"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Do you think that Khali will be forced to feud with a new comer after his short feud with Cena?

Hopefully he goes away. I'd like to see Kane come out and take him out, perhaps setting up a dangerous match for the two. I dont see him fueding with a new comer. I see see them prolonging the Cena fued too.

Perhaps HBK vs Khali too.


Feb 7, 2007
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Or maybe Kahli one day loses all memory and for the rest of his life has a 1 second memory, thus meaning he cant do anything.

What do you think about an Boxing match on ECW? Burke vs Punk (planned winner of course, but everything is real)?


What do you think about an Boxing match on ECW? Burke vs Punk (planned winner of course, but everything is real)?

I think they will face off a few times so a speciality match or two is a must. As far as Boxing match, its a above average idea, but i think they might be able to think of something better. Like a submission match. CM doesnt seem like much of a boxer, but i like the idea overall.

What was Edge's first Wrestlemania appearance?

Not sure if this is a trick question, but he was at wm 6, as a fan. He was employed at wm 15, but didnt wrestle due to injury. Wrestled at 16 in a ladder match with christian vs Hardys and dudleys.

Great One

What do you prefer more...

A very good professional wrestler, talker, entertainer, charismatic (The Rock)?


A very good mat, technical, chain wrestler including high in ring psycology level (Chris Benoit)?

Do you think Bret Hart will ever make a return to wrestling? If so, which company?

Do you think Ultimate Warrior will ever make a return to wrestling? If so, which company.

Do you think another extremely big name at the calibre of Kurt Angle will jump to TNA (or another company) from the WWE?

-Will certain titles combine, or be added and/or be removed? If so which ones.

-Will the undisputed title ever return? If so, in what general area followed by which scenario.


A very good professional wrestler, talker, entertainer, charismatic (The Rock)?


A very good mat, technical, chain wrestler including high in ring psycology level (Chris Benoit)?

I perfer the Entertainer, most of those guys can tell a story with a match.

Do you think Bret Hart will ever make a return to wrestling? If so, which company?

No, he's like 100. I have heard zero talk of him returning.

Do you think Ultimate Warrior will ever make a return to wrestling? If so, which company.

Again, No.

Do you think another extremely big name at the calibre of Kurt Angle will jump to TNA (or another company) from the WWE?

Nope, RVD sounds like he might sign. I guess theres a chance Chavo and Orton could go too, but those guys arent really big. Thats about all for this year.
-Will certain titles combine, or be added and/or be removed? If so which ones.

No, but it would be nice to see the tag titles combined.

-Will the undisputed title ever return? If so, in what general area followed by which scenario.

I highly doubt the undisputed title will return, unless they end the brands, which i doubt as well. If it were to, i'd do it at Wrestlemania, Champ vs Champ....keep it simple.


May 10, 2007
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Vancouver, Canada
Who do you think is the most important\valuable wrestler for TNA?

Do you think John Cena will ever turn heel? If yes then when?

Who has helped the WWE more Bret Hart, Stone Cold, or The Rock?

Will Benoit ever be World Champion again?

Will Randy Orton ever be World Champion again?

What is the one thing that would help TNA the most?

If TNA hired Paul Heyman and fired Vince Russo in the future how would that effect TNA, would they get better or worse?


Do you think if Christian had stayed in WWE he would have won the World Title?

Im very certain he would have eventually won the world title. The main problem i thnk Christian saw was the fact that HE knew Edge would get a push before him, at the time Edge wasnt getting a push. Guys like Cena/Orton/Bastista was the new crop of stars, and the wwe was moving in that direction, so he went for the quick gold in tna. I think it may have took 2-3 years to gain the world title, but im pretty confident he would have gained it. You never know too, he could return one day and still do so.

Who do you think is the most important\valuable wrestler for TNA?

Hmm, thats tough. I would have to say Joe. He's like the only non=wwe guy they've somewhat pushed lately. Argueably one of the best wrestlers in the world today too.

Do you think John Cena will ever turn heel? If yes then when?

Eventually. I'd say middle 08 if i had to guess a time.

Who has helped the WWE more Bret Hart, Stone Cold, or The Rock?

Stone Cold thats easy. He took the wwe to heights they've never seen. He brought the fight to WCW, and regained the focus on thewwe.

Will Benoit ever be World Champion again?

He should, although i dont think he will. You never know with injuries and brand switches though.

Will Randy Orton ever be World Champion again?

Yeah, Eventually he will mature. Eventually.

What is the one thing that would help TNA the most?

More help backstage. Less Jim Cornette. Russo has done a alright job, but they improve in one area, and get worse in another. They also gotta figure out a way to make more money. So storylines and financial help would be TNAs biggest help. Adding another wrestler to the roster isnt gonig to help much. 2 hours is only gonna to just mean twice of what we are already seeing.

If TNA hired Paul Heyman and fired Vince Russo in the future how would that effect TNA, would they get better or worse?

I think slightly better. I like heyman alot but i dont think anyone one man can change what they have going. They would need to change the overall product.

Great One

Lol... well Bret Hart is only 50 and Finlay is 49, Flair 56, and a person at Bret Hart's level (although he wasn't ever THAT athletic). I still think anything's possible, I would love for him to just make a Sting or Flair like return.

-Your thoughts on the TNA world championship? IMO, looks pretty sick... for TNA (definitely better than the shitty WWE belt, IMO).

-Who should win the KOTM match at Slammiversary? I think it's Joe's time now... he's the only guy they actually had going and they made themselves other than Styles/Daniels, but yeah, Joe hasn't really done much, so it may look awkward.

-Biggest cross company dream match between the WWE and TNA (e.g. Ric Flair vs. Sting)?


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
Do you think ROH or TNA could ever be bigger than WWE?

With Gregory Helms having a possibly broken neck and all these superstars injured do you think they need to start banning some of the more dangerous moves in regular single matches?


Lol... well Bret Hart is only 50 and Finlay is 49, Flair 56, and a person at Bret Hart's level (although he wasn't ever THAT athletic). I still think anything's possible, I would love for him to just make a Sting or Flair like return.

No, are we forgetting the fall out? They were lucky to get bret to do a dvd & Hall of Fame. He may be 50, but his body is done. There wouldnt be anything left for him to fued with.

-Your thoughts on the TNA world championship? IMO, looks pretty sick... for TNA (definitely better than the shitty WWE belt, IMO).

The Tag and the TNA belt are the same as the old wwe ones, and the X is the same as the IC with a X on it.

-Who should win the KOTM match at Slammiversary? I think it's Joe's time now... he's the only guy they actually had going and they made themselves other than Styles/Daniels, but yeah, Joe hasn't really done much, so it may look awkward.

I agree with you, its Joe's time, BUT I would probably have Kurt Angle win the belt, and then hold it until Bound for glory, where Samoa Joe finally beats him for the belt. I'd also have to see who's exactly in the match. Cage is the least path of resistance. (lowest risk)

-Biggest cross company dream match between the WWE and TNA (e.g. Ric Flair vs. Sting)?

Taker vs Sting

Edge vs Christian

Joe vs Beniot

Those 3 guys with AJ mathced up against anyone in the wwe really.

Do you think ROH or TNA could ever be bigger than WWE?

Not for a long long time, but i think ROH could one day, 10-15 years from now, could take over. But everything would have to fall into place. Wrestling a whole would change from a mainstream product to a underground product.

If TNA folds in the next 5 years, ROH grabs their top talent, AND uses them as the stepping stone, they would have a great start to begin to take over the industry.

I cant see TNA ever being bigger.

With Gregory Helms having a possibly broken neck and all these superstars injured do you think they need to start banning some of the more dangerous moves in regular single matches?

nope, just cut down on the road schedule. They said edge wrestled 7 times in 4 days. Thats insane. The wwe should keep their wrestlers to about 3 or 4 matches per week.

Great One

I was thinking Shawn Michaels vs. Sting too... talk about dream match of all fucking time right there.

-Who all will participate in the KOTM match? (I'm thinking Christian, Angle, Joe, Jarret, AJ; Sting will get screwed out of shot by Daniels setting up match at Slammiversary, not too sure about Jarret, but he'll probably be in it to make it seem like he'll win).

Triple H

-Kind of a gay question, but will he return all ripped again like last time and the old days, or still look out-of-shape like. =p

-When will he return and how?

-Who will his first feud be with?

-Should he get a longish title run again then put another guy over like Batista in some way?