I was disappointed by it at first, then I was OK with it, and now I just don't give a shit. I don't really think it made Lesnar into this incredible heel like it was supposed to, but at the same time, if Undertaker felt his body had had enough and wanted to give up the Streak to someone this year, then Lesnar was probably the best choice there was.
I liken it to Goldberg's streak ending in WCW. People complained that an already established main eventer like Kevin Nash got to end it instead of a younger talent who could have used the rub, but these people never mention who would have been a better alternative. Same here. Lesnar didn't 'need' it, but who else was there? Roman Reigns wasn't ready for that type of push, Bray Wyatt hadn't even been in the company for a year (and pushing him to a feud with Cena and pushing him to end a twenty-three year undefeated streak are two entirely separate notions) and Daniel Bryan was being pushed to the world championship and would have never been given it anyway. And I don't even want to think about the prospect of Punk ending the streak at 29 or in a rematch at 30. Urgh.
At least now defeating Brock Lesnar will mean more than it ever has. Part of me still wishes that a younger talent would have gotten the rub from directly ending the streak and that maybe they should have just taken a chance with someone like Wyatt, but you can't blame 'em much for choosing Lesnar. No matter how promising a talent like Bray may seem, it's hard to make accurate projections about how his entire career will turn out in the long run when he just recently became part of the main roster.