Wow I feel let down. It was hardly the worst show, but I honestly expected better.
MITB: Kofi Kingston >>>>>> everybody else in this match. He did some pretty awesome shit, and they used Henry well, although I really wanted to see him do a top rope dive. I rofl'd at Benjamin fucking up his big spots (the leap off the l adder when nobody caught him, the sunset flip) and there was a great ending. Guess they're trying to get things right with CM Punk. ***
Kid Rock = Fucking shit, seriously. I went to the toilet, got something to eat and drink, and he was still fucking playing his awful music (which I swear he plagiarized). DUD
Divas Battle Royal: It was lame I didn't even notice some people were in it until they got eliminated, mainly Molly and Gail. Santino winning was good though. DUD
Legends vs Jericho: OMFG. Surprise of the night by Ricky Steamboat. Piper and Snuka were awful, but once it was down to The Dragon and Y2J that match was fantastic. Steamboat is in his 50s and was still going way better than I thought he would. Jericho winning and the Rourke KO were also nice touches. ***1/2 (Yes I really enjoyed it that much)
Matt vs Jeff: What the fuck was with the vacuum cleaner

? Anyhow, alright match. I expected more and the ending came way too suddenly, although it was a pretty cool finish. :n: @ them wiping the blood off Matt. **3/4
JBL vs Rey: Bahahaha. I laughed pretty hard when JBL got him with the boot. DUD
HBK vs Undertaker: I agree with PeepShow, fucking incredible! One of the first times in a very long time I've actually gotten so into a match I actually forget it's staged and become my old marky self. Even after he fucked up that dive Taker kept going. AMAZING. *****
Cena vs Show vs Edge: Pretty good Triple Threat. Nothing too spectacular, but it was passable. Cena's entrance was WTF though. ***
Triple H vs Randy Orton: What the fucking fuck is this fucking fucked up fuck up of a fucking match. Let-down of the night, I was expecting a match for the ages. But Triple H goes over in a boring match which didn't live up to it's incredible build by any stretch of the imagination. Orton get's built up to be the next big thing, and the most boring WWE Champion in recent memory wins. Where was Vince, Shane, Steph, Cody and Ted? **
No MizMo vs Colons makes me a very angry Panda. Fuck Kid Rock, put some wrestling on.
Overall I'd give it **3/4.