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Moonlight Drive

Taylor Wilde vs Miss Jackie
I know how much you love Taylor Wilde

Petey Williams vs. Consequences Creed
I havn't read your stuff yet, but I'm asumming Creed/Bashir are feuding for the belt. Creed by DQ

Somebody HAS to use these guys to their potential

Kurt Angle, and A Mystery Partner vs. Kevin Nash, and Samoa Joe
Whenever there is a mystery partner, they get the win.

I'll review, you know TNA so I'd say it'll be a good show.

If you get a chance, Pro Wrestling ANZAC has posted it's first show, check it out.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Jim Cornette/Jeremy Borash/Traci Brooks promo: It's great that you're keeping with doing what TNA usually do. Anyway, JB was nice and in character, and I thought Cornette was good to. It brings interest to his announcement. Good to see you bringing attention to Traci as well.

Roxxi vs Velvet: What I found really good about this is that you had Velvet perfect in terms of moveset. Velvet's moveset is very .... basic. You had her do the moves she does every match, which is a thing people may overlook. You didn't try to fill space in a women's match with different moves. I see my prediction was right on this match too. :shifty: This helps the Beautiful People's characters as heels, it adds to the feud with Taylor, and it used the Superqueeros (booo). Good match.

Scott Steiner promo: I'd rather no grammar than bad spelling, because that's more how Steiner speaks. It was entertaining in it's own little way, just like any Steiner promo.

Jeff Jarrett promo: This was great, you made it feel very ... real. Bringing up Jill and talking of how he walked away, it wasn't just like you had Jeff Jarrett walk in and be a part of the roster again. You did this logically, and realistically. Jeff was awesome. The special refereee thing is interesting. I guess someone will attack him, and we'll see Jarrett come back and feud with them.

Team 3D promo: It was a decent promo, not your best though. I couldn't get into it, I'm not quite sure why though. It felt right in terms of character ... but meh. I'm not sure.

LAX vs Team 3D: The match was alright, although I think it missed a bit of teamwork. That's the one thing that I think is missing from your matches at this point is the lack of teamwork between partners. The ending was kinda sucky (two DQ finishers in a row), but at least it set up the promo that came up next. Motor City Machine Guns running in is quite ftw.

Jim Cornette promo: TNA ... with a gimmick match? Never! I'm actually interest in seeing this. It sounds basically like a ladder match. With eight bodies, I'm interested to see what you pull out.

AJ Styles promo: Very, very good. Much better than I can do with AJ. I like this little storyline you have going here with Christian. Good promo, putting AJ over as a face who stands up for himself.

AJ Styles vs Scott Steiner: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why? Why must the innocent fall to the old, slow and useless? Why God? I felt this match was a little off too. AJ's offense wasn't quite what it usually is, I think you missed a bit with it. I also felt he hit a DDT a bit early. I'm not big on big moves early on in matches. I wouldn't have jobbed AJ to Steiner. The aftermath with Cage makes Cage looks even more heelish, which is good.

Islam Praying Session: Bashir was pretty good here, and it was a good segment to have to rally play up Bashir's heel character. DW getting pwnt was pretty awesome. Once again, it was good for Bashir's heel character. Creed making the save emphasizes his feud with Bashir. Good promo.

Samoe Joe promo: Good hype for the main event, and well in character. Knowing you, Joe will be champ. :shifty:

Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle vs Booker T vs Abyss: Booker T being eliminated first was definitely a shock. The match went on well from there, and I was surprised you went back to the old Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe. I thought that you'd have tried to go with a feud that wasn't so worn out, but meh. Especially with what Angle did to Rhino last week. I also would have thought that you'd have a more exciting finish. The build was there, but it felt anti-climictic. Ah well. 2 out of 3 falls should be interesting.

AC: Good show chessy. A few small things that I think are keeping you away from being a top booker. You'll be there soon.

Taylor Wilde vs. Miss Jackie


Petey Williams vs. Consequences Creed

He's number one contender for a reason.

The Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Rock, and Rave Infection


Kurt Angle, and A Mystery Partner vs. Kevin Nash, and Samoa Joe

Nash sucks.

Looks good. :y:


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Week 2 Review

JB/Jim promo: Good intro for the show.

Roxxi vs. Sky- Good up until the DQ finish. I think that there may have been too many run in's near the end of the segment.

Stiener promo- Just as bad as his real promos are. Perfectly in character.

Jarret promo- Very good promo. I just don't like the fact that his wife was brought up so much.

3D promo- Really good promo. I liked the threat by Ray.

LAX vs. 3D- Good action. IMO it's bad booking to have two DQ's in a row. The brawl after the match was good.

Cornette promo: I like this match idea.

AJ promo: Really, really good promo.

AJ vs. Steiner- Good match, but will any of tonights matches end cleanly? The attack afterward by Christian was written pretty good.

Shiek and West promo- I really didn't care for the start of it, but once West got involved I started to enjoy it. Not a bad promo.

Joe promo- Shorter than your usual promo's but still good.

Main Event- Really good match. The end with Angle and Joe was great, I can't wait for their match. Two out of Three falls made it even better.

AC: Good show, but not as good as your first one. As I said before two DQ's in a row is not good. I'll be sure to read your next show.
Plug: Check out the POI Episode 32 Preview when I post it later today.



Thursday, Week 3, November 2008



Jeremy Borash: Hello wrestling fans JB Jeremy Borash here and I'm standing by, with the olympic gold medalist. The man that will take on Samoa Joe in 10 days for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship! Kurt, tonight on iMPACT! you challenged Kevin Nash and Samoa Joe to a tag team match up, but you haven't revealed who your partner is going to be. Kurt, could you give us a little sneak preview of who you are going to be tagging with later on tonight?

Kurt Angle: Borash, you know exactly what I'm going to tell you. Hell no! You and those idiots in the iMPACT! Zone are going to wait until the main event tonight, to find out exactly who my partner is going to be. Borash, I can tell you this. Everyone will be shocked, and I mean everyone. This partner, is not only the most destructive force in TNA, but also someone who has no remorce, no mercy! Tonight, you and the entire world will witness history. Not only will my partner completely destroy my opponents, but the best part is...they won't even be able to fight back! Oh its real...its DAMN real!


The crowd goes crazy as the pyro goes off in the iMPACT! Zone.

Mike Tenay: Tonight on iMPACT! Kevin Nash and Samoa Joe take on Kurt Angle and a mystery partner! After what we just heard from Angle, who exactly could is partner be?

Don West: Also tonight, Karen's Angle returns with Sting! Also, AJ Styles looks for revenge on "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage!

Taylor Wilde's theme hits, the TNA Knockouts champion comes out of the tunnel, she skips down the ramp and into the ring

Dave Penzer: The following is the opening match for tonight's Thursday Night iMPACT! introducing first, from Nashville Tennessee, the TNA Women's Knockout Champion...Taylor Wilde!

Beer Money's theme hits, James Storm, Robert Roode, and Ms. Jackie Moore come down the ramp and into the ring

Dave Penzer: And her opponent being accompanied by James Storm and Robert Roode, she is "The Pride of Tennessee" Ms. Jackie Moore!

Singles mach:
Ms. Jackie Moore (with Robert Roode and James Storm) vs Taylor Wilde

The bell rings as Taylor and Jackie lock up in the center of the ring, Jackie uses her power advantage by throwing Taylor into the corner, Jackie charges at her but she runs into an elbow from the Knockouts Champion. Taylor springs off the ropes and tries for a clothesline but Jackie ducks and hits a backslide...1..2..kick out! Jackie and Taylor both get up and exchange forearms, Taylor gets the advantage, she backs Jackie up to the ropes, she then kicks her in the gut and wips her across the ring. Taylor then hits a back body drop. Cover..1...Jackie Moore kicks out! Jackie nips up to her feet and locks up with Taylor Wilde once again, this time Wilde gets the advantage by backing Jackie up to the corner. She breaks cleanly, but then starts hitting a series of forearms to the face of Jackie. Wilde grabs Jackie and sets her up on the top rope. Taylor heads up to the top as well and tries for a superplex. Jackie is blocking however, she starts hitting a series of headbutts to Taylor Wilde who is starting to lose her balance. Jackie then gets in position...and hits a front suplex from the top turnbuckle! Jackie is still on the top though, she comes off with splash on Taylor! Cover..1...2..kick out! Jackie grabs the head of Wilde, she locks in a headlock. Taylor Wilde is screaming in pain as Jackie continues the pressure on the headlock, the referee checks on her but Taylor doesn't quit! Jackie applies even more pressure, Taylor is starting to fade. The crowd start "Taylor! Taylor Taylor!" chants, this brings energy back to Taylor Wilde. She makes it to a knee, and then eventually back to her feet. Taylor Wilde starts to hit a series of elbows to the gut of Jackie who finally breaks the hold. Taylor springs off the ropes but Jackie hits her with a big boot! Cover......1....2....kick out! Jackie brings Taylor to her feet, she backs her up to the ropes and starts to hit a series of chops to the chest of Taylor. Jackie backs up and charges at Taylor but she hits a clothesline on Jackie Moore out of nowhere! Both girls are down, Storm and Roode are cheering Jackie on from the outside. Both girls make it to their feet, they start exchanging forearms to the face. Jackie tries for a clothesline but Taylor ducks, Jackie turns around, Taylor kicks her in the gut and hits a brain buster! Taylor then heads to the top turnbuckle, Jackie gets up and Taylor comes off with a missile drop kick! Cover....1..2...Beer Money grab the foot of Taylor and they drag her to the outside! The referee sees this and starts to yell at Beer Money. Taylor makes it to her feet, she slaps both James Storm and Robert Roode across the face. She then rolls into the ring. The Beautiful People come out of the tunnel, they walk down the ramp and into the ring. Taylor and the Beautiful People start screaming at each other, until Velvet Sky kicks Taylor in the gut, and Angelina Love kicks her in the face sending Taylor down to the mat. While this is happening, the referee is still distracted with Beer Money. Velvet and Angelina Love bring Taylor to her feet, they hit a double vertical suplex on her. Ms. Jackie Moore makes it to her feet, she starts joining in on the attack on Taylor. Finally, the referee turns around and sees the 3 on 1 attack, he calls for the bell.

Winner: Taylor Wilde (by DQ)

Mike Tenay:
You have to believe Don, that the referee made the right decision there!

Don West: Without a doubt Mike, that 3 on 1 attack was just too much for Taylor to handle. Not to mention, the Beautiful People had no right to come out here for this match.

The Beautiful People and Jackie Moore continue the attack. Roxxi and ODB come sprinting down the ramp, they slide into the ring. Roxxi hits a double clothesline on The Beautiful People and ODB grabs Jackie and throws her over the top to the floor. Roxxi grabs Angelina Love and hits her with the Voodoo drop, Love rolls out of the ring to the floor. ODB grabs Vlevet Sky, she slaps her ass, then hits a clothesline that sends Velvet over the top to the floor. ODB and Roxxi help Taylor up to her feet

Mike Tenay: Help has arrived! Roxxi and ODB come to save Taylor from this beatdown!

Don West: Thank god they finally came out here to save Taylor, I don't think The Beautiful People would have stopped the attack Mike!

Mike Tenay: Lets send it to the back where JB is standing by with Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash


Jeremy Borash: I'm here with "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash and "The Samoan Submission Machine" Samoa Joe. Gentlemen tonight you two will be taking on Kurt Angle and a partner of his choice. Are you at all concerned about who Kurt's partner is going to be?

Kevin Nash: Of course we are, and its for a good reason. You see, Kurt Angle is just playing mind games with us, and to be completely honest...its working. Me and Joe have been wondering who Kurt's partner is going to be all week, its very hard to prepare for a match up where you don't know who one of your opponents are going to be. So as far as Kurt's plan to try and distract us, well, its working. But that doesn't mean he's going to win the match tonight

Samoa Joe: Your damn right Kev. Kurt, I know what you're trying to do, and as Big Kev just said, its working. But that doesn't mean you're going to get the 1..2..3 later tonight. Kurt, you can play all the mind games you want, you can choose literally ANY partner that you want. But when its all said and done, that bell is going to ring and me and my partner Big Kev, are going to get the victory. But thats not the end Kurt, because at Genesis, for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, its me vs you in a 2/3 falls match with Jeff Jarrett as the special referee. I know Jeff Jarrett, and I know he's going to call this match right down the middle. So Kurt, you better get ready to feel pain, the most pain you've ever felt in your entire life! Because come Genesis, I'm going to plow through you...twice, and I'm going to take back what belongs to me! The TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Oh its real Kurt, its damn real


On camera:

Mike Tenay:
Welcome back to iMPACT!. Ladies and gentlemen, coming up just one week from this Sunday, its TNA Wrestling's Genesis PPV!

Don West: Mike this PPV is shaping up to be one of the best in TNA history, from the Kurt Angle/Samoa Joe war, to the tag team make up or break up ladder match!

Mike Tenay: No doubt about that, lets shift gears here Don. Earlier today, Karen Angle brought back her talk show segment, "Karen's Angle". And who was her special guest? Non other than "The Icon" Sting. Check out what went down on this very special return edition, of Karen's Angle.

Karen's Angle

Karen Angle:
Welcome to Karen's Angle, the show is back and this week I have a very special guest. He is "The Icon" known as Sting! Thanks for being here Sting

Sting: No problem

Karen Angle: Sting, you are still contracted to TNA, but you haven't been seen by anyone for a very long time. My first question is, what have you been doing lately? And when will you make a return to the six sided ring?

Sting: Karen, I need to take a step back and re-think my career options. I still have a contract here in TNA, you're right. But I don't think I need to be wrestling right now, for a very simple reason. I've done everything that there is to do not only in TNA, but in the world of Pro Wrestling. Sure, I never got to work with Vince, but I'm a man of my word and when I make promises...I keep them. So as far as when I'll be back, Karen, I'm not sure. But I know I will eventually make my return, and when I do, I'll be doing something that I've never done before

Karen Angle: What exactly would that be?

Sting: Wrestling one last time. You heard it here Karen, I'm only going to wrestle one last match. The reason I haven't been appearing on iMPACT! recently, is because I want to scout the talent that we have here in TNA. I want to take a look at who I think I can have a great final match with, and when I make my decision, then and only then, will I go out to the iMPACT! Zone and challenge whoever it is I chose, to one final match. Unfortunately Karen, its time for me to hang up the boots. But I'm going out with a bang, I want to leave this business by putting on a match that the fans will remember for a long time to come. Its the right thing to do Karen.

Karen Angle: So, when do you think you'll find the right opponent for your final match?

Sting: It could take one week, or it could take one year. So I'm not sure. But I can guarantee you this. I WILL have one last match here in TNA, and I know for sure that whoever I face will be someone that deserves to be in the same ring with me. It could be a young star trying to earn his break in this business, or it could be an already established veteran. Either way, the match will be something special and it will the right way to end my storied career.

Karen Angle: Thanks for your time Sting

The iMPACT! Zone:

Mike Tenay:
Wow, Sting is finally hanging up the boots Don! But who will he wrestle in his final match?

Don West: You heard it Mike, he said it could take him one week or one year to make his decision. I know he'll make the right one though, the match will definitely be something we'll always remember for a long time to come

Mike Tenay: I just received word that there is something going on in Jim Cornette's office involving Beer Money, lets see what exactly is going on!

Jim Cornette's Office:

James Storm:
Jim, I ain't breaking up this tag team with Robert Roode! We're the best tag team in the world! We're the TNA Tag Champions! You're going to let some piece of crap dictate our future!?

Robert Roode: Without us, this company, and the tag division here in TNA will go down the drain. You have to re-think this "Make Up or Break Up" ladder match at Genesis. We want OUT

Jim Cornette: Hold on just a minute! So just because you guys stole those Tag Titles away from LAX, you think that you deserve to get the night off at Genesis?

Robert Roode: Stole? We beat LAX fair and square! Everyone knows that! We are the better tag team, we deserve these belts!

Jim Cornette: You're missing the point Bobby. Look, since you two bone heads think that you're the jewels of the tag division here in TNA. I'll make you an offer. How about this, next week right here on iMPACT! we can have something I like to call an immunity match! There will be 4 men, each of them representing their respective tag teams. There will be a contract hanging on a pole, high above the ring. The one person that takes down that contract from the pole will gain immunity for their tag team. Which means, that if you James Storm, are representing Beer Money and you take down the contract, then whoever wins the Make up or Break Up ladder match at Genesis will NOT have the right to break your tag team up. So gentlemen, you better choose who will represent this tag team wisely, because this could be the match that changes your future in TNA's tag division.

James Storm: Roode, I'll go ahead and wrestle in the immunity match next week

Robert Roode: No, I think I should do it!

James Storm: Fine...lets rock, paper, scissors for it

Jim Cornette: Rock paper scissors? How old are you two? Get the hell out of my office!

Beer Money leave

Jim Cornette: :nonono:

The iMPACT! Zone:

Mike Tenay:
Next week right here on iMPACT! its the 4 way immunity match! The contract will be hanging on a pole high above the ring!

Don West: Think about how important that is Mike, only one of the 4 teams participating in the ladder match at Genesis will gain immunity, they won't get broken up by whoever wins the match!

Petey Williams' theme hits, Petey comes down the ramp with Scott Steiner

Dave Penzer:
Ladies and gentlemen, TNA iMPACT! continues with the following one fall match introducing first. He is accompanied by Scott Steiner, "Maple Leaf Muscle" Petey Williams!

Consequences Creed's theme hits, Creed comes down the ramp and into the ring

Dave Penzer: And his opponent, from Nashville Tennessee, Consequences Creed!

Singles match:
Consequences Creed vs Petey Williams (with Scott Steiner)

Petey and Creed lock up, Creed powers Petey to the corner, he starts hitting him with a series of right hands. Creed then kicks Petey in the gut and tries for a clothesline but Petey ducks, Creed rolls him up...1..2...kick out! Both Creed and Petey get up, they start exchanging right hands, Petey gets the advantage. He hits a series of punches to the face of Creed, he then kicks Creed in the gut and wips him across the ring. Petey connects with a back body drop! Cover..1..kick out! Creed nips up, he stares down Petey who slaps him across the face. Creed gets pissed, he hits Petey with a series right hands and chops to the chest. Creed then wips Petey across the ring and he connects with a spinning heel kick! Cover..1..2...kick out! Petey Williams gets back to his feet, Consequences Creed charges at him and he hits a clothesline. Creed drags Petey to the middle of the ring. He climbs up the turnbuckles, once he gets to the top he comes off with a leg drop from the top rope! Cover..1..2...Petey kicks out. Creed brings "Maple Leaf Muscle" to his feet, he springs off the ropes and hits a sunset flip...1...2...Williams rolls out of hit and he hits a low drop kick. Petey Williams brings Creed to his feet, he throws him over the top rope but Creed lands on the apron. Petey Williams charges at him but Creed pulls the top rope down and Petey falls over the top to the floor. Creed gets back into the ring, he gets pumped up. On the outside, Petey Williams makes it to his feet, in the ring, Creed springs off the ropes and hits a suicide dive on Petey Williams on the outside! The fans start "TNA! TNA! TNA!" chants as both men make it to their feet on the outside. They exchange right hands, Petey gets the advantage however, by raking the eyes of Consequences Creed. Petey then kicks Creed in the gut and he wips him into the steel steps. Petey Williams rolls into the ring. Consequences Creed gets back to his feet on the outside, Petey Williams jumps over the top rope and hits a hurricanrana on Creed on the outside! The fans start another "TNA!" chant as Petey Williams brings Creed to his feet, he sends him face first into the guard rail and then he rolls him back into the ring. Petey Williams rolls back in as well and covers..1...2..kick out! Petey starts arguing with the referee about the count, Creed makes it to his feet, Petey sees this and hits an insigiri kick on Creed who falls right back down to the mat. Petey Williams starts stomping on Creed, he then brings him to his feet. Petey kicks him in the gut and signals for the Destroyer. He puts Creed in position and connects with the Canadian Destroyer! Scott Steiner, on the outside, grabs a steel chair and jumps up on the apron. He screams "finish him off" to Petey, who refuses to take the steel chair. Petey Williams and Scott Steiner continue to argue as Creed makes it to his feet, he rolls Petey up...1..2....3

Winner: Consequences Creed

Mike Tenay:
Scott Steiner wanted Petey Williams to use the steel chair on Consequences Creed! The two started to ague, and it cost Petey the match

Don West: I think Petey is going to be extremely angry after this.

Sheik Abdul Bashir's theme hits, The Sheik comes down the ramp

Mike Tenay: Oh no! Its Sheik Abdul Bashir! What the hell is he doing here?

Don West: I think HE is the one who wants to finish off Creed Mike

The Sheik slides into the ring, Creed is ready for him though, and the two start brawling. Meanwhile, Petey and Scott Steiner continue to argue, they back up the ramp. In the ring, Creed and Abdul Bashir are brawling. Security comes down to break them up

Mike Tenay: All hell has broken lose here on iMPACT! Consequences Creed and Sheik Abdul Bashir are beating the hell out of each other!

Don West: The security is trying to hold them back, I say we should just let them fight. Let Creed beat the hell out of that moron, Sheik Abdul Bashir!

Jim Cornette comes out of the babyface tunnel

Jim Cornette: Hold on a minute! Stop! I see can see that this is starting to get personal, I see that both of you want to tear each other to pieces. So here is what I'm going to do. At the Genesis PPV, it will be Sheik Abdul Bashir defending that TNA X-Division Title against Consequences Creed!

The crowd pops

Jim Cornette: May the best man win!

Creed and The Sheik break through security and start brawling again

Mike Tenay: Did you hear that? At the Genesis PPV we're going to turn them loose! And the X-Division Title will be on the line!

Don West: What an announcement by Jim Cornette, the Genesis PPV just got that much better Mike

Mike Tenay: Lets send it to the back, where Christian Cage is standing by with Lauren


Christian, tonight, AJ Styles vows that he is going to get his revenge. Are you concerned about what AJ has planned for you tonight?

Christian Cage: Lauren! Its like this...I don't need to be scared, concerned, or worried about anything. AJ Styles thinks that he is getting into my head, but in reality, this is just another day at work for me. You see, AJ wants to blame other people for his faults. He doesn't want to admit that its HIS fault that he isn't the World Champion right now, he doesn't want to admit that its his fault that he isn't in the main event. AJ, don't come crying to me when you have your own problems to deal with! You want to get revenge tonight? For what? Getting your ass kicked week in and week out by the Instant Classic? Let me tell you something, what you need to do is go to Jim Cornette, give him your resignation papers, drive back to that hick town that you came from, and stay home. Because everyone here in TNA has moved on, the "era" of AJ Styles is over. You had your shot, you had your time to shine! But now...its time for me, The Instant Classic, to take your spot. Its time that you went back home where you belong, and you let the big boys take care of this company. Because AJ, nobody cares about you anymore, and nobody ever will. If you don't you know


The iMPACT! Zone:

AJ Styles' theme hits, AJ comes down the ramp and into the ring

AJ Styles: Christian! I've heard enough, these fans have heard enough! Its time for you to come out here and face the consequences for your actions! You think I'm going to let you walk all over me? I don't care where you are, get your ass out here or I'll go to the back and find you myself!

Mike Tenay: Will Christian Cage show up?

AJ Styles: Lets go! Where the hell are you?

Christian Cage's theme hits, Christian comes out of the heel tunnel with a mic in hand

Christian Cage: Whats this all about huh AJ? Like I said in the back, a few weeks ago you went on to MY talk show and disrespected ME! All you're doing it blaming other people for your mistakes.

AJ Styles: Blaming other people? Christian, you asked me the question that I answered truthfully. You said "AJ, why have you been out of the Title picture for so long?" and I didn't give you any BS. I told you strait up, its because other guys have come to this company and those guys took my spot! Christian, you're one of them. You came here to TNA and because of you, I haven't been anywhere near the World Title picture!

Christian Cage: Are you kidding me? So you're going to completely forget about everything that I've done for you here in TNA? AJ, I made you who you are today

AJ Styles: No! Don't you dare say that Christian! I was a main eventer here in TNA, way before you showed up! I made this company what it is today, I carried TNA on my back in the early days. You should be thanking ME

Christian Cage: I don't need to thank anyone!

AJ Styles: Thats it. I'm sick and tired of going back and forth with you. If you have a problem with me, do something about it!

Christian Cage: Ok.

Christian Cage drops the mic, he flips AJ off and starts to back up the ramp. AJ Styles gets very angry, he slides out of the ring and charges up the ramp to meet Christian. Cage turns around and AJ nails him with a series of right hands. AJ and Cage start brawling on the heel ramp, Christian Cage gets the advantage by hitting AJ with a low blow! AJ falls down to the steel ramp. Cage drags AJ to the mat area, he then rolls AJ into the ring. Cage slides into the ring and starts stomping on AJ. He brings Styles to his feet, kicks him in the gut, and he sets him up for an unprettier.

Mike Tenay: Oh no! He's going to hit the unprettier on AJ!

Curry Man runs down the ramp and into the ring, he breaks up the unprettier attempt and starts hitting Cage with a series of right hands. Curry Man then clotheslines Christian Cage who goes over the top rope to the floor

Don West: Curry Man? What the hell is he doing here?

Mike Tenay: He's hot! He's Spicy, and he saved the day for AJ Styles!

Don West: But why? What prompted Curry Man to come out here? Is he friends with AJ?

Mike Tenay: I have no clue Don, maybe he just felt that he had to help AJ out of this situation. Lets send it to the back where Lauren is standing by with Scott Steiner and Petey Williams!


I'm here with Scott Steiner and Petey Williams, guys-

Scott Steiner: Gimme dat mic!

Lauren gives Scott the mic, she walks away

Scott Steiner: Petey! What the hell happened aout there?

Petey Williams: Look Scotty, I didn't want to get disqualified by using that steel chair that you offered me. I wanted to get a clean victory

Scott Steiner: What!? Look Petey, there is sometin dat u gotta know! When Big Poppa Pumb taked the tyme to jump up on the apron and give you a steel take it! Who cares about gettin a clean victry?

Petey Williams: How does that make any sense? You wanted me to get intentionally disqualified?

Scott Steiner: You gotta understand that life isn't all blueberrys and fish! You gotta hurt people, especially in the worl of pro wrestlin! I wanted you to leave your mark in that ring

Petey Williams: Scott, getting disqualified means I lose the match. Thats not what I wanted.

Scott Steiner: AAY! What da hell did I just tell you?

Petey Williams leaves

Scott Steiner: FYINE! Leave! I'm warnin you Petey, if you keep goin down this path you'll never be a World Heavyweight Championship!


Don West: TNA Wrestling returns to PPV in December with "Turning Point" live in Denver, Colorado! Get your tickets now.

The Rock and Rave Infection's theme hits, Jimmy Rave, Lance Rock, and Christy Hemme come down the ramp

Dave Penzer: TNA iMPACT! continues with this tag team match, introducing first being accompanied by Christy Hemme, Lance Rock and Jimmy Rave...The Rock and Rave Infection!

The Motor City Machine Guns' theme hits, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin come down the ramp and into the ring

Dave Penzer: And their opponents from Detroit Michigan, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley...The Motor City Machine Guns!

Tag team match:
The Motor City Machine Guns vs The Rock and Rave Infection

Alex Shelley and Jimmy Rave start things off, they lock up. Shelley backs Rave up to the corner, he then hits him with a series of shoulders to the gut of Rave who falls down to the mat. Shelley drags him to the middle of the ring, he starts stomping on him. Shelley then brings Rave to his feet, he hits him with a series of right hands, he then springs off the ropes and tries for a clothesline but Rave ducks and hits a backslide..1....2.kick out! Shelley gets up and stares down Rave. They lock up again, Rave backs Shelley up to the ropes, he then rakes his eyes, the ref starts counting..1....2...3...4...Rave stops. He hits a snap mare takedown on Shelley, and then a stiff kick to the back. Rave then springs off the ropes and he hits a shining wizard! Cover...1..2...kick out! Jimmy Rave tags out to Lance Rock. Rock and Rave bring Shelley to his feet, they hits him with a double vertical suplex. Rock covers..1...2..kick out. Jimmy Rave goes back to his corner, Lance Rock then springs off the ropes and he connects with a leg drop on Alex Shelley. Cover...1...2...kick out! Rock grabs the arm of Shelley, he locks in an arm bar. Shelley screams in pain as Rock continues the pressure on the arm of Shelley. The ref checks on Alex Shelley who refuses to give up. Lance Rock applies even more pressure now, Shelley starts gaining momentum from the fans, he makes it to one knee, and then eventually back to his feet. Shelley hits a series of right hands to the gut of Lance Rock who breaks the hold. Shelley then hits a drop kick on Rock than sends him falling down to the mat. Shelley dives over to his corner and tags out to Chris Sabin. Jimmy Rave gets into the ring, he tries to attack him but Sabin blocks Rave's right hand attempt and he hits a right hand of his own. Shelley gets back to his feet, he gets into the ring. Jimmy Rave gets up, Shelley and Sabin hit a double drop kick that sends Rave over the top rope to the floor. Lance Rock gets up, Shelley and Sabin hit him with double kicks to the gut. Shelley hits a clothesline on Rock that sends him down to the mat. Shelley then holds up the head of Rock, Sabin springs off the ropes and hits a drop kick to the face of Lance Rock. Shelley and Sabin play to the crowd as they start "Motor City" chants. Shelley goes back to his corner, Sabin brings Rock to his feet, he starts hitting him with a series of right hands and chops. Sabin springs off the ropes but Lance Rock hits him with a big boot out of nowhere. He tags out to Jimmy Rave who heads to the top rope, he comes off with a moonsault on Sabin, cover...1...2...kick out! Jimmy Rave brings Sabin to his feet, he hits him with a series of kicks to the thighs, he then springs hits him with a hurricanrana! Cover...1...2..this time Shelley breaks the pin. Lance Rock gets into the ring but the referee holds him back. Jimmy Rave brings Sabin to his feet, he hits him with a series of chops to the chest. He then wips him into the corner, Rave charges at him but Sabin moves and Rave goes crashing into the turnbuckle. Sabin dives over to Shelley and he makes the tag. Alex Shelley immediately heads to the top rope where he comes off with a missile drop kick that connects on Jimmy Rave. Lance Rock gets into the ring but Chris Sabin cuts him off, he takes him down and starts brawling with him on the mat. The referee is distracted with that, Shelley brings Rave to his feet but Jimmy Rave hits Alex Shelley with a low blow out of nowhere, the referee turns around and he misses the low blow! Jimmy Rave then brings Shelley to his feet, and he connects with the Rock the World! Cover...1..2....3

Winners: The Rock and Rave Infection

Mike Tenay:
Oh come on! The referee didn't see that low blow! The Rock and Rave Infection just stole a victory right there

Don West: The referee was busy with Sabin and Lance Rock who were brawling, Jimmy Rave then took advantage

Mike Tenay: Lets send it to Jeff Jarrett's office!

Jeff Jarrett's office

Jeremy Borash:
Jeff Jarrett, up next, Kevin Nash and Samoa Joe will take on Kurt Angle and a mystery partner of his choice! Do you have an idea of who his partner might be?

Jeff Jarrett: I'm as clueless as you are JB, but with the way Kurt Angle has been prancing around backstage, I think this one is going to be a shocker.

Jeremy Borash: Also, at the Genesis PPV you are going to be the special referee in the 2 out of 3 falls match for the TNA Heavyweight Championship between Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe. I'm going to put you on the spot Jeff, if you were a betting man, who would you think is going to get the win?

Jeff Jarrett: Well first off I just want to say that I'm very excited to be a part of what is going to be a classic match between Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle. Every time those two step inside the six sided ring, you know its going to be a memorable match up. As for who would win? I really have no idea. But I won't dodge your question JB, so if I had to choose a winner. Well, I'd have to go with Samoa Joe simply because he is younger, stronger, and faster than Kurt Angle. That doesn't mean it isn't going to be a competitive match though, I mean, we're all aware of what Kurt Angle is capable of especially in big match situations. So I would expect the match to be not only a match of the year candidate, but a match that we will remember for a long time to come.


Don West: Mike, you really have to wonder who that Suicide guy, really is.

Mike Tenay: Hopefully we'll find out soon. Ladies and gentlemen, are main event is next!

Samoa Joe's theme hits, Samoa Joe comes down the ramp and into the ring

Dave Penzer: The following is your TNA iMPACT! featured contest, introducing team number 1 first, from American Samoa, weighing 280 pounds...Samoa Joe!

Kevin Nash's theme hits, Nash comes down the ramp and into the ring.

Dave Penzer: And his partner, from Nashville Tennessee, "Big Sexy"...Kevin Nash!

Kurt Angle's theme hits, Kurt comes down the ramp with a smirk on his face

Dave Penzer: And introducing team number 2 first, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the only olympic gold medalist in Pro Wrestling history...Kurt Angle!

Mike Tenay: Its time to find out who Kurt Angle's partner is going to be!

Don West: Who is it Mike?

Mike Tenay: We're about to find out!

Kurt Angle grabs a mic

Kurt Angle: Nash...Joe, please welcome my partner. Someone that will destroy you, someone that will crush you with no mercy whatsoever.

Awesome Kong's theme hits, Kong comes out of the tunnel, she meets Angle on the stage. Raisha Saeed comes out of the tunnel as well.

Mike Tenay: Awesome Kong!! Oh my god! Awesome Kong is Kurt Angle's partner!!!

Don West: Wait a minute Mike! Awesome Kong is a woman, remember that rule that Spike gave TNA? No man on woman violence! There isn't a rule for woman on man violence Mike!! Joe and Nash can't defend themselves against Kong!

Mike Tenay: I don't believe it! Kurt Angle had this planned all along!

Tag team match:
Awesome Kong and Kurt Angle (with Raisha Saeed) vs Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash

Joe and Nash look very confused about the situation, Nash starts the match off with Kurt Angle. They lock up, Jim Cornette comes out of the tunnel with a mic in hand

Jim Cornette: Hold on just a second! Before you get this match started, I need to make an announcement! Kurt, you're little plan here didn't work. I just got off the phone with the president of Spike TV, and he agreed that just for this on woman violence IS going to be tolerated! Nice try Kurt.

Mike Tenay: The plan backfired! Look at the look on Kurt Angle's face!

Don West: Its priceless Mike, we all have to thank Jim Cornette for making things right.

Kurt Angle is furious, Nash adds to the anger by hitting him with a big boot. Nash then springs off the ropes and he hits a leg drop on Angle...cover...1...2...Kurt kicks out. Kurt Angle makes it to his feet, Nash hits him with a series of rights and lefts. Nash then springs off the ropes but Angle meets him in the center of the ring, he hits a belly to belly suplex on "Big Sexy!". Angle drags Nash to the center of the ring, he starts stomping on the knees of Kevin Nash. Angle then tags in Awesome Kong. Kong and Angle start stomping on Nash's knees, Nash screams in pain. Kurt finally goes back to his corner. Awesome Kong then locks in a half boston crab on "Big Sexy". Nash screams in pain as Kong continues the pressure on the half boston crab submission hold. Nash tries to reach for the ropes, he is close, but Kong moves back to the center of the ring, Nash is nowhere near the ropes now. Kong applies even more pressure now as Nash screams in pain. Finally, Nash turns his body around and he uses his free leg to push Kong off, the submission hold is broken! Nash uses the ropes to make it back to his feet, Kong charges at him but Nash kicks her in the gut. Kevin Nash then springs off the ropes and he hits her with a big boot! Nash tags out to Samoa Joe! Joe gets into the ring, he stares at Angle who is in his corner. Awesome Kong makes it back to his feet, Joe and Kong have a stare down. Joe looks at Kong and tells her that he won't hit her, he doesn't want to hid a woman. He tells Kong to tag out to Kurt Angle. Kong walks over to Angle and is about to tag him in, but instead she hits a spinning back fist on Samoa Joe out of nowhere! Joe falls down to the mat. Kong climbs up to the second turnbuckle, she comes off with a splash on Joe! Kong then drags Joe to her corner, she tags out to Kurt Angle! Kurt gets into the ring, Kong brings Joe to his feet and she holds him up, Kurt hits a series of right hands to the face of Joe. Kong then throws Joe down to the mat and she goes back to her corner. Kurt Angle starts stomping on The Samoan Submission Machine. He brings Joe to his feet, he hits Joe with an uppercut! Joe falls backwards into the ropes, Angle charges at him and Joe elevates him over the top rope to the floor. Angle makes it to his feet on the outside, Joe springs off the ropes and he hits a suicide dive on Kurt Angle on the outside! Joe makes it to his feet, he brings Angle to his feet. He throws Angle back into the ring, Joe rolls into the ring as well. Joe covers...1..2...kick out! Joe brings Angle to his feet, he wips him across the ring and hits him with a snap slam! Joe tags out to Kevin Nash. Nash gets into the ring, Angle makes it to his feet, Nash grabs him and hits him with a choke slam! Cover..1...2...kick out! Nash brings Angle to his feet, he wips him into the corner. Nash charges at him and he hits Angle with a splash in the corner. Nash then hits a series of elbows and knees to the gut. Angle falls down to the mat. Nash starts stomping on him, he then brings Angle to his feet but Kurt rakes the eyes of Nash, he then tags out to Awesome Kong! Kong gets into the ring and she starts hitting a series of right hands to Kevin Nash. Kong wips him across the ring and she hits him with a clothesline! Nash falls down to the mat. Kong springs off the ropes and she hits Nash with a splash. Cover...1..2...kick out! Kong then brings Nash to his feet, she tries for a spinning back fist but Nash ducks, he then hits a headbutt on Kong! Both people fall to the mat, they start crawling to their respective corners. Finally, Nash tags out to Joe, and Kong tags out to Angle. Both men charge into the ring and exchange right hands in the middle of the ring. Angle gets the advantage by raking the eyes of Samoa Joe. Angle the hits Joe with a series of rights, he then hits him with an uppercut. Joe falls to the mat. Awesome Kong gets into the ring, she picks Joe up, Joe then hits her with a kick to the face. Nash gets into the ring and clotheslines Kong over the top to the floor. Nash goes to the outside and starts brawling with Kong. Joe sets up Angle on the top rope, he tries for a muscle buster but Angle counters into a neck breaker! Both men are down, Kurt Angle eventually makes it to his feet first. He slides out of the ring and he grabs a steel chair. He slides back into the ring. Samoa Joe gets up, Kurt Angle hits him in the back with the steel chair. Joe falls down to the mat in pain as the ref calls for the bell.

Winners: Samoa Joe and Kevin Nash by DQ

Mike Tenay:
What the hell is this? Kurt Angle is going crazy!

Don West: He got himself disqualified Mike! But why?

Kurt Angle then hits Joe with the steel chair, he hits him again and again. Nash slides into the ring, Kurt Angle turns around and nails Nash in the head with a chair shot! Awesome Kong is down on the outside. Kurt Angle drops the chair, he slides out of the ring and looks under the ring for another weapon

Mike Tenay: Kurt Angle has snapped!

Angle brings out a table, he slides it into the ring. Angle rolls into the ring as well. Kurt sets up the table in the middle of the ring. Angle then grabs Samoa Joe and he hits him with an olympic slam that sends Joe crashing through the table

Mike Tenay: There it is! The olympic slam through the table! Samoa Joe is not moving

Don West: Kurt Angle is a man possessed, someone come out here and stop this! Where's security?

Angle then grabs the ankle of Samoa Joe, he locks in the ankle lock! Joe screams in pain.

Don West: He's going to break his damn ankle! What is Kurt thinking Mike!?

Mike Tenay: Someone stop this! Someone stop this right now!!

Angle finally stops, he stands over Samoa Joe with his hands in the air as the screen fades to black.


Opening: I liked this, it makes people read on to find out who the partner is/will be. Kurt as well as JB were both in good character and this was a nice little build up for the show and main event.

Opening match: Pretty decent imo. Taylor continues winning only this time by DQ as all 3 women beat her down lol. Nice feud hyping and the match was alright too. Lucky for Taylor Roxxi and ODB came...

Nash/Joe interview: It was pretty good but I felt like Joe kind of repeated what Nash said until the last few lines. Both in good character though and this only adds more to the Main Event later in the show.

Karen's Angle: Good segment imo, I am interested in what you have done for Sting and thats what he really should be doing in real life. I am curious as to who you will choose for him. I am gonna guess Joe but it could be anyone. They were in good character and I liked it.

Beer-Money with Cornette: I quite liked this, Beer-Money were in good character and I could really see them complaining in real life about something like that. JC was angry as usual and the immunity match next week I will not enjoy imo, taking things from poles is terrible tbh. I liked the "shaking head" smilie Cornette done lol. Good promo.

Creed Vs Petey: This was quite good but I didn't like the ending with Petey arguing for the loss. But, I see this as a good sign to get Steiner away from Petey and if thats the case then AWESOME! Alright match and it should pay off in the long run.

Christian Cage interview: I liked this. I am a huge fan of Cage, when he is speaking its instant greatness! I really got the point across about AJ in great character and it was a good length too. I am loving there feud and their match will be great also!

AJ/Cage: I also really enjoyed this, just going back and fourth with words, it was done well and Christian pwned him in a brawl again. I don't know what was up with the whole Curryman thing though, if its what I think then it should be great. Nice job with that.

The Poppa pumps: Once again I liked this Stenier promo, seeing how it is written each time makes me laugh. Petey going face and leaving Steiner is AWESOME but he hasn't fully done it yet but when/if he does I am gonna mark out! Pretty good promo.

MCMG Vs Rock N Rave: Good match, I was shocked to see the MCMGs losing but atleast it gets the "rockers" over. Some good action going on there and it was pretty good overall.

JB/JJ: Again this adds just that little bit more to the match and they were both in good character. Nice short little promo but it done the trick.

Main Event: WTF, Awesome Kong is his partner!?!? Average Main Event, I don't really like Kong fighting men but it wasn't to bad. After the match was pretty brutal lol. Decent.

AC: Good show, the promos were great as usual and the matches weren't to bad. You did use the DQ finish quite abit but it wasn't too bad of a thing. Most of the feuds are picking up nicely and I will check out your next show! (where were Abyss and Booker?)

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Rock & Rave vs MCMG. The other matches weren't that intriguing to me, and this flowed the best, and featured people that I actually give a shit about. Creed vs Petey wasn't bad either.

WM - Women's Wrestling is a joke.

BP - Karen's Angle was pretty good, Sting's emotions were kinda on point. It showed how much he wants to stay in TNA, and it made me look forward to what's next. A close second would go to AJ's challenge to Christian.

WP - Scott Steiner. That's it.

AC - It's my first time taking a look at this, and I'll have to say it's booked very much like TNA, just like I expected. All the matches were TNA length, and the promos and finishes were Russo-riffic. There's still lots of improvement though, there's so many things that can be done with this BTB, I don't want to see it go to shits.

Tsaalyo Phoenix

Active Member
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
St. Catharines, Ontario
Wow lol, you even add actual commercials.

BM: The Motor City Machine Guns vs The Rock and Rave Infection. The Guns = money.
WM: None, they were all enjoyable.
BP: Scott and Petey. "Life isn't all blueberries and fish"? Lmao.
WP: Karen's Angle. Sting is just... boring.
Additional Comments: Headfirst for Hardcore? One day a woman like Beth Phoenix is going to rape you and i'm gonna be there when it happens.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: I am going with MCMG vs Rock and Rave, almost all didn't have a clean finish, not to even mention that they weren't that intriguing. I have to say, how dare you job the MCMG!

WM: Consequences Creed sucks.

BP: I enjoyed Sting promo. Altough I don't usually care when he is talking as I don't think he should really talk and instead be kept with a Taker like aura, and despite Karen Angle was in the segment, it was actually good. Samoa Jos vs Sting...I called it first.

WP: Steiner. Altough the intentional mistakes added to it.

AC: I didn't like this show too much, altough it did advance the storylines. The deal with Cornette was unrealistic to say the least. Awesome Kong had just come out and he just finished talking with Spike TV President about the secret partner? I was expecting Abyss so it was also a let down. All storylines were advanced whatsover so the show made it on that point.

Check out BTW, Turning Point PPV has been posted



This Thursday night, TNA returns with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling iMPACT! as the road to the Genesis PPV continues!

Below is a preview of what is expected on the broadcast

For the last time before the "Genesis" PPV, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, and special referee for the bout, Jeff Jarrett will be in the ring for a final faceoff! Jim Cornette has ruled that no physicality will be allowed. Will Joe and Angle comply? Or will all hell break loose?

Robert Roode, Homicide, Brother Ray, and Chris Sabin will go at it in a 4 way immunity match! A contract will hang on a pole, the first person to grab the contract will gain immunity for his team! This means that the winner of the Make Up or Break Up Ladder match at the "Genesis" PPV will not be able to break up the team with immunity!

In a one on one match up, Eric Young will take on The X-Division Champion Sheik Adbul Bashir!

The Knockouts will be in action as ODB takes on Awesome Kong!

Scott Steiner will host the first ever, "Steiner Challenge"! Who will answer this challenge?

In the main event, Christian Cage will team up with Booker T, as they take on the team of AJ Styles and "The Monster" Abyss! Who will win this epic tag team match?

All this and more comes to you this Thursday night on TNA Wrestling's iMPACT! only on Spike

Evil Austin

Looks good I haven't reviewed the last show but I will review this one - though if you feel like it check out my BTB some time. Here is my predictions for this weeks show. Which by the way looks interesting.

Christian Cage and Booker T win. They beat Abyss and AJ Styles

Scott Steiner hosts his first ever Steiner Challenge - I suggest that Steiner 's challenge will be his protige (or however you spell it) Petey Williams trying to go on his own and try to beat up Steiner to show that he is better then him. Or though that might be too soon? Either way I see Steiner winning.

OBD vs. Awesome Kong - I say Kong will win.

Eric Young vs. Champ Sheik Bashir - Sheik is on a roll since holding the title I say that he will beat Eric young.

I say that there will be no physicallity in the Angle, Joe and Jeff encounter but there will be something happeing maybe Nash turning up I am not sure but it will make next week a must read.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
This is a nice preview, it's my first time to read your BTB and I'll try to catch up by trying to review your show. Next Week's show is going to be good. I am really interested with the Make Up or Break Up Ladder match, I am seeing MCMG will break up here. The Steiner's Challenge is also made me curious as to who will be his opponent. I'll try to give you a review on your next show.


Active Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI
Week 3 review

Angle promo- Intresting promo. I wonder who he's talking about.

Moore vs. Wilde- Kinda boring. Starting off the night with a run in.

Nash/Joe promo- Good stuff from these two.

Karen's Angle- Not bad. I'm thinking that Sting will have more than one last match.

Cornette/ Beer Money promo- Interesting match made for next week.

Creed vs. Petey- Good match. I liked the ending, hopefully you're pushing Petey away from Steiner.

Christian promo- Very good promo.

Christian/AJ promo- Not as good as the last Christian promo, but still good. I'm hoping that you'll reveal that Curryman is the Fallen Angel.

Steiner/Petey promo: LOL!!!

MCMG vs. R&RI: Good match. The ending felt like it was really from a TNA show, the Guns are always jobbing. Match of the Night.

Jarret promo- It just didn't feel in character to me.

Main Event: Decent match. Starting and ending the night with a DQ. I really liked how you ended the show.

AC: Not a single match had a clean ending. Other than that you have a solid show here.
Plug: Check out POI Episode 33 tomorrow.


Hey guys, just letting you know that I'll be resuming this BTB. A new show will be posted tomorrow. For those who forgot, here is what is in store for the next show:


This Thursday night, TNA returns with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling iMPACT! as the road to the Genesis PPV continues!

Below is a preview of what is expected on the broadcast

For the last time before the "Genesis" PPV, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, and special referee for the bout, Jeff Jarrett will be in the ring for a final faceoff! Jim Cornette has ruled that no physicality will be allowed. Will Joe and Angle comply? Or will all hell break loose?

Robert Roode, Homicide, Brother Ray, and Chris Sabin will go at it in a 4 way immunity match! A contract will hang on a pole, the first person to grab the contract will gain immunity for his team! This means that the winner of the Make Up or Break Up Ladder match at the "Genesis" PPV will not be able to break up the team with immunity!

In a one on one match up, Eric Young will take on The X-Division Champion Sheik Adbul Bashir!

The Knockouts will be in action as ODB takes on Awesome Kong!

Scott Steiner will host the first ever, "Steiner Challenge"! Who will answer this challenge?

In the main event, Christian Cage will team up with Booker T, as they take on the team of AJ Styles and "The Monster" Abyss! Who will win this epic tag team match?

All this and more comes to you this Thursday night on TNA Wrestling's iMPACT! only on Spike

Sorry for the extremely long break, but I'm back now!

Moonlight Drive

Beat me to it man. I was going to try and convince you to pick this back up, but looks like you already have.

The faceoff could be interesting since there's no physicality. Perhaps this could set up a match for later in the night, I'm not sure. Probably just a good promo to hype the match.

Chris Sabin to go over in the Immunity match. I think Beer Money will break up, since they both are potential singles superstars.

Sheik to go over EY.

Kong to go over ODB.

Steiner Challenge? I dunno how it will go or what it will be, but I think Petey might be the first.

Cage and Booker to go over Abyss and AJ.

I have big expectations for this BTB, so don't disappoint bro. NOW finally posted it's first show, check it out if you get a chance.


Good to see you return to this BTB.

Brother Ray to gain immunity for Team 3D. The break up could go to either of the other 3 teams as they could all potentially split up and still be successful singles stars. Maybe LAX will break up, just to cause a big shock.

Sheiky to go freaky and beat EY.

Kong to physically dominate and most likely anally rape ODB.

AJ Styles and Abyss to become suckas in an instant classic. (lose)

Steiner to inject himself with steroids half way through a match with Petey in the Steiner Challenge (the winner should have to buy him more steroids).

Also, for the confrontation, I expect physicality, resulting in some kind of weird temporary suspension/firing of Joe or some other weird thing that will most likely be blames on Russo.

Nevertheless, the show looks good. Check out Smackdown on WWE 2009- Fast Forward to Future and be the lucky 100th reviewer to recieve a free rice cracker. (may have to wait for 98 other people to review first)

PS- Don't wait that long :shifty: