I think people are over-exaggerating the difference between them. The main reason(s) Sony are "ahead" are completely down to Xbox failures. Xbox destroying the used game franchise and forcing online are their faults, and not PS4's innovation. The pricing comes because Kinect is compulsory, another silly Microsoft move imo. While Xbox have gone down that road, their exclusive games are so much better (Project Spark, Dead Rising 3), while Sony's are simply forgettable. Furthermore, despite what people say, Xbox have done more to make their console really next-gen. I haven't seen much from the PS4 that sets it apart from the PS3. As a gamer who is always online anyway, and doesn't ever borrow games or trade them in, those "wins" for Sony are meaningless for me.
Pros for Xbox:
- Skype. At the moment I have to use Skype on the PC and have this long ass wire follow me on the bed where I play Xbox with friends. That goes with Skype with Xbox One.
- Much prefer their capture + editing software; partnership with Twitch definitely helps
- Extremely fast switching between tasks (and voice controlled).
- Kinect is SO much better than it was.
- Their exclusive games are better.
- Smartglass looks like a really cool feature; again, very next-gen.
Cons for Xbox:
- Used game fees.
- Required internet connection.
- A lot less powerful than the PS4; PS4 generally has better specs.
- The constant kinect-connection results in no privacy.
- $499
I'm undecided myself. I'm not sure if the next-gen features with the Xbox are worth the extra money and no privacy with Kinect. I'm not sure if PS4 is something I should buy just because it's cheaper, when I haven't seen anything that means it's a next-gen console. I really am undecided.