The Official Wrestlemania 25 Thread.

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New Member
Feb 19, 2008
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WHC Title: Cena vs Orton (One of the McMahon's screws Cena, joins the Legacy)

WWE Title: HHH vs Edge

Grudge Match: HBK vs JBL

Streak Match: Undertaker vs Jericho

Grudge Match: Christian vs J. Hardy

Womens: Kelly Kelly vs B. Phoenix

MITB: Participants I dont know but John Morrison will win

ECW Title: It will be on the line but I could care less really


Jul 30, 2007
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It's me or the wwe title match at Wrestlemania is going to suck, no matter what It will be an already saw match, the options pretty much are:
Hardy vs Edge, Hardy vs HHH, HHH vs Edge, Hardy vs Taker. I'll much rather like to see Hardy vs Christian or Hardy vs Kozlov, or a dream crazy match like a Fatal 4 away Hell in a Cell match. Hardy vs HHH or Kozlov vs Edge vs Christian.


BTW you suck for rejecting us.

As said to MS, it was nice to be considered, just bad timing that's all... You'll prob see a bit less of me over the coming months. Wouldn't have been much help to ya's...

Besides, you guys are a tough act to follow! ;o]


This card is kinda what I want, as it seems rather unlikely.

WLD- John Cena* vs The Undertaker

Taker wins the Rumble and shocks the World by going to Raw and challenging World Heavyweight Champ John Cena. It is title vs streak and the hardest Taker WM match to predict in recent times, as Cena is built to be the biggest threat to the streak he has had so far. Both men play the good guy in the feud.

WWE- Jeff Hardy* vs Matt Hardy

The storyline is revealed after the Royal Rumble, and it turns out that Matt is the one that has conducted all these attacks on his own brother. The reason turns out to be jealousy and a brother vs brother match is made for the title, with Matt as a big heel. Maybe make this match a street fight, so we get some nice weapon work.

IC- CM Punk* vs Chris Jericho

Basically after winning the IC title Punk taunts Jericho saying he took his World title but now Punk is the one with gold after Jericho does a promo on how he should be champion again and could beat anyone.

US- Mr Kennedy* vs MVP

MVP completes his face turn and guns for a clean win, he does so capturing the US title from Shelton. The man who taunted him, Mr Kennedy becomes jealous and turns heel on MVP, attacking him in search for the gold .

Grudge- JBL vs Shawn Michaels

Basically, this stems from the feud they have going. At NWO Shawn snaps and finally attacks JBL, he challenges him to a match where if he wins he gets a raise.

Grudge- Edge vs Triple H

At the Royal Rumble, HHH ruins Edge's match and so Vickie make H go through hell on Smackdown, and they continue their fued that is kind of going on right now.

MITB- Shelton Benjamin vs Jack Swagger vs The Brian Kendrick vs John Morrison vs Evan Bourne vs Kofi Kingston vs Rey Mysterio vs R-Truth

Basically you have a lot of athletic guys here, and the big monster in Swagger. Potential winners are Morrison, Swagger and maybe Benjamin or Mysterio.

SvR- Vladimir Kozlov vs Kane

They make the interbrand match annual and two monsters are put in the match. Smackdown wins again as Kozlov stays on his winning streak, and huge push.

Unified Tag Titles- Legacy vs Samoan Storm vs Cryme Tyme vs Colons

Basically Mizorrison win both tag titles but then break up and they are both vacated. GMs decide to unify them with 2 teams from each brand in an elimination tables match. Samoan Storm is a Smackdown heel team with Umaga and Manu.

Unified Womens Title- Beth Phoenix vs Melina

Beth retains at the Royal Rumble and a loser leaves Raw match is made, which Beth cheats to win. Melina wins the Divas title on her debut on SD a week later. A unification match is made and their feud continues, possible with an I quit match.

Legend- Randy Orton vs Insert Legend Here/Insert McMahon Here

Just to include Orton on the card have him get over some more by beating an established legend, possibly in the HoF for this year. Back up plan, he starts a feud with the McMahons and faces one or more of them.

King pin 316 part 2

New Member
Oct 1, 2007
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dont wanna speak soon but fuck it

msn said:
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
im calling it
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
after hbk wins the rumble
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
throwing out taker
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
he faces him at NWO
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
at NWO
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
triple h helps hbk beat taker
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
hbk vs taker at no way out
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
for the #1 contender's match
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
triple h helps hbk
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
hbk vs jbl at m ania
♂♂♂♂♂[£]thé dãrk knîght[£]♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂♂ says:
hhh vs taker at mania

ooor instead of triple h, its just jbl. but it'd be better if its hhh so he could turn heel...kinda. if he's not jeff's attacked it could be a chance for a h eel turn. hmmmmm


^^^By the time that was posted it was pretty clear that HBK wasn't even gonna be in the Rumble. That aside, why would HBK wrestle @ NWO in a contenders match if he'd (as predicted above) already won the Rumble at that point.... And against Taker who's on a different brand.?

And THEN supposing HBK did win, dispite him now having 2 title shots for WM under his belt he'll be facing JBL (who at this point doesn't even look like he'll be champ at WM).......??????

That takes the prize for the most fucked up prediction I've seen in a long while!


Jan 17, 2009
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WWE tag titles v World Tag Team Championship Unification match( Carlito and Primo v John Morrison & Miz)

Womens Title : Womens Triple Threat Melina v Beth v Mickie

Intercontental Title Match : CM PUNK v William Regal in ethier 2 out of 3 falls or like a hardcore match idc which as long as they get at least 15-17 min

HBK v Undertaker i dont know how or care how they can jsut say you to r booked there no storyline just give these guys a match together for like 20 min

WWE title Match Edge v Matt Hardy v Jeff HArdy

World Title match go with TCena vs sumone casue i have this

6 Man War Vince Mchaman Shane Mchman and Triple H v ethier legacy or im thinking liek orton ted dibase and STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN just have him there saying i just wana woop ass and take names and its beating up the MchMahns so why not and then jsut have him KILLL everyone that would be sooo Epic


Kinda early, but meh.

World Heavyweight Title
John Cena(c) w/Steph, and Shane vs Randy Orton w/Legacy

WWE Title
Edge(c) vs. HHH

ECW Title
Finlay(c) vs. Jack Swagger

Chris Jericho vs. Undertaker

MITB Ladder Match
Rey vs. Morrison vs. Miz vs. Bourne vs. MVP vs. R-Truth vs. THE Brian Kendrick vs. Kofi Kingston

Brother vs. Brother (Prolly some hardcore stipulation)
Matt vs. Jeff

Employment Match

Champion vs. Champion
Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk

Diva Tag
Melina & Kelly vs. Beth and Rosa

Some prematch mumbuljumble.


The championship matches look right. Although I'm not too sure about Steph being with Cena.
I'm also gonna go out on a limb and say that if we see the return of Christian before then and he doesn't get involved in this Hardy story line we'll most likely see him winning MITB.
The lower card matches...IE...womens matches and what not I'de say are still completely open for interpretation.


World Heavyweight Title
John Cena(c) w/Steph, vs Randy Orton w/ Shane

WWE Title
Edge(c) vs. HHH

ECW Title hardcore rules
Finlay(c) vs. Jack Swagger

Icon vs. Icon
HBK w/JBL vs. Undertaker w/Kane

MITB Ladder Match
Rey vs. Umaga vs. Kennedy vs. Bourne vs. MVP vs. R-Truth vs. THE Brian Kendrick vs. Kofi Kingston

Brother vs. Brother street fight or unsanctioned
Matt vs. Jeff Hardy

Grudge Match
Chris Jericho vs. Randy "The Ram" Robinson w/ piper

Champion vs. Champion
Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk

WWE Tag titles unification
Miz & Morrison vs Carlito and Primo

6 Diva Tag
Melina & Kelly & Trish vs. Beth & Rosa & McCool

Battle royal winner gets to pick a title to go for on they're brand.
Big show
You get my point.


Jul 30, 2007
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1.-World title: John Cena w/mcmahoms vs Randy Orton w/legacy.
2.-WWE title: Edge vs HHH. (Christian Returns)
3.-Chris Jericho vs The Wrestler.
4.-No Holds Barred Match: HBK vs JBL.
5.-Xtreme rules match: Jeff Hardy vs Matt hardy.
6.-Umaga vs The Undertaker.
7.-ECW Title: Jack Swagger vs Tommy Dreamer vs Evan Bourne vs Finlay.
8.-Melina, Kelly & Trish Stratus vs McCool, Beth Phoenix & Maryse.
9.-Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk vs Kane vs Kofi Kingston vs MVP vs MR Kennedy vs Sheltom Benjamin vs Big Show.
10.-Vladimir Kozlov vs The Great Khali.
11.-Tag Team title unification: Colons vs Miz & Morrison vs Cryme Tyme vs Legacy.

I believe that this Wrestlemania Is gonna last 4 hours and 30 mins, like WM20 did coz its the 25th anniversary.

Luke Flywalker

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Guitarway To Heaven
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I apologize if this is a repeat of anyone else's card:

WWE Championship: Triple H vs. Edge

World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton vs. John Cena - Sorry to say it'll be Cena... Orton wins it all.

Intercontinental Championship: CM Punk vs. Kofi Kingston - Would be the only match I could see these two in aside from MITB, but if Punk is in MITB like I expect, I'd remove this match from the card.

United States Championship: Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP - Same as above.

Money In The Bank: John Morrison vs. The Miz vs. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. JBL vs. Shawn Michaels vs. CM Punk vs. Kofi Kingston

UndertakerMania: Undertaker vs. Kane - Yes, again. I think Kane's looking to retire, and Undertaker wants Kane to defeat him at WrestleMania... so this may be the year it happens.

Star event: Mickey Rourke vs. Chris Jericho - Ric Flair will guest referee this matchup.

Divas: Melina vs. Michelle McCool - Have to have a cross-brand matchup, and this match would be exciting.


My last and final prediction;

World Heavyweight Championship
John Cena (c) w/The McMahons vs Randy Orton w/The Legacy
Stephanie heel turn. Orton wins via pinfall after an RKO at 25:00 to win the WHC!

WWE Heavyweight Championship
Edge (c) vs Triple H
Triple H wins via pinfall after a pedigree at 15:00

Chris Jericho vs Mickey Rourke w/Ric Flair and Roddy Piper
Mickey Rourke wins via Ram Jam at 15:00

The Undertaker vs HBK w/JBL
The Undertaker wins via submission at 20:00

Grudge Match
Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy wins via TKO after Swanton Bomb off Titantron at 15:00

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
John Morrison vs Shelton Benjamin vs Rey Mysterio vs MVP vs Umaga vs Kane vs CM Punk vs The Big Show
John Morrison wins the MITB contract at 22:00

Fatal Fourway Extreme Rules for the ECW Championship
Jack Swagger vs Finlay vs Mark Henry vs Tommy Dreamer

Tommy Dreamer via pinfall at 10:00

Beth Phoenix/Maryse vs Melina/Maria
Melina/Maria win at 5:00

Free for all Battle Royal for final MITB spot: R Truth vs Kendrick vs Kofi Kingston vs Carlito vs Primo vs Burchill vs The Big Show vs Kozlov vs Khali vs Dolf vs Shad vs JTG vs The Miz vs Evan Bourne
Winner the Big Show


^^^I really can't see the top 5 matches being any different to that...

Loving the inclusion of Big Show in MITB btw... I bet he'd be willing to try and pull off a spot or two if it came to it too; y'know, the kind of stuff usually reserved for the smaller guys.