Kayfabe The Backstage Thread

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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Christy McCarthy is currently waiting in the interview area, waiting for the camera man to cue her*
Christy: Are we good? Okay. Everyone, today with me I have with me a woman who would like to be announced as the first Spark Superstar, Terra Hayze!
*We pan out to include Terra in the shot, but just as we do so, she takes the mic from Christy*
Terra: Thanks for the introduction. Now leave.
Christy: Wh-
Terra: You heard me. Get out. Bye-bye!
*Terra waves Christy off, who just walks away with an expression of defeat*
Terra: Now that I have everyone's attention, I'd like to make an announcement. The women of Spark better be paying attention, because next week Terra Hayze returns to action.
*The crowd boos, clearly not thrilled by this sudden news*
Terra: You know what, you are right to boo! Because I should running this place, not competing in it. But you know what? If I have to compete in order to get everyone's attention on myself and to show the Board that I'm a hard worker, no matter what position I'm in, then I will do just that. I'm done just sitting idly by waiting for the Board to see what a mistake they made in choosing Jet Starr over me! So next week, I don't care who I'm up against. Because no matter who it is, I'm making a statement that this war with Jet...it is far from over.
*The cameraman begins to lower the camera*
Terra: Excuse me, did I say that we were done here?
Cameraman: Well, I-
*What happens next can only be made by assumption, but it seems that Terra may have shoved the camera out of his hands, forcing it to crash to the ground and produce static on the tron*
Terra: Now we're done here! Now get the hell out of my way!
*The last thing somewhat seen is the cameraman falling in front of the camera before it dies*
Honorable Mention: @Jet Starr


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Reese MaCleod: Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome, JJ Colton.
*The crowd in the Philips Arena gives a roaring cheer for Colton as they see him return to his hometown*
JJ Colton: Reesie, what's up dude I haven't seen you since EXODUS, hey did you remember that one time when we face each other 1v1? That was a good match, but too bad that you lost though but hey, I noticed that you have been interviewing lately, when are you coming back to the ring man?
Reese MaCleod: I...Can't, because of an injury.
*Colton and the crowd starts to feel sympathy for Reese*
JJ Colton: Oh, I'm...I'm sorry to hear that. But let's forget about that, just go ahead and ask me some questions.
Reese MaCleod: Ok, so JJ how do you feel about your triple threat match tonight?
JJ Colton: Well Reese, I feel like im ready to give this match a main event feel to it, because not only we are in my hometown...of Atlanta Georgia!!
*The crowd starts to cheer*
JJ Colton: I am going against a new blood and Fireshock, the man that I had fought weeks ago when him, me and Chris Young put on a match that deserves to be in the Match of the Year category, the new guy seems like an intimidating competitor so I will keep an eye out for him because you'll never know what you're gonna expect from someone new. For me, I have been in a triple threat before, if I won last time then I have a good chance of doing it again and I also have a hometown advantage, I will use it to give me the abilities I need to get the job done and continue to construct this road that I've been building for over a year, my hometown is gonna be ready for a good match tonight so now I gotta get ready for it, See you later Reese.
*Colton walks off while he's starting to amp himself up for the match*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Alyssa is sitting down with a look of embarrassment on her face, Faith Brewer walks by to interview her*
Faith Brewer: Alyssa, how do you feel after being defeated by an unlikely opponen-
Alyssa: You again, what are you doing here and why are you interviewing me?
Faith Brewer: I want to get your thoughts on-
Alyssa: Oh, I see what you're doing, you thought it was funny that I lost to that cry baby in her first match so you can just come here and try to make a fool out of me by asking ridiculous questions?
Faith Brewer: No I'm jus-
Alyssa: Shut Up! I thought she was gonna stay down after I tried to finisher her off but she didn't, I thought she was gonna walk away just like she walked out on her boyfriend weeks ago and just simply let me win, I was surprised that she didn't cry in the middle of our match, I don't understand why I would be beaten by a weak little girl. This division is turning into a disaster, I thought having Vanessa York as our champion is bad, but having girls like Wendi in our division is worse. You know what, I don't wanna be around you anymore just go away.
Faith Brewer: But-
Alyssa: Get Out!
Faith Brewer: Ok, I'm sorry.
*Faith and the camera crew walks away*


May 13, 2013
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*The camera rolls after the show, this is a IgnitionWrestling.Com exclusive video. Christina Morgan is seen walking through the curtain after her victory against Vanessa York. However, shortly after walking out the gorilla position on the way to her locker room, Christina is asked for a comment from Ignition interviewer Christy McCarthy on her conversational win.

Christy McCarthy:
Christina, you just pinned the Sparks World Champion Vanessa York. You are the first women in Ignition, to do that. What are your thoughts on this huge win tonight?

Christina: I am feeling pretty good Christy. I have been training day and night for this match. I have been working myself to bits, but tonight is proof, all that training works in the end. Now the tables Christy, have turned in my favour. This was no repeat of last time, not even close.

Christy: In the match, you displayed a more aggressive side of you. A side, that many said we would never see from you. Was that always your game plan in your match tonight?

Yes, sometimes a more ruthless edge is needed. I was too respectful and gentle in the first match, I had with Vanessa. I did not make same mistake again, I took matters in my hands and that win under my name proves it. Which means one thing, I am now the number one person in the Sparks division to face Vanessa one last time for the Sparks World Championship at Winter Wonderland. I will not fail again.

One last question, the way you won the match tonight was seen by a lot of fans as well…

As what?

As a cheap and an unfair tactic to use for victory. How do you respo…

How dare you??? What you saw tonight was a win. Why does everyone care so about how I won. What, did these fans go cry about it on Twitter, that I won against the Sparks World Champion. Were they happy? No, they complain and moan. News flash, only three numbers matter tonight one two three, in which I had Vanessa’ shoulders pinned to mat. Your champion was humiliated and beaten deal with it. I won, she loses. End of subject. Now move it. I think it’s time some changes were made, after my unquestionable win tonight.

*Christina pushes Christy out the way, and heads to her locker room. Christy walks away. Before Christina can opens her locker room door, someone walks pass her in a suit clapping. *

Fireshock: You never let me down Christina. You never let me down.

*Fireshock walks off happy with his former student, Christina before opening her locker room door look back and smiles with wicked intent.

Christina: Change yes, it’s time for a new Christina Morgan. To end that insulting reign of Vanessa York’s.

*She then steps into her locker room and closes the door behind her. *

*Camera fade to black*

Mentions: @Hybrid

OOC: Was going to post this last night, needed some editing today and well here it it :)


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*As the ow comes back from break we are greeted by Christy McCarthy who is about to interview Lilith Young before the 3-way match.*

Christy McCarthy: Hello and welcome back. I’m here with Lilith Young who is about to face Alyssa Herveaux and the new addition to SPARK Wendi. Now Lilith, Do you have anything to say?

*Lilith looks at Christy McCarthy and starts to speak with confidence.*

Lilith: “Again I’m in a 3-way dance. Again I have to fight to survive. I have to win to get one step closer to my dream of holding up that championship. I’m never going to quit. I have that fire burning inside. I Promised to me and no one else that I’m better than this. I’m not giving in to the nightmares I created. I’m the queen that rules the ring. I have already beaten Alyssa and I don’t know anything about that wild card Wendi. I’m just going to go out and leave an impact inside that ring. I’m full of deep cuts right down to the marrow my bones are shattered but it doesn’t matter cause I am moving’ forward as I am a woman on a mission. Kill the silence with a new spin, I am going to show the world I’m here to make a name and show this is not a joke and I’m going to blow the doors off of this place. Even If it is the end of me.

*Lilith Walks off as her music starts to play for the match.*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Alyssa is sitting around the backstage area texting with her legs crossed, Bryan Weaver walks by to interview her*
Bryan Weaver: Alyssa do you mind if I ask a few questions before your match tonight?
Alyssa: *sigh* Fine, go ahead.
Bryan Weaver: Things haven't been great for you for the past few weeks, how do you feel about that?
Alyssa: Of course they haven't. There are things that've happened in the SPARK division that I've find very questionable, lets fast forward back to a few weeks ago when my tag team partner left me for dead, the week after I have to face Lilith and Christina in a triple threat, where Christina got pinned by Lilith while I was knocked outside the ring, after that I got humiliated by Wendi but Christina got a non-title match with Vanessa, what did Christina do to face the SPARK champion even though she got pinned by Lilith in the triple threat? I wasn't the one that got pinned so I should've been the one that got a non title shot against Vanessa last week, not her.
Bryan Weaver: What about your opponent from last week Wendi, are you looking forward to get retribution tonight?
Alyssa: Yes, I am glad that I got another chance to beat her up again, if I manage to pick up the win tonight, then that'll prove that the victory she had over me last week...was a fluke, Au Revoir.
*Alyssa gets up and walks all the way back to the locker room*
Bryan Weaver: There you have it folks, the triple threat will start in a few moments.


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*Minho is walking around backstage along with Wendi heading towards his locker room. He’s wearing gym clothes and sunglasses and carrying his gear in a sports bag. As he walks down the corridor he comes to a sudden halt, which startles Wendi and she bumps into him.*

Minho: No...

*Minho slowly takes off his sunglasses and he continues to stare down the corridor. The camera pans around to show Luis Alvarado at the other end along with Vanessa York. Luis too is slowly removing his sunglasses from his face, pulling the same shocked yet angered facial expression. The two men begin walking towards each other with pace as both the women try to hold them back. The pair meet in the middle of the corridor and stare each other out. Neither man wants to break the silence, but Minho finally does.*

Minho: Look Wendi, its Luis Alvarado.

*Wendi stays quiet.*

Minho: How’s it going? Did you enjoy your trip? Where’d you go again... Oh yeah that’s right! You went on a trip from the corner of the ring to face planting the mat two weeks back. I’ve heard that’s not so fun at this time of year.

*Minho smirks.*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Emerson is putting on his wrist wrap in the locker room, but is struggling as he is giddy with anticipation for his match tonight*
Emerson Zayne: Who would have thought that my miss step on the ropes two weeks ago would heave earned me such a grand opportunity...
*He is finally able to finish with the tape before rising to his feet*
Emerson Zayne: You're right, I should go thank Minho for being my partner last week! I mean, it's not everyday that scum like myself gets to team with someone who is such a grand inspiration!
*He picks his shirt off the bench and slides it on*
Emerson Zayne: Thanks for the talk! Til next time!
*Emerson bows his head to nothing before leaving the room to find Minho, leaving the audience and the commentators in confusion*
Last edited:


The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*Minho is walking around backstage along with Wendi heading towards his locker room. He’s wearing gym clothes and sunglasses and carrying his gear in a sports bag. As he walks down the corridor he comes to a sudden halt, which startles Wendi and she bumps into him.*

Minho: No...

*Minho slowly takes off his sunglasses and he continues to stare down the corridor. The camera pans around to show Luis Alvarado at the other end along with Vanessa York. Luis too is slowly removing his sunglasses from his face, pulling the same shocked yet angered facial expression. The two men begin walking towards each other with pace as both the women try to hold them back. The pair meet in the middle of the corridor and stare each other out. Neither man wants to break the silence, but Minho finally does.*

Minho: Look Wendi, its Luis Alvarado.

*Wendi stays quiet.*

Minho: How’s it going? Did you enjoy your trip? Where’d you go again... Oh yeah that’s right! You went on a trip from the corner of the ring to face planting the mat two weeks back. I’ve heard that’s not so fun at this time of year.

*Minho smirks.*
*Luis rubs his chin in remembrance of what happened that night*

Luis Alvarado: You know, I've been tried to keep my distance from you since my insurance doesn't cover Korean induced vomiting. Yet, you always show up and make me up chuck my lunch.

*He gags a little bit *

Luis Alvarado: Hey Vanessa, can you get me a bag for either my puke or his face?

*Vanessa shrugs and walks off*

Luis Alvarado: So. . . . . . . . . *gags*

*Luis snaps himself out of his sickly stupor*

Luis Alvarado: How's the loser life treating ya? You should be used to it by now.


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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*Luis rubs his chin in remembrance of what happened that night*

Luis Alvarado: You know, I've been tried to keep my distance from you since my insurance doesn't cover Korean induced vomiting. Yet, you always show up and make me up chuck my lunch.

*He gags a little bit *

Luis Alvarado: Hey Vanessa, can you get me a bag for either my puke or his face?

*Vanessa shrugs and walks off*

Luis Alvarado: So. . . . . . . . . *gags*

*Luis snaps himself out of his sickly stupor*

Luis Alvarado: How's the loser life treating ya? You should be used to it by now.
*Minho stays stone faced.*

Minho: Loser life? It’s as if you haven’t been paying attention to my matches Luis. I’ve been picking up win after win. I out-smarted that Zayne freak a few weeks ago, forcing him to leave the ring... Then just last week I was the sole reason for why Team Minho picked up the win. Those freaks McKay and War didn’t know what had hit them. Something that I was able to succeed at doing WITHOUT you. So... Who’s the loser now, huh?

Patriot Pants

LDW Champion (855+ days)
Jan 23, 2017
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*Aleks is seen sitting on a equipment box, spinning his kendo stick in his right hand. His unpainted face showing a look of patience. He desperately tries to whistle, but the sound is that of some vulgar activity regarding feline creatures in a back alley. He's wearing a Thousand Foot Krutch tee shirt, black Nike shorts, and matching shoes.*

Aleks: God I suck at whistling...

*He sticks his tounge out, stretching it before trying again as he checks his watch*

Aleks: It should be here by now. *sighs and shrugs shoulders* Oh well, I got time.

*Alek begins to tap his favorite weapon against the box as he continues waiting. A few minutes later a male stage hand shows up, carrying three long boxes*

Stage Hand Dude Guy: Mr. Frost? This is for you.

*Aleks jumps off the equipment box and takes the packages from the stage hands arms*

Stage Hand Dude Guy: What's in 'em? If you don't mind my asking?

*Aleks smiles like a school girl getting asked to prom*

Aleks: My weapons of mass destruction. Two mops, one baseball bat, one two by four, two feet of barbed wire, and some thumbtacks.

*He sniffs the boxes deeply and lets out a "Ahhh.."*

Aleks: Smells like Christmas.

*Aleks begins to walk away, kendo stick bouncing on top the boxes. Mr. Stage Hand Dude Guy looks on at him with confusion as Aleks walks off into the sunset*

(written on mah phone)
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The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*Minho stays stone faced.*

Minho: Loser life? It’s as if you haven’t been paying attention to my matches Luis. I’ve been picking up win after win. I out-smarted that Zayne freak a few weeks ago, forcing him to leave the ring... Then just last week I was the sole reason for why Team Minho picked up the win. Those freaks McKay and War didn’t know what had hit them. Something that I was able to succeed at doing WITHOUT you. So... Who’s the loser now, huh?
Luis Alvarado: Wait, so you out-smarted Zayne to win your weird match with him, but still needed that ball of hopes help to win your tag match? That either says a lot about Zayne or little about you.

*Luis walks over to the nearest vending machine*

Luis Alvarado: You see, that's the difference between you and I. You need people to win, yet I don't. That makes me a winner and makes you a loser.

*He picks out a bottle of water and heads back*

Luis Alvarado: By the way how's that syncing- I mean singing career going for you my Korean amigo? Is that still a thing?
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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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Luis Alvarado: Wait, so you out-smarted Zayne to win your weird match with him, but still needed that ball of hopes help to win your tag match? That either says a lot about Zayne or little about you.

*Luis walks over to the nearest vending machine*

Luis Alvarado: You see, that's the difference between you and I. You need people to win, yet I don't. That makes me a winner and makes you a loser.

*He picks out a bottle of water and heads back*

Luis Alvarado: By the way how's that syncing- I mean singing career going for you my Korean amigo? Is that still a thing?
*Minho scoffs.*

Minho: Ohoho! Even without singing my silence is still better than your singing voice “Amigo”. You know, this week at Winter Wonderland we go one on one for the first time. Not only that but the Ignition World Championship is on the line. I might not be as well prepared for these big time matches like you, old timer; but I promise you that I’m going to kick your jaw off of its hinges. Now, you better get out of here otherwise Wendi might need to hold me back. I don’t want to have to soften you up early before I prove why people call me The Korean Sensation.

*He inches forward but Wendi holds him back by putting an arm around his waist.*

Minho: You see! You’re a lucky guy.


The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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*Minho scoffs.*

Minho: Ohoho! Even without singing my silence is still better than your singing voice “Amigo”. You know, this week at Winter Wonderland we go one on one for the first time. Not only that but the Ignition World Championship is on the line. I might not be as well prepared for these big time matches like you, old timer; but I promise you that I’m going to kick your jaw off of its hinges. Now, you better get out of here otherwise Wendi might need to hold me back. I don’t want to have to soften you up early before I prove why people call me The Korean Sensation.

*He inches forward but Wendi holds him back by putting an arm around his waist.*

Minho: You see! You’re a lucky guy.

Luis Alvarado: I am pretty lucky nice of you to notice.

*Vanessa returns with a bag in her hand*

Luis Alvarado:
Great timing, but since you are back Vanessa I have a question.

Vanessa York: What is it?

Luis Alvarado: Why don't you hold me like Wendi holds Minho?

Vanessa York: We have a platonic relationship Luis. . . .

Luis Alvarado: Still a relationship.

Vanessa York: And besides, I think she's holding him back from. . . . hitting you.

Luis Alvarado:
She must have the strength of 3 men to hold that angry piece of kimchi back.

*He gives himself a bit of a chuckle before returning focus back on Minho after realizing he was still standing there*

Luis Alvarado: But seriously, jokes aside. . . . . .

*Luis waits for Minho to move but The Korean Sensation is not budging*

Luis Alvarado: You're supposed to move out of my way since you're the joke. Get it?

*Minho is not moving as he stares a hole through Luis's soul*

Luis Alvarado: I see how it is. Well, looks like no one is getting anything done today because I'm not moving either.

*Luis plants his feet directly in front of Minho*

Luis Alvarado: So what's it going to be K-pop?

*Vanessa sighs and looks at Wendi*

Vanessa York: You wanna leave these two here to Macho it out? It might be a while.


The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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Luis Alvarado: I am pretty lucky nice of you to notice.

*Vanessa returns with a bag in her hand*

Luis Alvarado:
Great timing, but since you are back Vanessa I have a question.

Vanessa York: What is it?

Luis Alvarado: Why don't you hold me like Wendi holds Minho?

Vanessa York: We have a platonic relationship Luis. . . .

Luis Alvarado: Still a relationship.

Vanessa York: And besides, I think she's holding him back from. . . . hitting you.

Luis Alvarado:
She must have the strength of 3 men to hold that angry piece of kimchi back.

*He gives himself a bit of a chuckle before returning focus back on Minho after realizing he was still standing there*

Luis Alvarado: But seriously, jokes aside. . . . . .

*Luis waits for Minho to move but The Korean Sensation is not budging*

Luis Alvarado: You're supposed to move out of my way since you're the joke. Get it?

*Minho is not moving as he stares a hole through Luis's soul*

Luis Alvarado: I see how it is. Well, looks like no one is getting anything done today because I'm not moving either.

*Luis plants his feet directly in front of Minho*

Luis Alvarado: So what's it going to be K-pop?

*Vanessa sighs and looks at Wendi*

Vanessa York: You wanna leave these two here to Macho it out? It might be a while.
*Wendi looks at Minho.*

Minho: You go ahead, Wendi. Make some friends... Things could get ugly here.

*Wendi rolls her eyes. Minho cracks his neck, still keeping his gaze locked on Luis.*

Wendi: Gladly. I had some questions to ask you anyway, Vanessa. Hopefully you can give me some pointers since you’re the SPARK champion and all...

*The women walk away down the corridor, leaving Minho and Luis only feet apart staring each other down, neither man budging. After a few seconds, Minho finally speaks up.*

Minho: I can stand here all day hombre...

*Luis doesn’t reply, he just continues to stare, as does Minho.*
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