It has it's ups and downs. It isn't what it used to be. When I was in middle school/high school, this place was amazing fun with a lot of great characters and a bunch of stuff going on all the time. I feel that after TWF died the wrestling forum user pool kinda diminished, and though the TWFugees coming on board added a lot of activity and people which saw a big uptick in the fun department, it kinda hit the shitter soon after. When people were getting banned, it kinda sucked the life out of the site, to a degree. It really took the site down a notch. Maybe it's just an instance of 'good ol days syndrome' but there was just so much more going on.
My personal opinion was that people got really touchy. I think it may be a perspective thing too because when I first joined the site was much, much, much wilder. There wasn't much that was off-limits and a lot of shit was said that was extremely distasteful, but you kinda get used to it in a way that you internalize that as the humor and culture of the site. I know a lot of people might find that to be deplorable, but I preferred that only because it just meant a lot more was allowed within the bounds. You could dish as much as you received which I always appreciated, it's only when the scale gets lopsided that you begin to question whether any of it actually matters.
That said, I think that humor has dated horribly. I recently tagged up with some old schoolers and their humor was pretty much the same as it was back in 2013 and it was god awful. The humor changes, the ambiance changes but the culture is what keeps everything up. I think the site lost it's culture because it went from this wild west thing to this weirdly regulated wild west theater reenactment. Idk I just found a lot of it to be phony.
Obviously the site fostered its own ambiance after the old schoolers got banned/left. However, that kinda fell apart too since the server issues. It's a massive shame too with the server issues because I, not to be pessimistic, feel the site has been set back a solid 3 years. A lot of users may've just given up on the site and may never return, it may've taken a toll on the SEO/search engine rankings and all that.
There's nothing more frustrating than losing your base. It's hard to say what would entice people to return or to join, it's the long lost question of wrestling forums. The only thing the member-base can do is get their head down and just have fun, get the juices flowing, start some shit, talk about whatever and get people involved. The admins can have their community engagement initiatives and tactics they can use to get people involved again, but it's just a difficult thing to recover from.
I guess my vision for the site would be for it to be a mix of what it was and what it became. Allowing people the room and the ability just to liven up and chat shit, but refraining from letting it reach levels of retardation as it did back when you had guys casually using slurs or admins using their alts to target people for their religion. I don't think it's the worst, that's for certain. I have a soft spot for this site and even though I barely come on or am 1/10 as active as I once was, I've got a lot of memories invested in this site that I appreciate the site for fostering.