
John cena vs Randy Orton is indeed a lock for the raw main event for WM25. But i hope that they build this storyline very well for this huge event. I mean it is not the first time that they have crossed paths. It will be the third feud between these two in 2 years so it must be special.
We have had orton punting cena's dad in the head. orton taking out cena in late 2007 making cena sit out 4 months through injury. Orton vs cena for NWO 08 which ended quickly and it was their worst feud. So we have this the third time around now iw ant it to be built better than smack downs main event and any other ppv feud. Like the above says they are both the top face and heel of the business lets make the match 5* and build a good story between the two on the highest stage of all wm25. Smack down s main event which probably be Edge vs hhh doesn't interest me much. If edge wins and keeps the title its better but we know that hhh will win it back at backlash, just like he did with the raw title last year.
I do think that they will change the mold a little bit for the 25th anniversary not a lot but i think we will see something special at wm 25. What? Im not sure yet but i can be sure of a nice suprise.
We have had orton punting cena's dad in the head. orton taking out cena in late 2007 making cena sit out 4 months through injury. Orton vs cena for NWO 08 which ended quickly and it was their worst feud. So we have this the third time around now iw ant it to be built better than smack downs main event and any other ppv feud. Like the above says they are both the top face and heel of the business lets make the match 5* and build a good story between the two on the highest stage of all wm25. Smack down s main event which probably be Edge vs hhh doesn't interest me much. If edge wins and keeps the title its better but we know that hhh will win it back at backlash, just like he did with the raw title last year.
I do think that they will change the mold a little bit for the 25th anniversary not a lot but i think we will see something special at wm 25. What? Im not sure yet but i can be sure of a nice suprise.