"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Great One

^^^Yes, he did, read carefully.

Anyways, do you think Cena will be in the main event this year?

Do you think Kennedy could make it in the main event this year?

Assume Orton wins the title at SS, how would your main event for WM look?


If you could pick one wrestler from RAW and SD! each, and throw them in ECW, maybe re-package them, who would you choose?

Well, it depends on what my goals for ecw would be, but my first thought would be to steal John Cena and turn him heel. But that would never happen. So i guess ill pick the guys that would fit best. The key would Repackaged also plays a big role. I would have said, Super crazy, Shelton or Haas on Raw, but don't really think they need much repackaging so i'll say my most hated wrestler right now, Santino Marella. This guy is apparently hell of a wrestler, and they just stuck him with a crappy gimmick. I'd turn him into a russian machine, like he was in ovw. I'd also bring in the cruiserweight title, by any means.

Next up Smackdown. First thoughts i wanted MVP, all the cruisers, but its not really fair to steal someone like matt hardy. Plus you said "repackaged" So i'll Kenny Dysktra. This would be more of a long term move. As i mentioned before. I like younger wrestlers, and over 40 is very important. How i would repackage him....hmmm. Probably a role with Morrision.

I also think ECW should bring in some new guys we havent seen yet. Cobana, and Burchill. I think these moves would help ecw, without hurting raw or SD.

yea i did


May 11, 2007
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dude,i learnt Louise Glover i spart of Wwe's development programme..i just love that hot chick..where do u think she will fit the bill the most?? RAW, SD or ECW?


Anyways, do you think Cena will be in the main event this year?

I think you mean all year? Pretty much, there may be one show, where he is involved in the secondary fued, without the title, but i would bet he would headline about 4 of the final 5 ppvs. At least 3 of them.

Do you think Kennedy could make it in the main event this year?

I have no clue what the have planned for him on raw to be honest. Lord knows what the mcmahon family has planned. Kennedy has been shakey to start raw, although they made a bold choice of having him defeat lashley before injury. I think it mostly depends on who is champ. If orton wins the belt, i wouldnt expect to see Kennedy main event this year. If Cena retains, he will need more people to beat, and kennedy will likely be one of them.

Assume Orton wins the title at SS, how would your main event for WM look?

I'd go with Cena vs Kennedy, still. Just have Cena win a rematch vs Orton and hold the belt til mania. Randy Orton would fued with HBK upon returning. HHH can go fuck himself, opps did i say that. I'd move him to ecw just to job to CM PUnk. Taker vs Edge on SD. Thats how i would book the major matcehs, guys like Lashley, Batista, Rey, would still be floating around for other matches. so to recap my rough wm 24 would look like

Cena vs. Kennedy
Taker vs Edge
CM Punk vs HHH
HBK vs Orton

Oh yea, im harsh on HHH, because he's greedy.

Should TNA have another Singles title? If so, who would you give it to?

No, they have the x division. The problem is that they have too many guys. I guess I'd probably give the mid card belt to Robert Roode. he's done a good job as a heel. I like heel champs.

dude,i learnt Louise Glover i spart of Wwe's development programme..i just love that hot chick..where do u think she will fit the bill the most?? RAW, SD or ECW?

Well i had to check out her pics, cause i had no clue who she was. Kinda hard to say where she will fit in most, assuming she makes it all the way to the wwe. I guess SD could use another diva, more so than Raw and ECW. She looks like candice too.


May 11, 2007
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I have posted Louise Glover threads in "Divas Undressed"..you can check out there..was going to post more but now will have to wait and see whether i will be part of VIP area or not..anyways,do check them..thay r REAL HOTTT!


yea, i said i had to check out her pics there to see her, and she looks like candice. I really don't care much about the divas. I guess im old school, and they should stick to being valets.


anything on Brock Lesner?? what is he doin these days??

Well, as you might have heard, he was wrestling in japan, where he was sucessful, and just lost the hw title over there to kurt angle. The Japanese organization was mad at him and basically wanted him to drop it for a very long time. So i believe he is done other there. Now i would imagine the wwe is trying to bring him back, with the lack of depth in the wwe right now. The problem is, they are on bad terms. Brock wants a big contract deal, the wwe is basically saying kiss our ass. We let you out of your contract, and now you want to come back? We are going to give you less money. So both sides are mad, but i would assume there will be a middle ground. Only problem is the wwe really doesnt need him with Lashley, and Batista filling his old role. I believe he still has 3 years on his no compete clause so hes not going to tna, AND the wwe sued him for wreslting in japan too. So i'd say theres maybe a 25% chance of seeing him back in teh wwe. Maybe even a little better than that.

Great One

Fuck... my first two questions meant main event of WM, sorry.

Anyways, why do you think HHH is being greedy?


what do you think is going to happen at Summerslam regarding the World Heavyweight Championship?


Fuck... my first two questions meant main event of WM, sorry.

Oh, no biggie. I think Cena will, and i'd like to see Kennedy do so, but i dont think it will happen. I guess theres a shot of it. Just not very good.

Anyways, why do you think HHH is being greedy?

He just seems greedy. Like HHH has to be the star. In Dx HHH was the leader and hbk was just kinda there. HHH get injuried, and says he wants the belt when he comes back...theres more reasons.

what do you think is going to happen at Summerslam regarding the World Heavyweight Championship?

My heart says Orton, but my head is tellin me Cena. I think they may have Cena win, and then Orton win a rematch. Its a tough call. I'd say im like 50/50 on that match


When will we see another title in ECW?

Not the way ECW is going. I dont see another title being added this year. The roster is pretty pathetic. In 2008 who knows. I would imagine, after a while ECW will have to do something to expend and more titles would be the next logical step. So i'd say we could see a midcard title mid 08 assuming the wwe keeps EcW going.