"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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montana,i have seen Nathan Jones in many movies now..does he still wrestle anywhere??

Nope, he did a few matches in 05, but thats the last i know of.

Mr. Mat

nathan jones lives in australia i think he did a few indy shows down here a while back


What do you think Vince will do/say on RAW? Will he continue the explosion angle, end the brand split, or do something completely unexpected?


do u see TNA getting in the 2's in the ratings?

Not this year, but i don't think its as far off as everyone thinks. Like i've said for a while, i think TNA needs to go live, if they want to see a real jump in ratings. I also think the 2 hours part will increase ratings. I think in the 4th quarter of 2007 if TNA does get 2 hours they will be around the 1.5 area. Then it depends on the product and how good the show is. Who they sign. Maybe if they move to a different day. So if TNA plays their cards right, they could do it, in the next 12 months.

What do you think Vince will do/say on RAW? Will he continue the explosion angle, end the brand split, or do something completely unexpected?

I think there are 3 options they may with this, unless they do something completely off the wall.

1) The main rumor, of him continueing the explosion angle. Which to me, would be dumb. He already returned the night beniot died saying it was all a sham. So if he were to return from that, look for him to be the same old vince, saying the fans need him, but he's goign to find out who did it.

2) The Brand Extention: I don't this happening, but ecw and pretty crappy right now, so it wouldnt matter much. Morrision and khali are far from "credible" champs. Nitro wasnt on WM, and Khali shoudnt have even been there. The Tag division has been bad for years. So, this is a short term solution to a long term problem. Wrestlers road schedules would be messed up. Stephanie would become a bigger bitch backstage. Guys would get cut, and lost in the shuffle. Bad idea, i think.

3) My theory. He will interject himself into the Cena/Orton fued. This could lead to a cena heel turn, or Vince saying he wants the belt off of Cena. He's sick of Cena coming out every week with the belt. I also think he will try and add more "attitude" and hardcore matches, or gimmick matches on raw to boost the ratings.

As far as which of the 3 makes sense, i'd say none. But if i had to pick, i think he's going to put himself in the cena fued.

Great One

-What do you think about the new GM, William Regal?

-What are your thoughts on supposebly Umaga now completely turning and being a 100% face now, or is he?

-What are your thoughts on the new ensuing storyline which was revealed at the end of RAW?


If you could have any wrestler hold any title, who would it be, which title would they have, and why?


Whoo 6,000 views.

What do you think about the new GM, William Regal?

I like it, I like it. But did they really need battle royal of wrestlers to determine a new GM. Did anyone else, call out Regal like i did. I thought they could have just given him the GM spot, but all in all the BR was fun. I was wondering where Regal went. I think he's going to be a tweener as a gm. Will make things more interesting over the next few months before he gets stale.

-What are your thoughts on supposebly Umaga now completely turning and being a 100% face now, or is he?

*Cough* Wwe booked itself into a corner * Cough* I mean, its alright. I think he could have done more as a heel. Why not have him turn on Estrada. Thats what i don't get. Where is he at. I think in the long run, the face turn will fail. It may take a year, but sooner or later, Umaga just might be done for.

-What are your thoughts on the new ensuing storyline which was revealed at the end of RAW?

Good storyline, but i dont think its going to make sense. It looks like they are leaning towards Kennedy, but to me a 3rd generation star would be better. Actually if Vince came out and helped Randy Orton win the gold at SummerSlam that would be pretty sweet, I think. Mainly because Vince knew Randy's parents. But it should to lead to some interesting Raws. Overall i didnt think raw was that great, and this ending segment was the only good out of it. Im still saying Kennedy, but a 3rd generation wrestler would make more sense.

If you could have any wrestler hold any title, who would it be, which title would they have, and why?

MVP holding the world championship because hes better than you. Basically if you look at hte SD roster, its head and shoulders above the rest in all around talent. He can wrestle, He can cut a good promo, hes a entertainer. I dont see anyone on SD who has the all around talent he has. Guys like Batista, Khali, Kane, Matt Hardy, Finlay are all one dimensional. Only thing holding him back is only being in the wwe for about a year.


May 11, 2007
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montana, i need info on Infractions on this forum..how do they work against you?? how can they be rectified??


montana, i need info on Infractions on this forum..how do they work against you?? how can they be rectified??

Basically its like a point system, for minor errors you get 1 point, Flaming =2 points and advertising is 3. 3 points and you get banned for 1 days, depending what you did, you could be banned forver. I think after a certain amount of time, the points go away.

what u think of pacman jones in TNA? i think it stinks. just like the titans

I actually like the move. Its more for media attention than anything. I think as far as how he will do, will all depend who he teams with. THere is talk of bringing back ROn Killings, and i think those could be very over. All in all, it has potential, Tna needs more/ new fans and this should help. I would have signed pacman, over guys like Test, Rhodes, Morgan and whomever else. I never heard much about him in the pro's. I guess i mostly pay attention to QB's, RB's and WR's, but he has brought a lot of attentino to himself and tna.


May 11, 2007
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montana, i created a thread called " Entire harry potter movies downlaod " in Movies/TV in VIP section..now,i've modified the post and have included download links of many movies in them..i want to rename the thread but unable to do so..it got renamed inside the post but the main thread name "Entire Harry Potter Series Download " stays the same..how can i change it??


montana, i created a thread called " Entire harry potter movies downlaod " in Movies/TV in VIP section..now,i've modified the post and have included download links of many movies in them..i want to rename the thread but unable to do so..it got renamed inside the post but the main thread name "Entire Harry Potter Series Download " stays the same..how can i change it??

PM an admin.


May 11, 2007
Reaction score
montana,there's no MOD or ADMIN for Movies/TV section in VIP room..can i PM any other MOD in the VIP room about this?? am confused..