Ryan Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson are no different than Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and every other guy who still do talk radio. Am I to assume that they speak for all white people? Two way street, and yeah....must suck being on the other side of hypocrisies isn't it? Must suck feeling pursecuted for the colour of your skin. Yeah, must suck being reminded about things that you done along time ago right? Hardy fucking har.
As for your scenario about any woman in my life close to me, I would expect them to use common sense when I'm at work in camps for 6 weeks, which they do and noone has ever tried to break into my house when I'm not around. Those "what if's" don't work on me, I'm not an idiot. Yeah, shit happens, but I know there are simple things you can do to avoid stepping in it. Like a dog.
As for slaves in Canada? Took your slaves and gave them freedom, so yes, my country took all the best elements from other countries and made the best one ever created fuck you very much lol.