"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
What do you want to see champion's wise in the wwe? Say you could strip all title holders of their belts, who would you make champions?

the dark knight

Dark Knight "do u agree with me that taker can come back with his badass gimmick again and have a title? the only reason he didnt have a title all this time is just cuz he couldnt talk. fuckin deadman lol"

when someone says, DO U AGREE, that means you think that.

generally yea. but i use that method to motivate the person for a more detailed answer. just try it.



What do you want to see champion's wise in the wwe? Say you could strip all title holders of their belts, who would you make champions?

wwe champ: John Cena

Hold on, now here me out. Im assuming this is as of right now and i couldnt, push/depush anyone. I really dont see anyone on Cena's level. THey've done a horrible job of pushing guys. Not sure if its because they dont want cena to lose or what, but i think Cenas done a good job as champ. You gotta realize there is added responsibilty as champ, so you cant consider Randy Orton yet. Carlito would be my choice BUT i have to completely RE push Carlito. Mr Kennedy might be ready to beat the champ too, when he's healthy. But outta those 3 guys, i go iwth Cena still.

World Champ: Edge

SD is about to get real interesting i think. He's just won the belt, and his future looks bright. I dont see anyone capable of beating him this second.

US Champ: Chris Beniot

Very Credible champ, probably too good for the US, but has brought even more prestige to the belt.

IC Champ Carlito or Nitro.

Its a toss up, both guys have a great future, or at least should.

Raw Tag Champs: Hardys

SD Tag Champ: fuck....aaa...MVP & Mark Henry

I like the idea of those two teaming up. They could rule SD.

Cruiser: JTG of Cryme Tyme

Jeah, I just think they should add more depth to the cruiserweight divison. Supercrazy, and Jimmy Wang are the most deserving/credible champs.

Womens: Mickie James

ECW Title : CM Punk

Lashley is built up too much for ECW. Burke isnt over yet. Corvon is still new. RVD i would pick, but hes leaving. Tommy Dreamer wouldntn be too bad of a choice either. Even if its just short term. Punk is the most deserving ithink.



Bonus: Judgement Day Predictions

John Cena over Great Khali
Edge over Batista
Lashley over Team Mcmahon
Beniot over MVP (shocker pick)
Burke over PUnk
HBK over Orton (could be a no contest)
Carlito over Flair

Oh Geez, thats pathetic. Figures when i put it in writing, everything is pretty much wrong. Oh well. I'll do it again next ppv.

Great One

Which Judgement Day sucked worse, this year's or last year's?

Is the WWE's time left on top way too overexaggerated?


Which Judgement Day sucked worse, this year's or last year's?

This one, by far. Heres my take on Judgement day (my stream was a lil choppy, but still)

1st match: Carlito vs Flair....Match was subpar. They made carlito look horrible losing to the aging flair. Bad Booking i think. Almsot 20 minute too WTF. I thought they should wrestlign 3 times. Carlito, Flair then Carlito wins again.

2nd Match Lashley vs Mcmahons

Short n sweet, but wasnt much to mention here.

3rd: Punk vs Burke

First half sucked, second half was pretty good. Again, BURKE LOOKED WEAKED. He nailed his finished and it looked like punk was dead, but hten he popped up for the win. I thought Burke should have won, to propell the fued longer.

HBK vs Orton

Orton actually won a match. So what if it was a technically. He pulled off MAJOR heel heat RKO'n HBK. Maybe he's in store for a push.

Hardys vs Cade Murdoch.

Solid match, lived up to expectations

Edge vs Batista

Subpar. Not bad, but i think this fued will escalate.

Beniot vs MVP

Good match, BUT Beniot looked too weak. Come on, mVP won two straight falls cleanly in like 14 minutes.

Cena vs Khali

Could have used some chairs or somehting while the ref was down. Khali ended up looking pretty bad. Cena basically just beat him with the STFU, like it was nothing.

The main reason i didnt like the ppv was because Carlito, Burke, Beniot, Khali, Umaga, were made to look really weak. The matches didnt really deliver. Although i didnt think this ppv would be that hot. Honestly i thought this ppv was a 3/10 Best match, probably beniot vs MVP ill give it a 2.75/5 Punk/Burke and the Hardys match were about a 2.5/5

Now the wwe has 2 weeks to build ONS, with Vince mcmahon headlining. nice job wwe creative! At least its all extreme rules, right?

Is the WWE's time left on top way too overexaggerated?

You mean like the Attitude era/ Goldern Era?

Great One

No, I mean their PRESENT time on top of the wrestling business, is it exaggerated, could TNA or ROH or maybe another company overtake them sooner than expected, or could they hit a giant unexpected downfall.


No, I mean their PRESENT time on top of the wrestling business, is it exaggerated, could TNA or ROH or maybe another company overtake them sooner than expected, or could they hit a giant unexpected downfall.

I really don't think it will be anytime soon. You gotta think wwe has the money to crush its competition, so they would likely put up a fight. Now is the time to TNA and ROH to be noticed. If they can snatch 50% of wwe fans, that would be ideal, and really shouldnt be that hard. Personally i think the wwe will face its greatest test, if TNA folds, because then ROH would then take a good amount of their talent, and basically piggyback off what TNA had. They would be able to grab the talent, at a cheap price. But this time, the wwe will continue to push guys like lashley and cena, so Maybe ROH can steal all the real wrestling fans, while the wwe remains entertainment. Thats probably the best case scenario, for the wwe to be beaten, and even so the wwe will be around, they wont go anywhere, they are making huge profits. I think there is room for two major promotions and ideally that would be best for everyone.

Defiant One

Active Member
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
St. Louis, Missouri
wow you gave the Punk- Burke and Hardys- Cade & Murdoch matches 2.5/5??? tough judge, entitled to your opinion.

1. Will One Night Stand live up to its meager expectations???
2. Is the Edge- Batista feud over??? if so who will be Edge's next feud? If not do you see Batista winning back the title from Edge?
3. In your opinon was Sacrafice better than Judgment Day?
4. Whats more annoying Khali on the microphone or a die hard 8 year old kid who wont stop shut up about Cena? ( there were these 2 little bastards that literally would not shut up in front of us)
5. Whats been the best PPV of any wrestling organization so far this year???


wow you gave the Punk- Burke and Hardys- Cade & Murdoch matches 2.5/5??? tough judge, entitled to your opinion.

Well, I've been lookin over Dave Meltzers ratings for matches and how he rates them. To give a recent example Hardy vs Kennedy was 3.5 stars outta 5. MVP vs Beniot at mania was 3.25. I dont know, Burke matches are generally real boring to me, He had like 5 minutes of arm bars. Hardy/cademurcdoch was good,nuttin special. The video was choppy too, as i stated.

1. Will One Night Stand live up to its meager expectations???

It should be better than JD, but no matches have been announced yet. Just the hardcore rules. Look for a few rematches at the show. All in all, it will be alright, not as good as last years. But its still early.

2. Is the Edge- Batista feud over??? if so who will be Edge's next feud? If not do you see Batista winning back the title from Edge?

No, Batista will get another shot, until mark Henry fueds with him. Matt Hardy is next up in line, due the injuries. Kinda odd huh?

3. In your opinon was Sacrafice better than Judgment Day?

Yes, it pains me to say, but it was a lot better. Booking, matches, all around. JD was 3/10 Sacrifice was 6.5/10. Another tough scale, my tv scale is easier though.

4. Whats more annoying Khali on the microphone or a die hard 8 year old kid who wont stop shut up about Cena? ( there were these 2 little bastards that literally would not shut up in front of us)

Probably those kids. You gotta smack em around.

5. Whats been the best PPV of any wrestling organization so far this year???

I was getting ready to say Supercard of Honor II, but that wasnt a ppv.

Hmmm, Probably WM, even though a few people say backlash. When i say a few people, theres some reporters/columist/forum members/you tube people i listen to or read. So i base the masses off them.

I thought WM was solid, but could have been better. IT delivered botttomline, and im gettin the dvd this tuesday, even though i wont have time to watch it for a while. #2 PPV ill say RR then Backlash.

I wasnt too into the first few tna ppvs this year. But i did see sacrifice.

More ratings

WM23 7.5/10
RR 7.25
BL 7/10
sac 6.5

Scale. 5 subpar...6 average...7 good....8 dvd buy worthy (very good) 9 (best ppv inthe last few years)

Great One

Ok, out of all the current wrestlers who use to be in the WWE who are vacant in some way, wheter it be due to injury (HHH/HBK/Taker) OR on a different company (Angle/Cage). Who do you want to return to the WWE the most?


Ok, out of all the current wrestlers who use to be in the WWE who are vacant in some way, wheter it be due to injury (HHH/HBK/Taker) OR on a different company (Angle/Cage). Who do you want to return to the WWE the most?

As of right now I'd say Jericho, because ppl love surprise returns. Secondly the Rock....oh hell...heres my list. Based off who would help the overall product the best. Notice the wwe guys are towards the bottom, bc we've became used to seeing them.

1) Jericho
2) Rock
3) Cage
4) Brock
5) HHH
6) Kurt Angle
7) Mick Foley (as a non wrestler role, with a rare match)
8) Mysterio
9) HBK
10) Taker

I didnt put austin bc he can't wrestle. HHH and Rock might be ranked too high, but i thought they would make a big impact, good or bad. Brock is still young. Foley can add alot to a show, in the right role, im thinkin ECW.

I forgot kennedy, but he would be toward the bottom with HBK/Taker


Who do you think Cena will finally drop the belt 2...

Should The Miz be givin' a push for the Cruiserwieght championship...

^^...same question...but insert Shannon Moore...^^


If Brock Lesnar hadnt left WWE do you think Cena or Batista would be a as big as they are today?

Cena would be just as big as he is today, but Batista probably never would have won the belt. When brock left, they shook their heads, and basically turned batista from a low-mid card guy to a wm main eventer. Wasnt earned, but he was basically in the right place and the right time. So now they realize Batista sucks, sothey give Lashley the crazy push, because hes younger. Thats the wwe for ya.

Who do you think Cena will finally drop the belt 2...

Probably HHH, Orton is a longshot.

Me personally think he should drop it to a younger guy like Kennedy. My top 3 picks for young guys is Kennedy, Carlito, and CM Punk. If the wwe knew how to push its talent, carlito would already be a main event talent. Randy Orton career has been all over the place, and i think the wwe might have no other choice but to give him a push.

Should The Miz be givin' a push for the Cruiserwieght championship...

NO, i hate the miz, he should be GM. I think hes too big for cruiserweight too.

^^...same question...but insert Shannon Moore...^^

Much better in the ring, but i just dont like him. He's kinda short. I think they have to get him on tv, and give him a chance, before they decide if he's worthy. As of now, i say no, but they never really gave him a good enough chance to get over. I might like him more than.