Lost In Translation is the ultimate marmite movie.
Some critics swear by it, others think it's a turd with a cheap ending.
The ending is beautiful, even if people don't like the film itself I can't really see how they would think the ending is cheap. For me it is a very charming film, with a sweet central realtionship.
Disagree with you about 127 Hours Pete I was a big fan, it is Franco's best performance by far (and not an easy one to pull off for obverous reasons), there was never going to be much substance to the story because it is a simple story about a cocky slacker, who slowly changes over the couse of the film due to a tragic inccident. The depth of the film is what plays out in his mind during that period, but really it is the acting, visuals and soundtrack which make the film.
The Beach is my least favourite Boyle film, but I am with you on Trainspotting and Shallow Grave, with A Life Less Ordinary being his most underrated.