checks on Don West

Mike Tenay:
Oh, what a coward! This guy is a disgrace to the X-Division AND the X-Division Title. Lets send it to the back where JB is with Samoa Joe.


Jeremy Borash:
I'm here with The Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe. Tonight, Joe, you will be a part of the 4 way elimination style match up where the final two competitors will wrestle for the World Title at Genesis, and the winner of the match will choose the stipulation. Joe, are you ready for this huge main event?

Samoa Joe: JB, I am always ready for anything that TNA throws at me. Tonight, I start my march, all the way to the TNA World Title. After I win the 4 way not only will I get a championship match at Genesis, but it will be on my terms. You see JB, it doesn't matter who, or what I have to go through to take back my TNA World Heavyweight Championship. I will do anything to get back to the top, because that is where I belong. Tonight, I'm going to bust my ass for the TNA fans, just like I do week in and week out. And at the end of the day, when the dust as settled, come Genesis, I will walk out TNA World Heavyweight Champion.


Booker T's theme hits, Booker T comes down the ramp and into the ring

Mike Tenay:
Its time for the huge main event match up, the final two competitors will face each other for the World Titile at Genesis, but the winner will pick the stipulation for the match!

Abyss' theme hits, The Monster comes down the ramp and into the ring

Mike Tenay:
Ladies and gentlemen I have been informed that my broadcast partner, Don West, will be unable to come out here tonight. He is in the back being treated by doctors after what happened earlier with Sheik Abdul Bashir.

Kurt Angle's theme hits, Angle comes down the ramp and into the ring

Mike Tenay:
He is the olympic gold medalist, perhaps the best wrestler in the world today, Kurt Angle!

Samoa Joe's theme hits, Joe comes down the ramp and into the ring

Mike Tenay:
Samoa Joe is focused on regaining the World Championship, tonight he fights for the right to do that

Jeff Jarrett's theme hits, Jeff comes down the ramp

Mike Tenay:
Jeff Jarrett? Well, he announced earlier tonight that he was going to be the special referee for the World Title match at Genesis, but what is he doing out here right now?

Jeff walks over to the announce table. He grabs a headset

Jeff Jarrett:
Hey Mike, I saw that you were out here by yourself without a color guy, so I thought that it would be a good idea for me to come out here and help you out

Mike Tenay: Thanks Jeff, it should be great working with you for this huge main event here on iMPACT!

4 way elimination style match:
Samoa Joe vs Booker T vs Abyss vs Kurt Angle

Joe starts brawling with Angle, and Booker T starts brawling with Abyss. Joe and Angle exchange right hands in the corner, while Booker T and Abyss brawl in the middle of the ring. Booker tries for a clothesline, but Abyss ducks. He grabs Booker and hits him with the Shock Treatment! Angle throws Joe into the corner, Abyss runs at him and hits a splash on Joe in the corner! Angle then hits a german suplex on Abyss! Angle is the only one left on his feet, he taunts all 4 competitors and then he disrespects the crowd. Angle brings Joe to his feet, he wips him across the ring and hits a belly to belly suplex. Booker T makes it to his feet, Angle turns around and Booker kicks him in the gut, Booker tries for the axe kick but Angle counters and puts Booker in the electric chair position. Joe gets up, he hits an insigiri kick on Angle, who falls to the mat as well as Booker who was in the electric chair position! Both Booker and Angle are down. Abyss makes it to his feet, he starts brawling with Joe. Abyss wips Joe across the ring, he connects with a clothesline on the samoan submission machine. Abyss brings Joe to his feet, he hits him with a series of right hands. Abyss then springs off the ropes and hits a big boot on Joe. Kurt Angle and Booker T are up, Abyss turns around, and Angle and Booker hit him with a double clothesline. Angle and Booker then start brawling, they exchange right hands in the middle of the ring. Joe makes it to his feet, he sees Angle and Booker brawling. Joe charges at both men and hits them with a clothesline! Joe then brings Booker to his feet, he throws him over the top rope to the floor. Angle runs at Joe but he gets elevated over the top rope to the floor as well! Angle lands on Booker on the outside. Abyss makes it to his feet, Joe charges at him but Abyss hits a big boot out of nowhere. Abyss brings Joe to his feet. He wips him into the ropes, Abyss charges at him but Joe ducks and elevates Abyss over the top rope to the floor. Abyss, Booker T, and Kurt Angle are on the outside. All 3 of them get up, Samoa Joe, in the ring, springs off the ropes and hits a suicide dive on all 3 men on the outside!!!!! The fans start "Joe! Joe! Joe!" chants! Joe makes it to his feet, he rolls Booker T into the ring. The fans start "This is awesome!" chants. Joe brings Booker to his feet, he sets him up on the top rope. Joe gets in position, looking for the muscle buster. Booker T blocks it though, Joe climbs up to the top turnbuckle as well. Booker and Joe start brawling on the top, Abyss makes it to his feet on the outside, he rolls into the ring. Abyss climbs up to the same top turnbuckle, and starts brawling with Booker and Joe on the top! Finally, Kurt Angle makes it to his feet on the outside, he rolls into the ring. Angle jumps up to the top turnbuckle, he grabs the back of Abyss who is holding on to Booker T who is holding onto Samoa Joe. Angle then hits an olympic slam on Abyss, Booker T, and Samoa Joe who all fall from the top turnbuckle!!! The fans go crazy, they start "This is awesome!" chants again. Angle is the first to his feet, he pulls the straps down and gets pumped up. Abyss starts to make it to his feet, Angle goes for an olympic slam but Abyss counters, Angle turns around, and Abyss hits him with a choke slam! Cover..1..2...kick out! Booker T makes it to his feet, he grabs Abyss and turns him around, he then kicks the monster in the gut. Booker wips Abyss across the ring and hits a spinning heel kick. Booker T then brings Abyss to his feet again, he tries for a clothesline but Abyss ducks, Booker turns around, and Abyss nails him with the Black Hole Slam! Cover..1...2....3

Mike Tenay: Booker T is eliminated by the Monster Abyss!

Jeff Jarrett: Its down to 3 men Mike, only two of them will be going on to Genesis to face of for the World Championship. But only one of them will gain the right to pick the stipulation for the match!

Samoa Joe makes it to his feet, Angle does as well. All 3 men meet in the center of the ring and start brawling. Abyss grabs Joe and he hits him with a big boot. Angle charges at Abyss but The Monster grabs him and hits the olympic gold medalist with the World's Strongest Slam! Cover..1..2...kick out! Abyss brings Angle to his feet, Joe makes it to his feet as well, he sneaks up behind Abyss and rolls him up...1..2...kick out! Abyss gets back to his feet, he starts exchanging right hands with Samoa Joe. Angle springs off the ropes and hits a clothesline on both Abyss and Samoa Joe! Angle once celebrates, he then brings Joe to his feet, he hits him with a series of right hands. Angle then kicks him in the gut, he then hits a belly to belly suplex. Abyss make it to his feet, Angle walks over to him and he kicks him in the gut, Angle then springs off the ropes but Abyss catches him with a clothesline! Abyss starts stomping on Kurt, he brings Angle to his feet and he kicks him in the gut. Abyss then sets Kurt up for a power bomb, he brings him up to his shoulders but Angle counters but rolling forward and grabbing the ankle of Abyss! Angle locks in the ankle lock. Samoa Joe gets up, he sees this. Joe stands there and watches. Abyss is screaming in pain, Kurt Angle continues the pressure on the ankle lock. Abyss can't hold on anymore, he taps out!!!

Mike Tenay: Thats it! Abyss tapped! We now know what our main event will be at Genesis!

Jeff Jarrett: Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle, once again, for the TNA World Title at Genesis! Now, these two will go at it to determine who will be the man to pick the stipulation for the world title match!

Angle makes it to his feet, he stares down Samoa Joe. The two go nose to nose, Angle then hits a headbutt on Samoa Joe. Joe falls down to the mat, Angle stalks Joe. Finally Joe makes it to his feet, Angle hits him with an olympic slam! Angle isn't finished yet, he stalks Samoa Joe again. Joe makes it to his feet using the ropes, and Angle hits yet another olympic slam! Angle then grabs Joe's ankle and he locks in the ankle lock! Joe is screaming in pain as Kurt Angle applies the pressure on the ankle of The Samoan Submission Machine! Joe reaches for the ropes, just as he is about to grab it, Angle moves backwards, towards the middle of the ring. The ropes aren't an option for Joe anymore, he is about ready to tap out! Joe's hand goes up, he looks like he is going to tap! But no, Joe finds a way to counter the ankle lock! He sends Angle crashing into the turnbuckles. Joe makes it to his feet, he is limping because of the ankle lock. Joe charges at Angle but Kurt moves and Joe goes crashing into the corner. Angle hits a series of right hands to the face. Angle backs up, he charges at Joe but Samoa Joe picks him up and slams him down with authority! Samoa Joe starts gaining energy from the crowd. The fans start "Joe! Joe! Joe!" chants, Angle makes it to his feet, Samoa Joe kicks him in the gut, he sets him up on the top turnbuckle. Joe sets up for the muscle buster, Angle counters into a neck breaker! Both men are down in the middle of the ring, the referee starts the count...1...2...3...4...5....6...7....8....9...Both men make it to their feet. Joe and Angle exchange right hands, Angle tries for a clothesline, Joe ducks and locks in the coquina clutch! Joe has Angle in the middle of the ring nowhere near the ropes!! Angle screams in pain, Samoa Joe's eyes roll to the back of his head due to the amount of pressure that he is applying on the Coquina Clutch! Angle can't take it anymore, he taps!!!

Winner: Samoa Joe

Mike Tenay:
It will be Samoa Joe taking on Kurt Angle at Genesis, and Samoa Joe will choose the match stipulation!

Jeff Jarrett: Yea but Mike, I have a feeling that we're going to have to wait until next week to find out what type of match Joe is going to choose. I just can't let that happen.

Mike Tenay: What do you mean?

Jeff Jarrett gets up, he drops the headset and climbs the steps into the ring. He then grabs a mic

Jeff Jarrett:
Samoa Joe, congratulations. You are going to face Kurt Angle at Genesis, but you also get to choose the stipulation for the World Title match. Instead of making the fans wait an entire week Joe, why don't you go ahead and announce what type of match we are going to see at Genesis...right now!

The crowd pops

Mike Tenay:
Will Joe do it?

Samoa Joe grabs a mic. He breathes heavily due to the match he just had

Samoa Joe:
Jeff, at Genesis. I'm taking back my World Championship, against Kurt a 2 out of 3 falls match!

The crowd pops

Mike Tenay:
I don't believe it! Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle for the World Championship, in a 2 out of 3 falls match! That is going to be a classic!

The crowd pops. Jeff Jarrett drops the mic, he celebrates in the ring with Samoa Joe

Mike Tenay:
Ladies and gentlemen, TNA's Genesis PPV is shaping up to be one hell of a show! We will see a classic match up, Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle in a 2 out of 3 falls match! It will be an epic battle, but only one man will walk out with the TNA World Heavyweight Championship!



opening segment: JB was in good character imo and this was quite interesting, nothing great but it wasn't bad. Traci is angry lol.

Roxxi Vs Velvet: Alright match, I had a feeling there would be an interuption but its good that you done it round the end of the match so we had a hcnace to see them fight for a bit and then do that. Gets Beautiful people more hated which is good. Nice job.

Steiner interview: LMAO! This promo was AWESOME! It was exactly like Scott with his little mistakes and lengthening words to make them sound stupid. Great job with this, it heated up Scott and his/AJs match for later on in the show. PROMO OF THE YEAR!

Double J promo: This was great also, good long promo which Jarrett is good with, he was in good character and no mistakes what-so-ever with this. Nice work.

Team 3D promo: When you said they "weren't in a good mood" I was thinking that you were being a little repetitive but once you said Steiner/AJ were just complaining that patched it up nicely. It was a nice good short promo which is all that it needed to be. They were both in good character and it was a good promo.

Team 3D Vs LAX: Pretty decent match, both had good offence but yet another DQ finish, its starting to look like the real TNA lol. This should get more heat on 3D though and make the feud more intense. MCMG coming down was kind of a suprise, you also done that the match before but its not to much of a problem imo.

Cornette announcement: Well the match hould be good and i wonder who will win the right to break up a team, I also wonder who will be broken up!!! This should be interesting.

AJ promo: Good promo from AJ, nice length to because it didn't drag on and he got his point across nicely. Well done with this!

Scott Vs AJ: Well I am not a fan of Stenier so it was a great match but it wasn't to bad. You had Petey cheat to help Scott win with a roll up which I didn't like but is really the only way you could have given Steiner the win. I liked the attack on AJ afterwards though, it was brutal and really helps that feud out. AJ will be pissed next week!

Praying Session: This was done really well imo. It gets him really hated for saying all that stuff the fans don't understand and for dissing America, he also hit West who was standing up for USA which gets Bashir more hated. Done well and with Creed coming out only made things more hyped and better.

Joe interview: Nice little interview here which really builds Joe up for the Main Event, wasn't awesome but it done what was needed.

Main Event: This was an AWESOME match! It had everything. I am glad you made Abyss look good by eliminating Booker and you done a nice job in eliminating Abyss by submission which was more suited to take him out. Samoa Joe Vs Kurt Angle at Genesis in a 2/3 falls match should be GREAT! Main Event was definitely best match of the show.

AC: Great show Chess, the promos were AWESOME in this show. The main event was great too. Some of the matches had a little to much interfrences but it wasn't to bad. The feuds are going good and Genesis should be great with Angle/Joe and AJ/Cage. Hopefully we get Abyss/Booker too since Abyss eliminated him. Good show and I will be reading next week :D

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

BM: The main event. Everything about this match was top notch from how you booked Abyss to the finish. Joe vs. Angle should be a definite classic
WM: Knockouts match. I understand the reasoning behind the match because if gives them exposure and gets heat on TBP.
BP: It's a tie between Sheik's prayer session and Jarrett's promo. All the promos were good but these two accomplised alot. Sheik's promo was a heat magnet and Jarrett on the mic is always good, really gave a lot of perspective into how he's been feeling over the past year.
WP: None, everything was entertaining to read and served a purpose.
AC: Very nice second show, really feels like a TNA show (only better and less painful) Genesis is shaping up to be a great show. The tag team "break up" match is a very interesting concept.
"The plug"-Check out CTW. Aftershock has been posted.

Evil Austin

Well I would just like to say thanks for reviewing my show before and here is my review in return - I don't usually review here I think this is my first time reviewing here but I still read your shows ..... Also thanks for mentioning my on the podcast not quite the comments I expected but its cool your comments... Here is my review.

Match of the Night - I am going to have to go with the Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Abyss and Booker T match up the fatal four way elimination match for the title - Was the best of the night had some great moments where you would think the match would go to a different finish and everyone had their spots not just one man dominating it all... good back and forth action and this is probably the best match I have seen you do from this BTB yet. Good job. also I am surprised you didn't do a TNA on tv and make it like a fatal four way i don't know (something really dumb gimmicky) here... lol :p

Worst Match of the Night - I am going to have to go with the womens match not that it was a bad match not that at all I just don't usually read womens BTB's or matches for that matter so they don't really interest me but you still did an alright job with the match.

Promo of the Night - Probably the Sheik Abdul Bashir (if thats how you spell it) his promo was the best of the night....there were all about maybe above average but not by alot none really stood out because they were all equally good and served a purpose and weren't just filling up the show. All men in their particular promo's were in character and you could picture them saying it was important and this one was probably the best of the night.

Worst Promo of the Night - I am going to have to go with none here for the above reason.

Additional Comments - Good Overall show - keep it going and Ill probably review the next one :thumbsup:



This Thursday night, TNA returns with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling iMPACT! as the road to the Genesis PPV continues!

Below is a preview of what is expected on the broadcast:

In a tag team bout, it will be "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash and "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe taking on "The Olympic Gold Medalist" Kurt Angle and a mystery partner! Who will be Kurt Angle's partner for this tag team main event?

Karen's Angle returns with a very special episode featuring "The Icon" Sting! The interview will feature talk about Sting's future in Pro Wrestling, and much more! What does Sting have to say? Find out this Thursday

AJ Styles is out for revenge after the two weeks of beatings from Christian Cage! Will AJ get his retribution? Or will Christian Cage stand tall once again?

"Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams takes on Consequences Creed in a one on one match. Will Sheik Abdul Bashir get involved?

In tag team action, it will be The Motor City Machine Guns taking on The Rock and Rave Infection!

The Knockouts will be in action as Taylor Wilde takes on Ms. Jackie Moore!

All this and much more comes to you on TNA iMPACT!, this Thursday night at 9PM on Spike

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Taylor Wild vs. Miss Jackkie

Petey Williams vs. Consequences Creed

The Motor City Machine Guns vs. THe Rock, and Rave Infection

Kurt Angle, and A Mystery Partner vs. Kevin Nash, and Samoa Joe

Wasn't sure if you emphasized that Cage, and Styles would be in a match.


Taylor Wilde vs. Miss Jackie
This should be a good build up for Taylor

Petey Williams vs. Consequences Creed
I hope Petey Williams wins this but I won't mind if Creed does, Sheik might make it a DQ somehow though. Should be good.

The Motor City Machine Guns vs. THe Rock, and Rave Infection
Could be a great match, if the MCMGs lose I RIOT!

Kurt Angle, and A Mystery Partner vs. Kevin Nash, and Samoa Joe
Well Joe won last week so Angle should even it up this week. I wonder who his partner will be? Sting? I dunno but it should be good.

Karen's Angle will be a good editon to the show and I wonder what will go down with Cage and AJ. I will check this out without a doubt!!!