There's a problem with the pinfalls online. The kickout is delayed again is the game? still need to pick my copy up
It's really good. There's no input lag except for on the pins, where there is an absurd amount of is the game? still need to pick my copy up
Played a fair bit of my career and I love it. The mode is a lot more fun this time around with the promo engine, which isn't too easy to figure out. I'm working out how to / if you can maximize the promo is the game? still need to pick my copy up
Are the dlcs downloaded? If you're on Xbox then check and see if they are installed. I had to manually download Goldberg and accelerator.Someone help. I got the special edition. Put in the code for the NXT enhancement pack and the code for Goldberg. Neither are appearing on the game. Where do I unlock them from?
Aha! That's it. Thanks!Are the dlcs downloaded? If you're on Xbox then check and see if they are installed. I had to manually download Goldberg and accelerator.
Why do people pre-order? It's become all but a norm that the game will be a fucked pile of glitches, but it doesn't stop people from pre-ordering every game. Not sure what waiting a month or two, for the glitches and errors to be patched would do, except give you more for your money's is so fucked online. So many moves you can't reverse.....And those pins2:
I didn't have any of the issues with reversing moves, but the pin is beyond broken. Hopefully they fix it in a patch before leagues is so fucked online. So many moves you can't reverse.....And those pins2: