March 3, 2016
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center - New York, NY
The broadcast starts with a short recap of the events of last week. Among these events were Austin Aries explaining his actions, Drew Galloway saving Dolph Ziggler from Bad Influence, and Bram and Eric Young ruining the finals of the TNA Tag Team Championship Tournament. The normal Impact theme plays as the camera pans across the crowd. After a few shots of the crowd, we cut to the announcers’ booth.
Josh Mathews: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the hottest promotion in pro wrestling, TNA. I am Josh Mathews alongside my broadcast partner The Pope.
The Pope: The Pope would like to welcome everyone to Impact Wrestling. After that recap video, the Pope is extra excited to see how things go down for Lockdown.
Josh Mathews: We are just 11 days away from Lockdown, and the ppv is starting to take shape. Speaking of Lockdown, after the actions of the TNA Tag Team Champions last week on Impact, we are without a number one contender for the titles.
The Pope: Those bullies, Bram and Eric Young, think that they can run show. Someone needs to get those lunatics under control.
Josh Mathews: Well, under direct word from TNA President Dixie Carter, we will be having a rematch between The Hardy’s and The Wolves again tonight.
The Pope: Now that’s what The Pope is talking about!
Josh Mathews: Hold on Pope, I am getting word that this match is next.
The Wolves vs. The Hardys
Jeff Hardy starts off the match against Davey Richards. They go all out in this match, even battling through the crowd at one point. After terrific back and forth action that tops their previous match, the match was interrupted by Bram and Eric Young.
Bram and Eric Young make their way out in the middle of the match. The crowd boos as they make their way to ringside. Eric Young yells for Jeremy Borash to hand him a microphone. Bram shoves Borash back into his seat. Eric Young enters the ring, waving off the competitors. Both The Hardy’s and The Wolves stare angrily as Eric Young begins to speak.
Eric Young: Stop the match! Stop the match!
Boos ring out from the audience.
Eric Young: It’s time to stop this crap all of you have been doing. This match is nothing. Neither of you are getting a shot at my titles.
Bram: Our titles.
Eric Young jerks his head to the side, and gives a slight glare to his tag team partner.
Eric Young: None of you have what it takes to stand up to Eric Young. I will piledrive your heads into the ring, and I will end your career. I will cripple you all, and I will laugh as you lay in your hospital bed eating through a tube!
Bram: And trust me when I say that there’s nothing we like more than the sound of bones breaking and flesh tearing.
Eric Young: So I want you all to think long and hard about having a match at Lockdown, because you are signing your death certificate.
Eric Young hits Hardy over the head with the microphone as Bram drops Richards with a clothesline. Eddie Edwards and Matt Hardy jump in the ring and a brawl breaks out between the three teams. The referee ends up calling the match as the brawl continues. Bram and Eric Young begin to get beaten down by both teams and are sent flying out of the ring. Eric Young begins yelling that neither team gets a shot.
Dixie Carter makes comes out on the stage to a mixed, but mostly positive, reaction.
Dixie Carter: Gentlemen, Gentlemen!
She waits for the crowd to quiet and for the wrestler to calm.
Dixie Carter: Bram and EY, since you two can’t seem to allow these two teams to finish a match, I guess one of them will not be the number one contender.
Eric Young begins laughing hysterically at the two teams in the ring while Bram slaps his back in support.
Dixie Carter: Hold on! One of these teams will not be the number one contender, because both teams will be facing you at Lockdown in a triple threat tag team match.
Eric Young begins yelling incoherent phrases. The Hardys and The Wolves both seem pretty happy with this outcome.
Tigre Uno vs. Sanada
This was an exciting match up showing the great things that the X Division brings to TNA. Several near falls left the crowd in suspense as the high flying moves brought excitement to the crowd. The end came with the X Division Champion, Tigre Uno, picked up the win after Manik distracted Sanada.
The camera cuts backstage where we see Dixie Carter walking. In the background we can see Eric Young running after.
Eric Young: Dixie! Dixie Carter!
Eric Young finally catches up to her.
Eric Young: What the hell was that? You come out there and force me to defend my titles against both of those teams.
Dixie Carter: I’m going to stop you right there. You are the one that ruined a number one contender match….twice! You have forced my hand, and I had no other choice.
Eric Young: No Dixie, you forced my hand. I have no choice but to take all four of those guys and break their freaking necks.
Dixie brushes it off and turns to walk away. Eric Young blocks her from leaving.
Eric Young: I’M NOT DONE YET! If I have to face both of these teams, then I get to choose the stipulation.
Dixie Carter thinks about it for a second.
Dixie Carter: Alright, you’ve got a deal. Next week on Impact, you will reveal your match stipulation.
Dixie Carter leaves the area as Eric Young begins laughing. Bram eventually walks into the frame holding the TNA World Tag Team Championships.
Bram: What’s so bloody funny?
Eric Young: I just got great news about my titles. Give me those!
Eric Young yanks the titles off of Bram’s shoulders and walks away.
EC3 and Tyrus vs. Mr. Anderson and Lashley
This match was nothing special, rather a straight up tag team match. Lashley was revealed as Mr. Anderson’s partner and was very useful to him during the match. The end of the match came when Lashley took out Tyrus on the outside of the ring, allowing Mr. Anderson to hit the Mic Check on EC3.
We cut to a pre-recorded interview with Drew Galloway.
Drew Galloway: I’ve said from the day that I stepped into TNA, I am here to stand up for wrestling. I am here to make sure that every single person in that locker room has a voice that is heard. Christopher Daniels came out and immediately had a problem with Dolph Ziggler, and that’s fine, I’ve had my own problems with Dolph Ziggler in the past. But where I draw the line, when Drew Galloway gets involved, is when it’s no longer a fair fight. That is exactly what it became when Daniels had to bring his buddy to the fight.
He pauses for a second to calm himself.
Drew Galloway: Daniels and Kazarian are good when they got the advantage, but we’ll see how they handle themselves in a fair fight. Tonight, Drew Galloway shows Kazarian what happens when you stand up for what you believe in!
Cage vs. Kenny King
This match started out as expected with Cage dominating. Surprisingly, Kenny King was able to shift the momentum and get some action in. An infuriated Cage began to lay into King. This continued until the referee had no choice but to DQ Cage after he refused to break the hold.
Cage continues his assault after the match. He throws Kenny King out of the ring and follows him out. He slams King into the barricade followed quickly by a whip into the steel steps.
The Pope: Come one now, this is disgusting!
Josh Mathews: I’m not going to be the one to tell him that!
Other referees come running out to stop the assault. Cage shoves all the refs off at once before laying into King with blow after blow. He gets off of King and heads over to the steel steps. He rips them apart and carries one over to King.
Josh Mathews: This doesn’t look like it’s going to end well.
The TNA X Division Champion rushes down the ramp to ring side. He runs over to Cage and dropkicks the steel steps that he’s holding, sending Cage flying backwards. Cage recuperates pretty quickly and heads up the ramp.
Tigre Uno turns toward Kenny King who is struggling to get up. The luchador aides Kenny King to his feet. King shoves the champ away as he limps his way backstage. Tigre Uno brushes it off and celebrates in the ring.
Mike Tenay is walking backstage looking for someone to interview. He sees Awesome Kong pacing back and forth. He rushes up to her as the cameraman follows.
Mike Tenay: Excuse me Kong, can I have a moment of your time.
Awesome Kong jerks her head toward Tenay as he continues to speak.
Mike Tenay: What are your thoughts…
Awesome Kong grips Tenay by the throat and shoves him into the wall.
Awesome Kong: Tell AJ I’m coming for her!
She tosses Mike Tenay out of her way before storming off.
The Pope: Well I guess it’s that time!
Josh Mathews: Ever since this man returned to TNA, he’s been all about himself.
The Pope: You’re telling me Josh! He come in here thinking he deserves to be the face of the company.
Josh Mathews: I’m not going to argue with him!
Austin Aries enters the ring with a microphone. The crowd drowns out his theme with their boos. Aries is forced to wait for the crowd to calm down before he can speak.
Austin Aries: Last week I came out here and I explained my actions towards Bobby. But I wasn’t out here just to hear myself talk, and I sure as hell wasn’t out here to give an explanation to any of you!
More boos from the audience forces Aries to pause
Austin Aries: It’s true, you’re not that special!
He pauses once again as the heat rolls in
Austin Aries: No, I came out here to make it blatantly obvious to the TNA suits where I was coming from. I was out here to draw their attention to the uneven playing field that I have been forced to go up against. However, the more I talked, the more I realized that none of the jackasses that work backstage were going to pick up what I was trying to do. And one jackass in particular, Dixie Carter!
Mixed reaction at the mention of the TNA President
Austin Aries: I decided last week that instead of beating around the bush, I was going to call out Dixie this week and give her my demands in person. So Dixie, get the hell out here!
After a short while, Dixie Carter finally makes her way out into the arena. The mixed reaction that we heard earlier returns as Dixie makes her way down the ramp. Jeremy Borash assists her up the steps and spreads the ropes as she enters the ring. He hands her a mic before hopping down. Dixie Carter steps toward the center of the ring, looking unamused.
Dixie Carter: Alright Austin, why am I out here?
Austin Aries: First of all, Dixie, let’s get something clear. You may be the TNA President, but make no mistake, I am in charge of what’s going on in this ring right know.
Dixie Carter: Wait….
Austin Aries: I’m not done talking! I have been away from TNA for a while now, and every one with a brain noticed. That’s probably why you went on like nothing had changed.
The crowd pops as Aries verbally attacks Dixie Carter
Austin Aries: And like I stated last week, I left because TNA management, you, refused to put me where I deserved. You refused to push “The Greatest Man that Ever Lived”. You blew chance after chance to give me my opportunity. A Double deserves to be the face of TNA, but you refuse to see that. And now…now Dixie, you have forced my hands. It is time for me to take what’s mine, and the only way I can do that is by taking out each and every person that you decide to put over me.
Dixie Carter: Austin, if you think I am just going to let you run around taking my star wrestlers, then…
Austin Aries: But Dixie, it’s already begun! Your precious Bobby Roode, the longest reigning World Heavyweight Champion in company history, was taken out by me. He’s just the beginning. I’ll take out Jeff Hardy, Dolph Ziggler, Drew Galloway, I’ll take out the entire roster until I am the man on top. But I need to finish what I’ve started first. At Lockdown, I want Bobby Roode inside of Six Sides of Steel.
Dixie Carter: Your attitude here tonight is not deserving of a match. However, Bobby Roode versus Austin Aries is just the heated match up that Lockdown needs.
Austin Aries: I’m glad that you see it my way!
Aries turns to exit the ring.
Dixie Carter: Hold on one second! I’m not just going to hand you the match. Next week, you are going to have to earn it, in a match. But to show that I’m not stacking the odds against you, I’ll let you choose your opponent. Good luck!
Dixie Carter exits the ring as her theme blasts throughout the arena.
Kazarian vs. Drew Galloway
Back and forth action between these two athletes had the crowd excited during this match. Part way through the match, Christopher Daniels made his way to ringside. After several attempts to interfere with the match, Dolph Ziggler finally made his way to ringside. The end came when Drew Galloway hit Kazarian with the Future Shock DDT.
Christopher Daniels enters the ring and immediately goes after Drew Galloway. Daniels does his best to keep him from getting up off of the mat. Galloway is able to make it to his knees before shoving Daniels off. Daniels times himself perfectly and runs the ropes. Once he hits the ropes and turns back for Galloway, he is met with a Superkick from Dolph Ziggler.
Dolph Ziggler and Drew Galloway end up celebrating with the crowd as the members of Bad Influence lay in the ring.
What are your thoughts on the show?
What kind of match stiplulation will Eric Young choose?
Who will Austin Aries choose as his opponent next week?