The Shawn Michaels Appreciation Thread

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The Icon That Can Still Go
Dec 2, 2019
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So, I'm on Patreon for Conrad Thompson's podcasts. He now has a podcast with Kurt Angle. This week's Angle podcast was about his WM 21 match with Shawn. This podcast hasn't dropped yet, but will this Sunday. I got it early since I'm on their Patreon. Anyway, I wrote up what Kurt had to say about that match and that night straight from Kurt's mouth about his WM 21 match with Shawn:

-Despite it not being the main event, Kurt says this was his biggest payday of his career.

-Creative couldn't believe at this point in time that Shawn and Kurt haven't wrestled eachother yet.

-Kurt says he found out at the 2005 Royal Rumble that Shawn would be his opponent that very day of the Rumble. Shawn super-kicked him over the top to eliminate Kurt and Kurt was happy because he really wanted to work with Shawn more than anyone else in the world.

-Kurt and Shawn not having any previous history with eachother prior to this was also appealing to him because you can start from scratch and the Rumble is the perfect place to start.

-1996 was a big year for both men. Kurt won the Olympic Gold Medal and Shawn won his first World Title and both men were on top of their respective worlds.

-The storyline of Kurt winning a gold medal with a broken (freakin') neck and Shawn winning the WWF World Title in a 62 iron man match and Shawn getting all of the attention was a great storyline and way to start their feud with Kurt being the 'jealous' heel.

-Brian Gerwitz wrote alot of this storyline and he is a great writer. He now works for The Rocks' production company.

-On the 2/28/05 Raw, Shawn beats Edge in a street-fight and bladed big time. After the match, Kurt attacks Shawn and gets a ton of Shawn's blood on him. Kurt says he wearing one of his favorite suits and he gave the cleaners bill to WWE to clean his suit because it was an expensive suit.

-People ask if Kurt used his real olympic gold medals on TV. He said at first he did use his real one. But a few months after he debuted after a show, in the parking lot, thousands of fans were there, and he put his gold medal down, and a fan stole it. A fan wound up bringing it back, but after that he never used his real gold medal again. After that, Vince made 3 fake gold medals, and two of them wound up getting stolen, too.

-Marty Jannetty gets involved in the storyline. Kurt taps him out, but it was a great match and Kurt gave him a good amount of offense.

-The following week is the 'Sexy Kurt' segment. Sherri shows up with Kurt, too. Kurt says its one of his favorite moments. He loves being entertaining. Kurt says he watched a bunch of Shawn's matches so he can accurately impersonate him. Brian Gerwitz wrote the segment.

- Sherri was a complete professional. She knew what to do and had a great knack for the business. She has alot of talent and didn't make a single mistake and people love her.

-Kurt says he enjoys being entertaining even more than the actual wrestling. He says it was Vince's idea for him to be more serious later on in his career.

-Vince at first thought Kurt was just gonna be a great technical wrestler and didn't know Kurt could be entertaining, as well. That gave Vince the confidence to start utilizing Kurt in more entertaining segments.

-There was no rehearsal for the 'Sexy Kurt' singing of the theme song. He sang it alittle bit under his breath throughout the day, but there was no walkthrough before the show.

-Kurt says it was the most entertaining storyline in his career and alot of it had to do with Shawn. He had to step up his game to keep up with Shawn.

-Both guys had some injuries going into the match. But both guys talked and agreed to work the match like it was the last match of both guys' careers. It's WrestleMania, and you have to step your game up.

-A week before the match, Shawn said to Kurt that he's not afraid of him. Kurt said he respected that, but was shocked because he wasn't expecting it.

-Kurt says they structured some of the match 4 days prior to WM. They only rehearsed one move where Shawn had Kurt in arm-bar and Kurt had to lift Shawn up, so Shawn could then sunset-flip him into a false finish. Kurt needed to see if he can lift Shawn up. That is the only move they rehearsed. He says that Shawn is the best in-ring worker that can produce great matches on the fly and call it in the ring. Kurt says he didn't have the ability to call it ALL in the ring yet, but Shawn did. Pat Patterson was the agent of the match. He usually structures 80% of the match. For this match, Pat let both guys structure the match because of their expertise. They structured the comeback and finish, and alittle bit of the beginning.

-At the staredown before the match, Kurt says "Whats with that smile on your face? It's not going to be there at the end of the match." And Shawn says back "Yes, it will. We'll see, we'll see." Shawn is a cocky arrogant "SOB" and rightfully so. Kurt says what I always say, that Shawn has a really great shit-eating grin, lol.

-They start the match off with some amateur wrestling. It was Pat Patterson's idea that both men wanted to prove who the best wrestler is.

-It was Shawn's idea for Kurt to olympic slam him into the ring-post.

-Kurt says he doesn't hear much from the fans when he's in the ring but you have to try to pay attention to them at least alittle bit.

-Kurt begins to bleed from the mouth after Shawn's knee hits him in the mouth from a moonsault. Kurt says he started spitting the blood out to make it look more dramatic.

-Kurt says nearfalls and kicking out at 2.9 (like he did from Sweet Chin Music in this match) is the best feeling in the world. He always tried to kick out as late as possible and there is a psychology to it. And that as they do each nearfall in the match, the later in the match it is, the later he kicks out in the count. He said that even Vince told him once that he needs to kick out quicker because he's putting pressure on the refs to not count to 3 because he's kicking out so late, haha. Interesting stuff.

-Kurt says that Shawn sold the ankle-lock better than anyone he's ever seen. The way he sold it with his body got the people into it even more and the way he teased the tap. He has a way about selling, but his selling is what makes Shawn incredible and the best entertainer of all time according to Kurt. He said their match at WM proved to him that Shawn is the best ever.

-Kurt says that Vince left it up to Shawn and Kurt as to who should win the match! The meeting Shawn and Kurt had about the match 4 days earlier, Shawn came up to Kurt and said "We dont have a finish for WM, but you should go over by tap out and here's why. I think you're going to have a program with Batista and we need to make you look really strong." Kurt was pleasantly surprised that Shawn offered to job to him because it showed him that Shawn respected him and he knew they would have a great match and it wouldn't matter who won or lost.

-Kurt says they went over about 2-2.5 minutes for their alotted time and the standing ovation Shawn got after the match wasn't planned. Kurt says when you get that reaction from the crowd, that's about respect and it was well-earned.

-Kurt says after the match, it was the first time in his life where he said to himself, "I nailed this." He had other great matches, but he was dealing with stuff that and injuries that held him back from feeling 100% great about the match. But with this match, it was the first time where he said to himself it was the first time where he said the match was close to perfect.

-They were originally supposed to only have 20 mins for the match, but Shawn went and asked for 5 more minutes to make it a 25 minute match and they gave it to them. The match wound up going 27:25 seconds. Kurt says no one was mad that they went 2 mins over because 'the match was so damn great.' :LOL: He says Shawn had a knack for time that no one else he's ever seen had and that he would end his segment at that time without looking for a cue.

-He said they got a standing ovation backstage when they walked through the curtain. He said Pat Patterson cried when Shawn and Kurt walked to the back. Kurt says that Shawn, Kurt, and The Rock were Pat's three favorite wrestlers and he was so proud of both guys for the match they just had.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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It was probably the best match I had watched live at that point in my life, they just killed it out there.


Refuter of Revisionist History
Jan 18, 2021
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-Kurt says he enjoys being entertaining even more than the actual wrestling. He says it was Vince's idea for him to be more serious later on in his career.

That’s because Kurt Angle is a Chris Kreski, Tommy Blancha creation based on the show format of Vince Russo.

Once Vince McMahon started touching Angle’s character and made him serious in mid 2002 - when he left, his character went horrible, with the exception of the Shawn feud.


The Icon That Can Still Go
Dec 2, 2019
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North Jersey
[I[February 18, 1996[/I]: WWF: IN YOUR HOUSE #6: RAGE IN THE CAGE Lousiville, KY


*note: The "February 19" on the poster above is the wrong date. It took place February 18th.

Overview: This is the PPV right before WrestleMania 12, in which Shawn will take on Bret for the WWF World Title. Shawn came back and won the 1996 Royal Rumble in January earning himself a World Title shot at WrestleMania in March. Before WrestleMania, is the February In Your House PPV. On Raw in January, Shawn came out and did an interview with Vince celebrating his Royal Rumble victory and simultaneously challenging Owen Hart to a match since Owen had been bragging that he was the guy who knocked Shawn out on the 10/20/95 RAW with the enziguri to the back of Shawn's head. Jim Cornette, managing Owen at the time, first turned down Shawn's challenge of Owen. Shawn then said he will do anything to face Owen. Cornette than suggested that Shawn put up his World Title shot at WrestleMania to face Owen. Shawn accepted and now we have this match that took place 25 years ago tonight. Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart, for Shawn's title shot at WrestleMania.

This match was voted on by the readers of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter as the Match of the Night. Meltzer gave the match 4 stars. The match went for 15 minutes and 57 seconds.

Review: Owen out first with Cornette. Shawn out next, and he's on top of the In Your House...House roof. He makes a cool entrance and flies off the top of the roof on a rope down onto the entrance aisle. This was like the mini version of what his entrance would be at the very next PPV; WrestleMania 12, when he would come off the top of the Anaheim Pond roof on a zip-line and land in the crowd. Here is a gif of his entrance for this match:


Shawn hits the ring and hits Owen with a couple of right hands before throwing him over the top rope and continuing his entrance afterwards. Shawn and Owen shove eachother and lockup. Shawn hits the ropes and slides under the ring and gives high-fives to the fans in the front row. They're definitely giving Shawn the young, fun-loving, care-free, babyface vibe to his character in this time period and so far the fans here are behind it. Owen does the same thing, but none of the fans give him a high-five. :LOL: You gotta love Owen. Shawn then goes to the top rope and splashes Owen on the outside of the ring. Shawn then gets more high-fives from the fans:


Shawn with a double-axe-handle off the top onto Owen back inside of the ring. Owen tries a back drop, but Shawn avoids, trips Owen and walks over him. Shawn has a headlock on Owen, and pulls Owen's hair every time Cornette tries to interfere and gets the refs' attention on the ring-apron:


Nice back and forth exchange by both men which results in a hurricarana by Shawn:


Owen then hits a beautiful running belly to belly suplex on Shawn:


We are onto the heat segment as Owen has the upper-hand here, stomping on him repeatedly, throwing him hard into the corner, hitting a back-breaker, and hitting a neck-breaker. Shawn kicks out at 2 on the neck-breaker. Shawn kicks out of a sharp-shooter attempt by Owen. Owen goes back to work on Shawn's arm. Fans start a "go Shawn, go" chant as Owen has Shawn in the Camel-Clutch. Shawn gets out of it, but Owen maintains control of the match and gets a 2 count on Shawn after a knee to the mid-section. The "Go, Shawn, Go" chants are getting louder. Owen then hits a great looking spinning heel kick sending Shawn out of the ring. Gosh, Owen was GREAT in the ring.

Owen tries to suplex Shawn back in the ring, but Shawn counters it and suplexes Owen out of the ring. Shawn then jumps off the ring aprong, but Owen catches him and powerslams Shawn on the outside of the ring which gets a huge "oooh!" from the crowd. The whole exchange you can see in .gif form below:


Shawn back in the ring, Owen goes to the top rope and hits a missle-dropkick that gets a two count. On commentary, Vince says he "thought for sure Owen was going to WrestleMania." Haha, okay, Vince. Owen hits Shawn with a few European upper-cuts in the corner and irish-whips Shawn across the ring into the other corner. Owen with a devestating clothesline on Shawn. Shawn looks knocked out. Owen attempts a sharpshooter and locks it on. Shawn fights his way close to the ropes, but Owen pulls Shawn back to the middle of the ring. Fans firmly in Shawn's corner and getting louder as Shawn makes it to the ropes this time!

Here comes the call-back spot of the match with Owen hitting a nasty looking enziguri on Shawn that sends him out of the ring and sold perfectly, the same move that Owen sent Shawn to the hospital with on the 10/20/95 Raw:


Owen irish-whips Shawn to the corner, Shawn moves, and Owen crotches himself on the second turnbuckle. Shawn is now on his comeback. Shawn hits his running forearm off the ropes. Crowd is the loudest it's been all match with a "Let's Go, Shawn!" chant. Shawn nips-up. Crowd goes nuts. Shawn bodyslams Owen and his patented elbow-drop:


Cornette up on the apron, Shawn with a strong right-hand sends Jim back down to the outside of the ring.

Shawn signals for Sweet Chin Music, Owen ducks, and goes for an eziguri, but Shawn moves out of the way and hits the superkick on Owen for the victory:



Match over, and Vince proclaims that Shawn is going to WrestleMania! He keeps his World Title shot for WrestleMania 12.

Analysis:Very nice match between Shawn and Owen here. Shawn and Owen always had good chemistry with eachother, so it's not much of a surprise here that they could have a 4 star match or better here on PPV. The match continues for Shawn to achieve his boyhood dream and win the WWF Title for the first time in his career. They were 6 weeks out from WM on this night.

Hope you guys enjoyed the review for this match. Shawn wasn't on Raw the next night, so there will be no review tomorrow. But 8 days from now we will be back with the Shawn/Bret in-ring promo where Piper comes back as commissioner and has an announcement about their match. See you guys, then!
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The Icon That Can Still Go
Dec 2, 2019
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North Jersey
On today's date on Raw in 2008, Flair challenged Shawn to a match at WM 24 which would turn out to be Flair's last WWE match ever, and one of my favorite matches ever. Great story. Here is Flair laying down the challenge to Shawn:



The Icon That Can Still Go
Dec 2, 2019
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North Jersey
February 26, 1996:


Overview: On tonight's edition of Monday Night Raw on the Road to WrestleMania 12, Vince McMahon is in the ring to interview Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart and get their thoughts on their upcoming match for the WWF World Title in the Main Event of WrestleMania 12.

Review: Vince is in the middle of the ring and introduces the challenger, Shawn Michaels, first. After Shawn makes his entrances, the Champion, Bret Hart comes out next.

Both guys are in the ring as Vince begins the interview:


Vince says both guys are the best athletes that the WWF has to offer. He asks Shawn if Bret is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be? Shawn says there isn't a person in the building who has more respect than Shawn has for Bret. He believes Bret is the best there was and time will tell if he is the best there ever will be. But he does have to question with all due respect is if right now in 1996 that Bret is the best there is because he believes he himself is.

Vince chimes in that everyone has to have to confidence. He asks Bret how he sizes up Shawn.

Bret says with all due respect, he believes Shawn is one of the best wrestlers he's ever had the privledge of watching. The last 5 months as Champ, he's had some of the toughest challeneges he's ever had and he really looks forward to stepping in the ring and proving why he is the best there was, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. He says its not his job to beat Shawn, but it's Shawn's job to beat Bret as the challenger. Bret says once the bell rings he's going to hit Shawn with everything but the kitchen sink and he is in for the dogfight of his life.

Vince brings up how important conditioning is and that it will play a huge part of this match. Shawn says he knows Bret has had nothing but tough opponents, but Shawn hasn't had it that easy himself lately and that he is still standing there looking as good as he ever has. Shawn then shows his abs and asks if it looks like he's in the best shape of his life, or is it just his imagination? Bret then responds that he is the little, pink energizer bunny and that he just keeps going and going and going.

Roddy Piper then shows up from out of nowhere! :


Roddy says as the President of the WWF, it's his job to represent the people of the WWF. He says he doesn't like that some people boo Bret. He says you also don't boo Shawn. Piper says WM is the night to fight and there will be a winner, no DQ, or anything like that. Piper says the match will be a 60 minute Iron Man match and asks each guy if they have a problem with that, and both guys say no. Piper says both guys can perform and he's gonna make them Roddy says Shawn and Bret might as well shake hands now because they're gonna hate eachother afterwards (boy, was he right, lol). So, both guys shake hands, but don't let go at the end:


Analysis: This was a great interview and way to have both guys come face to face for the first time since announcing the match. Both guys get their lines in and put themselves and eachother over quite well since this is a babyface vs. babyface match. They achieved what they set out to do with making Bret look like the traditional babyface and Shawn a more 90's edgy babyface with showing off his abs and whatnot. Bringing Piper out was a great addition, too. I remember watching this live and couldn't even fathom that two wrestlers were going to wrestle eachother for a full hour. As a kid, I didn't even think this was possible. :lol Good, little segment.​


The Icon That Can Still Go
Dec 2, 2019
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North Jersey
23 years ago tonight on Raw, Mike Tyson joins DX. I literally remember watching this in my living room like it was last week. One of my favorite DX segments ever. You could tell how happy Shawn was in this segment after he ripped off Tyson's WWF shirt to reveal his DX shirt in this gif:



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Active Member
Feb 26, 2021
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Who do you consider to be a better wrestler between prime Flair (89') and prime HBK (97') ? tho I may be wrong about HBK's prime year - was it exacly 97?

Which performance at RR do you rank higher? Flair - 92' or HBK - 95'?

It's interesting that HBKs marks are more likely to favor Austin over Rock, while HHHs marks tends to favor Rock over Austin. I happened to be both Rocks and HBKs mark.

Always thought that HBK is underrated for his drawing power in 1996 when WWF was goin' against nWo. And Austin popularity was always overrated imo but... maybe i should be more careful. I remember that on a certain forum almost every threads ended with Rocks and Austins marks wars lol
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The Icon That Can Still Go
Dec 2, 2019
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North Jersey
March 4, 1996:


Overview: We are 4 weeks from WrestleMania 12. Shawn will take on the 1-2-3 Kid tonight on Raw as he builds more and more momentum to take on Bret Hart for the World Title in a few weeks.

Shawn makes fun of the Kid's martial arts poses to start.


Headlock takedown by the Kid (who uses the ropes to gain some leverage. He follows with a second headlock takedown, covering for two.

Kid has Shawn in a headlock and controls the action thus far. Kid with a big spin-kick to Shawn's face that gets a two count. Shawn with a couple armdrag takedowns, and then a big gorilla press-slam. Shawn clotheslines Kid over the top, outside the ring, and skins the cat back into the ring!

Kid tries a sunset flip back into the ring, but Shawn moves out of the way. Shaw with a headlock on Kid, then throws Kid into the ropes and gets a big powerslam for a two count. Side-headlock by Shawn. Kid hits a big spinning-heel-kick on Shawn:


Kid then dropkicks Shawn out of the ring. Kid splashes Shawn from the top on the outside of the ring and slams his head against the floor repeatedly. DiBiase then gets a cheapshot in on Shawn as the ref isn't paying attention.

Back in the ring, Kid dropkicks Shawn against the turnbuckle, and gets a 2 count. Kid goes back to a headlock on Shawn. Shawn works his way out of the headlock, but then gets hit with an enziguri by the Kid.

Back up, Shawn hits a big flying clothesline, and then nips up. Moonsault by Shawn:


Shawn hits his flying forearm. Flying Elbow. Shawn goes for the superkick, but Kid ducks outside. Back in the ring, Kid wales away on Shawn and bodyslams him. Kid goes for his top rope legdrop, Shawn moves out of the way, superkick, 1-2-3, Shawn gets the win!

Analysis: Another good match and win for Shawn as builds more and more momentum to WrestleMania. Kid got his offense in and shined Shawn up nicely as Shawn picks up the win on the Road to WrestleMania 12.


The Icon That Can Still Go
Dec 2, 2019
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North Jersey
March 11, 1996:


Overview: Coming off of a victory over the 1-2-3 Kid on last week's Raw, Shawn (and even Bret) don't make live appearances on tonight's Raw. Instead, we get video packages highlighting Shawn and Bret's training regimen going into their 60 Minute Iron Man Match at WrestleMania 12, which at this point is just 20 days away. The video packages not only show each man training for the big match, but also short interviews with each guy which shows each guy's mindset going into WrestleMania.

Analysis: This was a good way to highlight each man's roots; Shawn growing up and training in San Antonio and Bret growing up and training in Calgary. I remember watching this as a kid and being very into it. They were going for the 'real' factor here showing that each guy are real people in real life and not just wrestling characters.

Here is the video on both Shawn and Bret that aired on Raw on this night 25 years ago tonight:

Note: With WWE Network moving to Peacock and possibly not updating all of their content until SummerSlam, there is a very good chance the stuff Shawn did on Raw from April to August I won't be able to review, sadly. I have his PPV match from April to August on DVD so I will still be reviewing his 1996 PPV matches every month in here. But it depends how long the Network takes to upload the 1996 RAW's to the Peacock Network on whether or not I will be able to review Shawn's matches and promos that took place on Raw in 1996 starting April. Sucks, but nothing that can be done about it.
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The Icon That Can Still Go
Dec 2, 2019
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25 years ago tonight at an MSG House Show that I was lucky enough to be able to attend, Shawn and Diesel took on Bret and Taker on a tag match. This is the house show where Diesel turns heel on Shawn after the match and hits Shawn with a chair in the back. This was exactly two weeks before WM 12. In the mid 90's, MSG House Shows were awesome. Vince always seemed to throw us something that was TV worthy at MSG House Shows. In November 1994, I saw Diesel beat Bob Backlund for the World Title in 8 seconds. On this show, Diesel turned heel. On the 5/19/96 MSG House Show, the Curtain Call took place. I'll always have good memories of being a 90's WWF MSG kid. Such fun times. Here is the match in full, in HD:

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The Icon That Can Still Go
Dec 2, 2019
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The Icon That Can Still Go
Dec 2, 2019
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North Jersey
March 18, 1996:


Overview: We are 13 days away from Wrestlemania 12 and the biggest match of Shawn Michaels' life. On tonight's Raw, neither Shawn nor Bret will be on the show live, but they do show a teaining montage for each wrestler.

[I[Review:[/I] In this video, JR explains that Shawn has returned home to San Antonio, TX, back to his roots, to train for this 60 minute match. Shawn says that he tells everybody the story that he has all of his bags packed and he's getting ready to pull out of his parent's driveway and how he's done all of these squats and workouts with Jose, but he still doesn't know how to have a wrestling match. So, he pulls Jose from his parent's driveway and asks him what he's supposed to do. And all Jose said was "shut your mouth, open your eyes and open your ears, and listen." He says ever since he started talking again, he hasn't shut up and there's alot of people who are sorry to hear that, haha. He says the day you stop learning is the day it's time to hang 'em up.

Analysis: I LOVE these videos! I wish they would bring them back for today's WWE. Having a wrestler go back to his roots of his hometown and back to training with the guy who taught him how to wrestle and prepare for the biggest match of his life was fucking gold. It's not just a training video. It's a character profile for each of these guys and digs deeper than just being on TV and doing an interview. It shows where these guys came from and how they were taught the business and how they train today. GREAT shit. Here's the video in full:

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The Icon That Can Still Go
Dec 2, 2019
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North Jersey
27 years ago tonight at MSG, WrestleMania 10 and the Shawn Michaels/Razor Ramon Ladder Match took place. I was at this show, as it fell on my birthday, and it was a birthday gift from my parents. I'll never forget being at this show. This is also the first match Meltzer gave 5 stars to a WWF match, and the first 5 star match of Shawn's career. Enjoy!

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