
Do you think we'll ever see another "wrestling-boom" sometime in the really-really-NEAR future?
No, def. not in the near future. I don't see one for quite some time actually. I think we are looking about 5 years out, if not more. I guess it all depends what WWE does. They could change their prgramming around and it would affect it, but at this pace, it will continue to be average.
If WWE was in a desperate need in getting Khali over.. Was a feud with HBK be the best option????
They could throw him in a battle royal to win the championship, only to lose it a couple months later??? Oh thats been done. I think there is only so much you can do for a giant. He has to be dominant, and go up against a Cena like face, and get beat. After that, theres not much. I thought the finley feud was good. I'd probably put Khali in more street fight like matches to get him over, opposed to a fued with HBK. Yeah, HBK puts on the best matches, but in a street fight, Khali is at a advantage/disadvantage. Idk, thats my two cents. Basically a fued with a Matt Hardy like character with weapons. (or hbk, but it has to have weapons)
what are your expectations for the WWE Draft? Who do you feel will be moved to other shows?
I wouldnt really say i have expectations. I have a few moves i'd like to see happen....
- Turn Cena heel at Night of champions
- Turn Batista heel ....soon
- JBL face
- Kennedy , Umaga, Cade, DH Smith to SD (maybe HBK/Jericho)
- Taker, Punk, to Raw (maybe MVP)
- Carlito, Finaly, Holly to ECW
Bring in Atlas Dabone to SD and Colt Cabana to Raw.
As far as predictions... I'll say Kennedy, HBK, Umaga to SD, Batista/Taker/MVP to Raw,
No, def. not in the near future. I don't see one for quite some time actually. I think we are looking about 5 years out, if not more. I guess it all depends what WWE does. They could change their prgramming around and it would affect it, but at this pace, it will continue to be average.
If WWE was in a desperate need in getting Khali over.. Was a feud with HBK be the best option????
They could throw him in a battle royal to win the championship, only to lose it a couple months later??? Oh thats been done. I think there is only so much you can do for a giant. He has to be dominant, and go up against a Cena like face, and get beat. After that, theres not much. I thought the finley feud was good. I'd probably put Khali in more street fight like matches to get him over, opposed to a fued with HBK. Yeah, HBK puts on the best matches, but in a street fight, Khali is at a advantage/disadvantage. Idk, thats my two cents. Basically a fued with a Matt Hardy like character with weapons. (or hbk, but it has to have weapons)
what are your expectations for the WWE Draft? Who do you feel will be moved to other shows?
I wouldnt really say i have expectations. I have a few moves i'd like to see happen....
- Turn Cena heel at Night of champions
- Turn Batista heel ....soon
- JBL face
- Kennedy , Umaga, Cade, DH Smith to SD (maybe HBK/Jericho)
- Taker, Punk, to Raw (maybe MVP)
- Carlito, Finaly, Holly to ECW
Bring in Atlas Dabone to SD and Colt Cabana to Raw.
As far as predictions... I'll say Kennedy, HBK, Umaga to SD, Batista/Taker/MVP to Raw,