"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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montana,there's no MOD or ADMIN for Movies/TV section in VIP room..can i PM any other MOD in the VIP room about this?? am confused..

what part of "PM AN ADMIN" didnt you understand? Any admin can change any thread titles. This is supposed to be about wrestling. Not how montana can make your life easier. Wrestling questions only.


Are high flyers good for WWE?

Is Pacman Jones going to gain credibility in TNA?

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Do you think WWE will keep the CW title against Hornwoggle's waist for a long time or this is just a storyline to help push Jamie Noble?


Are high flyers good for WWE?

They could be, if used right. Look at Rey Mysterio, Jimmy Wang, London Kendrick. The wwe likes to have a few of these guys, but not many. I like it, but the wwe likes to limit it. This question kinda sounds like you were leading it somewhere else. Like should hte wwe sign more high flyers or cruiserweights. Me Personally thinks they should sign Evans and Sydal. But you have to use them right.

Is Pacman Jones going to gain credibility in TNA?

I dont see how he would gain credibilty. I think he will be a nice addition, but i wouldnt say creditbility. Im sure he will be decent in the ring. He won't have the pyschology down though. He was basically used to bring attention to TNA.

Uh... will Triple H return on monday?

I think so. I think he may chase Booker out of the ring, when he attempts to beat down lawler for not placing the crown on his head.
Followed by a HHH promo. You know the one.

Do you think WWE will keep the CW title against Hornwoggle's waist for a long time or this is just a storyline to help push Jamie Noble?

I think they willl keep it on him for another month or two. Not sure if you consider that a long time. I think this will lead to pushing the entire CW division really. Not only will Noble benefit, but also the rest. The fans too, because the first time in like ever, the CW's are allowed to talk, with Noble booking the cw's. I kinda like Hornswoggle as champ, if they use him right, and so far they have.


May 11, 2007
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1)will we ever see the trio ( big show, Paul heyman and RVD ) in an ECW ring again in the near future??
2)JR wrote in his blog that HBK vs ROCK has never happened..will it be a good idea if WWE makes that match at WM 24 next year??


1)will we ever see the trio ( big show, Paul heyman and RVD ) in an ECW ring again in the near future??

No, Big Show has about a 10% chance of returning. Paul Heyman has about 25% chance, RVD has about 40%. So i think we would be lucky to get one, although you never know. I think ECW will likely bring in some new talent, so they won't have to use jobbers every week.

2)JR wrote in his blog that HBK vs ROCK has never happened..will it be a good idea if WWE makes that match at WM 24 next year??

You just can't "make" matches. Yes, it never happened, and yes it would be a great match, but i can't see it happening. I think there might be a little backstage heat between HBK and Rock too, not certain on that though. Because i believed they puposed the match a while back, and Rock didnt want any part of it, and that made HBK mad. It doesn't look the rock is returning, as he has talked bad about pro wrestling, but never say never, like i said before. If a few movies flop, it could return for a few months. I guess if i could pick one dream match for the rock if he were to return, it would be against John Cena. I'd probably hold off on that till wm25 though.


Mar 28, 2007
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Will MVP have to quit wrestling by the end of the year due to his heart condition?


Will MVP have to quit wrestling by the end of the year due to his heart condition?

No, from what i heard they found the problem and solved it. He should be out a week and back 100%. He is already booked for a boxing match against matt hardy at SNME. Im sure they will monitor his health, and make sure the problem doesnt come back.


Nancy Di Loreto Do you think 10 wrestlers can carry an entire brand? (As in the case of WWECW)

Good Question, Heck No, I said at the draft their roster was thin, and now, its even more apparent. This causes them to use 2-3 jobbers per show. Fueds will get stale, guys will be facing the same opponent over and over. To me, a good number is 16 wrestlers. With maybe two low low card backups. (like what stevie richards was) This gives them enough to have a upper and mid card. A few tag teams and alliances. It should be enough to keep the fueds fresh for a while. If ECW doesnt bring in some new talent, look for them to continue to use jobbers. Having guys like Big Daddy V, adn boogieman don't help eihter. As their or merely characters with almost hand choosen fueds. I can't find the exact wording i want, BUT basically those guys are limited as to who they can work with. Also they havent been using Matt Striker in the ring much either. Anyways, Ecw has to expand in my eyes.


Will Vince stop killing wrestlers with what he is doing to them?

Do you mean steriods, or holding wrestlers back. As far as steriods guys like eddie G, and Chris Beniot used drugs for 15 years before wwe, so to say Vince is killing wrestlers is ridiculous. Who else died in the wwe? Brian Pillman. Notice how Pillman, Eddie and Beniot were all from WCW. From what i hear wcw had a really bad problem with it. The wwe has always been one of the more "clean" organizations. The wwe does perfer "superheroes" but they want their wrestlers healthy first and foremost. If they arent healthy, they cant compete. It seems every year, the wellness policy is gettin enforced harder and harder. There comes a point when the wwe can only be responsible for so that, and the wrestlers themselves must be at account.

As far as holding back, i only noticed this the past 6-7 years. Generally the guys with "it" will be pushed no matter what. Sometimes myself as a fan looks at everyone under a microscope too much, but the wwe just likes to have their wrestlers be around for several years before a world title push for must cases. Everyone earlier in the year was saying Nitro was in the dog house, he wasnt on WM, but is now ecw champ. No, they didnt push him right, but none the less he eventually came up. Carlito is another one, he is starting to get a bigger push. So in due time, the guys the wwe can benefit from, rise up.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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If Batista was caught using steroids would Vince fire him?Same with Cena? I ask this because in ''Fake terms'' there the best in the buisness..and I reallydoubt Vince would fire someone who is the best in the ''entertainment'' buisness