OOC The Out Of Character Thread

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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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Some crazy crazy shit about to go down


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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Down go to about shit crazy crazy some
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First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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Precision Season Two is likely to start off with a bang with one of the biggest Main Events in the company's history that pits World Heavyweight Champion, Andersen Vega, against Intercontinental Champion Jack Rogue, in what is unlikely to be a pretty encounter considering the history between the two men. However, the match will have to wait... But Andersen Vega does not.

As Vega's old Sony Storm theme song "King Of My World" kicks in, Andersen Vega walks out from behind the curtain to an overwhelming ovation from the Precision Universe. He pauses on the stage for a moment, wearing his In-Ring attire, a "King Me" T-Shirt and a sleeveless leather jacket that has "All Hail" written on the back, with a bottle of water in his left and, of course, the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. The now official "King" of Precision takes a sip of his water before making a walk that he has not made since Wrestle Dynasty, slowly but surely sauntering down to the ringside area. He rolls into the ring and demands a microphone from the Time Keeper's area, to which he gets, obviously, otherwise this segment would be pointless. As chants of "Andersen" begins to resonate within the arena, Vega raises the microphone to his mouth and begins to speak.

Andersen Vega: "Ladies and gentlemen, don't change the channel. Don't watch Donald Trump's Presidential speech or adorable cat vines on Youtube because what you are about to witness will be greater than both of those things combined... My name is Andersen Vega, and I am known by many other names... "The God Amongst Men". "TWF's Resident Prick". "King Of The World"... But now, I can finally say with all the pride in the world that I am Andersen Vega! The best wrestler that has ever graced a squared circle! And your! World! Heavyweight! Champion!

The crowd pops for Vega's introductory speech and chants of "You Deserve It" hits Vega's ears.

Andersen Vega: "Thank you and you're right, because I do deserve it... I may come off as cocky but lets face it, I ain't ever been one to shy away from confidence. With all the men that has held this championship in Precision, nobody has worked longer and harder to achieve it than me!... Two freaking years! I've been the show opener, the mid-carder, a jobber to the stars and I've been the show stealer and now, I am the show... Precision, since its creation has been the premier wrestling promotion in the world and now, it finally has a champion that it can be proud of! And finally! You people can have the champion that you deserve! No more will this championship fall into the hands of silver spooned rich boy's like Buster Gates, who has been handed everything his entire life! No more will this championship get desecrated in the hands of no talent, generic transvestites like Robert Blake! No more will this championship lose credibility in the hands of a woman beater and a disgrace of a human being like Will Neilson! Because for that to happen, those men would have to do what neither Ryan Blake nor an Elimination Chamber filled with the best that this industry has to offer could do in the same damn night and that is beat me!...

Before Vega could continue his impassioned speech, he is interrupted by the music of someone that he is all too familiar with.

*Jack Rogue's music hits and the arena explodes in violent boos for the newly psychotic Intercontinental Champion*

*After a few seconds of the music, Rogue storms through the curtain, his championship in his right hand, dangling by his waist. In his left hand is a microphone. Jack is dressed in his ring attire and is visibly frenzied - from anger or his general mental state, it is hard to say. He paces madly across the stage, shaking his head furiously, then stops dead at the top of the ramp. Looking around him for a few seconds, at the thousands of people who've packed the arena for Precision booing at the tops of their lungs, his eyes settle on the ring where Andersen Vega is stood. He turns his head as if to crack his neck, and then starts speaking suddenly enough that his music cuts out late*

Jack: Anderse- TURN IT OFF, TWAT!

*Rogue turns around and makes as if to walk back through the curtain when his music cuts abruptly*

Jack: I swear to fuck, I'll find you and wring your spleen out like a bloody towel if you're stupid enough to be in my sight when I get back there! And quiet, all you fucks, because I'm not in the bastard mood.

*The booing escalates but Jack ignores it as he begins to walk quickly down the ramp*

Jack: You, Andersen, just said something about the prestige of that belt you've got that - would you believe - had me thinking I might be going CRAZY! Can you believe that, everyone?! Me - crazy?!

*Once more the jeering and booing return to deafening levels, but it's hard to even see if Rogue is grinning or grimacing under his half-mask*

Jack: You said that title was the most prestigious in the world, but there's a problem with that...

*By now Jack has reached the bottom of the ramp, where he pauses to point up at Vega, stood in the ring*

Jack: ...you're holding it. And everyone in this building, no matter how much they hate either or both of us, knows for a god damned fact that I am the superior competitor because they watched me pin you in the middle of that ring the week before Wrestle Dynasty! I am the better champion with the better championship, and even in your almost Diamond-level deluded mind you know it too!

*Rogue steps into the ring between the ropes and steps up to be almost completely in Vega's face. There is a pause before Jack continues, where an intense eye contact commences between the men. Neither budges an inch*

Jack: I am the Intercontinental Champion. This title was once a symbol of work rate or something like that. The guys who don't quite get to be on the poster, but always have the "Match of the Night". What does that even mean, anyway?! Match of the Night?! What, like a joint accolade with your opponent?! And that used to be me. The guy who was never the top in anything, but always, like, the third reason you bought a Precision ticket, because he always lost in "great matches". Here's a tip: when you're in this business, no matter how hard you tell yourself otherwise, a great match is a match you win and that's all there is to it.

*A reminder of the formerly adored Jack Rogue sends the audience back into a booing frenzy*

Jack: But this isn't that Jack's belt, it's mine. And therefore, like everything about me, this belt isn't a symbol of great matches anymore. It's a symbol of freedom. Not the "land of the free" freedom, the freedom from the rules, the freedom from the oppression of adoration, the freedom from the chains so many put on themselves just to be liked. I'm free, and this is my championship. And whoever takes this from me will have to be just the same to be in my league. That's one thing you're not, Andersen. On my level. And I PROVED IT! ALREADY! There's something everyone loves not talking about, from the marketing team... *Rogue points into the crowd* ...to this set of idiots. I beat you. And I did it by any means necessary. That is what gives a title prestige. When a man is willing to do anything, anything at all, to lay his hands on it. That's what I did to you before Wrestle Dynasty, and that's what I did when I won this at Wrestle Dynasty. I won, at any and all cost. To my reputation, to my body, to my mental state. Any cost. And that's why I call bullshit when you say you hold the most prestigious title in the world - because that's this...

*Jack holds his championship aloft to yet more boos*

Jack: ...the Precision Intercontinental Championship. But to be honest, as for you personally, Andersen... I've got nothing to say. What hasn't been said? You humiliated me in front of the world for weeks on end and drove me to the edge. But then... you were a part of this. This ascent of me from what I was, to what I am now. That's what you said you wanted - until it arrived and you didn't like its taste in clothes, it bit you in the ass under Extreme Rules, and thus made your career crown jewel, a joke. Because that's what your world title reign is, because of me.

As Jack makes that statement, Vega quickly interrupts.

Andersen Vega: "And that's where I need to cut you off because you were so right up until you called my World Title reign a joke... I earned this championship by doing what no other man was capable of doing and I reached that point with absolutely no help in my entire career. When I came into this business, I came in stupid, just like you. I didn't know what to do or how to survive the politics, so I had to teach myself how to survive here... You on the other hand were lucky. You came in stupid but you had me to guide you and teach you how to survive and without me, you wouldn't have lasted considering that you were incapable of winning a damn match. You survived in this business because of me, but that's not the only help I gave you Jack, because even the man that stands before me could never have come into being if it wasn't for me. This new attitude that you credit with making you better than everyone else and the attitude that helped you not only beat me, but also gain championship success for the first time in your career. That attitude, I taught you. I taught you that you can survive without these people. I taught you to do anything and everything necessary to get what you want. If I didn't come back and attack you, none of your successes since then would've happened and the Jack Rogue that I stand face to face with right now. The Jack Rogue that you're so proud to be... Would never have been born."

As a layer of anger can be seen building on the face of Jack Rogue, Vega, knowing full well that he's inside Jack's head, lets out a little smirk as he continues.

Andersen Vega: "You owe your being in this business and everything that you've accomplished since then to me and now you want to be the big man and bite the hand that has fed you for so long? Well Jack, I take exception to that you ungrateful prick... As much of a badass that you think you are right now, with your little face mask, looking like the Chick From Wendy's got busy with a Ham Burglar, and your little championship that you cherish so much... Just know that I will always be above you. I always have been above you and I always will. I've got a massive shadow and you will forever be stuck inside it. Everything that you accomplish, I will be there to take the spotlight from you because the person that I've created and the person that you've become doesn't deserve it. I will forever be one up on a pedestal that you just can't seem to get too. Tonight, you are stepping into the ring with Andersen Vega. World Heavyweight Champion and like the song says, "I am the king of all I see"... And that will forever include you.

*For a moment, Rogue doesn't respond, continuing to stare at Vega as if he hadn't stopped speaking. Andersen scowls, confused, and goes as if to start talking again when Jack bursts into maniacal laughter. Vega is visibly irritated, and leans back slightly when Rogue gets back into his face with a suddenly serious tone*

Jack: Was that a challenge, Vega?! The World Heavyweight Champion challenges the Intercontinental Champion, and the only man that beat him in the weeks before or at Wrestle Dynasty. There's a ring there, isn't there? Hey everyone, would you like to see - JUST KIDDING. I don't give a damn what you think or what you want to see, I'm beyond that.

*Andersen grins at that, but his smile is wiped off his face when Jack turns back on him again*

Jack: AND DON'T YOU CLAIM CREDIT FOR ANYTHING. *Rogue gestures towards his mask and general attire* You had nothing to do with this. You taught me nothing beyond how that slut Yenee likes her coffee. When you told me I had to abandon the people and set myself free I didn't believe a word of it - it took a twenty foot fall to give me that moment of clarity. So if you think you're going to claim credit for my career you're wrong - I did nothing of consequence when I was under your wing and only since I left you behind have I had success. And as for your pedestal of greatness: weren't so high and mighty the week before Wrestle Dynasty, were you? I beat your ass and I beat you in the middle of the ring. From that, the world knows that I'm better than you. Hell, I'd say you don't deserve another go - why would I sacrifice the fact that your reign is a joke right now because of me? - except for one thing.

: Tonight, you will get your match. And the reason for that is because I will prove the superiority of the Intercontinental Championship, by virtue of it being on my shoulder, but not just because I'm the better champion. No... the Intercontinental Championship will be the number one on Precision, it'll be the one on the posters, it'll be the one the people hope their favourite will win. And it won't be because the world champion will be second best... it'll be because there will be no world champion. I will do to you what you did to Alice Xander, and send you into a hospital bed for the rest of your wretched days. Because tonight, Andersen Vega... you face Annihilation.

*Rogue throws down his microphone as his music hits again. He turns his back on Vega, rolls under the bottom rope, and storms up the ramp as the show cuts to commercial*

-End of segment-
@Welsh-Wizard-97 and I would love some feedback! Let's bring back the constant feedback thing we had in 2k15 that did so much for people.
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Ginothony Bamtano

I rate this forum a decent to strong 4
Apr 16, 2016
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I'm not going to give much feedback considering I always come off as an asshole when I give feedback. But I want to bring up just one sentence from D3ADLY's promo.
Trump is very likely going to be president in 2016. Check your facts.


Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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@Welsh-Wizard-97 and I would love some feedback! Let's bring back the constant feedback thing we had in 2k15 that did so much for people.

Good segment as a whole, minor pet-peeve though is....the use of the word "jobber" in a promo that Welsh did. I've said this before, it's an insider term. That shouldn't be used in a promo. It isn't as bad as calling someone a jobber since you're more stating how far you've gone, but you could have described it another way.