P-L-S and also whatever news is being plannedTime for the results? Decisions....
P-L-S and also whatever news is being plannedTime for the results? Decisions....
We open with a video package containing all of Danny Jacobs' most memorable moments: Danny Jacobs starting off his career by beating The American Wolf, becoming United States Champion by beating Nero, winning the TWF Championship beating Frie, winning the MITB and cashing it in on the same night to win the TWF Championship a second time beating Wrestling Nation, starting up The Cannibals with ToTo and fighting on JD Grayson's side to get The Jwab out of power as General Manager in a brutal Elimination Chamber match with Danny Jacobs pinning ALL of bWo, Danny Jacobs returning by beating the SHIT out of Harrison, winning the Hardcore Championship, beating both Louis and Erik Santos in a 2-on-1 handicap match and eventually beating the former corporate champion Tyson Blade becoming a 3-time World Champion, retiring with the belt and thus ending his career on top.
We now cut to several former Precision/Sony Storm roster members giving their thoughts on Danny Jacobs' epic career. At least, you'd think that. Actually, it's Danny Jacobs being dressed up as several roster members giving his thoughts on himself...
Anderson Vega: ''What an awesome guy... I mean, he won the title three times before I could even win it once! A true legend in this business, and him leaving paved the way for subpar wrestlers like myself to get on top.''
LARIATO Lars: ''Man. He's so good. He often described himself as a God when he faced me and dressed up like one, and seeing everything that he's done, he might as well be one. I'm a piece of shit compared to him, hell, I'm a piece of shit in general.''
The Blade: ''He's something special. A true deserving champion, and a true deserving Hall of Famer. It's just a shame he's way too dangerous and I'm way too much of a pussy to have actually faced him...''
Porkchop starts screaming ''Danny, come here and *CENSORED* me some more honey!''. Danny winks to the camera, still in Blade attire with his tight shirt going up above his belly because of the size difference. He starts walking towards the other room where the noise came from with the camera fading to black, ending the video package.
Danny Jacobs walks out in his white robe whilst white smoke is starting to go up from the stage and the ramp, to a huge reaction from the crowd. He struts as the crowd is losing its collective shit over this legend returning. He walks towards the cameraman and shows off his Rolex watch to the cameraman, following by his Hall of Fame ring. He WOO's and starts screaming ''I DON'T NEED YOUR TITLES TO HAVE GOLD ALL AROUND ME, BROTHER~!''. He walks to ringside as slowly as possible, completely milking this reaction and this entrance. He stands before the apron, and asks a ringside doctor to assist him in getting up by getting on his hands and knees and use him as a footstep. At first, he declines but Danny asks him again in a more aggressive manner, which causes the doctor to then oblige. He gets on the apron and in the ring. Meanwhilst in the ring, he asks the same doctor to take off his robe which he does. What's under the robe is the IWT Championship, which garners some boos with the people in attendance. However, most are still cheering Danny Jacobs because of his legendary name value as he gets given a mic...
''And no, I am NOT here to save this company for the fourteenth time in the last 3 years. You see, after I've won this prestigious belt that's around my waist in a superior company...
The crowd starts booing Danny Jacobs a bit more after putting down Precision again.
''I got a call from Ryan Blake telling me that I'm going to be inducted into the Precision Hall of Fame. Well, whoop-di-doo. I was told this before at the ''Year Awards'' 2 months ago and I was mugged off back then like I was nothing, but oh well, I'll forgive those idiots running the show here for that. Anyways, being the great man that I am, I put on my suit, dressed up for the occasion and got driven (with a limo!!) towards the arena to accept my Hall of Fame ring and have a little word with the fans of Precision!''
''Because whether it's Sony Storm, whether it's Precision, whether it's IWT, whether it's RWK... I AIN'T GOTTA LOOK ON MY SOLID GOLDEN ROLEX WATCH TO KNOW, THAT I AM THE MAN OF THE HOUR~!''
So, from me to all of you, I've been buzzing for MONTHS to tell all of you exactly what's on my mind:
Fuck you!''
The crowd is shocked by this attack from Danny Jacobs, and immediately starts booing the man. He has a huge smile on his face, and continues talking.
''Screw. ALL. of. you! Don't think I don't remember all of you telling me that I was nothing, don't think I don't remember all the insults, don't think I don't remember the times that you guys boo'd me whilst I was working my ass off being YOUR champion, and you didn't give a shit! None of you did! All you cared was how LARIATO Lars beat my ass, all you cared about was how Jordan Bull fought The Blade, all you cared about was Jack Rogue, and you didn't give a shit about me! And now, now that I'm gone, you want to chant my name, you want to cheer as loudly as you can for me? You didn't understand what you had when you had it, and that's why I left! Now, I'm with IWT! Now, I'm IWT Champion! They treat me with respect, because I deserve to be respected! Look at my suit, look at everything I've achieved! LOOK AT MY ROLEX WATCH! LOOK AT WHAT THE BULLAD CLUB DID AFTER YOU GUYS WANTED US OUT! We did that, and now I've returned to tell all of you that you were wrong! I'd ask for an apology from the people in the back, but they don't understand their sinning, because they have no understanding of what respect or disrespect is.''
''All I know is that the best wrestler who's ever stepped foot in this ring has left this company, just like the best times that this company has ever seen left them. I got a title of gold around my waist in a company where they only have paper ones. So this... this Hall of Fame ring is a very nice one, but I have no respect for the meaning behind it, because nothing of it ever respected me. You will probably see it on E-Bay in a couple of days.''
''Thank you and goodbye.''
The crowd that whole-heartedly supported Danny Jacobs is now booing the IWT Champion very loudly as Danny puts the ring on his middle finger and flips the crowd off with it. He's about to go out of the ring and leave the arena as suddenly...
Excellent. Well thought out & written, nice ideas, didn't expect the final heel turn tbh. Ngl I popped for the @Welsh-Wizard-97 joke too.give me some feedback as well, everyone! Especially Mr. Teacher Beavboy @Beaver , I want some pointers bro!
"It was Christmas eve, babe. In the drunk tank."
"Seriously?! Christmas songs already? Jesus Christ".
The music continues to blare from the Nightclub located on 10th Avenue in New York City. The camera quickly transitions to the direction in which the complaining was coming from. Standing by the door of the building is an agitated, exhausted bouncer. He may be annoyed due to the Christmas music or just fed up with his job in general, but he obviously isn't happy. Although, he looks like someone you wouldn't want to be in an irritated state. From just the look of him alone, he could be about six-foot-five and weight around the two hundred and fifty-pound region. He is wearing a full black attire, sporting a protective vest and combat trousers to go along with his boots.
Suddenly, the man turns his attention to two men standing just in front of him. They seem like businessmen, wearing three-piece suits and carrying briefcases. Maybe they're going to the club for a drink or to talk business? Who knows? They slowly approach the bouncer, both with smirks on their faces. One man is stood in front of the other, establishing some kind of hierarchy, but both looking very similar in appearance. The businessman looks up at the bouncer but quickly turns his head to his associate.
???: Ay, Tony! Look at the size of this guy! You look like one of them...
He pauses as his facial expression changes from confidence to confusion.
???: One of them...what do you call them?
Tony: A bodybuilder. You're thinking of a bodybuilder, Louis!
Louis' look once again goes back to its previous state, as he wags his finger in the air now knowing what he was going to say.
Louis: That's right! You look like one of them bodybuilders. Anyways, what's your name, kid?
Vincenzo: My name's Vincenzo. Vincenzo Catalona and no I'm not a bodybuilder, I'm actually training to become a professional wrestler.
Louis: A professional wrestler, ay! You mean like that one guy? Who won that championship that one time? You definitely look the part, Vinnie-boy.
Vincenzo makes eye contact with Louis, looking more agitated than he did earlier.
Vincenzo: Call me Vinnie-boy again and I will send you and your associate here back to whatever pizzeria you two came from.
Both Louis and Tony burst out laughing, obviously not taking Catalona's threat seriously.
Tony: Look, we're not here to start a fight. You wouldn't want that, trust me. We are actually here to offer a very "lucrative" business proposition. We could use someone like you, both financially and even just physically. How about I buy you a drink and we can negotiate a deal inside this "fine" establishment?
Both men discreetly escort Vincenzo inside the building, with the two businessmen still going back and forth.
Tony: Louis, you didn't even offer Vinnie a drink!? What's wrong with you?
Slowly, the camera fades to black as it is unknown what type of business deal is happening inside the Nightclub. Although one thing is for certain, we will be seeing a lot more of Vincenzo Catalona.
Feedback pls? It's my first promo in a long time and looking for some feedback.
@Beaver are you ignoring me??
I'm a piece of shit :/Dude, you're the IWT Champion. Trust me, you're fine. Well written, and no issues from what I can see.
Lovely build of intrigue. Question: are the businessmen the Santoses? Or has a new Louis arrived?Feedback pls? It's my first promo in a long time and looking for some feedback.
You'll have to wait and see my friendLovely build of intrigue. Question: are the businessmen the Santoses? Or has a new Louis arrived?
*Ryan Blake is sitting down at home on a black leather sofa. He looks very pale and seems quite out of it. Someone gives him a bottle of water since he clearly needs it, but he declines the offer. You can clearly see that he is very distressed about something. Someone behind the camera says "Don't worry. You don't need to do this" But Ryan replies with "I do" so he begins to get on level with the camera. Ryan Blake begins to speak after a long delay*
Ryan Blake: You're all wondering what happened. I'm getting tweets from everyone asking me when you're going to reveal this info. It's not what you think. This is breaking my heart, but I need to let the world know.
*Ryan Blake takes a deep breath and says it*
Ryan Blake: I got news last week that my little brother had to go to surgery due to Pulmonary embolism. This is a very serious procedure. You see, he had no other choice to do this. He had this illness ever since he won the Exodus World title and it just got worse by the end of that company. He really shouldn't have competed last week, but that's how he is. Anyway, we all agreed that he had to do this. He went into surgery at 11 AM last Monday, and he was happy about it. He told us not to worry and he would be back to burying superstars in no time. We all laughed and I gave my little brother a hug....
*Tears start coming out of Ryan Blake's eyes*
Ryan Blake: But.....The surgery didn't go to plan. Guys, Robert died in that room. My little brother died in that room. What else is there to say? I keep thinking this is a bad dream, but it really isn't. I need to deal with the reality that I'm not going to see my brother in this world again. He was the best brother anyone could have! He would back me up in any fight and I would do the same for him. You see, He was always with me, and now he's just gone.....Why?! Why did my brother need to die?! I loved him! I would give all of this away if I could get him back. I would give my own life for him! He was so young....How can any of this be justified? I know I will see him again in the next world, and that's the only hope I can hold on to! I just.....I can't continue with this. I'm done.
*Ryan Blake storms out pushing the camera over on the way out. One of the cameramen lift it back up. You can hear "You have to tell them". The camera turns to a woman. She begins to speak*
Sarah Blake: My husband is taking this very bad as all the family are. You can clearly see that Ryan isn't in any clear state to run the company. We are going to assign a temporary GM to Precision. The Board Of Directors have held a meeting and they have decided to appoint......Reginald as temporary GM. Yes, this is the best decision for the company, and he is the best man to run it until my husband comes back. This took a lot out of us and I ask that you respect our wishes to not call us until Ryan is ready to answer these calls. He needs to grieve in peace.
*Sarah tells the cameramen to shut down the cameras ending the segment*
Some crazy shit just went down. Robert Blake has died?! Reginald is new GM?! What will Ryan do?! Man....Storyline city over here
Also there's no real explanation of why Reginald became GM. It was just like this guy died -> Reginald, you're the GM! Take the power!
Ummm...Extreme much?