Re: The Question of The Day
Favourite moment is tough to decide. Graduating was a big personal moment for me so I'd go with that.
Least favourite is easy, the whole WM fiasco which has probably played a hand in my apathy towards WWE nowadays..
Coolest moment would be getting tickets to see Russell Brand when he did a random stand up performance in town.
Something I did I didn't like? Let me get back to you on that one.
Happiest and saddest have already been covered, no need to go over that ground again.
What's been your favorite moment of the year?
What's been your least favorite moment of the year?
What's been the coolest thing you've done this year?
What's something you've done this year that you didn't like?
What was your happiest moment so far this year?
What's your saddest moment of the year so far?
If you had to sum up how this year has been for you, what would you say?
Favourite moment is tough to decide. Graduating was a big personal moment for me so I'd go with that.
Least favourite is easy, the whole WM fiasco which has probably played a hand in my apathy towards WWE nowadays..
Coolest moment would be getting tickets to see Russell Brand when he did a random stand up performance in town.
Something I did I didn't like? Let me get back to you on that one.
Happiest and saddest have already been covered, no need to go over that ground again.