"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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What do you Think will be the 3 Summerslam World Championship Matches???

Hmm, kinda tough, before the draft. Lets see ill say HHH vs Jericho. I almost don't think their is going to be a ECW title match. I guess i'll go with Kane vs Shelton, or Big show vs CM Punk. Or someone new could be drafted to ECW. SD im thinking Edge vs Rey Mysterio. With a shot of Cena jumping in the mix.

ask me again, after the draft and watch all my picks change. ha ha.

My guess: HHH/Y2J/Cena Raw, Big Show/Umaga ECW, Edge/Taker SD (i think taker off tv is short-term but if not) Edge/MVP...

Yeah, who knows really. I think HHH/Y2J is the most likely fued now. Big Show vs Umaga would be pretty sweet, but i think Umaga may be headed to SD. I was thinkin Edge vs MVP, but i dont think MVp is going face, or staying on SD. That would be a good fued too though.


Quick Pick by Pick Analysis

Rey Mysterio to raw

He's good some fresh faces on raw to fued with. I can't see him being world champ on raw, but i think there is enough to make in the mix. Enough to keep him upper card. Heels like Orton, Jericho, JBL, Santino, Dibiase Jr, and Regal, so he should have his hands full.

CM Punk

Not sure what they have in store for CM Punk. He could get a monster push, he could take the slow route to the championship. Or his fame could fizzle on raw, IF he loses his MITB. Rumors say he might cash it in at NOC. I think they are going to give him a good push, and see how the fans react. If everyone catches on, its a no brainer. IF he's having a problem getting over. Look for him to move straight to the IC division and midcard hell.

Michael Cole

Ehh, raw did need a change, but Cole?!?


He's going to get lost in the shuffle again, just like in 2006. He needs to time off to refresh his character.

Jamie NOble

I didnt really understand this pick. He's better suited for ECW. To be honest, i'd be surprised if he won IC belt, and thats kinda bad. He may be moving more towards road agent, and less of a wrestler.

Chuck Pulumbo

Yeah, might want to watch for a release. I catch see him having much sucess at all on raw.


Interesting pick here. COuld it mean a 2nd gen stable? Could it mean a new gimmick for him or domino? Not real sure, but oddly enough, i think Duece is going to be alright on raw. Not a huge superstar. But i could see him being used regulalry.

Matt Stryker

He's good for a few funny segments. Maybe he will move into a managerial role. Can't see him having much sucess as a wrestler.


Eww, no thanks

Kofi Kingston

Jamacian me crazy?!? I think he should have stayed on ECW longer. I think the wwe thought he was more over than he really is. I think this will hurt raw and ecw.

Jeff Hardy

Interesting to see Jeff Hardy and Mr. Kennedy on the same show. THese guys are going to be battling for the "next star" spot. Which one will win out? The one who doesnt screw up first. He'll get a solid uppercard push. Im believe he'll fued with Edge, MVP, Big Show, and Vladimir. He could team with Brain Kendrick to help get him over as well.

Jim Ross

I like it. It'll give SD the A show feel.


It will be interesting to see how his career progresses. A monster like him generally doesnt have a long shelf life. He's still got new fueds on SD. Umaga vs Undertaker has been talked about for a while. Looking at the roster, don't be surprised if they turned Umaga a full blown face. Someone has to turn face because SD is lacking at the moment in the midcard spot.

Mr Kennedy

He's got star written all over him. Will he return and get back his SD Magic? I think so. I'd like to think HHH will help him get over. I can see him fueding with big guys (Show/Umaga/Khali to MVP/Vlad to Edge) He's got a plate full on SD.


The Shocker pick from the draft. It evens up the talent level a bit. Good to see HHH's ego isn't too big. Although i have to wonder if HHH read the article about wrestlers not wanting to go to raw???

Big Daddy V

Just like Kane, he needs some time off. Not much for him. If they keep trying to push him he will get stale. I hope he doesnt team up with MVP

Trevor Murdoch

Solid addition, maybe he can get over on SD. I think getting away from Cade will help. Can he rise up against a solid crop of midcarders on SD, i dont know.

DH Smith

This could be the steal of the draft. I'm thinking DH moved to SD, to reform the canadain bulldogs. If they do that, gold is in their future. He's should have a solid future, if he stays outta trouble.


He has his work cut out for him. The wwe can't push everyone and he's gotta deal with Hardy, Kennedy, and MVP wanting that main event spot. OH yea, HHH isn't going to help any. Great talent, but can he change his attitude and ethics?

Brain Kendrick

I like it. He's a likable guy, and i think Jeff Hardy is going to help him on SD. I think this is going to be a fun time in Kendricks career. He's on his own, the pressure won't be that high. I think SD is going to use him right.




Should've stayed on ECW, my friend. I'd be surprised if he saw mid card gold on SD this year.


Matt Hardy

Good for ecw, bad for Matt Hardy. He's the right size for ECW. It will be good to see him in a leadership role. I hope this doesnt hurt his status, when its time to leave ecw.

Mark Henry

I really like this pick. I think he's earned a top spot, and ECW would be a great place for him now. Monster heel, not like a face monster champ in kane. Hopefully he can stay healthy because i see him doing big things in ecw.

Finlay & Hornswoggle

Someone asked me a few weeks back what i'd do with finlay. I said i'd bring back more a hardcore gimmick. It looks like Finlay will continue to be a bad ass in ECW. I like it.


He's going to be putting on great matches on ECW now. Another good/great move.

Overall thoughts

Pretty good draft. Only a few picks outta 27 i really didnt like. I think ECW lost a lot of young talent, but gained some veterns. WHich will make room for more young talent. (Hopefully Colt Cabana) I think Raw simply changed things up and really didnt get any better. SD i think got a lot better. If Vickie goes, i think SD will be the A show. Raw has the talent, i simply don't care for the raw talent as much. SD has a lot exciting guys, and stars waiting to shine. Plus you got JR to set the stage for the action. I'd say the big winner is SD.

Beer Money Army

From the Past 12 Months... I'm a Fan of this dude and have enjoyed his work since debuting in 1998....

Would you Rank Edge spot in the WWE as the same level as "John Cena, Randy Orton, Taker, HBK, Batista, HHH???

If you don't know what i mean.. I mean as in 100% Trust from the company and won't be Job out of his spot (unless fails Drug test)..That he's one of there elite main eventers...


Who do you think will lose at NOC, HHH vs Cena and Cena win or Edge Vs Batista and Batista win? just so RAW has a major title coz ECW one will be moving back lol.


With RAW lacking top-tier heels (JBL and Jericho are the only heels that fit that category), do you see anyone turning heel? And if so, who?


Would you Rank Edge spot in the WWE as the same level as "John Cena, Randy Orton, Taker, HBK, Batista, HHH???

Right now I'd say

1) Cena
2) Taker
3) HBK
4) HHH
5) Edge
6) Orton
7) Batista

I'd put batista last due to age and the fact i dont think he carry a brand. Cena is atop many because he's a star, and he's still young. Taker/HHH/HBK all veterns. Legends in the business. Edge is kinda in the middle.

Also i ranked my top 10 wrestlers in the past 20 -25 years a few post back. I wrote about 1-2 years ago but i put Edge at #10 over Cena. The guy has won 20+ championships. Its no fluke. Now Cena becoming superman, i might have to push Edge to 11.

How would you book a feud between Batista and John Cena?

Interesting question. Im assuming if it started today, or could i go back and change history??? Well i need another day for this one anyways. I know what i would do, i just cant think of how i wouild do it just yet. Argueably one of the biggest storylines needs a little time to think. I'll whip up somehting quick, and post it tomorrow morning probably.

Who do you think will lose at NOC, HHH vs Cena and Cena win or Edge Vs Batista and Batista win? just so RAW has a major title coz ECW one will be moving back lol.

I was thinking about it, and im starting to lean towards SD getting the ECW Belt and ECW keeping the US Belt. Big Show could be in store for some gold again. I dont think ECW is keeping the US/ECW/Tag champions in a one hour show.

I heard neither Batista or Cena would win at NOC and CM Punk might it in, and bring the belt to raw. Not sure what to think of that. Dont think i believe it, but they may be kicking it around.

My first instint would be for Cena to bring the belt to raw, which im sticking with it. BUT Batista would be a fresh champ on raw. Either way i think its a toss up. About 50/50 But yeah, i guess ill stick with cena.

Who will be Ted Jr's partner at NOC?

My gut says Lance Cade. But again i think this is another toss up. Heres some picks i'd like to see.

- Joe Henning (mr. perfects son)

I could see him going with a former tag champ. Duece or Santino are also options. I say JBL because of his size and vetern leadership. Which if i could pick one person it would be JBL. However i think the WWE may put Dibiase in with jericho and Cade.

I wouldnt be shocked at all to see rhodes turn on holly either, except for the fact no one would care.

With RAW lacking top-tier heels (JBL and Jericho are the only heels that fit that category), do you see anyone turning heel? And if so, who?

Orton will be back soon. The Jericho/Cade alliance could be considered top heelish. I dont think they need to turn anyone just yet. If they were to, Cena/Batsista are your top options. I'd say Batista. Thats what i think the wwe would do, However, i think Cena should turn. I said it last year, if they want to keep cena face, they should move him to SD before he gets stale. But things have shaken up enough at the moment, to where neither needs a turn just yet.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Now that Rey Mysterio is on Raw, Do you think there's a possibility to see a face vs. face feud between him and Shawn Michaels?


Now that Rey Mysterio is on Raw, Do you think there's a possibility to see a face vs. face feud between him and Shawn Michaels?

Not really, unless HBK turns heel. They may team up a couple times, but i really dont see a fued brewing here. I dont see Mysterio turning heel anytime soon either.

How would you book a feud between Batista and John Cena?

OK, i really still havent really thouht about this much. Anyways, heres what i got.

Cena wins belt at NOC.

Batista/Cena are forced to join sides on raw, since they are the two biggest forces for the heels to go up against. Heels like Orton/Jericho/Cade/Dibiase gang up on them.

SummerSlam we see Batista and HBK end there fued. Handshake and Batista blocks superkick and bombs HBK.

Cena takes on Jericho. Randy Orton is the special guest referee. Long story short Cena overcomes the odds with some help from Batista.

The fans are confused as Batista is acting heelish, but Batista apoligizes the next night. Next thing we know, Batista is talkign wtih Randy Orton the next night. Whispering in his ear. Batista tells him to go away, or something.

- Batista accidently hits Cena

- Batista is hitting Mickie James

- Batista starts a war with Orton before Cenas big match with Orton

Cena vs. Orton Hell in a Cell (PPV before Survivor Series)

Cena wins.

- Cena says thanks, your a true friend, but he doesnt want Batistas help anymore.

Cena asks CM Punk if he wants to join his team for SS, but CM Punk, says he's smarter than that. (WTF does that mean) CM begins acting very cocky now. almost heelish. Cena tells him to go drink some pepsi.

Survivor Series

Cena/Batista/HBK/Rey vs Orton/Jericho/Cade/Dibiase

It comes down to Batista/Cena vs all four members. Batista is getting beat down badly when he is looking for a hot tag. He reaches his hand out, only to get the wwe championship upside his head. The fans are shocked as Batista was only trying to help cena this whole time.

Cena/Orton/jericho/Cade/Dibaise take out Batista for 6 weeks on raw after survivor Series. Cena is a full blown mega heel. Returns to his old music and his chains.

HBK, Rey and CM Punk are the only faces left. HBK and Rey feud with Cena but their numbers aren't good enough. Finally Batista returns, wins rumble. Wants John Cena

John Cena vs Batista at WM 25 for the WWE Championship. Cena is the heel, and Cena wins. But this is not the last match. Edge vs Mr. Kennedy is the grand finale...but Edge wins. Oh no, another heel wins, but wait...mr. MITB comes out and tells Edge to hit the bricks. He wants Superman John Cena. CM Punk beats John Cena to end WM 25

(Basically i'd have Batista stay face, Cena go heel BUT make it look like its the other way around. The WM 25 results could be whatever..just a quick over view of how i'd do it. I may have tried to squeeze too much in and it didnt make sense. oh well)
May 28, 2007
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My Moms Basement
I know you read my thread about the merge, I dont know if you thought I was out of my f'n gourd or what. I have two questions...hopefully that is ok...

Are the chances any above .00000000001% of it actually happening?

And If it did happen, do you think it would send WWEs stock skyrocketing?

(keep in mind, just the idea of a remerge using some sort of Draft/Vince Injured/Crazy Storyling like they have tried before. Using it all at the one time to send it rocketing. but yeah just the idea of the actual remerge thing, not EXACTLY how i worded it lol. It was 8am, I had just got off work, im sure parts of it made absolutely any sense. But anyway, im out)

Beer Money Army

Do you Think john Morrison will be the next in-line feud for Matt hardy and his U.S. Championship????

I always wanted to see a HBK/Mysterio rematch...

Do you think HBK/Mysterio could be a worthy Mania 25 match???

What PPV do you think will have HHH vs Edge?


Are the chances any above .00000000001% of it actually happening (merger)?

Well yeah. I dont think the percentage is good at the moment, but i think maybe the wwe will get tired of split rosters. They should be making more money with them split, thats why the percentage is so low. But never say never, with declining ratings. I dont think the wwe has reached the red zone just yet. The longer they are split the better odds, of them merging would be my guess.

And If it did happen, do you think it would send WWEs stock skyrocketing?

No, not at all. Ratings maybe, but i doubt it will affect the ratings enough to send anythign skyrocketing. In fact, it would probably hurt financially, unless the wwe is on fire at the time. But in actually the wrestlign fans make too big of deal over ratings.

Do you Think john Morrison will be the next in-line feud for Matt hardy and his U.S. Championship????

Book it. I think that would be a great fued. Only probably i see, is neither is very strong on the mic. Im sure with the lack of size in ecw, all the heels, will fight with all the faces, just about.

I do think it will be a solid fued though. Morrision may need to drop his tag belt first though. (maybe)

Do you think HBK/Mysterio could be a worthy Mania 25 match???

This matchup seems kinda popular on IWF. I do think think they could have a great match. I dont see this happening at 25. Especially in HBK's hometown. Look for him to face a super heel. I wouldnt put Mysterio at the top of the guys i'd want to see hbk face. But they would have a great match.

What PPV do you think will have HHH vs Edge?

easy but tough. Im sure their first match will be on a big four. I'd say SummerSlam or Wrestlemania. I think Survivor series will have a 4 on 4 match. And Royal rumble normally doesn;t have a huge title match.


Q1. Considering ECW is over-stacked with titles (3 on a 1 hour show which rarely gets any PPV time seems crazy to me) and SD now has a great looking mid/upper-midcard, how would you get the US title back over to SD (And around the waste of whom?)...?

Q2. Upon doing this would you then look to push Matt Hardy towards the ECW title? ...If not, what would you do with him?

Q3. Seeing as on the face side of things you have HHH, Big Show, an on-the-rise Kennedy and maybe a returning Taker all on SD, do you think that Jeff Hardy will continue to go begging in terms of world title opportunities?

Q4. The prospect of Punk V Orton has me extremely excited and now he has the belt, I think, if Punk can hold onto the title until his return, a title fued with Randy will go a long way to making or breaking Punk as ME-er (more so than the likes of JBL or a heel Batista)... Especially if he can come out of it with title still in tact.

Any 'constructive' fueds, aside from the obvious Cena/'Tista, you'd like to see that have now been made possible by the draft?

Q5. I've always thought Mick Foley was destined to be a great announcer - Eloquent, humerous, legendary ex-wrestler etc. and was more than happy to see him take over from Coachman a while back. I think he's since shown he indeed fits the role like a glove. Now we've had JR & Cole drafted to opposite shows, I think that, with an eye on JRs eventual retirement (coupled with my feeling that King has been lacking something for quite some time), Cole and Foley (in particular) are now being groomed to take over the A show and be THE announce team of WWE future.

Your thoughts?


Great Questions

Q1. Considering ECW is over-stacked with titles (3 on a 1 hour show which rarely gets any PPV time seems crazy to me) and SD now has a great looking mid/upper-midcard, how would you get the US title back over to SD (And around the waste of whom?)...?

Well, heres what i think they may do. Also what i think they should do. You know how they've been talking about MVP and his contract. Well, I think he's going to let his contract with SD run out, or make some pact with Vickie and SD saying if he can bring the US belt back to SD, then he's getting a bigger better contract. MVP goes over, fueds, wins the belt.

I think this would be a good move for MVP, because he's going to be over shadowed by some of the new talent, in the first few months. Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, and Umaga are all at about the same level. If MVP can regain the US title, it will keep him busy, and his stock up.

Q2. Upon doing this would you then look to push Matt Hardy towards the ECW title? ...If not, what would you do with him?

You bet your sweet ass. Right now, Hardy is not just the franchise guy, HE IS the Franchise. I'd be VERY shocked if he didnt win that belt this year.

Q3. Seeing as on the face side of things you have HHH, Big Show, an on-the-rise Kennedy and maybe a returning Taker all on SD, do you think that Jeff Hardy will continue to go begging in terms of world title opportunities?

I think Hardy will do fine on SD. The WWE seems to be still committed to pushing him. His problems dont lie with HHH/Big Show/Taker. In fact, i'd say Hardy is already higher than Big SHow in the pecking order. But his biggest problem will be Mr. Kennedy. Both are reaching out for that world title, and they both can't do it at the same time. Its basically a race for the first person not to screw up. Jeff Hardy also needs to worry about MVP. ALthough i think those guys will be fueding over the US belt.

Q4. The prospect of Punk V Orton has me extremely excited and now he has the belt, I think, if Punk can hold onto the title until his return, a title fued with Randy will go a long way to making or breaking Punk as ME-er (more so than the likes of JBL or a heel Batista)... Especially if he can come out of it with title still in tact.

Agree'd, I think Punk will get by JBL no problem, despite internet rumors. After that it will be problem either Jericho/Orton to challenge. I think if Punk can get past one of those guys, it would be a big accomplishment.

Any 'constructive' fueds, aside from the obvious Cena/'Tista, you'd like to see that have now been made possible by the draft?


Kennedy vs Edge
MVP vs Edge
Kennedy vs HHH
CM Punk vs Cena
CM Punk vs HBK
Mysterio vs Punk

Maybe a couple more, i dont have the rosters in front of me.

Q5. I've always thought Mick Foley was destined to be a great announcer - Eloquent, humerous, legendary ex-wrestler etc. and was more than happy to see him take over from Coachman a while back. I think he's since shown he indeed fits the role like a glove. Now we've had JR & Cole drafted to opposite shows, I think that, with an eye on JRs eventual retirement (coupled with my feeling that King has been lacking something for quite some time), Cole and Foley (in particular) are now being groomed to take over the A show and be THE announce team of WWE future.

Maybe. Call me crazy, but i like adamle better than cole. Once he learns wrestling, i think he may be calling raw, as a heel announcer role. Or even as a on screen GM Role. Cole doesnt bring much to the table for me.

As far as Mick Foley, its a good, but not great announcer. A lot of times it seems like he's reading off a paper to me. Very good insight though.

I also really like JBL. So if i had my choice for the future it would be Adamle/JBL. Let those two fight in the announce booth.