The Official Wrestlemania 25 Thread.

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John cena vs Randy Orton is indeed a lock for the raw main event for WM25. But i hope that they build this storyline very well for this huge event. I mean it is not the first time that they have crossed paths. It will be the third feud between these two in 2 years so it must be special.

We have had orton punting cena's dad in the head. orton taking out cena in late 2007 making cena sit out 4 months through injury. Orton vs cena for NWO 08 which ended quickly and it was their worst feud. So we have this the third time around now iw ant it to be built better than smack downs main event and any other ppv feud. Like the above says they are both the top face and heel of the business lets make the match 5* and build a good story between the two on the highest stage of all wm25. Smack down s main event which probably be Edge vs hhh doesn't interest me much. If edge wins and keeps the title its better but we know that hhh will win it back at backlash, just like he did with the raw title last year.

I do think that they will change the mold a little bit for the 25th anniversary not a lot but i think we will see something special at wm 25. What? Im not sure yet but i can be sure of a nice suprise.


I also think they are leading towards Orton vs Cena ( which we seen multiple times on raw in the last few years) However there has been some rumors of HHH vs. Orton as well, with the Legacy vs Mcmahon thing they got going. Either way, we've seen it all before.

If we do get Cena vs. Orton i do think thats a big main event, and probably what i would book. BUT, i still think they've poorly set up this fued. They've had their handful of matches in the past, and really fueding over nothing more than the top spot. I feel they could have done a better job making this a bigger match.

HBK vs Taker (if we are lucky) Again great matchup, but we've seen it before, plus i think the build up is going to be poor, since they havent done anything yet.

Jeff vs Matt.... Yeah and Nay, i feel the wwe sort of booked themselves into the corner. One week they are tag team, next week he's driving him off the road.

I'd like to see Jericho vs. Christian (with ric flair + Micky rourke)... i think using Jericho is the wildcard this year. Hopefully they come up with something good.


I'm actually not that excited (As of right now, that is) for Wrestlemania. The possible World Title/WWE Title match-ups include, Orton vs Cena, Orton vs HHH, or the incredibly longshot of Edge vs Orton. Either way, the title matches will likely be something we've seen multiple times in the past.

The only thing that will get me excited for WM, is if they add Taker vs Shawn. I couldn't care less about the rest... And yes, I know Taker and Shawn has also been done before, but their last match was a long time ago.


People are saying taker and hbk haven't had a start to the storyline yet. What taker said at the rumble to hbk about its hell getting into heaven. i think that was seed plant one. And taker isn't just randomly going to raw to fight Orton this week. Somehting will happen backstage with taker/jbl/hbk in some manner to add more fuel to the fire and something will happen at No way out between the three.


Jul 10, 2008
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west coast
I don't know why, but I'm really excited this year. People don't seem to be in the same case lol, but that remembers me of WM 22, everybody thought the show was going to be a failure, but it has been of the greatest WM, I have the same feeling right now.


Feb 8, 2007
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Bronx, NY
I'm getting more and more excited as the weeks go past. I really don't know where their going with Orton in terms of which title he will go after but it seems as if everyone is saying Cena and I wouldn't mind seeing that as they've had a pretty decent history in regards to making this feud work. Still see them building towards Taker/HBK as I've said repeatedly, they started at the Rumble in 2007 (seed plant one) with Taker eliminating Shawn, then we move to Rumble 08 (seed plant two) with Taker & HBK starting out together, then we get Rumble 09 (seed plant 3) with Taker's message of "sometimes its hell getting to heaven" and now on Monday we'll have seed plant 4. How many damn seeds do you need to plant a Mania tree is the question? lol.

Jericho vs. someone of Flairs choosing would be sweet because I honestly don't want to see Flair wrestle again. It would be fucking sweet if it was Christian.

Matt vs. Jeff will be great because in all honesty I see this being a street fight/no dq/no holds barred type match that will be given time to be a 4 to 5 star match.

The SD main event will more than likely be Edge vs. HHH and I really am not feeling it but maybe thy can get me into that one.

The Rated R CMStar


I think that Monty and SP are basing most of their judgement in the fact that most of the matches that are in the aim for WM, we have all seen them before.

Personally, I go more for the build up. Orton, whoever he chooses, it's going to be epic, because he's being built up as crazy. JBL vs HBK or Taker vs HBK both will have a nice backstory to bounce into, two grudge matches between Hardy vs Hardy and Y2J vs ???, that seem interesting.

A MITB match in which, unless they put Rey Mysterio in there and give him the briefcase, a new main eventer will get his shot at winning the belt during the year.

And Edge vs HHH. We have not really seen this two men feud, and while I expect a repeat of Edge vs Taker (Vickie screwing HHH over and over), it should be fun


I'm really concerned with Y2J this year for Mania. It really sucks that their plans with him and Rourke fell through. However, I was never completely sold that it was good enough for Mania. They're bringing in Flair which kinda makes it seem like they're going full circle with Jericho's year. It all started with him being involved in the Batista/HBK "you screwed Flair" storyline. I really sincerely hope they're not going to have Flair be involved (in a match) at Mania, as it would really kill so much of WWE's credability. I'm really hoping HBK/JBL goes until Mania and we maybe see Jericho step up to face Undertaker this year.


I reckon vickie and edge's relationship will end at wm25 or backlash due to hhh.


Personally, I'm excited for this years Mania. I could watch Cena vs Orton every day of the year and never get sick of it. They have proved they can put on good matches in the past and I think they will go all out in a one on one match at Mania. Adding the McMahons to the storyline makes the match that much more unpredictable.

I think that match is pretty much a lock. The other lock is Hardy vs Hardy, which should be a pretty good match if they throw a stipulation in there. I'd like to see a last man standing match.

The rest of the card is pretty much up in the air. Most likely we will get Edge vs HHH. Its a relatively fresh matchup, I beleive we have only seen them go one on one once in the past in a short match.

If they can add Taker vs HBK to the card, and do something worthwhile with the Jericho vs Washed up has beens angle it would make for a very interesting Mania.

Great One

Hardy vs. Hardy will probably be of course a ladder match. No idea what they have in store for Jericho. Flair can't wrestle, Jericho could maybe try to coax him into a match with Piper showing up and challenging? Though Piper vs. Jericho doesn't really seem that great. Guess the Rourke vs. Jericho thing is still a possibility.


Jul 10, 2008
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west coast
I think so too. They wait the end of the academy awards voting to announce that, wait and see. I don't think hardy vs hardy will be a ladder match, there's already a mitb match, even though it's not confirmed. And in a ladder, what the guys will have to catch ? no title, ni briefcase...I can see a single match, and the feud will go on

Moonlight Drive

Hardy vs Hardy will be a flop without some kind of gimmick involved.


New Member
Dec 22, 2008
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I'm pretty hyped for it. Wrestlemania is always a big thing and it always delivers.


Hardy vs. Hardy will probably be of course a ladder match.

Already asked this question elsewhere, but what's gonna be hanging above the ring? I've never seen a ladder match without a 'prize'...

I like CM54s suggestion of a LMS... All the scope they need for spots etc. (For instance would allow Jeff to win outside of the ring from some mad Titantron dive) and underlines the idea of them (particularly Matt) wanting to prove beyond doubt that they are superior.

Re: WM excitement level...

I'm pumped... Cena/Orton could well be the best WM title match we've seen in recent years.