I've been a huge fan of Miz since 2010. It really annoys me that WWE doesn't seem to know what to do with him. The problem with trying to get a new face over nowadays, is that most people actually like the heels better than the faces because a heel is usually the closest thing people can get to the attitude era since they're bad guys. That's why Miz was getting cheered as a heel. He's still getting cheered now, (Houston obviously has horrible tastes haha) but WWE are really ruining his face turn without a feud. I know he's kind of in a feud with Antonio. They seem to be dragging this feud out. I see them not actually having a 1 on 1 match until WM which is where the American will finally overcome the Anti-American. A feel good moment and another WM moment for The Miz. If WWE booked Miz like they booked ADR, he would be over as well. It's not The Miz' fault for WWE's shitty booking and writers.