"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Jul 26, 2007
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If a nuclear warhead was dropped on Undertaker, would he no-sell it?

Great One

He just seems greedy. Like HHH has to be the star. In Dx HHH was the leader and hbk was just kinda there. HHH get injuried, and says he wants the belt when he comes back...theres more reasons.
Hm... he was the 'leader' figure only because HBK couldn't (didn't want to...) do anything due to his religious ways. Remember how everyone was saying the new DX sucked mainly because of HBK.

I don't think he's ever openly said that he wants the title (other than on screen...), I think it can be a decent prediction since there's hints to it, but I would personally love it (meh, biased) and I think it COULD be very good for the business in the long run, but it just depends how things happen. One thing, despite everything and my liking of Triple H, that I don't want to see is Randy Orton jobbing to him... unless they both benefit it in someway. I don't want to see Orton buried again. But, other than that I don't see the problem, a Triple H reign would be awesome and he could make another star, maybe one who doesn't suck balls this time.

I'll turn this argument into a question processed from my argument itself, being, what are your thoughts on another Triple H title run, could it help the business? Would you enjoy it and would it entertain you?

I'm also curious what are your other reasons for thinking Triple H is "greedy"?


May 11, 2007
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montana,do u think Mark Henry will get a title shot in the near future or he's goin to get wasted the way he is right now on SD?? and will Jeff and Matt Hardy have good singles career like Edge ANd Cristian have had?? cause these two teams did fight some insane tag duets of their times..

Beer Money Army

No that i don't what you think of Chris benoit after all that incident.. I sitll think he is one of the greatest wrestler ever to be in that ring...... but

But do you think Chris benoit was more worthy to Be more than an 2 Time WCW/World Hevayweight Champion?

Do you think WWE underused him after 2004???

one question about chris Jericho....

DO you think his mid 2003- 2005 Do you think he should of been better utlitize? (i think i spelt that right)


May 11, 2007
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yeah montana, i want to ask you about Y2J, jericho as well..where the hell is he?? will he return to WWE..i do want him to return to ECW if he ever comes back..


what are your thoughts on another Triple H title run, could it help the business? Would you enjoy it and would it entertain you?

I'm also curious what are your other reasons for thinking Triple H is "greedy"?

Yawn to HHH comeback. No it wouldnt help the business. There would be some entertainment value for sure. Im not discrediting him, I would just perfer to see guys like Kennedy and CM Punk gets pushed. Or even the Hardys. Even after the draft its the same raw, just added a few SD guys. So i think the wwe needs some radical creative thinking. Giving HHH the belt is the opposite of that. (dusty rhodes to book raw, demote steph)

Greedy, mainly because he looks out for his friends more so than talent. Like im going to comeback and beat booker t, then ill beat Orton for the wwe championship. Wrestlers should have zero say in booking. And HHH should be kissing HBK's ass. HBK did more for HHH than anyone i can recall in the US. Hogan sure as hell didnt make Brutus. The Rock didnt make anyone, Stone COld didnt. But HBK turned HHH into a all around talent. Im HBK Biased so i guess we will never agree. Basically it seems like he wants to always be the star.

How would you have done Test's debut

First of all, i wouldn't have signed test. I'd probably use him as a enforcer for motorcity Machine guns. Or Job him out to the roster. TNA doesnt need another main eventer. Especially not test. I always like the idea of a masked man too. Maybe have cage cutting a promo where a masked man jumps him.

montana,do u think Mark Henry will get a title shot in the near future or he's goin to get wasted the way he is right now on SD??

He may get a title shot, but i dont see him winning it. The problem with Smackdown is that they got the raw cast offs. Khali, Kane, as their monsters. Which leaves their only so much room for a guy like Mark Henry. I heard he is considering retiring, and he said he would in 2 years for sure. So that is kinda why he hasnt been used. Secondly the Michael Hayes couldnt book a good SD ppv if his life depended on it. Sadly im wating for Rey , Taker and Edge to return. Until then, expect the bad. So basically i say he will be in a few upper card fueds once they get things straightened out. But i dont see winning the championship.

and will Jeff and Matt Hardy have good singles career like Edge ANd Cristian have had?? cause these two teams did fight some insane tag duets of their times..

Not as good, but good none the less. I would imagine Matt Hardy will get a championship reign sometime in his career. Who knows with Jeff. Me personally perfers Jeff, bc he has more charisma i guess. Smoother in the ring. But they won't be on Edge's status. The guys is already 3x champ, not to meantion like he's won 20 belts in the wwe. As far as sucess i'd rank them 1) Edge, 2) M. Hardy 3) Christian 4) Jeff.
I would rate Hardy before Christian because the wwe belts mean more than TNA.


No that i don't what you think of Chris benoit after all that incident.. I sitll think he is one of the greatest wrestler ever to be in that ring...... but

But do you think Chris benoit was more worthy to Be more than an 2 Time WCW/World Hevayweight Champion?

More worthy? I kinda dont understand the question. Beniot had a good run as champ. I think they could have used him better, without holding the belt. But all in all, he was used right.

Do you think WWE underused him after 2004???

Not too much. He had some injuries and whatnot in between. Yea he was underused, but not to the point where it was like what the fuck.

one question about chris Jericho....

DO you think his mid 2003- 2005 Do you think he should of been better utlitize? (i think i spelt that right)

I thought he was utlized fine. The wwe was going for something different in 03 with Steiner / Goldberg. Jericho is great, but you cant have the same guy main event every ppv and show (see cena)

yeah montana, i want to ask you about Y2J, jericho as well..where the hell is he?? will he return to WWE..i do want him to return to ECW if he ever comes back..

Jericho is touring with his band. Yes, i think he will return later this year. I think he will go to Raw, as they need him. Which means a big star on Raw will have to move to SD. They have to use him on raw, i would assume. Theres not a snowballs chance in hell he will go to ECW. Even SD is pretty unlikely.

As far as what fued to bring him into, i have no idea. I would Assume Jericho comes back to challenge John Cena, that would make the most sense.

Who do you think should be called up from the RoH Roster to the WWE?

Lol, called up. Roh is starting to really grow. Dont be surprised if they are on the verge of greatness. But they already signed all their wrestlers to contracts, so the other guy they dont have signed is Matt Sydal. But as far as who would be a good fit, you can take your pick really. I really think Colt Cabana was the best fit and they got him. But now, it depends what the wwe needs. Nigel Mcguiness would be great in wwe, Rodderick strong, Chris Hero, Bryan Danielson, and Kevin Steen. Thats would be the top 5 for sure. The others wouldnt fit as well, due to other reasons. But i could see all 5 of those guys being sucessful in wwe.


Why in your opinion are TNA PPV's not performing like you say they are?

What can they do to do better?


Why in your opinion are TNA PPV's not performing like you say they are?

Thats a easy question. Its becuase they try to book to many matches normally. Sometimes there will be a great match (Daniels vs Sting) and it only last 6-7 minutes. Or Joe vs AJ, and that lasted 10 minutes.

What can they do to do better?

Trim the roster, save some money. Try had the talent, but they keep bringing in more wwe guys to make it more crowded. I mean look at chris Harris. he was getting a big push, and now he's barely on impact. Same for Kaz. What the point of juggling all the guys. Their locker room is unhappy because who ever is the new flavor of the month, gets pushed, and the rest gets screwed over.


^I agree with the second part there about having too many guys at a time. They are trying to save up for the 2 hour show. It better come soon, or the fans are gunna get pissed b/c some of thier favorites arent going to be on iMPACT at all.

Anyway, ok, In your opinion, who do you think has the biggest upside in all of wrestling?


Anyway, ok, In your opinion, who do you think has the biggest upside in all of wrestling?

I'd say its between Kennedy, CM PUnk, Colt cabana. All three are just about locks to be superstars. Colt is kinda the dark horse of the group. Kennedy has what it takes, but he's somewhat injury prone. Punk has everything it takes, but is a little small. The only question is if HHH will allow CM Punk to take the spotlight. Colt Cabana if used right, will be the funniest man in the business bar none. Another dark horse would be Chuck Taylor. Its going to take this guy some time, but he has "it" It may not be in the wwe, but he appears to have a good background, despite being so young. I dont know why TNA doesnt sign Sydal, and Taylor, rather than Test and Rhodes. Off subject, but whatever.


May 11, 2007
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do u think Cody can beat Orton someday?? if it happens,Dusty will be the happiest dad on this planet..

Choose Slack

Jul 26, 2007
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Montana, why don't you answer my question?!?

If a nuclear warhead dropped on Undertaker's head, would he no-sell it?