Kayfabe The Backstage Thread

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The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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Vanessa York: Why did you have me do that instead of getting extra practice in before my match?
Luis Alvarado: What do you mean?
*Vanessa takes off her TV outfit*
Vanessa York: I am incredibly new to this wrestling thing and I need all the help I can get; I just don't see how this helps.
Luis Alvarado: It helps.
Vanessa York: How?
Luis Alvarado: Well, look at me? Aren't I successful?
Vanessa York: Yes, but here's the thing I'm not you, I'm me and I need this training and now because of that TV thing. I don't have anymore time, my match is first. I don't even have theme music.
Luis Alvarado: You have time if you follow me. I will help you for the rest of the time you have.
Vanessa York: What about my music?
Luis Alvarado: Leave that to me.
*Luis grabs Vanessa hand and takes her to the back for extra training before her match


May 13, 2013
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*A camera catches Fireshock as he walks back through the curtain into the backstage zone, holding his jaw as he approached by an interviewer*

Victoria Bishop: Fireshock can we get your thoughts after your match with Luis Alvarado tonight at Ignition?

Fireshock: Sigh... Ugh do you really need to ask about my thoughts young lady. I just took an illegal high knee to my jaw. Look at this.

*Fireshock points to his bruised jaw *

Fireshock: So with that very important point in mind, do you really think I have time for your peasant like questions. I am lucky my jaw is not fractured let alone broken. Now if you buzz off I have an ice pack to find and a phone call to make. Go on buzz go brother someone else that isn’t me.

*Victoria Bishop walks off, unhappy not to get an interview from Fireshock*

Victoria Bishop: Go to IngitionWrestling.com for more exclusive videos

Metions: @Hybrid
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Blizzard Boi

Al F'N Blizzard
Apr 15, 2016
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*A white car pulls up in the drive, it has tinted black windows and slightly grey wheel rims, then Jay Washington steps out of the drivers side, he walks to the other side, opening the door and helping Al Blizzard out, he then shuts the door, locks the car and turns to Al*

Jay: Shall I help you to the locker room?

*Al turns to face Jay*

Al: No, I need to walk on my own with these damn crutches!

Jay: If you wish, you'll probably meet some old friends in there!

*Al shrugs*

Al: As long as they don't push me over, I think i'm good!

*Jay nods*

Jay: Ok, I need to see someone anyway, in private so you need to go to the locker room, talk to my trainer, then rehab ok?

Al: Yep! All good.

Jay: Right i'm off!

Al: See ya!

*Jay walks away as Al walks in the direction of the locker room*

Al: Damn he's bossy!

*Al opens the locker room door and walks in*

*Open Interaction*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Bryan Weaver: Hello there, I am THE Bryan Weaver, wrestling interviewer extraordinaire, and today with me I have a superstar who has been put in a very controversial situation as of late. So please give a warm welcome for Emerson Zayne everyone!
*The camera pans out to show Emerson standing there with a casual smile upon his face*
Emerson Zayne: There's really no need for that, I'm not worthy of any special reactions.
Bryan Weaver: Alright, let's just get down to the topic that has been glued to everyone's thoughts. Last week you went toe-to-toe with the now deceased Robert Blake. There are many out there that have placed the blame for his death upon your shoulders. What do you want to say to those people?
*Emerson lets out a small sigh before speaking*
Emerson Zayne: You know, when I heard Jason make that three-count, I felt like I'd just had one of the biggest lucky breaks of my life... It was only the next day that we would all learn that Robert had suffered an unlucky breaking of blood vessels within his lungs, which took the man's life.
*The crowd and Bryan remain quiet as Emerson continues to speak. It is noticed though that he hasn't shown much sorrow over the death of Robert, but instead is wearing a look of disappointment*
Emerson Zayne: To think that I may have taken the life of not only a former world champion, but a former dual-world champion, is astounding. He was a guy that inspired hope through his many accomplishments in the wrestling industry. So his loss has been like a blanket of despair just dropped over this company, lowering moral for everyone... But that won't last.
Bryan Weaver: Wait, what do you mean by that?
Emerson Zayne: It isn't obvious??
*Bryan shakes his head no*
Emerson Zayne: Because we have been struck by one of the greatest blessings that the universe could have dumped into our lap!
Bryan Weaver: Excuse me?
*It is at this point that a crazed grin has thoroughly replaced the display of disappointment that had previously been over Emerson's face*
Emerson Zayne: This despair that has engulfed Ignition and it's followers is that of ginormous proportions! It will take it's toll on everyone, but it won't last. Despair never lasts. Had it not been for despair, hope wouldn't be needed. Hope is the purest thing in the world, but without despair to inspire it, there would be no point to it. It is times like this that we really come to appreciate the idea of hope.
*Bryan just looks on at Emerson in bewilderment as Emerson continues to grow more and more enthusiastic*
Emerson Zayne: It is through that idea that everyone should be grateful for such an occurrence! A man who inspired hope dying? That is one of the most despairing things that could happen. And because of that, the hope that will be born from his loss will be even more beautiful than that any of us have seen prior! Who knows? This could even lead to be what could only be considered as...
*Emerson is pretty much hugging himself at this moment, as if trying to contain his excitement as much as he can*
Emerson Zayne: "The Ultimate Hope"!
*After a bit of light laughter from Emerson for a few seconds, he seems to regain his composure, his arms returning to his sides and his crazed smile returning back to that of casual nature*
Emerson Zayne: Only time can tell about that though, huh?
*Bryan just stares at Emerson, horrified by what he just heard*
Emerson Zayne: Well, I'm sorry for you having to waste your time on someone so unimportant like myself. Hopefully you can find someone better to get your big scoop, Mr. Wrestling Interviewer Extraordinaire.
*He then raises his hand in a still-wave, a sincere smile as his expression*
Emerson Zayne: See'ya around!
*Emerson then makes his way out of the interview space, leaving Bryan standing there with a look of horror*
Bryan Weaver: Emerson Zayne.. everyone....
*We then turn things over to the commentators to talk about what just happened, before moving on to talk about the general manager's appearance to occur later tonight*

Honorable Mentions to @TheFrostyBlur and @Jet Starr
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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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*Tyson Storm enters the backstage area for the first time ever. Many of the workers and superstars look at him wondering what he is thinking. Tyson Storm stops and shouts out "The King is here!" and then continues his walk. He ends up stopping at the locker room where he sees another superstar*

Tyson Storm: Well.....Where is the guy that claims to have killed my cousin?

*Open interaction before my big promo*​


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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*Tyson Storm enters the backstage area for the first time ever. Many of the workers and superstars look at him wondering what he is thinking. Tyson Storm stops and shouts out "The King is here!" and then continues his walk. He ends up stopping at the locker room where he sees another superstar*

Tyson Storm: Well.....Where is the guy that claims to have killed my cousin?

*Open interaction before my big promo*​
The General Manager, Jet Starr, has just finished talking to the locker room regarding tonight's show and the passing of Robert Blake.
Jet: Hello there Tyson. Allow me to formally welcome you to Ignition. Sorry I wasn't there for contract negotiations myself, but I'm sure the terms Marie laid out in the contract were more than reasonable.
Jet extends his hand


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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The General Manager, Jet Starr, has just finished talking to the locker room regarding tonight's show and the passing of Robert Blake.
Jet: Hello there Tyson. Allow me to formally welcome you to Ignition. Sorry I wasn't there for contract negotiations myself, but I'm sure the terms Marie laid out in the contract were more than reasonable.
Jet extends his hand
*Tyson Storm shakes Jet's hand*

Tyson Storm: Oh yes.....They were more than fair. But Jet, People have been telling me that someone by the name of Zayn has been claiming to have killed Robert? You see, I don't really watch anything other than my own stuff. Can you tell me about that and when will I have the opportunity to break Zayn's neck?

*Tyson Storm waits for Jet's reply*


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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*Tyson Storm shakes Jet's hand*

Tyson Storm: Oh yes.....They were more than fair. But Jet, People have been telling me that someone by the name of Zayn has been claiming to have killed Robert? You see, I don't really watch anything other than my own stuff. Can you tell me about that and when will I have the opportunity to break Zayn's neck?

*Tyson Storm waits for Jet's reply*
Jet shakes his head and chuckles a bit, then looks back at Tyson
Jet: Listen, Tyson...I can assure you that Emerson didn't kill your cousin. It was just extremely unfortunate timing.He died in emergency surgery for a pre-existing condition that nobody really knew about. Emerson is just a young kid trying to get ahead here by causing a little bit of controversy, and I'll admit...it's working, but no, he didn't actually kill him. However, I do see why you would want to go after him seeing as Emerson was Robert's final match. But listen, I don't want things to get out of hands tonight because tonight is a show in honor of Robert. Not a show in spite of him.


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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Jet shakes his head and chuckles a bit, then looks back at Tyson
Jet: Listen, Tyson...I can assure you that Emerson didn't kill your cousin. It was just extremely unfortunate timing.He died in emergency surgery for a pre-existing condition that nobody really knew about. Emerson is just a young kid trying to get ahead here by causing a little bit of controversy, and I'll admit...it's working, but no, he didn't actually kill him. However, I do see why you would want to go after him seeing as Emerson was Robert's final match. But listen, I don't want things to get out of hands tonight because tonight is a show in honor of Robert. Not a show in spite of him.
*Tyson Storm reluctantly nods his head in agreement*

Tyson Storm: Yes, this show is for Robert and his final send off. However, I can't say I'm going to control myself when I get in the ring with Zayn on Saturday. I just know I'm going out there to get the win for Robert, but I can't sit here and say Zayn is walking out of that ring tonight. Maybe I'll have all my anger out already when I pin him, but that isn't a promise. I respect you dude. I respected you when you did that thing and when you did that other thing. I even respected you when you gave your sunglasses to that weird little boy with face paint when you retired from TWF. You're someone to look up to! But yes, this match means a lot to me. I'm going out there to make an impact and show everyone who Tyson Storm is. I just recommend you let Zayn know what he's in for.

*Tyson Storm smiles and gives Jet Starr a thumbs up as he waits for his reply*


White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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*Tyson Storm reluctantly nods his head in agreement*

Tyson Storm: Yes, this show is for Robert and his final send off. However, I can't say I'm going to control myself when I get in the ring with Zayn on Saturday. I just know I'm going out there to get the win for Robert, but I can't sit here and say Zayn is walking out of that ring tonight. Maybe I'll have all my anger out already when I pin him, but that isn't a promise. I respect you dude. I respected you when you did that thing and when you did that other thing. I even respected you when you gave your sunglasses to that weird little boy with face paint when you retired from TWF. You're someone to look up to! But yes, this match means a lot to me. I'm going out there to make an impact and show everyone who Tyson Storm is. I just recommend you let Zayn know what he's in for.

*Tyson Storm smiles and gives Jet Starr a thumbs up as he waits for his reply*
Jet smirks and pats Tyson on the shoulder
Jet: Oh, I'm pretty sure he knows by now. But anyway, I have to go speak on the matter of Robert Blake in the ring, so if you'll excuse me.
Jet turns around and begins walking away
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The Game
Apr 14, 2016
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*Tyson Storm is seen walking backstage with a phone to his ear*

Tyson Storm: Well yeah, that's the point. I want him as the lead singer of the Storm Heads. Dude, this band is going to make us all millions of dollars, and this Minho guy looks like he can get shit done. Wait, what? Why are you calling me stupid for wanting this? I'm the guy paying you! You tell me what I want to hear, or I'll find a different agent.

*Tyson stops for a second with some anger in his eyes, but that quickly turns to joy*

Tyson Storm: Yes, that's what I want to hear. You see, telling me what I want is perfect. Did you send him the email yet? Just tell him I'm the greatest wrestler of all time and I can make him 100 million dollars in one week. Why do you think that's a little high? I'm Tyson Storm! I can make 400 million dollars in one week if needed. Dude, do you remember what I said a few moments ago? Tell me what I want to hear. Okay, just type this into the email. "Hello Mr. Minho. My client Tyson Storm wanted to offer you a opportunity of a lifetime. One of the greatest bands of all time is about to be formed, and you have been picked to be the lead singer of this band. The band will be named after Tyson Storm. Storm Heads will be going on tour this Summer, and my client has promised you 100 Million Dollars in one week. Tyson Storm is the man to call if you ever need anything. Hey, if you even need another fake girlfriend then give Tyson a call! Tyson can make your life a lot easier! He also has very manly perfume that could interest you. Again, as you can see, Tyson is the man you need in your life."

*Tyson stops with a puzzled look on his face*

Tyson Storm: Doesn't that sound great? Wait, how would that last part make me look gay? Dude, I'm only into women. Actually, do you have his fake girlfriend's email? Please send her this email once you demand it off Jetty boy.

*Tyson stops and takes a deep breath*

Tyson Storm: "Hi, my name is Tyson Storm. You probably know me by Big Daddy, but I'm sorry if you do. However, if you never met me then I would love to meet up. We both know Minho can't teach you how to wrestle since he doesn't know how to do it himself, but I can teach you easy. You see, I'm already in the main event and it's my first show! I'm just a bigger star than Minho. Don't worry about him paying you to act as his girlfriend. I can break his neck in the ring if you signed any sort of contract. So, baby, would you like ride the....storm?"

*Tyson Storm continues his walk with joy*

Tyson Storm: Dude, I'm about to get another girlfriend. How many do I have now? Wow, they don't all know where I live do they? Good....You know chicks can get crazy when you're parking in the wrong garage.

*Tyson gets stopped by one of the workers. He seems mad and tells him "You can't say that stuff!"

Tyson Storm: Hold on. Some worker is saying I can't say this stuff. Do you think the same rules apply to me?! Bro, Jetty said I could do anything I wanted.....Well, not everything I wanted, but that isn't the point. I can do anything on here if I want. You know what, you're so lucky Jetty banned superstars from attacking the poor little workers. Man, can't have any fun around here. What's the big deal with giving him a black eye or something?

*Tyson laughs into the worker's face and continues his walk*

Tyson Storm: Anyway, make sure you send those emails! I just need to go and beat this Zayn guy. He likes to fly, so I might need to break a leg or something. Shouldn't be too hard to keep him down. Anyway, I'm going to the female locker room since that's a thing here. This should be fun....How many females are in there? 5?! Man....This is going to be great. Yo, cancel my meeting with Jetty since I have more important stuff going down.

*Tyson Storm begins to walk down the hall with a big fat smile on his face*

Mentions: @SupaHeeroh @Emo @Jet Starr


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Bryan Weaver: Hello everyone, it's the wrestling interviewer extraordinaire, Bryan Weaver, here with one of Ignition's newest, yet most talked about, superstars...
*The camera pans out to show Bryan standing there with Terra*
Bryan Weaver: Terra Hayze, everyone!
*The crowd in attendance can be heard booing at the mention of her name*
Terra: Oh shut up! You guys should be thanking me for even agreeing to sign a contract to entertain you all on a weekly basis!
*The boos grow*
Terra: Whatever!
*Terra begins to walk off of the set, but Bryan grabs her arm*
Bryan Weaver: Wait! I have-
Terra: Get your damn hand off of me!
*Bryan quickly puts his hand up in defense*
Bryan Weaver: I'm sorry! I'm sorry, but I was asked to give you a few questions and, due to your contract, you must comply.
*Terra slaps Bryan*
Terra: You do not order me around! If I don't want to answer your question, I DON'T HAVE TO!
Bryan Weaver: You just hit me?! That is completely against company policy, and I will be reporting you to Mr. Starr!
Terra: Go ahead! By my match's stipulations tonight, Mr. Starr has already proven that he is not above abusing his authority. Something completely unfitting for someone given the title of General Manager of Ignition..but also not surprising of the man...
*Terra forcefully takes the mic from Bryan's hands*
Terra: Jet, all you have done tonight is given me even more ammunition to use against you when I take my case to the Board of Directors. So go ahead, keep showing your lack of leadership. Meanwhile, tonight, I'm going to show everyone my mental dominance when I beat the odds by forcing that cracked-up, repulsing, in-breeding, punk wannabe, Lilith, to tap out right in the center of the ring!
Bryan Weaver: B-
*Terra shoves the mic into Bryan's chest, causing him to gasp for air*
Terra: We're done here.
*Terra walks off, leaving Bryan there, holding his cheek and chest in pain*

Honorable mentions: @Jet Starr @impactking
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May 13, 2013
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*A backstage video plays on the titan-tron*

*Fireshock is walking back through the curtain after his match with Chris Young, as the crowd give the two a standing ovation after their match. Fireshock a very pleased look on his face, before he can reach his locker room an interviewer approaches him. *

Victoria Bishop: Fireshock, can we get your thoughts after your match with Chris Young?

*Fireshock starts to laugh*

Fireshock: You know Victoria, we should share a thought, over Chris Young. Why? One his thoughts will never come through the same way again in his brain. And two, because if his mind was messed up before, after the beating I just gave him. He will never think the same again or act the same. He went into this match with the great Lord Fireshock, thinking he would hurt me and inflict damage on the Richest Man in Wrestling today. But sadly, for him, the Smartest Man in Wrestling always has a plan conjuring and gave him a beating he will never forget.

*Fireshock smiles.

Fireshock: Did you not see the mercilessness actions on my behalf, when my knee keep connecting with his head. His head was beaten so severely, the Referee David Lattin had to pull me off him not once, but twice. Because of that flawed move by Lattin, Young got a very, very hollow victory against me even though me hand was clearly under the rope.




Fireshock: That’s ok though, because Young you may won have the match by a small stroke of luck, but I won the Clash of Minds tonight. Lilith Young, darling you might want to get a huge bag of ice for your husband’s head. Hell, he might not, even remember you anymore.

*Fireshock laughs again and winks at the camera*

Fireshock: Have fun with that brain shattering headache buddy.

*Fireshock opens his locker room door and shouts. *

Fireshock: Oh, that was so much fun haha.

*After that, he slams the door shut. *

Victoria Bishop: Very cruel words there from Fireshock. Very disgusting words and actions from him in that match tonight.

*Video cuts*

Mentions: @impactking
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The Artiste
Apr 15, 2016
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Reese MacLeod: Greetings everyone It's Reese here and I was able to score an Interview with the one and only Luis Alvarado.
*Luis steps into view*
Reese MacLeod: So Luis, A question ringing through everyone's heads is Why? Why didn't you break up the pin in your tag match with Minho?
Luis Alvarado: What do you mean "I didn't break up the pin" I did the exact opposite. Granted I was a bit distracted, and maybe I didn't "care" that much.
*Reese goes to speak but Luis stops him*
Luis Alvarado: Now before you say anything I had a reason for not giving it my 100%. Do you want to hear the reason Reese's Pieces?
*Reese nods yes*
Luis Alvarado: Minho and I made a bet and I wanted to win simple as that.

Reese MacLeod: Ok, how do you feel about your match with War?
Luis Alvarado: War. . .? Is that his real name?
Reese MacLeod: From recent reports, yes.
Luis Alvarado: I thought it was Pedro or something?
*Reese shrugs*
Luis Alvarado: Well, Mr. Bore,
*Luis turns towards the camera*
Luis Alvarado: From what I've seen of you which isn't much, you have the same pride that I do. Creo que sabes lo que quiero decir.
*Luis smirks at the camera*
Luis Alvarado: I don't think you'll understand if I continue like that so I won't speak anymore Spanish and so you don't break google translate.

Luis Alvarado: Here's the thing Snore, unlike you I'm not into Gods since there's only one Luis and that means only one god; now I'm not trying to convert you into something you're not but I am suggesting you try the church of Luis. It's a nice and wholesome religion for the entire family. Reese here is even a part of it.
Reese MacLeod: I am?
Luis Alvarado: Shut up Reese. Anyway, when we meet in the ring Chore I'll make sure to hand you a pamphlet.
*Luis walks off screen*
Reese MacLeod: That was Luis everyone.


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Christy: Everyone, today I was supposed to interview Ms. Hayze over her victory from last week, but it seems that Mr. Starr has suspended her for two weeks due to violating company policy by slapping Mr. Weaver. So, in her place, my guest tonight is Emerson Zayne!
*Murmurs can be heard from the crowd as the camera pans out to show Christy there with Emerson*
Emerson Zayne: That's unfortunate for Terra, and I guess it's just as unfortunate for you as well Christy, as now you're stuck with scum like myself.
*As per usual, Emerson continues to insult himself with a smile upon his face*
Christy: I wouldn't consider you scum per say. Maybe a little odd though...
Emerson Zayne: Odd?
*His smile is now replaced by a shocked expression*
Emerson Zayne: You know, I think that's the nicest thing anyone has said to me since I was 7!
Christy: Now I think that is a slight exaggeration-
Emerson Zayne: Nope. The nicest thing said to me prior was probably when my mom told me that if I wasn't so stupid, she'd probably be proud to call me her son.
*Sighs of sympathy can be heard from the crowd*
Christy: I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure she didn't mean that-
Emerson Zayne: Considering that was in her suicide note, I'd have to lean towards it being true.
Christy: What?!
*His usual smile returns as he waves off Christy's reaction*
Emerson Zayne: It's all good. Let's just move on to your questions. I'm sure this interview won't be as great like it would if Terra were here, but I don't want your time to go to complete waste!
*Christy now wears an uneasy expression as she begins*
Christy: Okay then... This week, Mr. Starr decided to put you in a match against Jimmy Glamour, where the loser is forced to dye their hair whatever color the winner decides. Your thoughts?
Emerson Zayne: That's a really innovative idea from Jet. I'd shake the man's hand for such an amazing idea, if I were worthy of such an action.
*He then grows an expression of disappointment*
Emerson Zayne: However, I have to say, it would suck a bit to have to change my hair, as green is my favorite color at the moment...
*He then shrugs, returning to his odd, Happy-go-lucky self*
Emerson Zayne: I'm used to things not going my way though, so I guess it wouldn't be that bad.
Christy: Okay, how can someone who seems so cheerful like yourself seem to hate them self that much?!
*He laughs*
Emerson Zayne: How could you not hate me? I'm unworthy of hope, and anyone who is not worthy of hope is just a waste of life.
Christy: You're not-
Emerson Zayne: You don't have to try to prove me wrong, you know. I've come to terms with it, and that is why my goal is to be a stepping stone so that someone will one day be able to claim the greatest hope to ever exist.
*The crazed look in his eyes begins to appear as he grips himself in a self hug*
Emerson Zayne: And to have played a role in someone gaining such greatness and fulfillment is all that desire in life!
Christy: Um, Emerson?
*She places her hand on Emerson's shoulder, whom snaps out of it, and quickly pulls his shoulder away*
Emerson Zayne: You know, I think it is time I should be getting ready for my match with Jimmy. Sorry for forcing you to waste your time on something like myself. Have a good day!
*Emerson bows his head to Christy before walking off the set, leaving her standing there with a look of concern*

Honorable Mentions: @Legit Boss @Jet Starr
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