So if you can praise it so well, how was it a waste of time? Not trying to be a smart ass, at all, just curious how it was a waste of time? It was a very entertaining show with some really good matches and most of all, everything was done right. It sounds like you were just disappointed that there wasn't a huge surprise or shocking ending, but that rarely happens anyways these days.
I said before for the heel Tista to work he had to absolutely destroy Rey and man was that fucking awesome or what? It's about time they have a real heel and not another pussy, chickenshit heel molded after Edge/Jericho. It was even more awesome that he was being cheered! But wasn't the show in his hometown?
The opening match was good, and it was perfect to have the three guys who can and may well be your top heels for the next ten-fifteen years look as strong as they did, especially Sheamus. On a side note, I really hate Morrison as a face, everything about him screams heel, he's too flamboyant to be a face, plus he isn't very over unless he hits a spot. He just seems like a metrosexual with some cheesy insults that has a couple of nice spots. He needs to be flipped. Other than that, good match with alot of progress towards making new stars.
The Kofi-Orton match was awesome. Kofi made his first steps towards being a big deal. Christian looked strong, Punk had good interactions with he and Kofi, R Truth showed how over he can be and everyone else was good. Kofi-Orton isn't over, and if they continue doing things right Kofi can be a bonafide maineventer. More progress towards making new stars.
The title matches were really good and thankfully we didn't have to be subjected to another pointless title change in either. Both teams being dysfunctional was done quite nicely, especially with HBK and HHH, fuck was that superkick to begin the match unexpected and awesome or what?
This show did so much to try and elevate new faces, kept the title picture clean, threw wrenches into the two top teams in the company and every match was good, with only the divas being uninteresting to me. This show stayed on a very solidly paved course and the E should be commended for stepping up the young talent initiative.