Hardcore over rated: HHH,
Over rated by who, the haters practically = the fans now tbh, and hes in the top 5 mic skills of the business, with the same ring skills of Randy Orton.
He's a little overrated but is ME level in ring and on the mic, so it's sort of acceptable.
Jeff Jarrett in any capacity,
I haven't ever seen him praised tbfh.
most indy wrestlers (esp. Jimmy Jacobs,Nigel, and all the Jack Evans clones)
great generalisation here, but some are right
TNA (there is nothing good about anything they do)
But everybody hates TNA
Bret Hart all day
I must be missing all the great praise
Somewhat over rated: Rey Misterio,
Underrated if anything, a lot of people forget how good he can be in ring
Meh, neither over nor underrated, he's a good worker but will get stale soon.
Evan Bourne,
Kinda right, but he's the most exciting thing in the WWE so not really.
Jeff Hardy,
Sort of agreed, but he has a lot of haters on here as well.
Randy Orton
Agreed, most overrated guy in wrestling tbh.
Under rated: John Cena (trendy haters know nothin)
trendy haters are SOOO 2 years ago
Agreed, Umaga pwns
Jack Swagger,
Bandwagons aren't enough now?
El Generico,
Kevin Steen,
Curt Hennig,
Doug Summers,
Rick Martel,
Giant Bernard
If people aren't rated at all, then they're not really underrated.
Scott Stiener,
and Tomko (man TNA really fucked his boat up).
Umm, general piece of shit big man, Mike Knox > him
Agreed, great ring presence.
Are you happy, 'tard?