The Official What If Thread

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The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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What if the Hardcore title is Back on ECW? What if the Cruiserweight title is back on Smackdown? What if Eddie Guerrero didn't die, are we going to see him win the World Heavyweight Championship

What if you used your creative ideas and imagination to answer this question yourself? This is the official What If thread! You can book a small storyline, fued or you can break the timeline. Put a little backstory to it and write a match to show it.

This could also help to develop your creativity, imagination and match writing.

To start this thread off, I am putting back my small work on what if the Hardcore title is back on ECW. Hope you like it!

Well... I am still going to continue my HEW after posting this one. I just decided to write this one just for fun. If this is wrong or might against the rules then you can close the thread. It all started when me, GardsJr and Mat talk about the Hardcore Championship at the Chatbox. What If The Hardcore Champisonhip title is back on ECW? Then I thought of booking it and then decided to do a thread for it here at the BTB Section.

Backstory: The very first show of ECW in 2008 kicks off as we see the return of ECW General Manager, Armando Alejandro Estrada giving a huge announcement for tonights show inside the ring. The GM is holding a small briefcase and told about the Hardcore Championship. The GM showed some footage of some memorable Hardcore matches involving RVD, Jeff Hardy, Crash Holly, Rhyno, Raven, Tommy Dreamer and others. After the footage, the crowd starts to throw some ECW chants around the arena as the GM asked them what is inside the briefcase. AAE opened the briefcase and grabbed the Hardcore title from it. The crowd went nuts as they can't believe, it is really the Hardcore Championship Belt. AAE then told the fans that he will revive the Hardcore Championship again here on ECW. He also added that the whole one hour show for tonight is a huge hardcore match for the Hardcore title!

Joey Styles: Oh! My! God! I still can't believe it! The Hardcore Championship is back Tazz! The title that was won by several hardcore wrestlers in the WWE History is finally back thanks to our General Manager, Armando Alejandro Estrada!
Tazz: Yes your right Styles! I also got my hands to it. Good to see it's back and looks like the superstars from ECW and Smackdown are preparing for this big match tonight!

Hardcore Championship: Tommy Dreamer vs. Elijah Burke (ECW on Sci Fi Special 1 hour show)

Tony Chimmel: The following match is a Hardcore Match and it's for the Hardcore Championship!!!

The crowd pops when suddenly Tommy Dreamer's music hits as the Innovator of Violence enters the ring, holding a singapore cane which is a signature weapon of his fellow ECW Original The Sandman. Tommy enters the ring and raised the singapore cane as the fans pops. Then Elijah Burke's music hits as the New Breed, Elijah Burke enters the arena as the crowd starts to throw him some loud boos. Elijah enters the ring as he faces off Tommy Dreamer, telling the ECW Original that he will win the Hardcore Championship tonight. The bell rings and the match starts as both men goes for a lock up. Elijah then throws the ECW Original to the ropes and hits him with a huge elbow shot to the head. Tommy gets up as Elijah hits him with a huge dropkick. Elijah grabs him up again as Tommy fights back and punches him with a huge elbow at the midsection. Tommy goes for an irish whip as Elijah reverses it with his own and sends Tommy to the ropes. Tommy bounces back as Elijah waits him and attempts to give him a back body drop but Tommy ables to counter and hooks Elijah's head for his Dreamer DDT. Elijah ables to escape from the ECW Original and counters him with a huge clothesline. Elijah goes for the cover, 1.. 2.. and Tommy ables to kick out. Elijah then exits the ring and searches for some weapons under the ring. He found a steel chair and grabs it and returns inside the ring. Elijah attempts to give the ECW Original a chair shots as Tommy ducks it. Tommy quickly grabs the singapore cane and starts to hit it to Elijah's head. Tommy continues and strikes his opponent at the back and to the head. Elijah tries to fight back as he counters Tommy by raking him in the eye. Tommy slowly walks to the corner as Elijah charges in and attempts to give him a stinger splash but Tommy ables to evade his attack and Elijah hits his body to the turnbuckle. Tommy then sets him up in a tree of woe position and place the steel chair in front of his face. Tommy then runs and hits Elijah's head and the steel chair with a low dropkick. Tommy gets up and he raises his arm to the crowd. Tommy then grabs Elijah up and prepares to give him the Dream Driver but Elijah ables to counter him with a back body slide. Elijah then grabs the steel chair and hits Dreamer with it to the head that knocked Tommy out. Elijah then throws Tommy to the corner and hits him with the Elijah Express and covers, 1.. 2.. 3.. and Elijah Burkes wins the match! Elijah celebrates his recent victory as the referee handed over the Hardcore title to him when suddenly Balls Mahoney's music hits as Balls enters the arena with a steel chair. Balls walks down the arena when suddenly the WWE Tag Team Champions, The Miz and John Morrison enters and attacks Balls. The duo run down the ramps as they quickly tried to get their hands on the Hardcore Champion. Miz and Morrison starts to attack Elijah as they both pummel the champ, giving him some stomps to the head. Morrison then quickly goes for the cover when suddenly Miz grabs him up and starts to argue. The tag team champs continued their argument at the ring when Balls enters the ring and attacks Miz with a chairshot while Tommy hits Morrison at the midsection with a singapore cane. Balls then exits the ring to find more weapons as Tommy hits everyone in the ring with his singapore cane. Balls throws a trash can, some steel chairs and road signs over the ring. Balls then enters the ring and hits Elijah with the trash can. Miz and Morrison then double teams Tommy Dreamer and gives him their neckbreakers. Balls then helps Tommy out as he hits both Morrison and The Miz with a trash can lid. After Balls beats the hell out of the tag team champs, Ball offers a hand to his fellow ECW Original. Tommy gets up as Balls suddenly hits him with the trash can lid to the head. The two ECW Originals continues to brawl as Miz and Morrison hits them with steel chairs at the back. The WWE Tag Team Champs dominates the ECW Originals as Elijah quietly exits the ring and tries to get away from his opponents. Elijah slowly walks back to the entrance way with his Hardcore Title when suddenly a huge flaming pyros explodes and Kane's music hits as the Big Red Machine makes his presence. Elijah has nowhere to go and decided to attack Kane with the title. Kane then counters and gives Elijah a huge big boot to his face. Kane grabs Elijah and gives him a vicious chokeslam from hell at the ramps. The Big Red Machine covers, 1.. 2.. 3.. and Kane wins the Hardcore Championship.

---Tune in for the continuation of this match folks!---


Kane grabs the Hardcore title from Elijah and he raised it, showing it to the fans when suddenly The Miz and Morrison exits the ring as they try to get their hands out of Kane. The Big Red Machine fights back, giving them some uppercuts. Tommy and Balls then follows as they teamed up and tries to put the champion down to his knees. Balls tries to hit him with a steel chair but Kane blocks it and gives Balls a big boot. Kane then hits Tommy with another uppercut. Kane continues to dominate everyone when suddenly Big Daddy V and Mark Henry attack him from behind. Kane tries to fight back but the two knocks him down the ramp with a double clothesline. Matt Striker then commands BDV to cover the Big Red Machine and the huge behemoth follows, 1.. 2.. and Kane ables to kick out. BDV grabs Kane up as he and Henry drags Kane to the ring. BDV throw Kane to the ring while the World's Strongest Man climbs up the ring. The two grabs Kane for their attempted double torture rack as Kane fights back by giving both men some elbow shots at the side of the head. Kane lands on his feet and continues to strike BDV and Mark Henry. BDV then hits him with a shot at the back of his head as Henry follows, knocking him with a huge shoulder block. Kane slowly crawls and tries to get up as they start to stomp Kane. They continue their assaults on the Big Red Machine as Tommy and the other went back to the ring and started to attack Striker's monster by hitting them with steel chairs at their back but the two behemoth just turn their backs. They fight back as they knock everyone some clotheslines and elbow shots. They've cleared the ring as they throw everyone except the Hardcore Champion. BDV then grabs Kane up and throws him to the corner. BDV then follows and crashes his body to his opponent. Henry then follows in as he also runs toward the corner but Kane pushes BDV to Henry and both men collide and they knock down to the mat. Kane then grabs a steel chair as both men gets up. Kane smacks the steel chair to their skulls as he tries to knock them back. Both men are still on their feet as Kane hits them with another vicious chairshots. They are still on their feet as Kane hits them another chairshots to their skull until BDV loss his balance. Kane then hits him with a huge clothesline over the top rope while Mark Henry is still on his feet yet unconcious. Kane then chokes the World's Strongest Man and connects him with his signature chokeslam and covers, 1.. 2.. 3.. and Kane retains the title. The ref handed over the title as Kane stands up at the center of the ring, holding his abdomen. Kane then placed the title on the mat as he do his taunt and a huge flaming pyro bursts out at the corners of the ring. Kane grabs the Hardcore title when suddenly Jamie Noble's music hits as Noble runs his way to the ring with a steel pipe. Noble slides in the ring as the Big Red Machine waits him to stand up. Noble slowly gets up, looking at the Hardcore Champion while Kane is also staring his new opponent. Noble attempts to hit the Big Red Machine with the steel pipe as Kane ables to block it with his hands. Noble then kicks him at the groin and hits him with the steel pipe to his midsection. Noble then hits the Big Red Machine to his throat, knocking him down and covers, 1.. 2.. 3.. and Noble done an upset victory to win the Hardcore title. Noble then quickly runs back to the entrance way as the other superstars try to catch him.

At the Hallway

We've seen the ECW Champion, CM Punk having a cup of coffee with the lovely Kelly Kelly when suddenly Noble appears running and shoves Punk, spilling his coffe to his shirt as he tries to escape the other ECW and Smackdown Superstars. Punk then tries to catch him as Noble continues running. Noble trips on a wire as Punk starts to throw him some punches to the head. Tommy then comes out as Punk tries to hold Noble for him. Noble ables to escape from the hands of the ECW Champion and started to run away from them. Tommy, Morrison and The Miz follows the champ as Noble found a fire extinguisher and used it to make a smokescreen against his opponents. Noble then escapes as the ref tries to follow him. Noble then quickly enters to a dark room to hide.

Noble: Glad that's over! Now the Hardcore title is mine!

Noble smiles and looks at the belt while he turn on the lights. He click on the switch and suprisingly, Boogeyman appears from behind. Noble was shock as the odd superstar starts to laugh with full of worms in his mouth.

Boogeyman: I am the Boogeyman! And I am coming to get you!!!!

The Boogeyman then grabs Noble's neck and gives him a huge two-handed chokeslam to the couch and covers, 1.. 2.. 3.. and The Boogeyman is the new Hardcore Champion. The Boogeyman then grabs and looks at the title as he laughs and grabs a handful of worms from his pocket. Boogey continues to laugh while eating as Noble slowly recovers from behind. The champ crawls at the floor when suddenly Noble grabs a flower vase near the couch and hits it at the back of his head. The Boogeyman is still laughing around while Noble hits him with the vase again and the Hardcore Champ is unconcious. Noble goes for the cover, 1.. 2.. 3.. and Jamie Noble regains his Hardcore Championship belt.

--- There's more to that! :D ---


Jamie checks outside of the room and saw no one at the hallway except the production staff as he starts to tiptoe out of the room with his Hardcore title. The ref also walks just like the Hardcore champ and follows him where he will go. Jamie silently walks when suddenly they heard the voice of the WWE Tag Team Champions shouting his name. Jamie looks behind of him and saw The Miz and Morrison heading to him and he also starts to run as fast as he could. Jamie continues running until he almost reach the exit, he looks behind to see if the Tag Team Champions are still chasing him when suddenly he bumped on The Great Khali. Jamie fell down and he can't believe his eyes while looking at the Punjabi Nightmare. The hardcore champ stands up as he saves himself by running. Jamie then trips his right foot on a wire again as Khali grabs him up. He swings his arms and tries to throw some punches on the Giant but his opponent is just standing up while holding his head just like a bully playing with a small guy. Khali then starts to apply the vicious vice grips on the Hardcore Champion, trying to squeesh the champ's head just like what he did on the basketball. Jamie is almost fading out when suddenly from behind, Kane hits the Punjabi Giant with a huge kick to the groin. Khali holds on his aching you know what as Kane searches for some weapons while Noble is still unconcious. Kane found his signature chain hook from his movie and use it to choke Khali. Khali tries to fight back while gasping for air as Kane release the hook and use it to smash Khali to the face. Kane then hits the Giant with a huge big boot that makes Khali's face busted open. After beatin the Punjabi Giant, Kane heads on Noble as the Hardcore champ is already up. Jamie sees the Big Red Machine as Noble starts to attack. Kane then counters him with a huge uppercut. Jamie gets up as Kane suddenly grabs his neck and hits him with a vicious chokeslam to the table. Kane covers as the ref slides in for the count, 1.. 2.. 3.. and Kane is once again the champ. After winning the title, Kane walks as he heads to the entrance way of the arena. Lots of competitors appeared from the hallway like Brooklyn Brawler, Doink the Clown and Funaki as they try to fight the Big Red Machine but the champ just tossed them away. From behind then, Deuce and Domino appears and starts to beat the champ. Kane fights back but Cherry handed over a chair to his boyfriend, Deuce and use it to smack Kane in the head. After knocking Kane down, Domino grabs the champion's head as Deuce hits him with the Crack in the Mouth and cause Kane's mouth to bleed. Domino then quickly goes for the cover as Deuce grabs him and stops the count. The two argue as Kane suddenly rise up. The Big Red Machine gets up as the two former Tag champs start to attack but Kane just fight them back. Kane then grabs both men in their necks and heads to the arena. Kane enters the entrance way of the arena and hits both men with a huge chokeslam to the steel ramps. The ref then gives the Hardcore title as Kane raised it and the crowd pops. Then the massive duo of Big Daddy V and Mark Henry enters the ring and attacks the Big Red Machine from behind. The two grabs the champ and they drag him back in the ring. The two then double teams as BDV gives Kane a huge Ghetto Drop that followed by a huge splash from Henry and covers, 1.. 2.. and BDV stops the World's Strongest Man. The two argues until Henry gives BDV a huge punch in the face and both men starts to brawl. The two continues fighting as Kane gets up and gives both men a huge clothesline over the top rope. Kane then looks both men as he made his taunt and a huge flaming pyros explode at the four corners of the ring. From nowhere, John Morrison suddenly appears with the ring bell and use it to knock Kane down and covers, 1.. 2.. 3.. and John Morrison wins the title. The crowd boos as the WWE Tag Team Champion became also the Hardcore Champion. Morrison continues his victory celebration when suddenly The Sandman music hits.

Tazz: Oh my God! Do you know that music! Do you know that music!!!!
Joey Styles: OMG Tazz! It's The Sandman! The Sandman is back on E! C! W!

The Sandman then appears at the crowd with his singapore cane as they cannot believe it and all of them stood up for ovation. The Sandman walks toward the ringside as Morrison can't believe that The Sandman is really here. As he is about to enter the ring, The Sandman stops to a huge crowd at the ringside as he drinks his beer and spits it then (you know what's next) smashes the can to his forehead, resulting to bust his head open. The Sandman enters the ring as Morrison starts to shout "Why are you here? You have been retired! Your career is over!" The Sandman then smirks to the young superstar and hits him with his singapore cane to the head. Morrison gets up and grabs the ring bell as he attempts to use it against Sandman but the ECW Original just counters and hits him at the gut with the kendo stick. Sandman then grabs Morrison up and hits him with the White Russian Legsweep and covers, 1.. 2.. 3.. and The Sandman is our new Hardcore Champion. The Sandman then grabs the ring bell as he beats it to end the One Hour Hardcore Match!

Tazz: Wow! This is fascinating! The Hardcore title is back and The Sandman is also back!
Joey Styles: Yes and I still can't believe it! The Sandman is back!
Tazz: Now I can't wait what will happen next!
Joey Styles: Well... folks! This is the end of our ECW Hardcore Special! We hope you enjoy this wonderful night!



The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Interesting thread, Levi. I liked the match and bringing the Hardcore Championship back to ECW would actually be great to see in reality.

The Rated R CMStar

Ok, I am really busy right now, but I am leaving the backstory and then when I get more time I will write the match.


What if John Cena never got injured? If that never happened, we would have seen Randy Orton vs John Cena in a Last Man Standing match in the No Mercy 2007 PPV. Also, we would have gotten a longer Triple H vs Umaga match, without the tired HHH angle. So, for this scenario, I will be writting that, Triple H vs Umaga and John Cena vs Randy Orton Last Man Standing Match.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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What if the "Chris Benoit incident" never happened and we've seen him at Vengeance facing CM Punk for the vacant ECW Championship?

Welcome to another edition of the Official What If Thread, I am going to post a very controversial one. We all know what had just happened to former World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Benoit but in this posts, I am going to change the timeline and show you what if Benoit decides to go on Vengeance to face CM Punk for the title which Bobby Lashley is previously holding, the ECW title.

Vengeance Night of the Champions
ECW Championship: Chris Benoit vs. CM Punk

Justin Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall and it's for the ECW Championship

crowd roars as they wait for the two competitors arrive

The Fire that Burns hits as CM Punk enters the ring as the crowd starts popping for the fan favorite. Then Shooter hits as the former World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Benoit arrives hearing some cheers from the crowd. The two enters the ring as Justin Roberts handed the ECW title to the referee. The ref raised the title over his head as he shows it to the fans and calls for the bell to start the match. The two shake hands to show respect and they starts to circle around the ring. Both men tried to get their hands on each other until Benoit pulls Punk towards him and gives him a headlock. Punk pulls Benoit out of him as Benoit runs and bounces off the ropes and gives Punk a shoulder block. Punk gets up as Benoit runs again to the ropes and Punk catches him with an armdrag toss followed by an armbar. Benoit quickly gets up and tries to get out of the armbar as he reverses it by twisting Punk's arm and then he pulls him toward as he attempts to nail him with a belly to belly suplex but Punk shoves Benoit before he get him nailed of that move. Punk then goes for a lock up and tries to take Benoit down to the mat. Benoit fights back as he sends Punk to the corner and starts hitting him some backhand chops. Benoit walks back and charges as Punk blocks him with a boot to the head. Punk then starts throwing him some slaps and backhand chops as he prepares him for the Anaconda Vice. Punk tries to apply him the arm triangle choke but Benoit manages to connect him with the Crossface and Punk quickly drags himself out of it by pulling the ropes. Both men gets up as Punk starts to give an applause to his opponent as Benoit just smiled to him and the fans also starts giving both men a huge around of applause. Punk stops clapping as they decide to restart the match as the fans starts throwing some "Let's go Punk! Let's go Benoit chants".

The two locks up and Benoit throws Punk down to the mat with a hip toss. Benoit then applies a headlock on Punk as he tries to get up. Punk manages to get back on his feet and he throws Benoit to the ropes and then hits him with a dropkick as he comes back. Punk then applies an armbar on Benoit as he tries to reverse it. Punk continues to apply some pressure on Benoit as he tries to find a way to escape from the submission hold. Benoit then starts throwing some punches to his opponent and then tries to pull his head as he tries to apply a headlock. Punk then releases him from the armbar and grabs him up to his feet. Punk then kicks Benoit to the midsection and hits him with some kicks to his shoulders. Punk then throws Benoit to the corner and he follows, hitting him with a charging knee to his head. Punk then grabs Benoit's head and hits him with a running bulldog. Punk gets up and waits for his opponent to get up. Punk tries to kick him to the midsection as Benoit able to block it. Punk then tries for an enzuigiri as Benoit manages to duck it. Benoit then swings his leg turning him around and then grabs him as he connects the Straightedge Superstar with a triple German Suplex. Benoit gets up as Punk follows and the Rabid Wolverine gives him a kick to the midsection and hits him with Eddie Guerrero's signature move, the Three Amigos.

Benoit then do his taunt telling the crowd that he will go for the Diving Headbutt. Benoit climbs up the turnbuckle while Punk is still lying on the mat. Benoit goes for the High Diving Headbutt as Punk quickly moves out and Benoit crashes and burn down the mat. The two are still lying on the mat as the ref starts to count, 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6..., Punk then slowly gets up and waits for Benoit to get up, 7... 8... and then Benoit gets back to his feet with some help to the ropes as the ref restarts the match. Punk charges in to his opponent as Benoit bends and connects him with a devastating spinebuster followed by a Sharpshooter. Punk is screaming for pain at the center of the ring as Benoit is on the hold of the Sharpshooter. Punk tries to reach the ropes as Benoit drags him away of it. Punk then thinks on how he will get out from the submission move as he tries to kick the Rabid Wolverine. Punk then tries to crawl towards the ropes once again until he manage to reach and hold on it to break the submission move. Benoit releases him from the submission move as Punk quickly gives him a small package pin, 1.. 2.. and Benoit able to kick out. Both men get back to their feet as Punk charges in and starts throwing some punches on Benoit. Benoit fights back as he throws him some backhand chops. Benoit then whips Punk to the the ropes, Benoit waits him as he attempts to catch him with a backbody drop but Punk counters and nails Benoit with a DDT. The Straightedge Superstar then goes to the apron and waits for Benoit to get up. Benoit is back to his feet as Punk goes for a springboard clothesline but Benoit manages to counter by dragging Punk's right arm down to the mat and tries to apply him with the Crippler Crossface. Benoit tries to wrap his opponents arm to his legs as he tries to apply the crossface but Punk tries to get away of it. Punk then tries to gets up as Benoit follows. Benoit then once again tries to apply him the crossface as Punk holds on the ropes. Punk then drags Benoit away of the ropes and jumps, giving Benoit a head scissor takedown followed by applying him with the Anaconda Vice. The crowd starts shouting as Punk finally capitalizes him with his arm triangle choke finisher as Benoit tries to get out of it. Benoit tries to reach the ropes but it is too far from him until he decides to tap out. The crowd starts popping around the arena as CM Punk manages to beat the Legend.

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner and the new ECW Champion, CM Punk!!!!

The crowd chants the new champ's name as the ref handed over the title to him. Benoit gets up and offers a handshake on Punk as the Chris Benoit's theme starts to play. The two competitors raise their hands at the center of the ring as Punk is holding the title on his other hand.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
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Controversial-like but attention-grabbing "What If" Leviathan. I think that it was a nicely written match and it's unfortunate what occurred but if what you have written above would have actually happened then it would have definitely been a memorable moment imo.


Jun 30, 2007
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What if the Montreal Screw job never happened? What if Bret Hart stayed in the WWE, and continued to live on his illustrious career. What if Bret Hart and Kurt Angle lived out the dream match, and went one on one with each other. What if....

I'll get this match up pretty soon, it is still in process.


Dec 4, 2007
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Ok, so i am working on the match. Here is the backstory.

What if Eddie Guerrero wouldn't had died? We would have seen a triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship, featuring the champ, Batista, Randy Orton and Eddie Guerrero. I am going to write that match. Triple Threat World Championship match.


Dec 4, 2007
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^^There's my backstory. Here is my match.


World Heavyweight Championship
Batista© vs Randy Orton vs Eddie Guerrero

The bell rings and all three men go to the middle of the ring. Randy Orton tries to make friends with Eddie Guerrero telling him that they can double team on Batista. Orton puts his hand out for Guerrero to shake. Guerrero looks like he is about to shake his hand, but then delivers a big right hand to the jaw that knocks Orton down. Orton gets up real fast. Orton all of a sudden launches himself at Batista and hits him with a good clothesline. Guerrero backs up in the corner and watches these two go at it. Orton lays rights and lefts all over Batista’s body. He finally gets off of him and is looking for the RKO early, but Guerrero comes out of the corner and turns Orton around and kicks him in his gut. He gets Orton in position for the three amigos. One, Two, Three! Eddie gets the three amigos! Eddie is pumped up now and gets out of the ring onto the ring apron. He climbs the turnbuckle, but apparently forgot about Batista, and Batista connects with a strong right hand. Batista gets on the second rope and gets Eddie ready for the superplex. SUPERPLEX! Batista gets up and shakes the ropes. He then turns around RIGHT INTO A RKO! Randy covers.


BATISTA GETS HIS FOOT ON THE BOTTOM ROPE! Orton can’t believe it! He pulls Batista away from the ropes and covers again.


BATISTA KICKS OUT! Orton gets up yelling apparently really mad. Orton then gets Batista up and throws him out of the ring. Orton gets out of the ring with him, and gets him up. Orton then whips Batista into the steel steps. Out of nowhere, Eddie off the top rope with a crossbody. The announcers are going crazy as they say we will have to hold on and wait till after the commercial break to find out the winner of the match.

~Commercial Break~

Batista is now in charge back inside the ring. Orton is down in the corner possibly playing possum. Batista gets Eddie up and whips him into the corner. Batista runs at Eddie, but Eddie gets out of the way and Batista runs right into the turnbuckle. Eddie then runs at Batista, but Batista gets a boot up and big boots Eddie. Eddie staggers back, as Batista climbs onto the second rope. Batista then connects with a big flying shoulder. Orton is out of the corner and hits Batista with a clothesline that sends him flying out of the ring. Orton turns around and goes to get Guerrero up, but Guerrero rolls him up.

Orton kicks out! Both men get up fast, and Orton clotheslines Eddie. Orton then gets Eddie up and whips him into the corner, and the ref was in the corner and Eddie hit the ref. Eddie turned around right into a RKO! Orton goes for the cover, but there isn’t a ref. Orton looks mad and kind of glad. He gets out of the ring and gets a steel chair from Tony Chimel. Guerrero then goes to Batista and hits him in the head with the chair. Orton then gets on the ring BUT OUT OF NOWHERE, REY MYSTERIO JUMPS OFF THE ROPES AND HITS A DROPKICK INTO THE CHAIR INTO ORTON’S FACE!!! Rey gets out of the ring and goes over to Eddie and tries to revive him. Eddie finally gets up, and then Rey tries to revive the ref. Rey manages to do that while Eddie is climbing the turnbuckle. Eddie leaps off the top rope. FROGSPLASH! Eddie climbs on the cover.


Winner: Eddie Guerrero (NEW World Heavyweight Champion)

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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Yeah! I remember, Eddie is scheduled to face Orton and Batista for the WHC at Smackdown then he will join the Survivor Series Match. Good Match Nick but I think Mr. Kennedy should get involved there since as far as I remember, Eddie's last match is with Kennedy and I think WWE is trying to start a Eddie/Kennedy fued, or maybe it's just me. But the end with Rey is quite intriguing, are you planning to turn Rey a heel? Nice match and thanks for contributing on the thread.


Dec 4, 2007
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Eddie was kinda Heel, Face then, so i don't know yet. Is it ok if i just continue with the Eddie angle for a little while, until i have him drop the belt?

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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what do you mean? are you going to write some matches that involves Eddie or are you going to summarize the storyline and just put his PPV matches?


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Feb 8, 2008
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I might do this if i have the time

What if HHH never got injured we would have seen DX vs Rated RKO in a No DQ Match.

Thats what i will do.


Dec 4, 2007
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That's ok Levi, i changed my mind.


What if Rey Mysterio would have never got injured days before his big match for the World Championship at No way Out with Edge. Would the match have been longer? What would have happened? Read my match and you will find out!

The match i am going to do

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge(C) vs Rey Mysterio