
After looking it up, I was actually wrong about when Bret Hart started wrestling. He started in 1976, and I thought it was 79, making it 15 years actually. Shawn Michaels started in 1984 and won the belt in 1996, so it did in fact take him 12 years.
Are you fucking joking me? You're using how long it took them based on when they started wrestling? In that case, MVP has taken 7 years so far. But if we're judging how long it took someone to win the WWE title, you don't juudge it on how long they were wrestling before they won it, you base it on how long they were wrestling IN THAT COMPANY before they won it. What you're saying, by judging guys from before they got in WWE, doesn't make sense. So if I start wrestling in indy's tommorow, and work there for 25 years, and then go to WWE, and win the WWE title in my first debut, it took me 25 years to win the WWE title? No, it took 1.
Since I did say MVP has only been on television for 2 years, then I will go by when Bret and Shawn entered the WWE. Bret Hart debuted in 1984, and won the belt in 1992. So it wasn’t 6 years like you are trying to say, it was 8. Shawn Michaels debuted in 1988 and won the belt in 96, so it was indeed 8 years for him. So even if we shed off the extra 5 years from both guys, my argument still stands.
Firstly, thank you for correcting yourself. Secondly, no, youra rgument doesn't still stand, because like I said, the fact that Bret took 8 years to win the WWE title doesn't mean everyone else has to take that long. Again, if you just say you don't think MVP or Kennedy are ready to win titles and main event, I have no problem with that. That would be your opinion, and it's fine, but saying they can't main event just because someone else didn't is stupid. It's a different era now, with guys like Cena, Batista, Lesnar, Goldberg, etc winning it within a short time, and not waiting 8 years just because Bret Hart did. There' really nothing else to say. You don't think their ready? Perfectly fine with me, but saying they can't just because a specific other person didn't win it for X amount amount of time is laughable.