The Official What If Thread

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The Leviathan

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May 7, 2007
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What If the MITB briefcase is still on Mr. Kennedy's hands? How do you think will WWE book Kennedy with the MITB until he cashes it in to Wrestlemania 24? Here's what I think about it.

Part 1

Vengeance: Night of the Champions Aftermath
Mr. Kennedy continues hyping about cashing in the MITB briefcase at Wrestlemania 24 as he headlines the PPV. Kennedy told the crowd that he will be on a winning streak until WM comes. Kennedy then issues an open challenge at Raw, calling anyone in the Raw locker room to face him that night. Then here comes the new Raw Superstar and ECW Original, The Sandman comes in the ring and accepts the cocky star's challenge. The match starts as Kennedy is on the upperhand beating The Sandman in the ring. As we come close on the ending of the match, we see The Sandman comes back in action and dominated the match until Kennedy decides to exit the ring and end the match as a result of a count out.

The fued between two guys continues until GM Regal booked a Street Fight between The Sandman and Mr. Kennedy at the Great American Bash.

Great American Bash: Mr. Kennedy takes on The Sandman
The two guys manage to pull off a great performance in the ring. The match ends after Kennedy manages to counter Sandman's russian leg sweep attempt by giving the ECW Original a low blow then hits him with a vicious DDT.

GAB Aftermath: Kennedy and Lashley fued
After GAB, Lashley lost to John Cena in a big title match. Kennedy then started to piss Lashley off in the locker room, telling him that he will never beat Cena for the title.

Kennedy costs Lashley a loss
In Raw, GM Regal gives Lashley another chance for the title as he faces Randy Orton for the No. 1 Contender's Spot for the WWE Championship. Lashley is about to win as he is about to hit Orton with a spear when suddenly Kennedy comes in and interferes the match. Lashley got distracted and Orton gives him a RKO to end the match.

The fued between Lashley and Kennedy continues as they made some promos and in ring interferences in Raw. The heat between the two continues to sizzle until GM Regal decides to put Kennedy and Lashley to a match at Summerslam.

Summerslam: Bobby Lashley vs. Mr. Kennedy
Lashley wins after giving Kennedy the dominator.

Summerslam Aftermath:
After that PPV, the fued between Lashley and Kennedy continues and the fued between Orton and Cena got involved to it as well, turning it to a tag team rivalry. In a Raw Main Event, Lashley and Cena defeated Orton and Kennedy but after that match, the two cocky superstars got their revenge by beating both men with some chairshots and DDT's straight to the chair.

The heat between the two men continues and Regal wants to end it by putting Kennedy and Lashley in a Steel Cage Match at Unforgiven.

Unforgiven: Steel Cage Match: Kennedy vs. Bobby Lashley
A bloody Kennedy manages to escape the cage after evading a spear from Lashley and the Hard Hittin Superstar hits his head on the steel walls.

To Be Continued in Part 2

CT Styles

That was very well done, REP+. I think it was all pretty realistic except for the Sandman part, I can't see WWE booking him like that maybe Matt Hardy or Jeff Hardy could of taken Sandman's place other then that though, very good.:)

The Leviathan

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May 7, 2007
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What If the MITB briefcase is still on Mr. Kennedy's hands?

Part 2

Unforgiven Aftermath
After Kennedy escaped from his powerhouse opponent, the fued continues to get some heat as Lashley arrives on Raw after Unforgiven, challenging Kennedy to a match. Kennedy enters and didn't accept Lashley's challenge. Lashley then started to call Kennedy a chicken and told his opponent that he didn't deserve the MITB briefcase. Kennedy gets mad as both men traded some words in the aren when suddenly Regal entered and announced that Kennedy will face Lashley in a No DQ match next week and his MITB briefcase is on the line.

Monday Night Raw: Mr. Kennedy vs. Bobby Lashley, winner gets the MITB Briefcase.
Mr. Kennedy beats Lashley after using his briefcase as a weapon. Kennedy gives Lashley some simultaneous shots in the head using the briefcase until he finally knocks the big guy down to the mat and finishes it off with a Kenton Bomb.

After what happened on Raw, revealed that Bobby Lashley just suffered a serious head concussion from his match with Kennedy and that ends his fued with Bobby Lashley. On the next Raw, Randy Orton offered Kennedy to form an alliance with him as they try to take John Cena down before his Last Man Standing Match with him at No Mercy. Mr. Kennedy didn't said a word from Orton's invitation as he just left him alone the locker room. The next few weeks before No Mercy, Mr. Kennedy is in action on Raw, facing some superstars like The Sandman and Cody Rhodes as Orton always interfere and help Kennedy win his matches. Orton continues to ask Kennedy until the MITB winner gets mad and shoves Orton, telling him that he don't want to form an alliance with a guy like Randy Orton.

No Mercy: WWE Championship: Last Man Standing Match: John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton
Cena is on the upperhand after throwing Orton to the announcer's table with a FU. The ref starts counting as Cena waits and watches Orton lying on the ground when suddenly a referee attacks Cena on the back with a briefcase. The referee then removes his striped shirt and a mask, and he's Mr. Kennedy. Cena tries to get up as Kennedy gives him another shot to the head with his briefcase. Kennedy then grabs Orton back to his feet as Cena also tries to get up. Kennedy then goes to Cena and throws his head off to the other announcer's table. Kennedy then puts Cena above the table as Orton follows and grabs the champ, connecting him with the RKO, 1... 2... 3.. 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... and Orton is your new WWE Champion.

No Mercy Aftermath
Now Cena is injured and the doctors said that he might not come back before Wrestlemania. Then on the next Raw, Orton and Kennedy celebrates when suddenly HBK crashes in the party and attacks both men in the ring. Regal then announced that for the night's main event, HBK will be teaming up with Jeff Hardy against Orton and Kennedy and the three superstars will be Orton's possible opponents at Cyber Sunday.

Main Event: Jeff Hardy and Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton and Mr. Kennedy
HBK and Hardy wins the match as a result of a disqualification after Orton hits Shawn with a low blow.

As they head towards Cyber Sunday, Kennedy and the Intercontinental Champion, Jeff Hardy started to fued as they go one on one in a non title match at Raw and do some backstage promos.

Cyber Sunday: The fans pick Shawn Michaels as Randy Orton's opponent
After not being picked by the fans, Kennedy faces Jeff Hardy in a non title match and Kennedy wins after a roll up.

Cyber Sunday Aftermath
The fued between Kennedy and Hardy continues as they both exchange wins and loses before Survivor Series come. Then announced that they will be in a Survivor Series Match as Kennedy joins Team Umaga and Hardy joins in Triple H.

Winner takes all Match
GM Regal then made the fued more interesting as he booked a match between Jeff Hardy and Mr. Kennedy where both the MITB briefcase and the Intercontinental title are on the line. Jeff is about to win the match when suddenly Kennedy's teammates Finlay and MVP takes interfere the match, resulting to a no contest. Rey and Matt Hardy then also enters as they save Jeff.

Survivor Series: Team Triple H (HHH, Hardys, Rey Mysterio and Kane) vs. Team Umaga (Umaga, Kennedy, MVP, Finlay and BDV)
Team Umaga wins as Kennedy is the sole survivor of the group after he catches Jeff up to the top before doing a Swanton Bomb and counters him with the Green Bay Plunge.

Order of Elimination: (Matt Hardy didn't make it to the match due to injury)
Kane after BDV hits him with the Ghetto Drop
BDV after HHH and Hardy double team attack
Finlay after Rey hits him with the West Coast Pop
Rey Mysterio after Finlay hits him with a shillelagh
MVP after Jeff Hardy nails him with the Twist of Fate
HHH and Umaga by Double DQ as both men continues to brawl outside the ring.
Jeff Hardy after Kennedy hits him with the Green Bay Plunge

Part 3 is Next


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Oh i want to know what part three is about.

The Leviathan

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May 7, 2007
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What If the MITB briefcase is still on Mr. Kennedy's hands?

Part 3

After the Kennedy's huge win for his team at Survivor Series, that night's main event is the Hell in a Cell match for the World Heavyweight Championship between the Undertaker and Batista. The match ended when Raw' Edge suddenly interferes the match and gave Taker a con-chair-to on the steel steps before letting Batista win the match.
(Just thought of putting that to show how Edge joins Smackdown)

Survivor Series Aftermath: Kennedy and Orton reformed their alliance
After Survivor Series, Orton approached Kennedy before his Intercontinental Championship against Jeff Hardy, telling him that he will be on his back on that match.

Intercontinental Championship: Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Mr. Kennedy
- Kennedy wins the match after Orton gave Hardy an Inverted Backbreaker while Kennedy tries to interact with the referee. Orton exits the ring and Kennedy nails Hardy with the Senton Bomb.

Now Kennedy is the Intercontinental Champion while Orton is the WWE Champion. On the next show, the two celebrated in the ring when suddenly Jericho made a huge return, telling both men that he will challenge Orton for the WWE title at Armageddon. Jericho is not the only problem of the Legend Killer as on the next Raw, HBK wants another shot to his WWE title. GM Regal then gives another chance for HBK as he scheduled HBK and Orton in WWE Championship match at Raw. Before the match, Orton keeps saying to his partner, Kennedy to watch his back on tonight's match.

Raw's Main Event: WWE Championship: Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton
Shawn Michaels is tuning up the band as the champion tries to get up when suddenly from nowhere, Kennedy interferes the match and attacked HBK in the ring. The ref then calls for the bell and end the match as result of a DQ.

Then on the next Raw, HBK attacked the Intercontinental Champion after what he have done to his title match last week. The heat between the two superstars continue until GM Regal announced that they will be on a non title match at Armaggedon.

Armageddon: Shawn Michaels vs. Mr. Kennedy
Shawn wins the match after countering Kennedy's Mic Check to a Sweet Chin Music.

Armageddon Aftermath:
The fued between Shawn Michaels and Mr. Kennedy continues until Kennedy ends it by finally beating Shawn Michaels with the Mic Check on Raw before Royal Rumble.

Royal Rumble Match
The crowd is starting to cheer Kennedy at the Rumble (but he's still a heel) entering at No. 23. Mr. Kennedy is on the roll after eliminating the guys like Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley and Cody Rhodes. Then a huge return by Cena after entering to the No. 30 spot, just right after Triple H's. Mr. Kennedy didn't made it to the Final Four after Triple H eliminated him. The final four are Cena, The Undertaker, Triple H and Batista. Taker then eliminated Batista while Cena eliminated The Game. The Undertaker wins the match after a long fight with Cena and became the Rumble winner in two straight rows.

Royal Rumble Aftermath
Then the Raw after Royal Rumble, we've seen Jericho and Kennedy backstage as they exchange some thrash talks with each other until Jericho challenges Kennedy to a match tonight for the Intercontinental Championship and the cocky superstar accepted it. Then Kennedy enters to Orton's locker room asking if the WWE Champ will be on his back for tonight but he haven't heard a word from the Legend Killer while thinking his own problem on the returning John Cena.

Intercontinental Championship: Mr. Kennedy (c) vs. Chris Jericho
Chris defeated Kennedy with the Codebreaker while the WWE Champion is nowhere to be found in his side.

Then on the next Raw, Kennedy barges in to Orton's locker room complaining about his loss last week to Jericho and asking why he isn't there. The two continues to argue until Orton apologized and told Kennedy that he will never do that again.

As he heads toward No Way Out, Mr. Mcmahon picked him as Ric Flair's new opponent. The match is not only a Career Threatening match for Ric Flair but also for Kennedy as well as the MITB Briefcase is also on the line.

No Way Out: Carrer Threatening Match: MITB Briefcase is on the line
Ric Flair wins the match as a result of a DQ after Kennedy hits the Nature Boy with the heavy briefcase.

No Way Out Aftermath: Kennedy retains the MITB Briefcase
The Raw kicks off as we see Kennedy, Mr. Mcmahon, Jonathan Coachman and GM Regal at the office. Kennedy then told them that he will finally cashing in his MITB Briefcase at Wrestlemania 24. Kennedy then handed over the briefcase to Mr. Mcmahon. The Chairman then asked to what brand will he use the briefcase but Kennedy couldn't give an answer. Mr. Mcmahon then decided to give him time to think. After that conversation, WWE Champion Randy Orton approaches him and told him that they are a team and he will help Kennedy in deciding. Then on that week, Kennedy visited ECW and Smackdown as he faces Chavo Guerrero and Edge in a heated conversation in the ring.

Then on the next Raw, Orton told him that he should join Edge and the Undertaker in a Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Kennedy then told Orton that it could be a good idea to go on Smackdown and face them for the WHC. Then on the same night, Orton is scheduled to face Cena in a non title match and asked Kennedy for his support.

Raw's Main Event: Randy Orton vs. John Cena
The ref is down as Orton asks Kennedy to throw him a steel chair in the ring. Kennedy grabs a steel chair near Lilian and threw it to the ring but unluckily he overthrew it and Cena grabs the steel chair and used it to smack Orton in the head before giving him a FU for the win.

Then the next Raw, Cena approaches Kennedy and told him that let his mind be free in choosing his opponent at Wrestlemania without influences by Randy Orton. Kennedy gets mad and told Cena that it's none of his business. GM Regal then scheduled the main event that it will be Kennedy and Orton vs. Cena and Triple H.

Raw's Main Event: Mr. Kennedy and Randy Orton vs. John Cena and Triple H
The team of Cena and HHH won the match due to their opponent's slight miscommunication, Orton shoves Kennedy towards HHH as the Game nails Kennedy with the Pedigree followed by a STFU by Cena.

The Moment You've Been Waiting For
Then the next Raw, Orton is in the ring asking for an apology on Kennedy after what he have done last week. Kennedy then arrives the arena to a huge pop from the fans and enters the ring. Kennedy accepted Orton's apology and both men gave each other a hug. Orton then asks who will he be cashing in the MITB? Orton tries to put on Kennedy's head that he should cash it in to the WHC title and face Edge and Taker in a Triple Threat Match. Kennedy gets mad and told Orton to not try to get involved in his decision. Kennedy then told the fans that he finally made up his mind. Kennedy made a long pause as Orton and the fans waits for Kennedy's answer. Then Kennedy gave Orton a fierce stare and suddenly nails the Champ with a Mic Check. The crowd pops after Kennedy answered the long awaited question by giving Orton a Mic Check.

Then the night before Wrestlemania 24, GM Regal held a Contract Signing between Mr. Kennedy and Randy Orton for the WWE Championship. The two exchanged some strong words until the heat between them starts to get hotter and hotter. The two then stood up and goes for a staredown until Orton nailed Kennedy with the RKO to the table. Orton then leaves Kennedy lying above the broken table as Raw comes to it's end.

Part 4:

Wrestlemania 24: WWE Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs. Mr. Kennedy


Dec 1, 2007
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Great job so far and im sure the remainder will not disappoint


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Like Levi did i am going to do... What if Jeff Hardy never got suspended i will post the next year till Wrestlemania
I completly got this idea from Levi so the PPVs are the ones hr did:

Jeff Takes on Y2J for the Intercontinental title on raw and wins with a swantom bomb after a twist of fate.

Wrestlemania 24
Jeff wins the money in the bank after an amazing match. Jeff ends up winning after Shelton him and Punk are in the ring with Punk and Shelton fighting on the ladder. Jeff throws them off and climbs the ladder and wins the match.

Hype up to Backlash

Shelton has been drafted to Raw and he and Jeff have been battiling over the IC title. Shelton challenges Jeff to a match at Backlash for the IC title.

Backlash: Jeff and Shelton and a match where speed is the match. The two try speedy tactics and put on an intresting match for us. Shelton wins after a T-Bone.

Backlash aftermath: Jeff and Shelton continue there rivalry and Shelton challenges Jeff to a match where bith the IC title and the MITB breifcase is on the line. Jeff Accepts.

The match is here. Jeff comes out and Shelton attacks him with a chair viscously injuring Jeff.

Raw aftermath
Jeff is injured and goes out of injury for about 2 months. Even though he is injured he still keeps the MITB breifcase.

Vengance night of champions:
Jeff returned when IC Champion Shelton B was destroying his brother Matt in a no DQ match. He attacked Shelton and twist of fated him. Matt crawled onto Shelton B for the win.

Hype for Great American Bash:
Shelton and Jeff feud for the weeks leading up to Great American Bash. A i quit match is set up for the MITB breifcase.

Great American Bash
The match ends with Shelton saying i quit when Jeff was about to Twist of Fate him through a table.

GAB aftermath:
Shelton leaves Jeff alone and Jeff teases WWE Champion
Y2J (He beat Cena at the backlash after Wrestlemania) that he will cash in the MITB briefcase. Y2J and him argue and Jeff decides he will cash it in at summerslam.


Jeff Hardy vs Y2J. The two put on a great show for us with Y2J kicking out of a twist of fate and several roll ups. Y2J connects with a lionassualt and a codebreaker several times but Hardy kept kicking out. Jeff one the match after he DDTed Y2J and swantom bomed him.

New champ: Jeff Hardy.

Part two to come.

The Rated R CMStar

Good job, altough I don't think WWE would book an I Quit Match between Jeff Hardy and Shelton Benjamin. A ladder match would suit better


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Part two

Unforgiven hype:
John Cena, Orton, HHH and HBK all want title shots. But Y2J has a rematch clause. Regal decides to make it an elimination chamber.


Order of entries

Triple H
Jeff Hardy

Y2J gets eliminated by Cena after a F-U.
Orton gets pinned after a pedigree.
HBK eliminates Cena after a sweet chin music.
HBK is eliminated after a pedigree and a swantom off the pod.
Jeff and HHH battle it out with several near falls but HHH wins when he pedigrees Jeff onto the steel.
Triple H is the new champion

hype to No mercy

HHH turns heel and contines to beat Hardy everwhere they go. Hardy and HHH are set to have a match at No Mercy.

No Mercy

Triple H hits a pedigree, Jeff kicks out. Jeff hits a twist of fate, 1...2...kick out. Triple H goes for a pedigree but Jeff Hardy moves out the bway and rolls him up, 1....2.....3.
New champion: Jeff Hardy.

Up to cyber Sunday Triple H, HBK and Orton all want the title. who will be voted.

HBK: 25%
HHH: 32%
Orton: 45%

Cyber Sunday

Orton and Jeff Hardy have one heck of a match with the ending a double countout. Jeff reatains. Both of them were brawling outside the ring and didn't get back in the ring.

Part 3 to come.

The Rated R CMStar

HHH with a one title reign? I don't think that would happen, and even less more people voting for Orton than for HHH and HBK


HulkStar's What if....

What If John Cena Never returned at The Royal Rumble?

At The Rumble
The Ending of the Match Showed The Undertaker and Triple H remaining. They both get up and stare each other down. Triple H Does his signature Crocth Chop with the crowd going mental and The Underter doing his DeadMan Neck taunt with the crowd also running wild. They go at it for about 10 Minutes with the enfing of the match showing HHH nail a Sledgehammer shot to Takers gut, and locking in Taker for a Pedigree. He waits But Taker gets out and knee's HHH in the chest. He tucks HHH and lifts him for a Last Ride over the ropes. But HHH nails a left and a right to keep him alive. He gains a adrenaline rush and jumps off Taker's shoulders. He lands on his feet behind Taker picks up the sledgehammer and nails Taker one more time. He clotheslines Taker over the Ropes and wins The Royal RUmble and is heading to maina.

Royal Rumble Aftermath and Build up to No Way Out.

For About two weeks HHH had been teasing Randy Orton and Edge about wheather or not he will participate for their title at Wresltemania.
He chooses Randy Orton, and shocks the world. Randy makes a deal with Mr. McMahan where is he sidelined Finlay, Vince will help out with Hunter. Vince Brutally attacks HHH 3 weeks before No Way Out and announces Every Match
He will participate in will be for hisnmain event spot at 'mania. Vince brings back The Big Show as a last resort who attacks HHH in the parking lot and Vince announces a Street Fight at No Way Out. HHH vs. The Big Show for HHH's Mania spot.
Mean while Randy got into a fued with Regal where Regal announced a Elimination Chamber at No Way Out for the WWE Championship.. Y2J, JBL, HBK, Jeff Hardy, and Umaga all qualify. Both HHH and Orton defend their coventant titles over the next 2 weeks before No Way Out.

No Way Out

At No Way Out Randy Orton Prevailed in a Elimination Chamber
with this being the stats for the match.

Entry Order:
1) Shawn Miachels
2) Jeff Hardy
3) Chris Jericho
4) John Bradshaw Layfield
5) Umaga
6) Randy Orton

Order of Eliminations:
1) JBL via Chris Jericho
JBL had a steel chair at hand and was nailing Y2J, HBK, and Hardy all over the place! Shawn wedges up behind JBL and measures for the superkick. JBL turns around and rushes HBK with the chair. HBK dodges the shot and kicks the chair into JBL's face. Shawn falls back, but Y2J all bloody rolls up JBL for the 1...2...3..
2) Jeff Hardy via Umaga
Once it was Randy Ortons time to come out he locked himself in the pod. Jeff walked up and began taunting Orton to come out. Jeff got a little to close to the pod, when Umaga came from behin and threw Jeff through the glass busting Jeff open. Umaga made the cover 1...2...3..
3) Umaga via Shawn Miachels
Umaga bloodied Y2J and had him set up for a Samoan Spike, as he went for it, Y2J dropped to his knees and tryed scoop slamming Umaga. Umaga wouldnt budge at all. Shawn Miachels climbs the turnbuckle and hits a Picture perfect frogslash onto a standning Umaga. Shawn follows up with a cover 1...2...3..
4) Chris Jericho via Shawn Miachels
Randy stood away from the action as much as possible through out the match.Y2J and HBK began going at it. HBK ran at Y2J for clothesline. Y2J ducked it completely and hit a spinebuster. Y2J goes outside and grabs the toprope as he stares at HBK. HBK wedges up knocked out, but Y2J goes for a spring board Forearm bash. HBK out of desperation hits a Superkick that stuns Y2J. Y2J is still on his feet as Randy Orton runs in and hits a RKO. Shawn falls on Y2J for the cover 1.....2....3
5) Shawn Miachels via Randy Orton
Shawn Miachels decimated Randy out of aggression. He busted The Legend Killer open! He hit a Spinebuster on Orton and went up for a Elbow Drop from the Pod. Randy got up and began brawling with Shawn. Randy slams Shawn head onto the rim of the pod, and hit a Super RKO from their!
He makes the cover 1....2...3

Winner: Randy Orton!

Street Fight
For Wrestlemania Main EVent Spot
Triple H vs. The Big Show

Triple H and Big Show went on for 18 minutes and finished after Hunter threw Thumbtacks over the Spanish Announcer Table and countered a Choke Slam into a Pedigree! He made the cover there 1...2...3..

Road to Wresltemania

For Weeks Randy Orton and Triple H waged war over Tag Team Matches, run in's promo's, and more! Just 2 weeks before Wresltemania at Saturday Nights Main Event in the Main Event vs. Main Event Triple H and Randy Orton took on The Undertaker and Edge.

Closing Minutes
The Undertaker and Edge where promised by Teddy Long if any funny buisness happend when they represented Smackdown against Raw they'd be replaced at 'mania.
Randy Orton RKO'd Edge and kicked him outside. Triple H and Orton double teamed The Undertaker. HHH hit's a Knee drop that stuns Taker. Taker turns to Orton and gets RKO'd! HHH stares at Orton and points at The Wrestlemania Sign. Randy yells at HHH and says "NOT NOW! Finish him damnit!" HHH picks Taker up and sets up for a Pedigree. He locks in the arms, but Randy turns HHH around. Randy hits a RKO on HHH and walks out on HHH. Taker hits a TombStone on HHH and makes the cover 1...2...3

Aftermatch Of SME
HHH attacks Randy on the following Raw. They again do verbal battles, and such until Wresltemania

Part 2 will be up later


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Part 3

Jeff Hardy rivaled with Triple H (heel) over the WWE championship and they picked there teams for suvivor series. Team HHH decided they would team with the world heavyweight champ Edge so team Jeff decided they would team with number one condenter Batista:

Team HHH

1.HHH (heel)
2.HBK (face)
3. Edge (heel) (World Heavyweight)
4. Randy Orton (heel)
5. Mr. Kennedy (heel)

Team Hardy.

1. Jeff
2. Matt
3. Rey Mysterio
4. Batista
5. Ric Flair (one night only, He came back after HHH copied Ric's saying: "the best there ever was, The best there is and the best there ever will be" to help Jeff)

Order of eliminations:

1. Mr Kennedy via Batista bomb
2. Edge via Figure four leg lock
3. Ric via Pedigree
4. Matt via RKO
5. Randy via twist of fate
6. Rey via sweet chin music
7. HBK via Batista bomb
8. Batista via Pedigree
9. Jeff via pedigree

Winners: Team HHH
Sole Survivor: HHH

Armageden hype:
HHH and Jeff continue there rivalry over many heated promos. They have a pick your poison week and a tag team match.


A match between these two ends up being a slobber knocker. The two destroy each other and battle it out. With the ref down HHH smashes Jeff in the gut with a sledgehammer and pedigrees him, (the ref counted slowly) 1...2...3.

New Champ: HHH

Jeff would not be given a re-match as Mr. McMahon said next week. Jeff was shocked and was given a place in the Royal Rumble.

Royal Rumble

After coming in at 6 Jeff had a poor Rumble being eliminated minutes earlier by Mr. Kennedy.
The winner: Goldberg (suprise number thirty entrant)

Hype to No Way Out:
Goldberg chose to take on WWE champion HHH at Mania so Jeff pursed a chance at the returning hardcore championship, Jeff chalenged champion JBL to a match at No Way Out which was rejected.

No Way Out:

JBL is in a promo out in the ring saying he is the best when Jeff comes out and smashes him with a chair and swantom bombs him. A ref comes out and Jeff wins by the 24/7 rule.

Hype to Wrestlemania:

JBL is mad with Jeff and requests a hardcore match with him at Wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania 25:

Jeff Hardy vs JBL for the hardcore championship:

Jeff uses chairs to fight off JBL in the match but JBL starts using his hardcore wrestling tactics.
JBL chokes Hardy with barbwire late on in the match but Jeff doesn't tap. Jeff hits a swantom but JBL kicked out. JBL does a clothsline from hell to Jeff later in the match but another kick out. More weapons are involved and the two are bloody. Jeff hits a twist of fate late on but tries to go for a swantom and lands weirdly. JBL gets up and pins Jeff, 1...2...kick out. JBL gets a crowbar and scrapes it into Jeff's back. JBL then gets rolled up from Jeff, 1...2...3. Jeff wins.
Farooq comes out and smashes Jeff's head with a frying pan and pins Jeff, 1....2....3.
Farooq is your new champ.
JBL is up and he connects with a clothsline from hell, 1....2...3.
JBL is your "Texas" Hardcore Champion!

That concludes what if.... Jeff Hardy didnt get suspended.


Hulkstar's What If...."Rebirth Of a King" Part Two

Wrestlemania XXIV
At Wrestlemania XXIV The matches are set in stone, stakes are placed, and everything is on the line. Here is the card

Money In The Bank
Mr. Kennedy vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. M.V.P. vs. Umaga vs.
John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Matt Hardy vs. C.M. Punk

Winner: Chris Jericho

CareerThreatining Match
Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan

Winner: Ric Flair

Raw vs. Smackdown Lumberjack Match
Big Show vs. Batista

Winner: Batista

Intercontinential Championship Match
Shawn Miachels vs. Jeff Hardy (c)[never Suspended]

Winner: Shawn Miachels

Womens Championship Match
Maria vs. Beth Phoneix(c)

Winner: Maria

Ownership of Hornswoggle Belfast Brawl
Finlay vs. Vince McMahan

Winner: Finlay after Shane nailed Vince with a Coast To Coast

World Heavy Weight Championship Match
The Undertaker vs. Edge(c)

Winner: Edge

WWE Championship Match
Triple H vs. Randy Orton

Closing Minutes
HHH had locked Orton in for a Pedigree upon a chair but Randy Orton spun out and turned it into a RKO! Now both men are knocked out, flat on the mat. They are both bloody. Orton spits some blood out and very leans up. also full of blood, sit's up and gets on one knee. He kicks his hair back, and starts getting up via the turnbuckle. Orton does the same. Now they are both ataring at each other across the squared circle. HHH performs a crotch chop, with the crowd going wild. Randy flicks off HHH. They both walk to each other and exchange big lefts and rights. Ortron catches one of HHH's and whips him to the ropes. HHH comes back and Orton goes for a back drop. HHH counters it into a Knee drop. He stun's Orton, Orton turns back at HHH. HHH out of no where hit's a Sick Spine Buster! The Crowd is nut's. They counter plenty of moves, and hit some big signature moves for about 10 minutes. Randy has control, he just hit a treemendous clothesline. HHH is slowly getting to his knee's with a chair placed on the turnbuckle. Randy Orton starts stomping for The Punt kick to HHH's head into the chair. Randy tuns at HHH. HHH gets up in the knick of time and knee's Randy in the gut. HHH hurries and locks Randy in for a Pedigree. As he is locking the arms, Randy drops to his knee's and hit's HHH with a lowblow. HHH quenches in pain. Randy gets up and says "ITS OVER!!" He grabs HHH's head and prepares to seal the deal. WAIT!! HHH locked his arm's with Randy from behind and turned Randy around. He kicks him in the gut and locks him in for a Pedigree. HHH leaps up with Randy and connects! ITS OVER! HHH Covers Randy single handedly...1......2.......3...
Here Is Your Winner and NEW WWE CHAMPION!!! Triple H..
The confettie drops, and Pyro goes off with HHH standing on the turnbuckle doing his "King Of Kings" Pose. HHH is the back on his throne...

Backlash and Aftermath of Wrestlemania

Even as WWE CHampion Triple H still doesnt get a chance to breath. Bruised, Tired, and beat from his match last night. GM William Regal makes his life hell. He sends monsters, behemoths, and every other obstacle at the King of Kings. Just like when he defended his 'mania main event spot, he defended his title sucessfully. Regal got frustrated and gave Triple H one hell of a challenge at The Next Pay Per View..... BACKLASH.. Regal announces at Backlash it will be.... "The King of Kings" The WWE Champion Triple H, defending against... "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton, "The Loudmouth" Mr. Kennedy, and "The Titan" Big Show

Closing Minutes
HHH, Randy orton, and Mr Kennedy all decided to take out Big Show. They did so after Randy nailed him with a chair. Followed by a Pedigree from HHH, and a Kenton Bomb for the finish. EMT's to Big Show bach stage after HHH did one nasty blade job.. EMT's took Big Show backstage. HHH, Orton, and Kennedy all battled it out. Kennedy countered an RKO into a MIC check onto a chair. Orton countered a Spinebuster into a RKO, and Kenedy turned a kick to the head into a Green Bay Plunge. The match continued for about 5 minutes.. The Crowd though it was over. HHH was outside knocked out and Randy just countered a Kenton Bomb into a RKO. But as Randy was crawling for the cover, every single light went out in the stadium. A blinker startes going down.. Randy is on his feet worried about what is about to happen. The lights come back on with a mixed reaction from the crowd. It WAS JOHN CENA!!! He is behind Orton looking better than ever. Randy turns around and Cena picks him up. Cena hits one nasty F-U! Cena goes nuts and rips off his shirt. He stands over Kennedy and does his signature "YOU CANT SEE ME!", and runs to the ropes. He comes back and BOOM! FIVE Knuckle Shuffle! Cena stands in the middle of the ring as Orton is leaning up on the floor in disbelieve of Cena's return. Cena simply tells him "IM BACK" HHH gets into the ring and is behind Cena. Cena turns around and looks at HHH. They have a huge staredown. Cena does his "You Cant See Me" taunt, and Triple does his Crocth Chop. Cena starts talking to Triple H. He eventually points outside to The WWE Championship, them points at HHH, and himself. HHH nod's his head. John Cena turns to leave but Orton rushes him for a clothesline. Cena ducks it and lifts him for an F-U. Orton quickly gets off and turns Cena around for the RKO. Cena see's it coming and grabs Orton by his shoulders and slams him down hard. Cena quickly locks in the STF-U!! Cena applies much pressure. Orton taps out until he cant no more becuase Cena isnt even apart of the match. Orton passes out, and Cena leaves the ring. HHH nail's Kennedy with a Pedigree and makes the cover. 1....2....3..
Winner and Still WWE Champion.

Repercussions of Backlash, Way to Judgement Day, and The One Night Stand

On the next raw Cena opens up and announces that last night he returned and scored a deal with Triple H.. The next Pay Per View its going to be John Cena and Triple H Three Years in the making...
Randy Orton then interupts and says he never lost last night and so on..
Triple H comes out and the match is set

Judgement Day
WWE Championship Match
John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple (c)

They battle in tag team matches, promo's and Randy even attempt's to sideline John Cena and Triple H a week before the match. Also, Randy starts a mini-campaign about how John cant win without the STF-U. They all make it to the match. Before the match All three men come to terms and announce who ever is pinned for the win cannot participate for the title 'til after Vengance.

Closing Minutes
The Match was easily 5 Stars. With Near Falls all over and plenty of insane spots. Triple H runs at a John Cena for a clothesline, Cena counters into position for a F-U. But Randy slides in and RKO's Cena down. Orton makes the cover 1...2...Cena kicks out. Orton makes the cover on Hunter 1....2...Hunter kicks out as well. Orton picks up a chair that was used earlier. He starts staring at the two looking to see who he is gonna attack. He runs at Hunter and nails him with it. Orton then drops the chair and grabs Cena's head. He runs for the RKO onto the chair. Cena see's it coming and turns Orton around. Cena hit's a gut kick. He lifts Orton up and hit's a F-U onto the chair. Cena says "Its Not Over! Oh No!" He does his "You Cant See me" and runs for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. But Triple H saves Orton and hit's a Knee Drop that stun's Cena. Triple H turns Cena and nails A pedigree onto the chair. Cena is slightly busted open. But Triple H makes the cover 1....2..3...
NO!!! The Ref show's that Cena's leg had been on the bottom rope. Triple H is pissed off as he gets in Mike Chioda's face. Randy gets up and goes for a RKO. He Stalks Triple H 'til he turns around. HHH turns and out of reflex's ducked out the way. Randy hit Mike Chioda with the RKO! Randy gets up and clotheslines HHH outside the ring. Randy is grabs the chair, and goes to nail Cena with it. Cena rolls out the way and hit's a shoulder block onto Orton. They tradeblow's. Cena goes for a suplex, but Randy land's on his feet and hit's a inverted RKO [From the back of the head]. Still no ref, Randy goess outside and speaks with the staff. He nails starts attacking HHH, and throws him into the stairs. He slides back in and calls for a ref. Jack Doane starts walking down the ramp. Randy hurries Doan. Cena oddly wedges up [new gimmick??], and stalks Orton from behind. Orton turns around and Cena plants him with an F-U! Cena starts crawling for the cover. But HHH comes in and kicks Cena out. He goes to Orton picks him up and tells Cena "I Didnt steal a thing!" He plants Orton with a Pedigree. Cena get's on the apron to come in and stop it, but HHH knocks him off.
HHH covers Orton 1......2.........3....
Winner and STILL WWE CHAMPION!!! Triple H

Five Week's 'til The One Night Stand

Its Five week's 'til One Night Stand. Triple H is still WWE Champion. Him and Cena argue about who's better. Cena use's the fact that Triple H not once has ever pinned Him. Triple H takes this as very disrespectul and says "On The Night Where EVERYTHING is EXTREME!! YOU. The Docter of Thuganomics will take on ME!! THE King Of Kings! The Cerebral Assassin! The Game! The WWE Champion in a Match That I HAVE NEVER LOST!!" The Crowd goes wild, as Cena has an idea of whats coming and isnt to fond of it. "Satans Structure, Where ALL Hell Breaks lose, A....HELL....IN.....A....CELL... One More Match Cena! You and ME!! You Lose you can nevet go up against me for this WWE Title!" The Crowd goes mental. Cena at first looks freightened. But he immeadiatly gathers himself and agree's by running down to the ringa nd trading blows with HHH...Then Just Two Week's away from The Match GM William Regal gives them a "tune up". He puts them both in a Steel Cage. In a Pick Your Poison Match.. Triple H choose's Shawn Miachels, Joh Cena Chooses The Animal Batista...Both Batista and Shawn beat Cena and Hunter. The Last Week goes off.. Cena assure's Hunter he is both Physically and Mentally prepared for this match.. Hunter doubts him..

WWE One Night Stand

I Really dont wanna do a long detailed ending like I did for the others becuase I was worried that I wouldnt pull it off right but I did it anyways so whatever.

WWE Championship Match
Hell In A Cell
John Cena vs. Triple H (c)
Closing Minutes

This match was both Gruesome, Emotional, Thrilling, and A History Maker..
During The Match these two where battling between the Cage wall and the ring apron. Triple H slaps Cena. Cena looses it and tackled Triple H through the Door. They outside, inside, up the ramp, in the crowd, and now we are met on top of the structure. There is a Sledge Hammer up their and a Bloody Cena and Triple H. They both start trading blows. They hit big moves that possibly gave someone a heart attack. HHH at one moment a knee drop that stunned John. John didnt see how close he was to the edge and nearly fell off the structure. HHH tried climbing back down but Cena grabbed him by the hair and banged his head into the cage multiple times. HHH eventually got up. They did battle a little more. And now Cena is nailing HHH with lefts and rights. HHH rakes Cena's eyes and switches it up now he's nailing Cena.
Cena stops HHH and headbutts him back. Cena's up and him and HHH trade big rights and lefts. Cena ducks a huge forearm and picks HHH up. HHH quickly shakes out off Cena's shoulders and lands in front of Cena. He kicks Cena in the gut and goes for a Pedigree he hits it! The cage roof is all banged up now. HHH makes the cover 1.....2...Oh my God! Cena kicks out! HHH is crying in disbelieve he gets up and Pedigree's The Substitute Referre [They needed one because Jack Doan and Mike Chioda couldnt climb up and down the cage like this guy] on the cage.. HHH is pissed off and turns around. Cena is on his knee's, and HHH starts hitting him with Big Left and Rights. Cena didges one and gets a lowblow in. Cena grogily gets up by using HHH as leverage and kicks HHH in the gut. John lifts HHH and goes for a F-U! The Crowd is mental and actually pops Cena for once. Just then Mike Chioda runs down the ramp to ref the match.. Cena nails The F-U but HHH goes through the banged up Roof! OH MY GOD! Cena cant believe it and climbs down he crawls to HHH and makes the cover as the crowd is silent as their champ's Career might have just ended.. 1................2..............3...........
Winner and New WWE Champion...JOHN CENA!
The Pay Per View ends with Cena crying in the corner hugging The belt. He lifts it once more as EMT's strecther HHH backstage...

Later that night on the after show... Vince McMahan made the announcement that a Draft will be held tommorow... WITH EVERYONE ON THE LINE!!!
Whats next for the King of Kings?
Is Smackdown or even ECW in his future??
Will their even be a future??
Tune in to Part 3

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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*Bell Rings*

Howard Finkel: The following match is scheculed for one fall and it's for the WWE Championship.

*crowd pops when Turn Up the Trouble hits*

Kennedy enters the arena as the crowd starts to pop. Kennedy raised the money in the bank briefcase and he throws it to the ground to a huge explosion. Kennedy then walks down the ramp as the crowd continues to cheer for the challenger. Kennedy straights toward the center of the ring as the lights fade and turns a spotlight on the superstar while his mic is bringing down.

Mr. Kennedy: The wait is finally over people, I am finally here in Wrestlemania 24 to become the next WWE Champion! I want to say more but I really want to start this match this instance so without further ado. I weigh in tonight at 243 lbs. I hail from Green Bay, Winsconsin. Your future WWE Champion, and if I mean Champion I mean not a transitional champion, MISTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KENNEEEDDYYYYYY!!!!!! KENNEDY!

*crowd cheers*

Mr. Kennedy: KENNEDY!

Then Burn In My Light hits as the WWE Champion, Randy Orton enters the ring with his title on his shoulders as the crowd respond to negative reaction. Orton enters the ring and joined Kennedy to the center as both men goes for a heated staredown. The ref calls for the bell as both men starts throwing some thrash talks to each other. Kennedy then gives Orton a slap to the face as the crowd cheers. Orton then quickly goes for a headlock and Kennedy pushes him to the ropes. Orton bounces back as Kennedy knocks him down the mat with a shoulder block. Kennedy then locks his head up as Orton tries to get up. Orton gets on to his knees and he starts throwing some punches to Kennedy's midsection. Orton then gets up and gives Kennedy an inverted backbreaker and covers, 1.. 2..., and Kennedy kicks out. Orton then grabs his opponent to his knees and throws him some forearm smash to the chest. The ref tries to stop the champ when he then applies his opponent with his own headlock. Kennedy tries to get out from the lock as Orton connects him with a neckbreaker followed by a knee drop and covers, 1.. 2.. and Kennedy once again managed to kick out. The champ grabs Kennedy back to his feet and starts hitting him with some european uppercuts and backhand chops to the corner. Orton continues as Kennedy counters and puts him to the corner and he climbs up the second turnbuckle as he starts throwing Orton some punches in the head as the crowd counts every punches. Orton then counters and hits Kennedy with a snake eyes to the turnbuckle and then goes for a school boy roll up and places his feet above the ropes, 1.. 2... and the ref stops the count after seeing Orton's feet above the ropes. Orton starts complaining at the ref then turns himself back to the match. Orton grabs Kennedy and whips him to the ropes, Kennedy bounces back and Orton hits him with a dropkick. Orton stares on his challenger while he tries to get back to his feet and he do the Destiny taunt to the center of the ring to a huge boos from the crowd. Orton waits for Kennedy to get up, preparing himself for the RKO. Kennedy gets up and looks for Orton as the champ tries to connect him with the RKO but Kennedy pulls him away and Orton bounces off the ropes and the challenger catches him with a Mic Check attempt but Orton shoves him away and the champ exits the ring. Kennedy follows him and grabs his head throwing him to the announcer's table. Kennedy grabs Orton as he sends Kennedy to the steel steps hitting his back. Orton then walks back and then runs as he hits Kennedy with a boot to his shoulder and the steel steps. Kennedy shouts for pain as the champ grabs him up and scoops him as and throws him to the steel post, hitting the injured shoulders. The ref counts to seven as Orton enters back and exits the ring to restart the count. Orton then grabs Kennedy's arm and swings it to the the steel post as Kennedy cries. Orton then wraps his arm around the post to apply more pressure to it as Kennedy counters and throws Orton's head to it. Kennedy tries to rebuild his momentum after knocking Orton down as the ref's count is six. Kennedy then rolls inside then out of the ring to restart the count once again and grabs Orton up. Kennedy lifts Orton above his shoulder and tries to hit him with a Green Bay Plunge down the concrete. Kennedy runs as Orton manages to get out from his opponent. Kennedy turns and Orton knocks him down with a huge clothesline. Orton then grabs him up and throws him back inside the ring and he follows. Orton then applies him with an armbar on the injured arm as Kennedy writhes in pain. The champ continues to apply the pressure as Kennedy starts to stomp the mat and tries to build some momentum as the crowd joins him by clapping their hands and tapping the barricades. Kennedy slowly gets up and tries to escape from the armbar. Kennedy is finally back to his feet as Orton twists the challenger's arm. Kennedy tries to full some strenght as he lifts Orton up to his shoulder with his one arm and nails him with the Green Bay Plunge down the mat to escape from the armbar. Kennedy shouts his name as the crowd starts chanting it as well. Kennedy waits for Orton to get up and grabs him for the Mic Check but Orton surprises him with a RKO. The crowd makes some noise as both men are lying down the mat. The ref starts counting as Orton tries to crawl towards Kennedy. Orton places his arm above Kennedy's chest for the cover and the ref slides for the count, 1... 2... 21/2.... and Kennedy lifts his shoulder to break the count. The cheers from the crowd gets louder after Kennedy manages to get out of it. Both men gets up and goes head to head and starts exchanging some punches to the head. Orton then manages to throw simultaneous punches to his opponents then followed by a kick at the midsection and goes for an RKO but Kennedy counters it and pushes Orton away to the ropes. Orton bounces off the ropes and Kennedy catches him by finally connecting him with the Mic Check. Kennedy is about to cover the champ to win the match but he suddenly changes is mind and heads toward the top rope. Orton is still lying down the mat as Kennedy goes for the Kenton Bomb and nails Orton to the chest. Kennedy then covers, 1... 2... 3... and Mr. Kennedy becomes your new WWE Champion. Tears started to pour in his eyes as the ref hands over the title on the new champ. Orton is still lying on the mat as Kennedy kneels at the center of the ring and gives his title a kiss on the center plate.


Dec 4, 2007
Reaction score
Backstory: What if Floyd Mayweather never came into the WWE? And Rey Mysterio never got injured?This is exactly what i am going to do!

Part 1 up sometime later.