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Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
^^^^^ Amen brother. Good lord people get carried away here sometimes. Comparing ANY TWO guys in the WWE TODAY to Hogan/Sting is a flat out insult. The E doesn't have any guys in that locker room that can draw the numbers that those guys did, which was WCW's highest grossing PPV and probably the best booked feud in the Bischoff era. Orton has had some great feuds to his credit though...
If you were to get a great program out of Punk you'd have to turn him heel and let him do his "Better than you" character and attack Jeff Hardy and his past drug problems, which may be hampered by the new TV14/PG13 direction the E is taking. You can't have him hinting at "past mistakes" and "battling personal demons". Kid's aren't going to understand that bullshit, just like with Jake Roberts return in 96. You'd have to have Punk be blunt and specific to make it work. He could also work a roids angle with basically every WWE superstar.There are great options for Punk if he were to turn.

Back on subject...of all the names named Umaga is best suited to be a full time main eventer. I don't mean title reigns out the whazoo, but in a monster heel role. He's better in ring than Kennedy and MVP, has the look and is over and an instant threat in the fans eyes. And if you understand his gimmick (which any idiot should be able to understand) than you would realize HE DOESN'T NEED MIC SKILLS, he's got a strong gimmick and character. His shortcomings are strictly injuries and some bad booking.

Kennedy- SUCKS. SUCKS. SUCKS. I can't believe people can honestly say the man is any good in the ring. Dude has been stinkin up the joint since 2006 if he wasn't being carried by serviceable workers. He has some charisma and I won't deny his mic skills, but he is the epitome of "bland as fuck" in the ring, and that's why the fans can't really get behind him. He doesn't have an "it" move in his offense. It's basic shit and he does it terribly. His situation is 70% his fault. He's brittle as hell, get's suspended at the wrong time (as well as injured) and he's boring in the ring. The WWE has missed his boat a little too, but who can't make a case that the E hasn't messed up any workers chances?

MVP- eh, I like him, but he too is somewhat boring in the ring and has little to offer on the stic. He at least as the playmaker boot as an "it" move that will pop the crowd. Of all the guys mentioned, the E has booked him the worst. He could have been a main event heel but the E booked him like a bitch and jobbed him out at every which way and that losing streak that he got for telling off the drug test administrator was just beyond absurd. He definitely has a future though.

Shelton Benjamin-people really really need to understand that this guy will never get any higher up the card. Why? Because HE IS BORING AS FUCK ONCE HE STOPS WRESTLING. Can't blame the E whatsoever on this, they've pushed him as much as they've tried pushing any midcarder this decade and he can't get his uncharismatic ass over. Does anyone outside the internet care about this guy??


Orton facing off against Punk could be the WWE's Hogan vs Sting if they book it right,

No way in hell. It would be a hell of a match, and a hell of a feud. Talk about a contrast in styles. But it would be in no way close, NOT EVEN CLOSE to Hogan vs Sting. Hogan tranformed an industry, and Sting provided a reasonable alternative. Orton doesn't define an industry OR revolutionize it, and Punk isn't an alternative to him, because they're in the same company. The biggest dream match WWE has is probably Cena vs Orton, which they'll wait to repeat for probably 3 years (they may do it before in small feuds though), but even Cena vs Orton isn't as good as Hogan vs Sting, and Orton vs Punk definately isn't.


Mar 11, 2009
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Leeds, England
Simply put: Sting's massive overness (and the thing that made that feud great) was his massive image change, which was paired with a great heel in Hollywood Hogan. Before that feud Sting was just a talented super-face in a Sergeant Pepper jacket, but during and after it he became the man who had the potential to take down the nWo, hence why that feud was so successfull.

Now extraploate that to the present: who's the biggest heel in the company? Orton. Who's the guy with the talent to make waves in the main event scene? Punk. The operative phrase in my point was 'if they book it right', i.e. they need to establish Legacy as more than just Orton and two lackies by giving Orton the belt and putting Rhodes and DiBiase in tag team competition. Once they're fully accepted as strong heels you can start pushing Punk back towards the main event with the aformentioned run against Edge, then bump him over to Raw and have him beat DiBiase and Rhodes in tag matches, and then eventually a handicap match to make him look super-strong, before failing in a run-in on Orton, and just spotlight Punk's failure against Orton's smugness. Now all you need to do is get Triple H to ask Punk if he wants to join forces (which should be a massive rub in and of itself) and have Punk just walk away, playing on his character as a loner. Do that, and you've got the next massive main eventer on your hands.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

The E doesn't have any guys in that locker room that can draw the numbers that those guys did


Wrestlemania 03.04.2005 2.46
Starrcade '97 28.12.1997 1.80

Would that not mean that WrestleMania 21 outdrew Starrcade? Why yes it would. And wait, the two stars who main evented WrestleMania 21 were Triple H and Batista? Why, they're still in the company today~!

As good as people think Sting vs Hogan was as a feud, people claiming that it's untouchable buyrate wise is just flat out wrong, because it has been beaten.

I have no doubt a few people will respond with some rambling crap, but the thing is that facts actually back up the fact that you're wrong. So really, I couldn't give a damn if you crap on in response to this post, because you've already been proven as wrong. Making another post is not going to undo that.


Feb 17, 2009
Reaction score
I like CM Punk as much as anyone, and I'm far from being a Hulk Hogan mark, but there is no way that Orton/Punk is up there with Hogan/Sting. Even if you book it the way you said JimmyD, which would be one of the best feuds in years btw, I still can't see it having the magnitude of Hogan/Sting.
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Badstreet, USA
The E doesn't have any guys in that locker room that can draw the numbers that those guys did


Wrestlemania 03.04.2005 2.46
Starrcade '97 28.12.1997 1.80

Would that not mean that WrestleMania 21 outdrew Starrcade? Why yes it would. And wait, the two stars who main evented WrestleMania 21 were Triple H and Batista? Why, they're still in the company today~!

As good as people think Sting vs Hogan was as a feud, people claiming that it's untouchable buyrate wise is just flat out wrong, because it has been beaten.

I have no doubt a few people will respond with some rambling crap, but the thing is that facts actually back up the fact that you're wrong. So really, I couldn't give a damn if you crap on in response to this post, because you've already been proven as wrong. Making another post is not going to undo that.

You don't know what you're talking about. Plain and simple. Your comparing Sting and Hogan to Wrestlemania?? A Wrestlemania that goes uncontested from competition? Are you serious? Judging by your wannabe dick measuring argument, I'd say you are. Wrestlemania DRAWS ITSELF. Plain and simple. Not a single PPV that the WWE airs does or has done ONE HALF the buyrates that Wrestlemania does. And guess what? Every WrestleMania the past five years has outdrawn that Starcade, so does that mean Edge, Taker, and Cena are all bigger draws? No. Do you know what the Backlash after WM 21 that Trips/Tista were billed as the headline drew? .81 you silly little stat worm you.

See, what you are incredibly failing to see is that not one match has been promoted to sell WrestleMania, WrestleMania is a brand name that the former wrestling fan is accustomed to, its, as the E puts it, the "SuperBowl" of wrestling, the finest night for the industry, the "grandest stage of all" and it's fucking stacked. The alienated fan base that doesn't watch the product anymore will still lay down some cash for WM because it's Wrestlemania. So if, as you insist, Batista and HHH really sold THAT WM, then they must be the fastest flops ever in the history to draw in one-fifth the audience the very next month. Compare any Batista or HHH match on any other show, or ANY OTHER WWE WORKERS ON ANY OTHER SHOW AND YOU'VE GOT NOTHING CLOSE TO STING/HOGAN. Your comparing an entire company's biggest show and best efforts to one feud, yet your so narrow sighted and so anxious to put a feather in your cap that you don't realize that your wrong, that Triple H and Batista didn't make WM21. Are you completely forgetting that Cena was on absolute fire at this time and was getting his first title shot and that was a huge drawing point to the show?? Or that HBK and Kurt Angle tore it down and that wasn't a drawing point, especially to the marks? Or that Stone Cold, Roddy Piper and Hulk Hogan were all on the show and that could have been a drawing point for old time viewers?? Or that WM21 had the very first MITB with a great, solid line up of upper midcarders and that could have been a drawing point to fans??Or that Undertaker's streak was on the line against the Legend Killer? That has always been a selling point to WM fella. Your comparing the companys 20 biggest draws on one card that's namesake is a proven draw, especially in the days OF NO COMPETITION against two men who's feud was a proven draw, yet your stupidity and excitement to look all-knowing has made you so narrow sighted that you insist that HHH/Batista is what made 3 million people shell out 50 bucks? Yet the very next month only 800,000 people paid 35 bucks to see them? Pfft...your full of shit if you believe that and you do.

So while I am correct that there are not TWO WORKERS in the E who can draw what Hogan/Sting did, you did establish that Wrestlemania and its stacked cards with the top 20 workers in the company can outdraw any other show that E puts out. But your incredibly wrong with A: Batista and HHH drew all 3 million people to WM, and B. Batista and HHH could outdraw Sting and Hogan. Your wrong. Wrong. WRONG. Wrestlemania draws itself, and has so for the past five years. So go sit by your comp and wait for WM 25 buy rate so you can tell me I'm wrong and that Triple H and Orton outdrew Hogan and Sting with all that silence. Silly stat rats not being able to see the trees for the forest.

mancilla 86

Apr 1, 2009
Reaction score
god im sick and tired of everyone talking about kennedy this guy is a piece of shit!..shelton and mvp are two guys who deserve a push..kennedy is alwyas injured and his promos suck! also christian needs a push too


god im sick and tired of everyone talking about kennedy this guy is a piece of shit!..shelton and mvp are two guys who deserve a push..kennedy is alwyas injured and his promos suck! also christian needs a push too

Yeah, nice one.... You slate Kennedy for his promo's; the only tangiable explaination you gave for him being shit, and then go on to say Shelton deserves a push instead.... Do yourself a favour; read the thread again and realise just how dumb that is.

Of and btw the thread wasn't actually about who you think deserves a push anyway... >>>

re: Kennedy.... If what I read this morning is true he may never return as his injury is not healing properly.


Feb 17, 2009
Reaction score
I think Kennedy is good, but think about this- does WWE really need him? There are so many people that can take his place as the cocky tweener that do it at least as well as he does.


^I don't mean this in a confrontational way, but just out of curiosity, name a few....


Feb 17, 2009
Reaction score
MVP, the Miz, Morrisson, Christian. A few of the younger ones could develop as well.


Those are guys who should be pushed alongside him, not instead of him IMO. Kennedy has the potential, and following/popularity to be one of the biggest stars in the company. His in ring work is better than most of the main eventers in WWE, and his promo work is up there as well. And, like I said, he's over as hell.

Rated-R Punk

Aug 29, 2008
Reaction score
I don't know about kennedy being over as hell. When he came back earlier in the year to smackdown to tease MVP and plug his movie he didn't get that much of a reaction, especially as he said the same thing each week.

But i guess the fact he was plugging his movie was possibly one of the reasons he didn't get as great a reaction, however i agree that if he were to be on tv regularly, fit and healthy he would probably be pretty over, before he got injured last year he was getting pretty decent pops


When he came back earlier in the year to smackdown to tease MVP and plug his movie

But i guess the fact he was plugging his movie was possibly one of the reasons he didn't get as great a reaction,
That's pretty much it. Of course he's not gonna geta standing O when he's just basically promoting a movie. Wait til he's back.

Rated-R Punk

Aug 29, 2008
Reaction score
Heh yeah, its true nobody cared about his movie.

I think it may also have to do with MVP at the time, he was at that odd point where fans were no longer really giving him heat, but weren't really behind him yet, so not so much "didn't care" but can't think of a better way to put it, he wasn't that over at the point. Its harder to get bigger reactions (from insults/catch phrases etc) if the crowd don't care about the other party i guess. Other than his initial big pop when it was unexpected i mean