January 20, 2016
Universal Studios - Orlando, Fl
The short TNA bumper video plays followed by the Impact intro. After a quick scan of the audience, we join Josh Mathews and The Pope in the announcing area.
Josh Mathews: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the hottest product in professional wrestling, TNA Impact.
The Pope: And that's something that we have proved over the last couple of weeks, and something that we look to continue prove moving forward.
Josh Mathews: Well Pope, tonight's surely not gonna disappoint. We will see the Knockout's Champion Brooke in action for the first time since the reboot of TNA Impact.
The Pope: And you can't forget that both Bobby Roode and ECIII will meet in the ring tonight for a contract signing.
Josh Mathews: How could anyone forget? I've been waiting for this moment since it was announced earlier this week on TNAwrestling.com.
Christopher Daniels makes his way out into the impact zone. He receives massive heat from the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp and into the ring.
Christopher Daniels: All week I have received tweets, emails, text messages, even hand written letter, and they all have said the exact same thing. Why? Why did I do what I did last week? And I thought, I thought the answer was obvious. I have payed my dues in professional wrestling, and I have payed my dues in TNA. I have won championships, and I have headlined PPV's. I've done everything that was needed to be on top, and I've done everything to be the man, but I've never been able to be the TNA Heavyweight Champion. And then this guy just walks in to TNA, and he decides that he is deserving of a title shot. A title shot that I have dedicated my whole career to achieving, and he just walks in and is handed an opportunity.
Huge pop for the show off as he makes his way into the Impact Zone. He stands on the stage, near the top of the ramp, with a microphone in hand.
Dolph Ziggler: Sorry to interrupt your heartfelt speech, but I figured now was as good of time as any to come out here. You keep talking about this guy, and I realized that we haven't been introduced. My name is Dolph Ziggler, and I'm that guy. But I'm also the guy who has been to the top. I am a former two time world champion. I may not have been fighting in TNA my whole career, but I have proven myself in this industry.
Christopher Daniels: Proven yourself? You want to talk about proving yourself? I was leaving my blood, sweat, and tears in this very ring before you even started wrestling. You may have a lot of accomplishments in your career, but it doesn't mean that you earned any of them. I think that you are a sub par wrestler who rides the coattails of people who are better then you just to get an opportunity.
Dolph Ziggler nods his head and looks at the audience as they respond to Christopher Daniels comments.
Dolph Ziggler: I know you put a lot of effort into that aside there, but I don't give a damn about what you think about me. I am, however, upset about what transpired last week. You cost me my shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship because you are angry at yourself for not being quite good enough. But I will get my chance at redemption as the TNA Board of Directors have granted me a match against you...tonight.
Dolph Ziggler drops his microphone and leaves the Impact Zone as his music blasts throughout the arena.
Mandrews vs Alex Koslov
Alex Koslov made quick work of Mandrews. After a nearly one sided bout, Mandrews tapped out after Koslov was able to hit the Red Scare.
Alex Koslov demands a microphone. After ripping the mic out of Jeremy Borash's hand, he returns to his position standing tall above his fallen opponent.
Alex Koslov: Do you see? Do you see what I did?
Boos ring out from the audience.
Alex Koslov: I took this man, and I sacrificed him in the name of Russia. I stand tall over him, just as Russia stands tall over the rest of the world. And last week, I showed Russia's dominance of America by beating that pathetic man Chris Melendez. Speaking of which, if a man that you guys expect to protect your country can be defeated so easily, then that proves just how pathetic you Americans truly are.
Chris Melendez: Hold up one second. The way I see it is that last week, instead of fighting me man to man, you decided to attack before I could even enter the ring. So what do you say I come into that ring, and we talk face to face.
The crowd cheers as Melendez runs to the ring. However, Koslov doesn't give the veteran a chance as he rolls out of the ring as Melendez slides into it. Koslov shakes his head as he makes his way up the ramp.
Chris Melendez: You're just like a Russian, running away as soon as the Americans show up. But you know what? I'll let you run away today, because I just got word that at Genesis it'll be Chris Melendez versus Alex Koslov!
Chris Melendez drops the mic in the middle of the ring as he and Koslov exchange glances.
Brooke vs Marti Belle w/ Taryn Terrell and Jade
Brooke kept control for a majority of the match, however, Marti Belle was able to take control after a few distractions from the rest of the dollhouse. Marti Belle finally picked up the win after Brooke's Genesis opponent, AJ Lee, skipped to the ring for the distraction.
AJ Lee intercepts Jeremy Borash on his way to the ring, and grabs the TNA Knockout's Championship from him. She places the title on her shoulder and continues to skip around at ringside. Brooke uses the ropes to aide herself up as AJ Lee skips up the ramp. She poses with the belt once more and then sets it down on the stage before skipping backstage.
Kenny King vs DJ Z w/ Robbie E
This was a match that showed off the talent that the X Division offers. After several moments of back and forth and a few moments of hope for DJ Z, Kenny King picked up the victory after hitting the Royal Flush.
Kenny King kicks DJ Z out of the ring, and Robbie E helps him backstage. King makes his way onto the middle ropes to celebrate his victory.
Tigre Uno comes out onto the stage as the crowd shows their support of the Mexican luchadore. Tigre Uno removes the X Divsion Championship from his waist and raises it high into the air for everyone in the Impact Zone, and more importantly his opponent for Genesis, to see. Kenny King makes a motion toward his waste, signally that he is gunning for the X Division Championship.
The cameras cut to a backstage area, where TNA interviewer Mike Tenay is waiting with a microphone in hand.
Mike Tenay: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time... Mr. Anderson.
Mr. Anderson walks into the frame, and joins Tenay.
Mike Tenay: What are your thought on what happened between you and MVP last week?
Mr. Anderson: I am a loud mouth, everybody knows it. So when I don't have much to say, you know that I am really pissed. Last week, last week MVP showed exactly the kind of man that he is. Instead of facing me face to face, he sent in his little lackey to attack me from behind. MVP, you may think that you showed that your the bigger man, but all you really showed is that your balls are smaller than we all thought.
Mr. Anderson pushes the microphone back into Mike Tenay's chest and walks out. The camera shows Mike Tenay standing solitary before cutting back to the ring.
The Wolves come out to a decent pop. They make their way to ring and pose for the fans. They stand eagerly, waiting for their opponent.
Bram: Whoa, whoa, cut the music! I think we all know that I am pissed off. I am pissed off because you two have put off the beating that I am going to give you. You had to sent me on a hunt to find a tag team partner just so I could get a chance to lay my hands on you. And that wasn't easy. It wasn't easy finding someone who had my desire to rip through the competition. Someone who finds the pleasure in others' pain. But guess what! I found him.
Bram drops his mic onto the stage, and waits for a few seconds.
Eric Young comes out with the crazy look on his face that he has been known for. He joins Bram at the top of the ramp. They exchange a slight glance before making their way to the ring.
The Wolves vs Bram and Eric Young
The Wolves started off in control of this match which was expected from a team with so much experience. Bram and Eric Young were able to isolate Richards from his partner, and Bram won the match after hitting the Brighter Side of Suffering.
Josh Mathews: Well it's official, we are just under two weeks away from the first PPV of the year.
The Pope: And it's shaking up to be an exiting one at that. We have already confirmed that AJ Lee and Brooke will be facing off at Genesis, and earlier this evening Chris Melendez informed us that he will be facing Alex Koslov as well.
Josh Mathews: And we are about to add a third match into the mix. We are gonna head to the ring, where Jeremy Borash is waiting to begin the contract signing between EC3 and Bobby Roode.
We cut to the middle of the ring where Jeremy Borash is standing next to a table.
Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following is contract signing for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing first, the champion, Ethan Carter the third, EC3.
EC3 makes his entrance with the TNA Wold Heavyweight Championship hanging on his shoulder. Following close behind, Tyrus parts the ropes as the champion enters the ring and grabs the microphone from Borash. The champ admires his championship before handing it to his larger counterpart. Tyrus hoists the title belt into the air as EC3 begins to speak.
EC3: I have done everything since I joined this company. I have faced superstars, legends, icon, Olympic gold medalists, and I have defeated them all. I have proved something that I've always known, and that you have always doubted, that EC3 is the best in professional wrestling.
“You can't wrestle” chants ring out throughout the Impact Zone.
EC3: I can't wrestle? I CAN'T WRESTLE? Why don't you ask Kurt Angle if I can wrestle? How about Sting? That's right, all of these people, your idols, have all fallen before the great EC3.
Bobby Roode makes his way out with a microphone in hand.
Bobby Roode: Cut the music!
The crowd cheers for the challenger.
Bobby Roode: I was sitting in the back, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for Mr. Borash here to call my name. But a man can only take so much before he has no choice but to take care of it.
Bobby Roode enters the ring and stands on the opposite side of the table of EC3.
Bobby Roode: And EC3, I am surprised your teeth are so white considering the amount crap I've heard you spew out of your mouth here tonight. All I've heard about since you joined this company is how much better you are than everyone else. But as I recall, you are not the best. You are not the longest reigning champion in history are you? Do you know who that man is?
EC3: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll admit that you where able to hold the title for a remarkably long time with the little talent that you posses. There was just one problem with the your title reign, and that was that I, EC3, wasn't there. We all know that before EC3 arrived in TNA, the competition was weak. It wasn't until a true one percenter came in that everyone decided to step up their game.
Roode and EC3 move closer to each other, engaging in a face off.
Jeremy Borash: Alright gentlemen! I'm going to ask that you keep this civil and do what we need to do here. I would like to ask you both to sign the contract.
Bobby Roode grabs the contract and signs it quickly. EC3 then rips the contract out of Bobby Roodes hands. EC3 scribbles his name down on the clipboard.
Jeremy Borash: Thank you gentlemen.
Bobby Roode turns to leave the ring. EC3 throws the clipboard at Roode, and then Tyrus grabs the table and throws it on Roode. Roode charges at EC3, but is dropped by Tyrus. EC3 grabs his title and slithers out of the ring. Roode is able to make it back to his feet and dodge a few attacks from Tyrus. Roode grabs Tyrus and plants him in the ring with a Roode Bomb.
Bobby Roode locks eyes with the champ, who is now on stage. EC3 smirks as he hoists the TNA Heavyweight Championship into the air. Bobby Roode keeps his eyes locked on EC3 for a moment, and then turns his attention back to the big man who is down in the ring. He walks over to Tyrus, and begins to pick him up. He then pauses and drops the monster back to the mat. Roode walks to the corner and grabs the table. He drags the table to the center of the ring and positions it perfectly. He grabs Tyrus once again and sets him up. Roode Bomb through the table! Bobby Roode's music blasts throughout the Impact Zone as he makes his way to the back.
Now Available on TNAShop.com!
Dolph Ziggler vs. Christopher Daniels
This match was a shorter match than expected. Fans who wanted to see a fair match between the two will have to wait, as Christopher Daniels ended up with the loss here via DQ. He made use of a steel chair during the match, which left the ref with no choice.
Christopher Daniels throws the chair down in middle of the ring and grabs Ziggler before he can roll out of the ring. He picks up Ziggler and positions him to hit the Angel's Wings onto the steel chair. The Fallen Angel leaves the ring with a grin on his face. The show ends with a shot of Zigglers lifeless body in the middle of the ring.
All comments are appreciated!
Universal Studios - Orlando, Fl
The short TNA bumper video plays followed by the Impact intro. After a quick scan of the audience, we join Josh Mathews and The Pope in the announcing area.
Josh Mathews: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the hottest product in professional wrestling, TNA Impact.
The Pope: And that's something that we have proved over the last couple of weeks, and something that we look to continue prove moving forward.
Josh Mathews: Well Pope, tonight's surely not gonna disappoint. We will see the Knockout's Champion Brooke in action for the first time since the reboot of TNA Impact.
The Pope: And you can't forget that both Bobby Roode and ECIII will meet in the ring tonight for a contract signing.
Josh Mathews: How could anyone forget? I've been waiting for this moment since it was announced earlier this week on TNAwrestling.com.
Christopher Daniels makes his way out into the impact zone. He receives massive heat from the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp and into the ring.
Christopher Daniels: All week I have received tweets, emails, text messages, even hand written letter, and they all have said the exact same thing. Why? Why did I do what I did last week? And I thought, I thought the answer was obvious. I have payed my dues in professional wrestling, and I have payed my dues in TNA. I have won championships, and I have headlined PPV's. I've done everything that was needed to be on top, and I've done everything to be the man, but I've never been able to be the TNA Heavyweight Champion. And then this guy just walks in to TNA, and he decides that he is deserving of a title shot. A title shot that I have dedicated my whole career to achieving, and he just walks in and is handed an opportunity.
Huge pop for the show off as he makes his way into the Impact Zone. He stands on the stage, near the top of the ramp, with a microphone in hand.
Dolph Ziggler: Sorry to interrupt your heartfelt speech, but I figured now was as good of time as any to come out here. You keep talking about this guy, and I realized that we haven't been introduced. My name is Dolph Ziggler, and I'm that guy. But I'm also the guy who has been to the top. I am a former two time world champion. I may not have been fighting in TNA my whole career, but I have proven myself in this industry.
Christopher Daniels: Proven yourself? You want to talk about proving yourself? I was leaving my blood, sweat, and tears in this very ring before you even started wrestling. You may have a lot of accomplishments in your career, but it doesn't mean that you earned any of them. I think that you are a sub par wrestler who rides the coattails of people who are better then you just to get an opportunity.
Dolph Ziggler nods his head and looks at the audience as they respond to Christopher Daniels comments.
Dolph Ziggler: I know you put a lot of effort into that aside there, but I don't give a damn about what you think about me. I am, however, upset about what transpired last week. You cost me my shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship because you are angry at yourself for not being quite good enough. But I will get my chance at redemption as the TNA Board of Directors have granted me a match against you...tonight.
Dolph Ziggler drops his microphone and leaves the Impact Zone as his music blasts throughout the arena.
Mandrews vs Alex Koslov
Alex Koslov made quick work of Mandrews. After a nearly one sided bout, Mandrews tapped out after Koslov was able to hit the Red Scare.
Alex Koslov demands a microphone. After ripping the mic out of Jeremy Borash's hand, he returns to his position standing tall above his fallen opponent.
Alex Koslov: Do you see? Do you see what I did?
Boos ring out from the audience.
Alex Koslov: I took this man, and I sacrificed him in the name of Russia. I stand tall over him, just as Russia stands tall over the rest of the world. And last week, I showed Russia's dominance of America by beating that pathetic man Chris Melendez. Speaking of which, if a man that you guys expect to protect your country can be defeated so easily, then that proves just how pathetic you Americans truly are.
Chris Melendez: Hold up one second. The way I see it is that last week, instead of fighting me man to man, you decided to attack before I could even enter the ring. So what do you say I come into that ring, and we talk face to face.
The crowd cheers as Melendez runs to the ring. However, Koslov doesn't give the veteran a chance as he rolls out of the ring as Melendez slides into it. Koslov shakes his head as he makes his way up the ramp.
Chris Melendez: You're just like a Russian, running away as soon as the Americans show up. But you know what? I'll let you run away today, because I just got word that at Genesis it'll be Chris Melendez versus Alex Koslov!
Chris Melendez drops the mic in the middle of the ring as he and Koslov exchange glances.
Brooke vs Marti Belle w/ Taryn Terrell and Jade
Brooke kept control for a majority of the match, however, Marti Belle was able to take control after a few distractions from the rest of the dollhouse. Marti Belle finally picked up the win after Brooke's Genesis opponent, AJ Lee, skipped to the ring for the distraction.
AJ Lee intercepts Jeremy Borash on his way to the ring, and grabs the TNA Knockout's Championship from him. She places the title on her shoulder and continues to skip around at ringside. Brooke uses the ropes to aide herself up as AJ Lee skips up the ramp. She poses with the belt once more and then sets it down on the stage before skipping backstage.

Kenny King vs DJ Z w/ Robbie E
This was a match that showed off the talent that the X Division offers. After several moments of back and forth and a few moments of hope for DJ Z, Kenny King picked up the victory after hitting the Royal Flush.
Kenny King kicks DJ Z out of the ring, and Robbie E helps him backstage. King makes his way onto the middle ropes to celebrate his victory.
Tigre Uno comes out onto the stage as the crowd shows their support of the Mexican luchadore. Tigre Uno removes the X Divsion Championship from his waist and raises it high into the air for everyone in the Impact Zone, and more importantly his opponent for Genesis, to see. Kenny King makes a motion toward his waste, signally that he is gunning for the X Division Championship.
The cameras cut to a backstage area, where TNA interviewer Mike Tenay is waiting with a microphone in hand.
Mike Tenay: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time... Mr. Anderson.
Mr. Anderson walks into the frame, and joins Tenay.
Mike Tenay: What are your thought on what happened between you and MVP last week?
Mr. Anderson: I am a loud mouth, everybody knows it. So when I don't have much to say, you know that I am really pissed. Last week, last week MVP showed exactly the kind of man that he is. Instead of facing me face to face, he sent in his little lackey to attack me from behind. MVP, you may think that you showed that your the bigger man, but all you really showed is that your balls are smaller than we all thought.
Mr. Anderson pushes the microphone back into Mike Tenay's chest and walks out. The camera shows Mike Tenay standing solitary before cutting back to the ring.
The Wolves come out to a decent pop. They make their way to ring and pose for the fans. They stand eagerly, waiting for their opponent.
Bram: Whoa, whoa, cut the music! I think we all know that I am pissed off. I am pissed off because you two have put off the beating that I am going to give you. You had to sent me on a hunt to find a tag team partner just so I could get a chance to lay my hands on you. And that wasn't easy. It wasn't easy finding someone who had my desire to rip through the competition. Someone who finds the pleasure in others' pain. But guess what! I found him.
Bram drops his mic onto the stage, and waits for a few seconds.
Eric Young comes out with the crazy look on his face that he has been known for. He joins Bram at the top of the ramp. They exchange a slight glance before making their way to the ring.
The Wolves vs Bram and Eric Young
The Wolves started off in control of this match which was expected from a team with so much experience. Bram and Eric Young were able to isolate Richards from his partner, and Bram won the match after hitting the Brighter Side of Suffering.

Josh Mathews: Well it's official, we are just under two weeks away from the first PPV of the year.
The Pope: And it's shaking up to be an exiting one at that. We have already confirmed that AJ Lee and Brooke will be facing off at Genesis, and earlier this evening Chris Melendez informed us that he will be facing Alex Koslov as well.
Josh Mathews: And we are about to add a third match into the mix. We are gonna head to the ring, where Jeremy Borash is waiting to begin the contract signing between EC3 and Bobby Roode.
We cut to the middle of the ring where Jeremy Borash is standing next to a table.
Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following is contract signing for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing first, the champion, Ethan Carter the third, EC3.
EC3 makes his entrance with the TNA Wold Heavyweight Championship hanging on his shoulder. Following close behind, Tyrus parts the ropes as the champion enters the ring and grabs the microphone from Borash. The champ admires his championship before handing it to his larger counterpart. Tyrus hoists the title belt into the air as EC3 begins to speak.
EC3: I have done everything since I joined this company. I have faced superstars, legends, icon, Olympic gold medalists, and I have defeated them all. I have proved something that I've always known, and that you have always doubted, that EC3 is the best in professional wrestling.
“You can't wrestle” chants ring out throughout the Impact Zone.
EC3: I can't wrestle? I CAN'T WRESTLE? Why don't you ask Kurt Angle if I can wrestle? How about Sting? That's right, all of these people, your idols, have all fallen before the great EC3.
Bobby Roode makes his way out with a microphone in hand.
Bobby Roode: Cut the music!
The crowd cheers for the challenger.
Bobby Roode: I was sitting in the back, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for Mr. Borash here to call my name. But a man can only take so much before he has no choice but to take care of it.
Bobby Roode enters the ring and stands on the opposite side of the table of EC3.
Bobby Roode: And EC3, I am surprised your teeth are so white considering the amount crap I've heard you spew out of your mouth here tonight. All I've heard about since you joined this company is how much better you are than everyone else. But as I recall, you are not the best. You are not the longest reigning champion in history are you? Do you know who that man is?
EC3: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll admit that you where able to hold the title for a remarkably long time with the little talent that you posses. There was just one problem with the your title reign, and that was that I, EC3, wasn't there. We all know that before EC3 arrived in TNA, the competition was weak. It wasn't until a true one percenter came in that everyone decided to step up their game.
Roode and EC3 move closer to each other, engaging in a face off.
Jeremy Borash: Alright gentlemen! I'm going to ask that you keep this civil and do what we need to do here. I would like to ask you both to sign the contract.
Bobby Roode grabs the contract and signs it quickly. EC3 then rips the contract out of Bobby Roodes hands. EC3 scribbles his name down on the clipboard.
Jeremy Borash: Thank you gentlemen.
Bobby Roode turns to leave the ring. EC3 throws the clipboard at Roode, and then Tyrus grabs the table and throws it on Roode. Roode charges at EC3, but is dropped by Tyrus. EC3 grabs his title and slithers out of the ring. Roode is able to make it back to his feet and dodge a few attacks from Tyrus. Roode grabs Tyrus and plants him in the ring with a Roode Bomb.
Bobby Roode locks eyes with the champ, who is now on stage. EC3 smirks as he hoists the TNA Heavyweight Championship into the air. Bobby Roode keeps his eyes locked on EC3 for a moment, and then turns his attention back to the big man who is down in the ring. He walks over to Tyrus, and begins to pick him up. He then pauses and drops the monster back to the mat. Roode walks to the corner and grabs the table. He drags the table to the center of the ring and positions it perfectly. He grabs Tyrus once again and sets him up. Roode Bomb through the table! Bobby Roode's music blasts throughout the Impact Zone as he makes his way to the back.
Now Available on TNAShop.com!

Dolph Ziggler vs. Christopher Daniels
This match was a shorter match than expected. Fans who wanted to see a fair match between the two will have to wait, as Christopher Daniels ended up with the loss here via DQ. He made use of a steel chair during the match, which left the ref with no choice.
Christopher Daniels throws the chair down in middle of the ring and grabs Ziggler before he can roll out of the ring. He picks up Ziggler and positions him to hit the Angel's Wings onto the steel chair. The Fallen Angel leaves the ring with a grin on his face. The show ends with a shot of Zigglers lifeless body in the middle of the ring.
All comments are appreciated!