OOC The Out Of Character Thread

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Ginothony Bamtano

I rate this forum a decent to strong 4
Apr 16, 2016
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Question to generate discussion: What's everybody's biggest gripes or pet peeves when reading other peoples' promos? Like, any little thing that is done that just gets ou irked for the wrong reasons.


The Architect
Apr 21, 2013
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Question to generate discussion: What's everybody's biggest gripes or pet peeves when reading other peoples' promos? Like, any little thing that is done that just gets ou irked for the wrong reasons.
Excessive swearing, acting like you're the most over guy in the company even if its your first week, and not properly formatting.

Ginothony Bamtano

I rate this forum a decent to strong 4
Apr 16, 2016
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Excessive swearing, acting like you're the most over guy in the company even if its your first week, and not properly formatting.
I agree with all of those. If I had to list all of mine, they'd probably be...

> Poor grammar and spelling. (it make it alot harder too read and tak youre guy seriously when u write like this).

> Writing overly simple descriptions. (Where did he hit him? How hard did he hit him? Was there any crowd reaction? Did your opponent retaliate? All of that is important info that is very rarely shared in some promos).

> Painfully forced jokes and humor throughout promos. (When you try to put comedy in a promo, read it out loud a few times. If it sounds really cringeworthy, don't use it. If you're still not sure, say it to your mother. If she slaps you, it's not funny. Bad comedy isn't good comedy).

> Swearing all the goddamn time. (There is a right, and a wrong time to cuss. When you swear every three sentences, you sound more like a raging 12-year old than a grown adult).

> Annoyingly Darkly Colored Text (I can hardly read this as I type. Can you read this? No, so why would you think other people can?)

> Writing the crowd to react to you like you're the most over babyface, or the most despicable heel when you're still very recent to the leagues or haven't done anything significant. (Why are they going wild for a guy who went 1-3 and disappeared for two months?)

I'm certain there's even more out there (hence the desire for discussion), but these are the things that stick out the most when I read some of the promos posted. I'm not aiming to come off as a dick, I guess I'm just ranting.

Yell at, blame, and criticize me as much as you wish.
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The Artiste
Aug 1, 2016
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Northampton, England, GB
Question to generate discussion: What's everybody's biggest gripes or pet peeves when reading other peoples' promos? Like, any little thing that is done that just gets ou irked for the wrong reasons.
When people do promos that absolutely bury their opponent. See, with you, you always build up the threat that any opponent puts towards you. The Blade is a good example of an underdog because it feels like you think about who you're facing carefully and promo accordingly. Other guys don't really do this. They cut promos where it's all about them, they don't research who they're facing and their segment only puts them over, not the match. Essentially, you are promoting your match to get your character over, not promoting yourself to get your match over. Trash talk is good, but it has to be to the point, saying "I will beat you" isn't detrimental to your opponent, but making a whole promo where you talk about how great you are and how shit your opponent is isn't good for the match. Also agree with all your other points, me personally, I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing promos because at college it's all informative, non fiction evaluations that I write, but I'll try to get my detail back to where it used to be and beyond
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The Showoff
Sep 16, 2014
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When people do promos that absolutely bury their opponent. See, with you, you always build up the threat that any opponent puts towards you. The Blade is a good example of an underdog because it feels like you think about who you're facing carefully and promo accordingly. Other guys don't really do this. They cut promos where it's all about them, they don't research who they're facing and their segment only puts them over, not the match. Essentially, you are promoting your match to get your character over, not promoting yourself to get your match over. Trash talk is good, but it has to be to the point, saying "I will beat you" isn't detrimental to your opponent, but making a whole promo where you talk about how great you are and how shit your opponent is isn't good for the match. Also agree with all your other points, me personally, I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing promos because at college it's all informative, non fiction evaluations that I write, but I'll try to get my detail back to where it used to be and beyond
Completely agree with this, along with Gino's points. Even though I am not the best promo cutter in the league, I try and pride myself on being able to put the person I'm writing with over. Just little things that can be done to make their character look either more respectable or more of a heel. That's why in my latest promo, it not only help me progress with my character development, but it also put Gino over in the way he acted as I wrote his action.
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The Artiste
Aug 1, 2016
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Northampton, England, GB

The all too familiar theme song of Jordan Bull fills the arena, along with a chorus of angry boos from the crowd. Jordan swaggers out onto the stage wearing a modified attire of his black T-Shirt, tights, knee pads and kick pads with a green trim. He looks like a confident man after his decimation of an innocent man, his destruction of Harrison Payne's neck as well as his respectable position in the draft and now his place in a match with the Undisputed World Champion, Robert Blake and the enigmatic challenger, Rhys Haze. He walks with purpose down the ramp, like a man on a mission, ignoring the hostile crowd that once treated him like a hero. Jordan climbs the steps and enters the ring. The music fades out and Jordan picks a microphone up that an official has rolled in, probably so that he doesn't get attacked by the destructive Jordan Bull.

"Shut the hell up you putrid filth!"

The insult does not make the crowd any quieter as they rain a symphony of boos, seemimgly soaking Jordan in their hate. However, the man in the ring does not seem phased by the reaction and begins to talk as the crowd finally quieten down.

"I am the Destroyer, Jordan Bull. I am on a warpath that will never stop, even when I get Championship Gold around my waist. I am the man now. Last week, I truly arrived here in Precision by ripping two of this companies employees in half. I have been drafted to Team Green by Buster Gates, who, via Reginald, alluded to the fact that I could possibly take the title away from Robert Blake and bring it to Team Green. I have a problem with this. Firstly, why only allude to something that you know full well is a certainty? I am going to take that Undisputed Championship away from Robert Blake, Will Nielson or whoever the hell is holding onto my prize when I get the shot that I deserve. However, Buster, if you think that I am going to win that title for you and your little agendas, you are a moron. I couldn't care less about Team Green, sure, I'll play along with your little games, I'll beat whoever you want me to beat but I am not a team player. Sure, for now our objectives coincide with each other, but if I feel like you or any other member of your team are in my way...I will break you, just like I broke that official, just like I broke Harrison Payne."

Jordan is still booed, despite strong words. He seems to understand that the crowd will never be behind him, and somewhat seems to relish it.

"But right now, I have to focus. My match this week is huge. Not only do I have the opportunity to beat two guys in one night; I have the opportunity to beat the Champion, which would surely make me the #1 Contender. Robert Blake is a fighter, and a good one at that. He dominates in Precision and Exodus and has proven himself to be a champion in both brands. I know Exodus, or at least what it used to be. I know how tough it is there. It's dog eat dog and only the cream rises to the top. I mean, as much as I hate all of you though, Precision is easily better."

The Precision fans cheer and chant "Exo-Fucks"

"Because it has Jordan Bull as it's centrepiece attraction."

The crowd once again boo Jordan for his arrogance, no matter if there's truth to it.

"Robert Blake may be a big scary fighter but I don't fear you. I fear no man. Not you, Blake and certainly not you Rhys Haze. I'll be honest, Rhys, you are the X-Factor in this match. Robert and I are proven stars, you are not. We have experience on our side, but you are the unknown. I can gameplan for Robert a lot more than I can for you, so you can really do one of two things: Either, you are just like every other nobody in this company, or, you'll surprise eveyone. Either way, you too are not coming out of this show with a win. This match is mine, this company is mine and Robert Blake, your title is mine."

Jordan's music begins to play and it is either interrupted by the theme of another Precision wrestler, or the theme of the show.

I will cry if nobody replies to this :'(


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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@Sam?! naughty boy....Bull VS Blake should be fun unless that Haze fella pins you :eek:
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Ginothony Bamtano

I rate this forum a decent to strong 4
Apr 16, 2016
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Ready for picking... gonna take them to the farmers market.

Big Scat, White Scat, African Scat and Black Scat are all on their way for youe bum hole.