OOC The Out Of Character Thread

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
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United Kingdom
What's your guy's gimmick?

My guy's gimmick is an Independent Scene wrestler from Britain, who moved to America to persue his wrestling dreams even further. A joker and an intelligent person, with the grades to back it up. Always aims to put on a great match, every time he steps into the ring.

I don't know about @Solarxpixel, I'm pretty sure his guy is along the same lines of mine, with a few differences.


Helo, dwi'n Gymry!
Apr 14, 2016
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Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, UK
My guy's gimmick is an Independent Scene wrestler from Britain, who moved to America to persue his wrestling dreams even further. A joker and an intelligent person, with the grades to back it up. Always aims to put on a great match, every time he steps into the ring.

I don't know about @Solarxpixel, I'm pretty sure his guy is along the same lines of mine, with a few differences.
So, that indy guy... Okay. How about a little into your character? Because just thinking of a cool sounding name for a team isn't always the best idea since it may not suit your characters so try to delve into who both your characters are as people and maybe think of more than just the basics of a character and try to make your character's different, something unique to them. When you have that something unique, a team name that suits may be easier to think of since you'll understand your characters more. I personally like to come up with entire backstories for my character's to give them something more to relate to.


Helo, dwi'n Gymry!
Apr 14, 2016
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Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, UK
Alice and the Precision Doctor Christopher Amann are walking down a corridor, with Doctor Amann showing concern for Alice's well being (That's a first).
Doctor Amann: I strongly advise that you take the week off!
Alice: Come on man, look. I'm fine, see?!
Alice does a little pose and puts on a cheesy smirk.
Doctor Amann: I'm being serious Alice, the Powerbomb you took on the stage 2 weeks ago, and not to mention the 4 you took at Night Of Champions, we've done the tests and you know full well that you're concussed so why in the hell did you tell the GM that you're fine? You're clearly not!
Alice: The match is official and that's that! Yeah, Buster Powerbombed the crap out of me at Night Of Champions and I kept kicking out, I went into that freaking match with a concussion and I'm still standing so don't tell me that I can't compete because you're shouting into deaf ears... I got another chance to win that World Title and I'm gonna prove that I deserve it so piss off, I'm competing whether you like it or not. Generic fighting spirit rant over, I gotta address the fans so we'll speak later.
Alice walks away from Amann and begins to try and convince himself that he's fine while heading towards the unfortunately still not official "Alice Position".
Alice: He don't know what he's talking about... Why don't he just do what he normally does and show no concern for a wrestler's well being? Fucking idiot.
Producer: Language!
Alice walks into the "Alice Position" and makes a B-line for the curtain to the the stage, prompting the Sound Guy to rush to hit his music and a new, rock version of Barbie Girl blasts through the arena just as Alice walks out onto the stage, causing the fans to give a damn loud pop.

Alice bursts through the curtain and head straight down the ramp and into the ring, quickly signalling for a mic, pretty damn serious stuff.

Alice: The problem with being in the main events of PPV's is that you have to build the match with promo's even if you really don't want to but here I am, doing my job because I actually do give a damn about this place, the product and the fans that watch it. Which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for Buster Gates. So, he won the title and left like the no good, selfish, Bork Laser had sex with a Power Ranger and out he came bastard that we all knew he was. Ya know, I'm actually sorry because I feel like it's my fault that we still don't have a champion. I should have done better, fought harder and dug down deeper and trust me when I say that I won't make that mistake again. I went into that match with a concussion because I acted stupid and slapped an innocent person and I'm sorry about that but I'm not going to be that stupid again, I've got another chance to give this company a champion it deserves. I promise that once this is all set and done that I'll be back out here, doing what I love and entertaining you but for right now, I've got to fix the damage that Buster Gates caused and to do that, I've got to get to Money In The Bank and be at 100% which considering that I've got doctors begging for me to take time off, looks like an uphill battle but, I can't trust anyone other than myself to win that title at this stage so it's a battle I've got to win and that means I've got to beat all of my opponents convincingly and if I've got to run though everyone then fine. So, Toni Stark, it looks like Billy Bob Bronson took the week off and left us to compete in a one on one and I'm sorry but this week, I'm not going to joke around. I'm not going to go easy or be nice. I'm going to run straight through you and that's that.
Alice, with this last message, drops the microphone and exits the ring as is music plays. The show cuts to a commercial break.


Given everything that's happened, from Alice getting Powerbombed onto the stage, Yellow and Buster apparently taking a hike and the fact that I did eat 8 or 9 finishers before I lost against Yellow, I thought that this was the best way to go. Hope you liked.

Edit: I tried to throw in a couple of references and a joke or 2 but for the most part, this has been the most serious promo I've done since TWF so hopefully I did well.


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Given everything that's happened, from Alice getting Powerbombed onto the stage, Yellow and Buster apparently taking a hike and the fact that I did eat 8 or 9 finishers before I lost against Yellow, I thought that this was the best way to go. Hope you liked.

Edit: I tried to throw in a couple of references and a joke or 2 but for the most part, this has been the most serious promo I've done since TWF so hopefully I did well.
Really solid promo, Alice is slowly developing. I personally would like to hear more consistently about his background in your promos, but that's just me and for this one it was probably good to leave it out. Good job!


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
*Suddenly, some very familiar music hits – and the arena explodes*

*Jack Rogue sprints onto the stage, where he stands still with his arms out by his sides, taking in the raucous cheering his return has caused. He is wearing his thigh-high, tightly strapped, black and red wrestling boots, and a similarly coloured T-Shirt with “ROGUE” written across its chest. After standing still for a moment, he springs into life, sprinting to the sides of the stage in turn and hyping the crowd, who respond audibly. Jack returns to the centre of the stage, and pauses to speak into the camera*


*As he has before, Rogue begins to jog to the ring in long, bounding strides, before sliding under the bottom rope into the ring. He rises up to one knee, then to his feet, as he looks around him at the thousands of people that have filled the arena. He turns to shake hands with Ryan Blake, the general manager, and take the microphone from his hand. Jack walks back in the direction he came to sit on the middle rope, allowing Blake to exit the ring*

*While the GM walks up the ramp, applauding the new arrival, Rogue climbs to the second turnbuckle and continues to hype up the crowd. His music slowly fades out to leave only the noise of the cheering, incoherently chanting fans. Jack stands still for a moment, once again taking in the energy of his audience, before beginning to speak*

Jack: Ladies and gentlemen of Jacksonville, Florida – I’M BACK!

*This sets the crowd off once more, who begin to chant again*

Crowd: Wel-come back! Wel-come back! Wel-come back!

*Rogue lowers the microphone with a huge grin on his face. The chant begins to fade, and he continues*

Jack: By the sounds of it, many of you know exactly who I am – but for those who were never very into Sony Storm, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jack Rogue, and I was one of the most beloved, most consistently entertaining… and possibly least successful superstars in TWF. *The crowd quietly boos* No, it’s true. I had a record of two wins and thirteen defeats throughout my career. But I believe that my move to Precision may well be the catalyst that changes that lack of wins – for good. Now, just following the end of TWF, I suffered an injury.

*Jack holds his left wrist in front of him, and the cameraman moves in front of him to focus on it. It is tightly taped up from the mid-forearm to the palm*

: I had an accident and, long story short, my wrist buckled forwards, and I suffered a fractured radius. I’ve dealt with much, much worse over the course of my career, and luckily, I didn’t need surgery. I only had to wear a cast for a few weeks. My little sabbatical has helped my reset, recharge, and refocus, and I have a new drive to excel in the ring, to entertain, and to win. But it’s very possible that there have never been a worse few weeks for me to miss – Precision has burst onto the forefront of professional wrestling, and I’ve been unable to be a part of that. However… that changes tonight – when I make my Precision debut!

*The audience cheers loudly once more at the prospect of the fan favourite being in action that very night*

Jack: And not only that, but in three weeks’ time, at Precision’s Money In The Bank, I have been given the opportunity to have a real impact – I have the chance to earn a guaranteed Undisputed Championship match, in the Money In The Bank ladder match. The last time I was involved in a match like this one was not too long ago, and that was something special. As has been a theme throughout my career, I came up short in an unbelievable contest. It was truly a showcase of lunacy, desire and creative destruction from myself and three other men who wanted that opportunity as badly as I did. And now, I have been given that same chance again. This time, though, I am driven not to come up short. Because while a lot has changed in the time I've been gone, some very fundamental things have not. Still, the company where I am competing is plagued by people who think themselves to be more important than the legacies of past competitors, the business itself and all... *Jack points at the people all around him, then into the lens of the camera* ...of you. I consider it my job, for all of your sakes, to do all I can to change that.

*The crowd applaud and cheer Rogue’s sentiment*

Jack: So allow me to make this very clear – I’m going to win at Money In The Bank. I never like to make promises that I cannot keep, but this is one that I really believe I can. And before all of that, I have a match tonight, and I will build myself the best road to the pay-per-view that I possibly can, by doing everything I can to entertain Jacksonville tonight, and looking to start my career in Precision as I mean to continue it – with a victory. So, to whoever my opponent tonight is: step up. Bring your A game. And I will kick your head…

*Jack begins to walk excitedly around the ring as the crowd’s energy builds, before stopping in the middle of the ring and screaming into the mic*


*Rogue throws the microphone onto the canvas as his music resumes. He climbs back up onto the turnbuckle to play to the crowd as the screen fades to black*

-End of segment-
Miss me? ;)

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Apr 17, 2016
Reaction score
Dont really know you... But that was an epic comeback promo!
I was never a part of TWF so i don't know what your character was like but im expecting to see some good promos and matches :) Might have to steal your idea of having a custom titantron if I get the time ;)
EDIT: Forgot to mention something... See you at money in the bank.


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Dont really know you... But that was an epic comeback promo!
I was never a part of TWF so i don't know what your character was like but im expecting to see some good promos and matches :) Might have to steal your idea of having a custom titantron if I get the time ;)
EDIT: Forgot to mention something... See you at money in the bank.
Thanks - and I made trons for a pile of people on TWF so I may start that here at some point if people want them. Seeya there, man. Spot city xD