The Official What If Thread

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Dec 4, 2007
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No Way Out
Rey Mysterio is unable to defeat Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship. Edge won the match after a spear. Edge walks to the back with the World Title as Mysterio sits in the ring, clearly disappointed that he didn’t win the World title. All of a sudden, Big Show’s music hits and he comes out to a big pop. He walks down to the ring with a determined look on his face. Big Show gets in the ring and grabs Mysterio, and the fans quickly realize what he is doing, and they start booing. Big Show throws Mysterio into the corner and slaps his chest hard. Mysterio kneels down in the corner, but after a little while, he gets up and advances to Big Show, but Big Show delivers a big sidewalk slam. Big Show helps Mysterio up and grabs him by his throat. CHOKESLAM! Big Show helps Mysterio up and grabs his throat again, but this time Security, Referees, and even a few superstars rush to the ring to try to stop this. They manage to get the Big Show out of the ring, and a shaken up Mysterio manages to get to his feet and walk to the back.

Build up to WrestleMania
The Big Show continued to attack Mysterio numerous times before, during, and after Mysterio’s matches. Mysterio though got fed up with it though and during one of Big Show’s matches, came into the ring and hit the Big Show multiple times with the chair. Big Show fought through the pain though and grabbed Mysterio’s throat, but Mysterio manages to get out of it by kicking Big Show in his privates. Mysterio usually never does that, but he must have been fed up. The next week, Big Show was very mad, and he challenged Mysterio to a match at WrestleMania, and Mysterio accepted. The attacks and promo cutting went on all the way up until the final Smackdown before WrestleMania, there was a huge main event tag team match featuring Big Show teaming up with Edge to take on Rey Mysterio who was teaming up with The Undertaker. The match was ruled a no contest after a fight broke out between Taker and Edge, and Big Show and Mysterio.

Rey Mysterio pulled out the upset victory over The Big Show after Big Show was just about to end the match. He had Rey Mysterio up on his feet, and Big Show grabs his throat and lifts him up for a chokeslam, but Mysterio counters in Mid Air and goes behind Big Show and kicks him in the back to no avail, but Mysterio gets up and kicks him in the back again, and again, and again, and again, and finally, Big Show falls onto the second rope, perfect position for the 619. Rey Mysterio comes off the ropes. 619! Mysterio jumps onto the top rope, and then leaps off the top rope landing a perfect droppin the dime. Mysterio climbs on the cover for the three.


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Feb 8, 2008
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Soon i will do what happened if Floyd Mayweather stayed in the WWE after Wrestlemania.....

The Leviathan

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May 7, 2007
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Rose did this one in the past... So this time, it's our time to do our own version....

y2jlegend and The Leviathan presents a change of history as we bring back the Official What If Thread with the question, What If Jeff Hardy never got suspended and still has his slot at the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 24???....

Stay tuned....


Feb 8, 2008
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YAY for us bringing this back. Also, I had written this match for a match writing tournament a few months ago on a different forum, but I finished it just before once Levi and I decided we would bring this back.

THE SCENARIO IS: What would happen on the Smackdown side of things if the Undertaker chose to defect to RAW and face John Cena at WrestleMania 23?


Backstory for Batista vs. Shawn Michaels for the World Heavyweight Championship
It was the Royal Rumble 2007, where it had come down to two Texans in their home state competing for the right to face a World Champion at Wrestlemania 23, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. Undertaker had been busted open after some vicious Con Chair to’s from the tag team of Rated RKO, and Shawn also got damage done by Rated RKO. Michaels managed to eliminate both members of Rated RKO, leaving it down to just HBK and Taker, the two hometown heroes.

The two put on a great ten minute display, each nailing their signature moves. Each man had entered the match very late, Shawn getting spot number 23 and Taker getting the beloved number thirty spot. The crowd was on their feet in anticipation, but when all was said and done, the Undertaker was victorious, reversing an attempted Sweet Chin Music by throwing Shawn all the way over the top rope and to the floor, winning his first ever Royal Rumble match.

The next night on Raw, Shawn Michaels and John Cena managed to defeat the World Tag Team Champions Rated RKO in a non- title match, but the match wasn’t what everyone was talking about, as after the match, the Undertaker appeared on the stage and pointed at Cena, pointing at his title and rolling his eyes at the back of his head, sending a direct message to Cena.

On ECW and Smackdown, the Undertaker did exactly the same thing, sending messages to both Bobby Lashley and Batista after they were victorious in their main event matches. There was a buzz throughout the wrestling world, unsure of whom Undertaker would choose. It was announced on WWE.COM that Undertaker was forced to go to Raw, where he would announce who he would pick to face at Mania.

The next Monday Night came around, as Undertaker looked at all three champions that were lined up, ready for the Undertaker’s decision. Just when it looked like we would see a dream Undertaker vs. Batista match take place, Taker moved one step to the right and picked John Cena to defend his WWE Title against him at Mania!

4 nights later on Smackdown, Teddy Long said that that night, we would find out the new number 1 contender for Batista’s World Championship with a 10 Man Battle Royal, and the winner would face Batista at Wrestlemania 23. Theodore announced that since although he lost Undertaker to Raw, he had picked up a huge acquisition.

The main event came, MVP, Booker, Benoit, a returning JBL (ECW was disbanded, Tazz took over as commentator), Kane, Helms, Matt Hardy, Chavo Guerrero and the Miz in the ring, awaiting the latest acquisition. Much to the shock of the crowd, ‘Sexy Boy’ hit out through the speakers, as it was revealed that Shawn Michaels was the newest Smackdown! Superstar.

The Battle Royal started, with the World Champion Batista on commentary, definitely surprised with Shawn Michaels as the surprise superstar. It came down to the two favorites in the match, HBK and coincidentally Undertaker’s brother Kane. This time, however, it wasn’t a repeat of the Rumble, as Shawn managed to Super Kick Kane over the top rope, getting the opportunity to face Tista at Mania.

Over the next few weeks, Shawn and Batista were involved in tag team matches, with and against each other. At No Way Out, it was announced that Taker and Cena would team up to face HBK and Batista. Shawn managed to get the win for SD after a Sweet Chin Music to Taker, but after the match, Batista made a heel turn by attacking Shawn, nailing him with a Batista Bomb.
Over the next three weeks, the two men were neck and neck, as after every match one of the two would compete in, an ambush would follow as the two tried to get the advantage heading into Mania. Batista got the advantage nine days ahead of Mania, as the next week, a huge Contract Signing was scheduled for the end of the show.

As always at Contract Signings, you expect things to boil over, which is why Teddy Long brought the Security Team with him. HBK signed the contract first without hesitation, as Batista then also signed the contract. The two then traded words, the Security Team in the middle of them. The two then tried to crash through security, and they were at first successful, as the two came to blows, although security managed to restore order. Smackdown went off the air with both men raring to get the other...


~World Heavyweight Championship Match Video Package~
*Batista defeats Mr. Kennedy at the Royal Rumble to retain his World Heavyweight Championship after a Batista Bomb*
*Shawn comes so close in the Royal Rumble match, #30 entrant the Undertaker eliminating him last to win the Rumble*
*Two weeks later on Raw, it is announced that the Undertaker will have to make his choice on Raw, to whom he would face at Wrestlemania*
*Undertaker looks at all three champions menacingly, and when it looks like he will pick Batista, he moves over and picks John Cena*
*The announcement from Teddy Long that he has booked a Number 1 Contenders Battle Royal tonight, and that he has also acquired a new superstar to Smackdown*
*Shawn Michaels turns out to be the mystery person, and lasts eliminates Kane to be Number 1 Contender*
*Batista and Shawn are told that they would take on the Undertaker and John Cena at No Way Out*
*Over the next few weeks, Shawn and Batista team together and fight against each other in tag team matches, each trading victories over one another*
*At No Way Out, Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music to the Undertaker, giving the Smackdown team the victory*
*After the match, Batista destroys Shawn, with first a Spinebuster and then a huge Batista Bomb, leaving his challenger out cold in the ring*
*Over the next few weeks, the two men ambush one another at every turn after the other’s match*
*There is a contract signing 2 days before Wrestlemania, where Teddy Long gets all of his security to separate the two*
*The two do sign the contract, as a heated argument then begins, with the security still in the middle of the, preventing any attacks*
*The two attempt to break the security wall and they manage to get to each other, but security pulls them off*
*Security spread, half of them going to Shawn and the others going to Batista, as Shawn and Tista look ready to blow*
*The two face to face after Shawn won the Battle Royal a few weeks ago, with Batista raising his World Title*
*The camera then zooms into the World Title, before cutting to the Wrestlemania 23 symbol*

Cole: And now ladies and gentleman, it is time for the Smackdown Wrestlemania Main Event, as the World Heavyweight Champion Batista defends his World Title that he won at Survivor Series against his fierce foe and the Number 1 Contender, Shawn Michaels.

Tazz: These two have been neck and neck for the past month, after Batista turned on Shawn at No Way Out after Shawn was victorious in their tag team match.

Cole: Shawn came so close to winning the Royal Rumble but was denied by the Undertaker, but Shawn managed to win a Ten Man over the Top Rope Battle Royal to be here tonight.

Tazz: We saw what happened at the Contract Signing just 48 hours ago on Smackdown; a whole team of security was barely able to restrain these two men from destroying one another.

Cole: This has all the makings of a classic let’s go to the Fink so we can get this contest underway.

The camera cuts to Howard Finkel in the ring, a big grin on his face and in a black suit and has a black bow tie.

Fink: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the World Heavyweight Championship!

The crowd erupt at the announcement of the World Title match on now, but they get even louder when ‘Sexy Boy’ blasts out through the speakers, as the Number 1 Contender and Mr. Wrestlemania Shawn Michaels heads down to the ring, a big smile on his face and slapping hands with the fans, ready for this huge World Title Match.

The camera then cuts to the right side of the entrance way, where the band SALIVA are there, before breaking out into a surprise live rendition of ‘I Walk Alone’, as the World Heavyweight Champion Batista makes his way to the ring to thunderous heat from the crowd! Batista then heads up the ramp and slides his title into the ring, before making his way into the ring.

Batista then hands the World Heavyweight Championship belt to senior official Referee Charles Robinson, as we go back to Fink, who is ready to do the ‘Big Match’ introductions.

Fink: Introducing first, he is the challenger, from San Antonio, Texas, weighing in at 225 pounds, he is a former World Heavyweight Champion and a former 3 time WWE Champion, the Showstopper, the Icon, Shawn Michaels!

The crowd give out a massive reaction for the Heart Break Kid once again, as Michaels keeps his eyes transfixed on Batista, not flinching for a second when Fink says his name, showing how determined he is for this huge contest.

Fink: And now introducing the champion, from Washington, D.C., coming in at 6 foot 6 inches tall, weighing in at 290 pounds, he is the Animal, a former two time World Heavyweight Champion and the current World Heavyweight Champion, BATISTA!

The crowd gives out huge heat for the recently turned heel Batista, although he seems unfazed by the reaction, and he is ready for action, as he missed out Wrestlemania last year due to torn triceps. Referee Robinson raises the World Title belt, as the bell rings, as the highly anticipated contest is underway!

Smackdown Main Event
World Heavyweight Championship
Shawn Michaels vs. World Heavyweight Champion Batista

The match begins with a certain buzz around the arena, as Shawn and Batista go into the centre of the ring, nose to nose, and begin bad mouthing each other like they have done so often in the past couple of weeks. Batista then goes to sucker punch Shawn right in the face, but an aware Shawn ducks under it, and as Batista attempts another one, now with the opposite hand, Shawn ducks under that as well, before also dodging an attempted Clothesline from the Animal, as Michaels then nails Batista with a huge knife edge chop to the chest, to resounding ‘WOO’s from the crowd in reference to the ‘Nature Boy’ Ric Flair, as Michaels connects with another 4 knife edge chops! Michaels then nails some stiff right hand punches, before coming off the ropes and connecting with a clothesline, knocking Batista down! Shawn then comes crashing down on Batista with an elbow drop, before he picks the World Champion up, who has gotten no offence in this match so far, as we near the one minute mark of the match, which has been complete domination from Mr. Wrestlemania. Shawn then attempts to whip Batista into a corner, but it is reversed by Batista as he goes to whip Shawn into the corner, only for Michaels to skin the cat and then land on the apron to a pop from the crowd. Batista then goes over to meet Shawn but for Batista’s troubles, he is met with a shoulder to the gut through the ropes. Batista then backs away, as Shawn attempts to hit Batista with a Slingshot Crossbody, but a very powerful Batista manages to hang onto Shawn, as the crowd boos at the power shown by Batista. Batista then holds on to Shawn for a while before walking into the centre of the ring, before dropping Shawn down with a huge Swinging Side Slam, finally getting some offence in on Shawn in this match. Batista then lays some boots into Shawn, before bending down and choking Shawn with two hands on the mat! The crowd begins to give heat since Batista is using illegal tactics, as the referee begins to start a five count. Once Charles Robinson gets to a count of 4, Batista once again shows off his strength by lifting Shawn up with only his hands, still in the choke position! The crowd once again give heat for Batista (who does not seem to care), before he drops Shawn with a huge Sitout Double Handed Chokeslam! The crowd gives heat as it looks as though Shawn has injured his back, as Batista crawls over Shawn and hooks the leg for the first cover of the match. 1...2...NO! Shawn manages to roll a shoulder up although Batista doesn’t look like he thought he would win the match this early, as he goes straight back to the offensive, not giving the veteran any time to recover.

Batista then drops some elbows to the sternum of Shawn, as he then back off and waits for Michaels to get up. Once Shawn does get up, he is met with a decapitating clothesline by Batista, as Shawn over sells like crazy by doing a full flip! Shawn then rolls to the outside of the ring, as an annoyed Batista follows Shawn, not giving the Heart Break Kid an inch of space as he doesn’t just want to beat Shawn, he wants to destroy Shawn within an inch of his life. Batista then lifts Shawn up on the outside, before throwing him back first right into the security barricade, as HBK and the crowd all groan in unison, Shawn in pain and the crowd in disgust. Batista then drags Shawn over to the announce tables, and for some reason, the referee doesn’t even bother making the 10 count. Batista them lifts up Shawn and rams his head into the Spanish Announce Table, before he goes on to ripping the table apart, taking out the monitors and such. Batista then lifts up Shawn and puts him in between his legs before turning around and facing the announce table, looking for a Batista Bomb through the table! The crowd yell at Batista not to do it, although Batista once again doesn’t listen to the fans and goes to attempt to do it, but an aware Shawn quickly drops down to his knees and crawls out of the way, as Batista begins to get frustrated with Michaels and goes back over to him. When he meets Shawn however, he is met with a drop toe hold right onto the steel steps, as Batista’s eyes smash the corner of the steps! Batista backs away from the steps and leans against the announce table, holding his eyes in severe pain, as Michaels then sees his chance, by climbing up the steps and walking across the apron so that he is parallel with Batista. Shawn then faces inside of the ring, before he jumps up, springboards off of the second rope and nails Batista with a huge Asai Springboard Moonsault, SMASHING BOTH HIMSELF AND BATISTA THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE! The crowd erupts in a huge ‘Holy Shit’ chant, as after only reaching the near four and a half minute mark, they have already gone through the table! Shawn holds his ribs in pain, as Batista holds his back. The two struggle to get up to their feet, as Michaels is obviously the first one up after he has delivered most of the punishment in this match. Shawn struggles towards the ring and rolls under the bottom rope, and during this time, Batista has gotten up to both feet, as he approaches the ring.

Shawn sees Batista now approaching the ring, as he quickly bounces of the ropes behind him and hits Batista with a beautiful Baseball Slide, knocking Batista back against the other table that he exposed earlier in the match. HBK then grabs a hold of the ropes, before leaping over the top rope, going for a Slingshot Crossbody, but once again, showing amazing strength, Batista holds on to Shawn! Shawn is once again shocked at the power displayed by the World Heavyweight Champion, as Batista nails a modified Snake Eyes onto the exposed announce table, Shawn head sickeningly ricocheting off of the table! Batista then looks down at the Icon with a crazed, determined look in his eye, as he lifts up Shawn, before slapping the veteran right across the face with an open hand, showing huge disrespect for the Showstopper! The crowd gives out huge heat, as Batista then grabs the arm of Shawn, before whipping him right into the ring post, smashing Shawn’s head against the solid steel with full force! Shawn’s head bounces off the ring post as Michaels then collapses to the mat on his back, as we see that Shawn has been BUSTED OPEN from the shot! The crowd pours in the heat for Michaels’ injury, as Batista seems happy with what he has done, but it doesn’t look like he is finished yet. Batista then lifted up a bloody Shawn and rolled him into the ring, as Shawn held onto the ropes to help him get up, blood trickling down from the new small gash on Shawn’s head. Batista then helps Shawn up, before kicking him in the gut and then getting him in a front face lock/ suplex position. Batista then lifts the challenger up, before with shades of the ‘legendary’ Goldberg, he nails Michaels with a huge Suplex Powerslam, or in other words Goldberg’s old finisher the Jackhammer! The crowd gives out huge heat at the dominance now shown by Batista, who lets out an almighty roar, which only makes the crowd get louder. As Batista is playing to the crowd (who are booing like crazy), Shawn begins to get back to his feet, blood now beginning to dry up on his face, although it is now completely covered although he was busted open only one minute ago. Batista seemed to have eyes at the back of his head, as when Shawn got back to his two feet, Batista quickly turned around and damn nearly took Shawn’s head off with a huge Big Boot! The crowd gives huge heat at the devastating move from Batista, who continues on his aggressive, mean streak.

Batista then lifts Shawn up, before turning him around, so that Batista is facing Shawn’s back. Batista then gets one of his arms and traps it in between Shawn’s legs, before getting his other arm and putting it on his shoulders before lifting Shawn up, right into the Torture Rack! Batista has an evil smirk on his face, but in the end, the crowd gets behind Shawn enough to get Shawn out of the predicament, as he drops off of his back. Shawn then tries to fight back, as after the classic heel vs. face punching war, Shawn gets the advantage over the Animal, but when he bounces off the ropes and returns to the World Heavyweight Champion, Batista hit Shawn with a Spinebuster! The crowd gave a massive amount of heat as Batista climbed over Shawn and hooked the leg for what was seemingly the inevitable win! 1...2... SHAWN SOMEHOW MANAGES TO KICK OUT! Batista then slaps his hands together three times right in the referee’s face, signaling how it should have been done, and that the match should be over already. Batista then quits arguing with the referee as he knows that he won’t change his decision and he turns back around to face Shawn, right into a huge SWEET CHIN MUSIC! The crowd erupts at Shawn managing to hit his signature move, although he is unable to capitalize after the damage he sustained in his back after the vicious Torture Rack. Shawn begins to crawl towards Batista, as the crowd will Michaels on, desperately wanting him to crawl over Batista and get the cover, which may get him the World Heavyweight Championship. Shawn crawls towards Batista, unable to get to him quick enough. After another 20 seconds of crawling, Shawn manages to get close enough Batista, as he lifts his arm up and then drops it over Batista, as the referee drops down to his knees and makes the cover, with the eager crowd counting along. 1...2...THRE...NO!!! Batista somehow rolls a shoulder up to deafening boo’s from the crowd, as Shawn cannot believe it!

‘Big Dave’ then gets in a three point stance, hoping to end this grueling contest with a patented huge Spear, but when he charges at a busted open Michaels, Shawn leapfrogs over Batista, sending Batista’s head crashing into the second turnbuckle! The crowd once again erupts for Shawn, as when Batista gets out of the corner, he is met with a huge flying forearm from Shawn! The two men are laid out after a truly fantastic contest, as the two attempt to get up but are unable to due to the pain that they have sustained all the way throughout this match. The referee starts a 10 count, as the crowd chant along with Charles. One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Six... Seven... MICHAELS MANAGES TO KIP UP! The crowd gives out a huge pop for a crimson face Shawn’s recovery, as the Animal manages to get up as well. Batista staggers over to Shawn, only to be met with a huge Atomic Drop! Shawn then drops the World Champion down with a big right hand to the skull, and when Batista gets up; Shawn lifts Batista up and nails him with a big Scoop Slam! Shawn then drags Batista into the middle of the ring, but instead of going for the cover, Michaels goes onto the ring apron, looking to end this. When Shawn gets up to the top rope, he looks around at the crowd, before looking at Batista and giving him a DX crotch chop to a huge pop for the fans, as a bloody Shawn leaps off of the top rope and hits Batista with a big Diving Elbow Drop! The crowd give out a huge pop for Shawn’s patented aerial attack, as Shawn crawls over to the ropes and with the help of the ropes, gets up in the corner, and slaps his leg. Shawn then lifts up his right leg, before bringing it back down, slamming it on the mat, as Michaels begins to tune up the band so to speak! Shawn then does it another time, and another, and another time, waiting for his rival to get up, as the crowd tune up the band with him. Batista staggers up to his feet as Shawn charges, looking for a huge Sweet Chin Music to finish it, but Batista meets Shawn when he was charging at him with another monster sized Spinebuster! The crowd pour in the heat, as Batista goes over to the rope and shakes them violently (Ultimate Warrior style), before turning back over to Shawn and giving him the thumbs up, before turning it into the thumbs down to even bigger heat from the crowd, knowing that Batista is going to end it with the Batista Bomb! Batista then gets Shawn in between his legs (looking for his finisher once again), before doing the thumbs down again to get even more heat from the crowd, as he lifts Shawn up, right in position for his finisher! When Batista goes to drop Shawn down, however, Shawn manages to spring up and over Batista, so that he is behind Batista. The champion turns around, and once again after he turns around, he is met with another huge SWEET CHIN MUSIC! BATISTA IS OUT! THIS HAS GOT TO BE OVER! 1...2...3!! YES! SHAWN MICHAELS IS THE NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Shawn Michaels!

The Leviathan

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May 7, 2007
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What if Jeff Hardy won the Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania 24?

Part 1

Wrestlemania 24 Aftermath
Jeff Hardy just made the fans rejoice when he won the Money in the Bank briefcase at Wrestlemania 24. Now, question starts spreading around WWE on when will Jeff Hardy cash in the briefcase and to what championship will he use it. As Jeff teases the fans, trying to give them some little information about his decision on cashing in the Money in the Bank, Carlito butts in and told the fans that Jeff Hardy will not able to cash in the briefcase. Carlito is also in the MITB match at Wrestlemania 24. He is close in winning the Money in the Bank until he was hit by Jeff Hardy with the Twist of Fate. Jeff Hardy answers back and told Carlito on stop whining about his loss. This resulted to a feud between the two.

As Backlash is fast approaching, Carlito told the fans that he will snatch the briefcase out of Jeff Hardy’s hands. He then challenged Jeff Hardy to a match at Backlash where if he wins it, he can have a shot for the MITB briefcase. Then before Backlash, Carlito invited his opponent to his returning segment, the Cabana. It ended not well for Jeff Hardy as the exchange of words turned into an assault from Carlito. The segment was ended when Carlito struck his Backlash opponent with his briefcase to his head.

Backlash – Jeff Hardy vs. Carlito
The two showcased their highflying skills and the match started with Carlito having the upperhand. Jeff Hardy then gets his fair share at the ending where he countered Carlito’s every move. The match is about to end and looks like Jeff Hardy is going for the win after he hits Carlito with the Twist of Fate. Jeff climbs in the top turnbuckle for the Swanton Bomb but then Carlito manages to roll out of the ring to escape. Jeff follows him at the ringside as Carlito quickly grabs the MITB briefcase from the corner and he used it to smack his opponent down the floor and it resulted to a DQ.

Backlash Aftermath and Build Hype up to Judgment Day
After the disappointing loss, Carlito continues to find a way in getting his chance on having the briefcase. His feud with Jeff Hardy continued until he got a chance to prove himself that he deserves a shot at the briefcase when WWE’s Executive Vice President, Shane McMahon put them to a match next week with a stipulation, if Carlito wins, and he will get a shot at the MITB briefcase against Jeff Hardy at Judgment Day.

Carlito’s chance at the MITB
The two faced off at the next Raw and once again, the two highflying superstars pulled out a nice 5 minute match. At the ending of the match, Jeff Hardy is at the upper hand again and he is on the verge of winning. Jeff Hardy is at the top turnbuckle for the Swanton Bomb when suddenly, Carlito’s brother, Primo made his shocking debut by distracting Jeff Hardy from the ringside. This gave Carlito a chance to recover and he knocks Jeff Hardy out of the top rope. Carlito then waits for his opponent to get up and he steals a victory by hitting Jeff with the Backstabber.

Now, Carlito will be facing Jeff Hardy at Judgment Day for the Money in the Bank briefcase. The feud continues to hype until we reach JD while Carlito’s brother Primo is also on the roll by beating the likes of Jim Duggan, Val Venis and Super Crazy.

Judgment Day – Carlito vs. Jeff Hardy 2 for the MITB Briefcase
Carlito started his dirty tricks at the start of the match with some help from his brother Primo at the ringside. Carlito is looking for the win at the middle part of the match but then Jeff reverses it by dodging Carlito’s springboard elbow. The continued to exchange momentums at the match until Primo gets involved. Carlito is about to win until the two brothers got some miscommunication and Jeff ends the talk by hitting Carlito with the Twist of Fate and then followed by a Swanton Bomb for the win and to retain his contract for a title shot.

Part 2 is next….

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Expect one of the following:

What if Batista wasn't injured, and could have been a part of Wrestlemania XXV?

What if Goldberg never left the WWE following Wrestlemania XIX?

What if Eddie Gurrero hadn't passed away as he did in our lifetime?

XBA, please let me know if the last one is allowed. I'm interested in doing that one, but need the green light from you.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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What if Jeff Hardy won the Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania 24?

Part 2

After Judgment Day
Jeff Hardy was successful in retaining his briefcase but Carlito still have his eyes on the coveted contract inside it. On the next Raw after JD, Jeff is scheduled to a match against the Samoan Savage, Umaga. As Jeff is about to finish the match, he suddenly get dizzy and the fans were shocked when he fell down the mat unconscious. This made Umaga give a chance as he finishes the match with the Samoan Spike on the unconscious Rainbow Haired Warrior to get the victory. After Raw, questions are still unanswered to what happened to Jeff Hardy.

On the next Raw, a video footage was shown as Jeff Hardy visits his doctor for a check up. His doctor told him that he received a mild concussion after getting hit by the MITB Briefcase not only once but twice. This gave Carlito another chance for the MITB by telling Shane Mcmahon that Jeff is now injured and needs some time to rest, this means that he should take the briefcase out of him. Now, Shane decided to follow Carlito’s suggestion and on the next Raw, as the Raw Executive Vice President is about to strip the case, Jeff didn’t approached him but instead he attacked Carlito inside his locker room. This restarted the feud between the two and gave Carlito the chance he wants by facing Jeff Hardy in a Ladder Match at One Night Stand.

One Night Stand – Ladder Match for the MITB Briefcase: Carlito vs. Jeff Hardy
The two faced off for the fourth time and now a ladder was put in the middle for the coveted prize, the MITB briefcase. The two started quickly as Jeff viciously attacked Carlito with some forearms and the ladder entered the ring early. The two used the ladder as a weapon and they try to struggle from the match to get the prize on top of the ladder. So many high spots were shown in the match. Primo Colon also joined in at the middle part of the match but then he got struck by Jeff Hardy with a Twist of Fate. The match ends when Carlito receives a frog lead leg drop from the ladder and then followed by the Swanton Bomb from the turnbuckle. Jeff then unlocks the chain to get his MITB Briefcase to win the match.

Aftermath of One Night Stand and Night of the Champions approaches
The feud between the Carribean Bad Apple and the Rainbow Haired Warrior ended their feud after One Night Stand. Jeff started his new journey with the MITB as other aspiring contenders for it stepped forward to challenge him for the contract. Shane Mcmahon gave the likes of Umaga, ECW’s John Morrison and The Miz, Santino Marella and the returning King of the Ring winner, William Regal. And then the WWE Draft arrives where a shocking turn of events happened when both the Money in the Bank winner, Jeff Hardy and the WWE Champion, Triple H were drafted to Smackdown.

As Jeff Hardy made his first appearance on Smackdown, he was challenged by the arrogant MVP and a new Smackdown member, the Gold Standard, Shelton Benjamin for the MITB. This also involved his brother, the U.S. Champ and a new ECW star, Matt Hardy. The short feud ended in a tag team match on the last Smackdown before NOC where the reunited Hardys beat Shelton Benjamin and MVP.

Night of the Champions (the Champion’s point of view)
Jeff wasn’t scheduled to a match as he is neither a champion nor a contender for a title but he supported his brother Matt Hardy in defending his U.S. Championship against Shelton Benjamin.

While on the champion’s side, Raw’s Batista beat Smackdown’s Edge for the World Heavyweight title. This made Batista bring the title to Raw.

The WWE Champion and Smackdown member Triple H, who had a change of heart before the match took place, beats his opponent John Cena by hitting him a Sledgehammer while the ref is unconscious and then followed by a Pedigree.

Part 3 is coming up…. Jeff Hardy’s decision is coming near

THE Renegade Diesel

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Jun 26, 2008
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What if Eddie Gurrero never passed away?

Part I

The Gurrero Effect

Eddie Gurrero, David Batista, John Bradshaw Layfield, Rey Mysterio, and Bobby Lashely def. Big Show, Kane, Shawn Michaels, Chris Masters, and Carlito in a traditional five man elimination match billed as Smackdown! Vs. Raw. David Batista was on the verge of being pinned by Shawn Michaels, but Eddie Gurrero rolled up Team RAW’s captain Shawn Michaels, winning the match, and granting himself, and Batista the sole survivor award.

Following Survivor Series, Eddie Gurrero, recently turned face nicely asked Batista for his rematch at Armageddon. Batista gladly accepted, but Gurrero persistently decided to bring up the fact that he got the job done at Survivor Series, and put in Batista's head that he couldn't handle representing the brand as the champion. On show two, Batista, the heavyweight champion snaps, and Batista Bombs Eddie Gurrero. That same night, Mr. Ken Kennedy decided he deserved a shot at the title, and Batista decided to give it to him the next Smackdown!.

On the next Smackdown!, a furious Batista takes on Mr. Kennedy, and Batista disqualifies himself, and tries to attack Kennedy releasing his aggression on the loud mouthed superstar. Eddie Gurrero decides to come out, and make a much needed save when he tackles Batista into the announcer table, and begins to assault the champion. As the two are separated, Gurrero grabs Batista’s belt, and smashes it across The Animal’s face, busting Batista open. The blood only gives Batista the hunger for more, as Batista fights off all the security, and nearly dismantles all the ringside area, but Gurrero escaped.

The next week, Eddie Gurrero defeated Mr. Kennedy again after a trick small package. Batista’s music aired, as Eddie Gurrero quickly went outside, and grabbed a steel chair ready for battle. Batista came out in street clothes, and spoke about making their match a street fight at Armageddon. Eddie Gurrero contested the idea in his head before eventually agreeing to the match, as the two show their thirst for the championship when Eddie Gurrero defeats Mark Henry in a brutal fashion as Gurrero displayed hardcore wrestling ability rather than his usual comedic antics. Gurrero had incidentally busted open Henry when smashing his head into the turnbuckle. Gurrero wiped Henry’s blood on his chest, and then asked for a t-shirt of Batista’s, which he placed in the middle of the ring, and beat his chest pointing to the roof. Batista was angered by the move, and Ken Kennedy later approached Batista, and formed an alliance to get rid of Eddie Gurrero.

Ruthless Aggression

At Armageddon, in their classic street fight, the two came to a draw when Eddie Gurrero delivered a frogsplash off a ladder on the entrance stage, and onto Batista who was on some set boxes. Neither of the men answered the ten count, which rules a no contest. The match was acclaimed by all wrestling newsletters as both emotional, and amazing.

The next Smackdown!, saw Batista relieved that he kept his prestigious championship, and Eddie Gurrero decided he needed to be victorious in his attempts at regaining gold. Eddie Gurrero approached Theodore Long, who said it wasn’t up to the GM anymore due to him announcing a Beat The Clock Tournament the next week. Eddie Gurrero pinned Booker T the United States Champion in 1:12 seconds after a low blow from Gurrero. This time came in second, but due to the first winner, Chris Benoit, being kayfabe injured by Randy Orton, Eddie Gurrero became the new number one contender once more. Eddie Gurrero decided that their needed to be a victor in their final encounter at The Royal Rumble, so Gurrero proposed a Steel Cage match. Batista was hesitant at first but responded by trashing Gurrero’s low rider during Eddie’s match on the second Smackdown!, against Matt Hardy. Gurrero chased Batista, and the two nearly brawled until GM Theodore Long stepped in, and ruled that neither man can touch each other unless physically provoked. Eddie Gurrero decided to get back at Batista by bashing Batista’s own wife, which led to Batista nearly striking Gurrero.

By the third Smackdown!, Batista decided to repent the wife comment, and assaulted the car of Eddie Gurrero’s wife Vicky Gurrero. Batista damaged Eddie’s wife’s car with a sledgehammer while Eddie was at a Smackdown! show. Eddie Gurrero was left speechless, and merely ended the show by stating that their feud will end at Royal Rumble, and that it has been taken to another level. Eddie Gurrero versus Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship in a Steel Cage was set in stone.

The Leviathan

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May 7, 2007
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That was pretty interesting Renegade. Seeing Batista turning heel was a shock as I know, he was the main face of Smackdown during that time. So many heats between the two that you really pulled out well... and add some cameos from Triple H err.. I mean the sledgehammer :shifty:. I am looking forward on Part 2 and see if Eddie finally wins the title at Royal Rumble or will it be once again at No Way Out.

What if Jeff Hardy won the Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania 24?

Part 3

Jeff’s journey towards the Bash
After Night of the Champions, Jeff’s brother Matt had successfully retained his United States Championship against Shelton Benjamin. The two separated ways as Matt continues his feud with the Gold Standard on Smackdown while Jeff found his new rival, the former World Heavyweight Champion, Edge. Jeff met a totally mad Edge complaining about his loss at Night of the Champions and now asking his wife and then Smackdown’s General Manager Vickie Guerrero to give a spot as No. 1 Contender against the WWE Champion, Triple H. Jeff butts in and told Edge about using his wife’s power that he almost try to take it over. Edge gets mad at Jeff and told him to stay away of his business but Jeff didn’t followed the Rated R Superstar’s request. On the next Smackdown, Edge was scheduled to face the Undertaker to determine who will be Triple H’s opponent at the Great American Bash. During the match, the Deadman accidentally hits the referee with a big boot instead of Edge. This gave Edge an opportunity to beat Undertaker by giving him a chairshot. Edge continues to assault the Deadman by throwing him some couple of steel chair shots to the head until he stumbles down. As Edge is about to give him a con-chair-to, Jeff Hardy comes in the ring to save Taker from the hands of the Ultimate Opportunist. Hardy enters the ring and gives Edge a Whisper in the Wind. Jeff’s distractions on the Rated R Superstar gave Undertaker, and so the referee, to recover. Jeff then exits the ring as Edge had no idea that Taker is already behind him. Edge turns around and Taker grabs his neck and he nailed him with the Chokeslam and then followed by the Tombstone Piledriver for the win.

Undertaker’s win started his feud with the WWE Champion while Edge starts feuding with Hardy. All four men faced off at the next Smackdown in a tag team match where the team of the Undertaker and Jeff Hardy wins against the team of the champ and the Rated R Superstar after Edge received a Tombstone Piledriver for the second time. This made Edge more ferocious on Hardy as he asked his wife, Vickie to put him in a match against the Rainbow Haired Warrior on Smackdown. Vickie approved the match but the Smackdown GM added more stipulation on the match to show her love to Edge. Vickie added to the match that if Edge wins, he will then join Triple H and Undertaker at the Bash. Edge was totally happy with the stipulation that made him give his wife a passionate kiss afterwards.

Smackdown – Edge vs. Jeff Hardy
The two finally squared off inside the ring and it started with a cheap shot from Edge. Edge dominated the match at first but then Jeff manages to counter some of his moves but the Rated R Superstar also countered back. Edge is looking for the win when he prepares for the Spear but Jeff manages to evade it and made the Rated R Superstar hit his shoulder to the steel post. This gave Jeff to reverse the side of the match by beating Edge up. At the ending part of the match, Jeff is about to win by connecting his opponent with the Twist of Fate but then Edge countered it and hits him with the Edgecution and then followed by a Spear for the win.

Edge got his chance for the WWE Championship as he will join Triple H and Undertaker for the WWE Championship at the Great American Bash while Jeff starts complaining on how Vickie Guerrero run Smackdown. Due to this, Vickie Guerrero gave him a match at Great American Bash as a punishment. Jeff is about to hear his opponent when suddenly appeared; it’s the Moscow Mauler and Undefeated Vladimir Kozlov.

Great American Bash – Jeff Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov
The match ended with a disqualification after Jeff smacks the big man with his briefcase to his head. The fans were shocked at the ending as Jeff totally changed his persona. After the match, Jeff barges inside the Smackdown GM’s room to confront her. Jeff told Vickie that he will be cashing in his MITB Briefcase.

Meanwhile, Triple H was successful in retaining his WWE Championship by pinning Edge with the Pedigree.

It’s about time! Jeff Hardy cashes in the Money in the Bank
On the next Smackdown, Triple H opened the show by boasting himself that there is no one who can beat him for the WWE Championship as he already beat Edge and the Undertaker at the Great American Bash. Triple H continued and told the fans that he will be holding the title until Wrestlemania 25. The Game was then interrupted when the lights suddenly turned off. All of the fans gone crazy as they thought it was the Undertaker but then they were all wrong as a new Jeff Hardy came out of the titantron wearing a dark face mask. Jeff Hardy told Triple H that Smackdown has a new hope and he’s currently looking at him. Triple H just ignored him but then Jeff told the Game while leaving to watch out because he will be cashing in the MITB Briefcase to challenge him at Summerslam. The crowd was totally thrilled after knowing Triple H’s new contender but there’s one man who isn’t happy about it, he is the man who didn’t lose in the match at Great American Bash, he is the Undertaker. Undertaker confronted Jeff Hardy on the next Smackdown, telling him that he should be the contender. Jeff then answers back by challenging the Phenom in a Street Fight on the same night. Undertaker accepted the challenge by strucking Jeff Hardy with a lightning bolt but the Rainbow Haired Warrior stayed on his feet.

Smackdown – Street Fight: Jeff Hardy vs. the Undertaker
The match was totally exciting as the two who faced started with both offenses. A lot of weapons were used in the match especially Jeff’s favorite, the ladder. Jeff did some high spots were Taker just countered it. On the ending parts, Jeff is about to use his briefcase on the Phenom but instead he was knocked out by a big boot from the Undertaker. Taker is about to end the match by planting his opponent with the Tombstone but Hardy countered and hits Taker with the Twist of Fate, face burst to the hard briefcase for the win.

The fans were shocked after seeing Jeff dismantled the Undertaker in a very phenomenal match. This also gave Triple H some chills to his opponent but he never showed it to the Smackdown viewers. At the last Smackdown before Summerslam, a contract signing was held between Jeff Hardy and the WWE Champion, Triple H were it ended unpleasantly as Jeff knocks Triple H on the table with a Swanton Bomb.

Coming Next: Summerslam – WWE Championship: Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Levi, your's is pretty interesting, as you have already elevated Jeff Hardy to the main event scene, and are continueing to push the man to the sky, and above. Hardy > HHH imo. I doubt Hardy wins it at Summerslam, but then again, maybe he will due to it being the long awaited MITB moment.

What If Eddie Gurrero Never Passed Away?

Part II

Uncaged Fury, and The Road To Wrestlemania

In a lethal, and emotional Steel Cage match for the World Heavyweight Championship, Gurrero sucesfully captured the World Championship once more when he pinned Batista after a Frogsplash from the top of the cage. Also, The Royal Rumble match was won by Smackdown!'s Chris Benoit when he returned from a kayfabe injury, and eliminated RAW's Triple H, and his brand mate, the man who injured him, Randy Orton.

Eddie Gurrero has a victory celebration the next Smackdown!, where Rey Mysterio, and Chavo Gurrero join for the festivities, but as the end approaches, Chris Benoit's music came on, and he came out. Benoit congratulated Eddie, as did Eddie for him. Benoit, a possible number one contender for Gurrero, showed no sign of hostility towards the champion Eddie. Later on that night, Batista decided to call out Eddie Gurrero for the next show, to vent to each other.

The next show was called to be where Batista asks for his rematch, but instead, Batista apoligized to Gurrero, and his family, as Eddie returned the favor and hugged The Animal. The two shared an emotional moment, but the moment was later on ruined when the Royal Rumble winner Chris Benoit was nearly hit by a speeding car in the parking lot. Gurrero went to Benoit's locker room, and saw that Chris hadn't been there. At the close of the show, Teddy Long is informed that Chris Benoit was attacked in his own locker room. The number one suspect, Eddie Gurrero.

Gurrero opens up the next Smackdown!, by saying that he swears to find the real attacker of Benoit. Benoit is said to be in the hospital, and in no state to arrive at a show. Randy Orton shows up, and begins to accuse Gurrero more, and calls Gurrero a "coward champion".

As the No Way Out card shapes up by the next show, Chris Benoit arrives, suprising the crowd, and the roster in the main event which featured Randy Orton bringing authorities to try and capture Gurrero. Chris Benoit flipped the script completly, and said that the true attacker was none other than Randy Orton. Orton admits to the deed, and attacks the law enforcement figures he decided to bring along. Chris Benoit ran down to attack Orton, but Orton escaped clutching his teeth. Gurrero then came from the back, and threw Orton into the ring. Benoit made Orton submit to the Crippler Crossface, and later on asked for a match with Randy Orton at No Way Out. Theodore Long decided to make the match so as Orton agree's to it.

The final Smackdown! before No Way Out see's Orton being question whether he agree's to the match with Benoit. Randy Orton says yes only if Chris Benoit puts his Wrestlemania main event spot on the line. Benoit happily agree's, as the crowd replies with a strong ovation. Eddie Gurrero, without a match, decides to become the special enforcer for the contest, insuring that no foul play occurs. Theodore Long allows all the move's being made to follow through, as No Way Out's main event is set.

Shocking Revelations, a Rabid Wolverine, and a Choice

At No Way Out, in a shocking turn of events, Randy Orton defeated Chris Benoit after delivering a low blow, and an RKO to the former number one contender. Eddie Gurrero, acting as the initial referee due to the original being knocked out by Orton, allowed the move, and made the count.

The next Smackdown!, Eddie Gurrero has a match with none other than the Phenom, The Undertaker. Gurrero is decimated through out the match, and Randy Orton comes out to make the save, along with Undertaker's Wresltemania opponent, Mr. Kennedy. Later that night, Gurrero asked Orton when he will decide to make the choice to challenge RAW's WWE Champion John Cena. Randy Orton said that he will make the announcement next week. Chris Benoit was said to be MIA that night.

The next week, Orton's decison is set as the main event, and WWE Champion John Cena is in the building, as he is also set to a tag team match with Smackdown!'s returned Chris Benoit against RAW's Edge, and Shawn Michaels. John Cena, and Benoit are victorious, as then the main event comes. John Cena, and the World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Gurrero are in the ring with Vince McMahon, and Theodore Longe. Randy Orton comes out, and shocks Eddie Gurrero when he decides to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship. Then, Chris Benoit, the Rabid Wolverine decides to trash the event. Benoit makes Mr. McMahon, and Long give Benoit a chance to be in the main event. Benoit decides that he can defeat anybody, as the challenge is set for next week.

The challenge comes around, and Chris Benoit, all in one night, defeats Mark Henry in the beginning of the show, Mr. Ken Kennedy in the midst of the show, and then finally, Randy Orton in the main event. Benoit inserts himself in the main event for Smackdown!, as Eddie Gurrero is surely upset about this. The following event see's Gurrero try to allign himself with Benoit, but Benoit threatens the champion. Saturday Night's Main Event is hyped, as two huge Smackdown! matches are announced. Eddie Gurrero versus Randy Orton in a Wrestlemania tune up match, and Chris Benoit against The Undertaker.

Aftermath of A Rough Weekend, and Wrestlemania on the horizon

At Saturday Night's Main Event, Eddie Gurrero was defeated by the number one contender Randy Orton after a countered Frogsplash into an RKO. Also, Chris Benoit lost to The Undertaker after an RKO from Randy Orton, allowing The Undertaker to deliver a Tombstone Pile Driver.

With Wrestlemania three week's away, the main event, a triple threat, is tensed up as Eddie Gurrero has the odds stacked against him, Chris Benoit suffers a kayfabe arm injury, and Randy Orton contiously tries to sideline both of his oppositions. On the first Smackdown! following SNME, Orton disqualifies himself when he faces The Undertaker. The Undertaker is then attacked by his enemy, Mr. Kennedy, and Orton joins the assault. Chris Benoit makes the save, and is then also assaulted by Orton when a turn of events occurs as Orton uses a handy steel chair. The show closes with Orton attempting to break Benoit's arm.

Benoit shows up to the show with an arm sling, and Teddy Long is absent from the show, leaving Eddie Gurrero as the general manager for the night. Gurrero is proposed by Randy Orton to make Chris Benoit face Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy is revealed to be paid a large sum of money if he injures Benoit. Benoit cant seem to wrestle but is forced to when his Wrestlemania spot is threatened by the acting general mannager. Benoit inadvertedly loses the match after single handedly (literally) chokes Mr. Kennedy out with a one handed Crippler Crossface, as Benoit incorporates his shoulders into the finisher. Orton tries to get the job done, but Benoit snaps, and cracks his cast, and taunts Orton to due battle. Orton steps away, and points to the Wrestlemania logo.

Wrestlemania week comes along, and the final contract signing is announced. Eddie Gurrero versus Randy Orton versus Chris Benoit in a star studded main event match at Wrestlemania. Theodore Long, unpleased with Orton, and Gurrero's wrong doing's decides to put the duo in a match against none other than The Brothers of Destruction; a visiting Kane, and a locale Undertaker. The Brothers of Destruction fail in their match when Mr. Kennedy, and Kane's enemy The Big Show interfere, and cost the team the match. Chris Benoit signs his contract in the main event, as does Orton, and Gurrero. The signing turns sour when Orton strikes Gurrero with his own championship belt, and decides to try and injure the champion. Chris Benoit shows a humane side as he reverses the situation, and traps Orton in a Crippler Crossface again. The show closes with Chris Benoit helping Eddie Gurrero up, only to be betrayed with a steel chair shot. The match is now at a boiling point, and Wrestlemania approaches in two days.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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The story just turned to Benoit's side lol... too many twists and turns here that made the story more interesting... The only thing I want to ask is why Eddie didn't defend his title at No Way Out? Anything than that, the whole storyline is superb, I am looking forward at the Triple Threat...

PS. Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H is still in progress.. :D

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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Lol, thank you. I felt that Eddie shouldn't defend because it'd draw him away from building the main storyline. Also, damn, I now too realize its Benoit's story. lmao.

btw, are you writing the final match for your What If? If so, how much gas are you going to give it? Are you going to write a short, simple one, or are you going to write it as if it was your main event match for EXODUS's biggest ppv?