Because EVERYBODY knows your life sucks and you have no friends until Facebook says so!
2. Because it's easier for a parent to pop some pills in their kid's mouth instead of realizing that they have a normal kid who wants to run around and have fun instead of playing video games.
Why have kids if you don't want to deal with them? What kind of parent encourages their children to be lazy, unproductive, anti-social, among other things? This is just going to lead to that "I deserve everything handed to me" mentality, and when these kids have to go out into the real world, it is going to be sink or swim, and their parents never even took them to the pool. Fucking nice ain't it?
3. Because the ones who follow don't have the balls to stand up for their own actions and the ones who lead are to smart to do the same.
But why? Why is it SO bloody important? Is it the human race's destiny to be reduced to little more than a flock of sheep?
4. Since when has teenage girls buying into mass media trends with "hot" shirtless guys been something new? Regardless of the subject matter it would have sold. And liking Twilight for some is just "dark" enough to be cool yet safe enough to be socially acceptable.
Ever read Twilight nou? Seen the films? If this is the message being acceptable to young girls worldwide, I fear greatly for the continuance of mankind.
Basically, if you are stupid, awkward, have ZERO self-esteem, can not make a single decision on your own and are basically a loser prone to falling down, causing everyone around you to be put in life or death situations, and prone to long bouts of emo-ism, it's quite alright because some undead virgin who wants to suck your blood or your buddy that can also be mans best friend will swoop in everytime and save the day, which you undoubtedly caused to be fucked up in the first place. Good going Stephanie Meyer. Way to write up a role model for young women because you never got over your pre-teen hormones and have a sexually unsatisfying life. :thumb: