CK Reviews that nobody will care about...
Today I've listened to Taylor Swift - Reputation and Victorius - Space Ninjas From Hell
Taylor, of course I've heard her music before, but other than "Shake it Off," I couldn't tell you what. This is fairly recent being just a few years ago. Overall, it's pretty good (coming from a non-fan, this means it's pretty good, LOL)...she has a great voice, writes her own stuff for the most part. Of course there's 8 or 9 producers involved, but that's modern pop music. She's more mature here, which is good imo. I'm still not going to be her biggest fan, but she's excellent at what she does.
Victorius is a power metal band from Germany. The German DragonForce? Power metal should be played in the locker room before any sporting event, before soldiers go to war for the day, if you need to beat your personal record in having a quicky with your SO...really anytime you need to be fucking awesome for awhile. It's a bit repetitive at times, but overall...the music is inspiring, then you get some pretty great lyrics. I enjoyed it