exactly. Should have been the Commentator, The Reagmaster.Also there's no real explanation of why Reginald became GM. It was just like this guy died -> Reginald, you're the GM! Take the power!
exactly. Should have been the Commentator, The Reagmaster.Also there's no real explanation of why Reginald became GM. It was just like this guy died -> Reginald, you're the GM! Take the power!
Buster still owns half the company. Plus, it's Reg. Everyones favourite car crash surviving butler.Also there's no real explanation of why Reginald became GM. It was just like this guy died -> Reginald, you're the GM! Take the power!
So shouldn't Buster be the gm then?Buster still owns half the company. Plus, it's Reg. Everyones favourite car crash surviving butler.
You think Buster has the time to be GM? Reg is capableSo shouldn't Buster be the gm then?
Buster owns half of the place. It would be silly to act like that never happenedAlso there's no real explanation of why Reginald became GM. It was just like this guy died -> Reginald, you're the GM! Take the power!
Well no. Would people just say "He died. Time to move on" if their brother died in real life?
Ummm...Extreme much?
Blade is pseudo dead.hey, the only ever unified World champion has died. I want some tweets of wrestlers showing their respects!
Also, I believe I'm the first person to kill off their most successful league wrestler for real.
*Ryan Blake is sitting down at home on a black leather sofa. He looks very pale and seems quite out of it. Someone gives him a bottle of water since he clearly needs it, but he declines the offer. You can clearly see that he is very distressed about something. Someone behind the camera says "Don't worry. You don't need to do this" But Ryan replies with "I do" so he begins to get on level with the camera. Ryan Blake begins to speak after a long delay*
Ryan Blake: You're all wondering what happened. I'm getting tweets from everyone asking me when you're going to reveal this info. It's not what you think. This is breaking my heart, but I need to let the world know.
*Ryan Blake takes a deep breath and says it*
Ryan Blake: I got news last week that my little brother had to go to surgery due to Pulmonary embolism. This is a very serious procedure. You see, he had no other choice to do this. He had this illness ever since he won the Exodus World title and it just got worse by the end of that company. He really shouldn't have competed last week, but that's how he is. Anyway, we all agreed that he had to do this. He went into surgery at 11 AM last Monday, and he was happy about it. He told us not to worry and he would be back to burying superstars in no time. We all laughed and I gave my little brother a hug....
*Tears start coming out of Ryan Blake's eyes*
Ryan Blake: But.....The surgery didn't go to plan. Guys, Robert died in that room. My little brother died in that room. What else is there to say? I keep thinking this is a bad dream, but it really isn't. I need to deal with the reality that I'm not going to see my brother in this world again. He was the best brother anyone could have! He would back me up in any fight and I would do the same for him. You see, He was always with me, and now he's just gone.....Why?! Why did my brother need to die?! I loved him! I would give all of this away if I could get him back. I would give my own life for him! He was so young....How can any of this be justified? I know I will see him again in the next world, and that's the only hope I can hold on to! I just.....I can't continue with this. I'm done.
*Ryan Blake storms out pushing the camera over on the way out. One of the cameramen lift it back up. You can hear "You have to tell them". The camera turns to a woman. She begins to speak*
Sarah Blake: My husband is taking this very bad as all the family are. You can clearly see that Ryan isn't in any clear state to run the company. We are going to assign a temporary GM to Precision. The Board Of Directors have held a meeting and they have decided to appoint......Reginald as temporary GM. Yes, this is the best decision for the company, and he is the best man to run it until my husband comes back. This took a lot out of us and I ask that you respect our wishes to not call us until Ryan is ready to answer these calls. He needs to grieve in peace.
*Sarah tells the cameramen to shut down the cameras ending the segment*
Some crazy shit just went down. Robert Blake has died?! Reginald is new GM?! What will Ryan do?! Man....Storyline city over here
Dialogue-heavy promo because I felt like doing some character development before I went to bed.Immediately after his loss to Rhys Haze, as Joseph walks through the curtain, Alexander is standing waiting for him. And he doesn't look impressed. Not at all.
Joseph: Look, Alex, I don't know what happened out there.
Alexander: You don't? Well I do. You lost. To a no-name
Joseph: Well I know that, obviously I know that, but I don't know why. I had that match in the bag the entire time.
Alexander: Well if you had it "in the bag" then why'd you lose?
Joseph: I just told you, I don't know. He caught me off guard.
Alexander: And do you know why he caught you off guard?
Joseph: No, I just told y-
Alexander: Because you were distracted. You got cocky. You were looking ahead to Danny Jacobs next week so you forgot that you still had a match to win first.
The brotherly banter is evident as the conversation continues on, with the typical quips being thrown on both sides
Joseph: Well Mr. Psychologist thank you for explaining to me what I already knew.
Alexander: ..If you already knew it then why'd you say you di-
Joseph: Because I just wanted to make sure you did, you're still new at this whole thing, after all.
Alexander: I see, that makes perfect sense. But don't get too proud yet, I just got off the phone with dad and he is not happy. I practically had to beg him to not come down here and take my place.
Joseph: If there's anything worse than having my brother manage me it's having my father manage me.
Alexander: Believe it or not I'm not exactly thrilled to be helping you through this whole mid-career crisis of you.
Joseph: Really? I thought you would be pumped, it's your chance at being relevant after the...injury.
Alexander: Y'know just because I have no depth perception and one of my legs barely works doesn't mean I couldn't take you down right now.
Joseph: I actually think that's exactly what it means, it pretty much means you can't take...anybody down, ever.
Alexander: As much as I've loved this brotherly banter, and believe me, I do love it so, we need to work on a gameplan, strategize, because Danny Jacobs isn't going to be an easy win like Rhys Haze. And you couldn't even get the easy win, would you look at that. Guess we'll need to REALLY kick it into gear this week, Mr. Undefeated Sensati-well, I guess I can't use that nickname anymore, can I?
Joseph: I hate you.
Alexander: Hey, treat your coach with some RESPECT.
Joseph hams it up SUPER hard for the next line, like, pigs would be jealous.
Joseph: Ugh, fine. Coach Alex, what're we gonna do to beat Danny Jacobs?
Alexander: Well, it's really quite simple, we...........
Conveniently enough, the Diamonds disappear from view just as Alexander was going to explain his plan to Joseph, weird.
Hey, I was only keeping kayfabe.tbf in real life you would be fired. Thinking about what I need to do....
Ryan Blake is going to kill you both at Backlash....Not even messing with you guys. He's going to see rage and break you both in half. Also making fun of Robert in kayfabe gives a good story for Backlash.Hey, I was only keeping kayfabe.Plus pretty sure you wanted a segment with me so..