First Thing blaze would teach his kids would be: "to piss off people at forums and bust posers like famou$."
First Thing Mike Chaos would teach his kids would be: "To Get Drunk and Drink and To Do drugs and smoke meth and Have Random Drunk Sex with Pillows and To Take Pills with chocolate milk and to eat viatimins with their cheerios."
First Thing Rell would teach his kids to do would be: "To Be A Black-BITCH!!!...Ya-heard NI'G'Ger!!!"
First Thing Jasmine would teach her kids would be : "To Have E-Crushes on Good-Quality-Posters and help fat milkmaker-crybabies get through their personnal issues and such...ohh,and she' might teach her kids how to jerk people offf using their feet(like them cathouse-girls)."
First Thing Durk Turkish Would Teach His Kids would be: "To Read Books and Verbally-Bitch about the quality of People's Writing Skills, wether it be online or in reallife."
First Thing LadyHotRod would teach her kids would be; "I dunno...honestly, I think she might either (A
Pull a Chris Benoit and Kill her own kid...or (B
She'll raise her kid to be a Spartan and to flame for Glory!"
First Thing SharkBoy would teach her kids would be : "To Tag along with The Ne'gro-Boyz and learn the spamming ways of Greatness..ya-heard!?"
First Thing Brian Kenderick's Penis-Vein would teach his kids would be: "How to have a year long title reign on smackdown, only to get jobbed out-hardcore on RAW for the next year...ohhh, and how to Life-Weights and not tear any muscles..."
First Thing Shane(pussie-badass) would teach her kids would be: "To Stalk Rell or Qwan or any other Neg'ro'z!"
First Thing Chuck Zombie would teach his kids would be: "To Remember to always wear a condom while posting at they could learn to post-safely on the net."
Peepshow would teach his kids wow to : "Asskiss their way to the top...."