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DL'd it over the weekend.....

If the format stays like that, the show will only be as good as that particular week's match-ups.


This show is boring. Sure, there were a few good matches on the debut but other than that it reminded me of ROH on HDNet.


I honestly don't see there's much of a show per say; indeed if any...

Match 1 > ad break > Match 2 > ad break > Match 3 > End.


New Member
Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score
I thought for the debut show it was decent, it could have had more time for the matches, but too kick off with a Taker win is a great way to start a new show. I doubt it leads to a feud with Hardy, but it continued the Jeff, Matt feud. Christian vs Finlay could have been given more time, but with Hornswoggle being drafted to Raw I highly doubt this will be the last time we see the two face off. Shane vs Cody was so so but it served its purpose.
We'll see what the show truly serves as by week four.


Scheduled for this week's Superstars.

Finlay & Hornswoggle vs Tyson Kidd & Natalya
CM Punk & Rey Mysterio vs Big Show & Kane
Kofi Kingston vs Edge


Kofi/Edge Should be good idk why the WWE Booked Mysterio/Punk vs Kane/Show.


^^^Makes sense, to be honest.

Kane had a match on RAW, and they'll face one another at Backlash, while Rey and Show have had some encounters in the past week.


Yeah, now that I think about it it does... I forgot about Show/Mysterio.


So I take it that no one watches this?

Punk & Rey vs Kane & Show (*1/2)

The problem with these type of matches is that the big guys will usually be in control for the majority of the match (Which is fine due to the size difference), which means they'll be slow and not that entertaining. Rey and Punk did what they could, but this was just boring. Kane and Show get the win after Kane Chokeslams Punk... At least they did something to push the Kane-Punk match at Backlash.

Winners:Kane and Big Show

Finlay & Hornswoggle vs Tyson Kidd & Natalya (DUD)

This was a comedy match without the comedy. The only positive was that it was kept short (About a minute and a half). Hornswoggle gets the win after pinning Tyson with a Tadpole Splash, following a Shillelagh shot by Finlay. It makes sense to job out Tyson Kidd to Hornswoggle, because as we all know, Horny is the future of the wrestling business.... Yup.

Winners:Finlay and Hornswoggle

Post-Match, Finlay sings (Badly) and he embraces Hornswoggle who is now headed to RAW (And hopefully to the unemployment line shortly thereafter).

Backstage, we get a promo from John Cena which was actually pretty damn good. Of course, only about 1000 people actually got to see this promo.

Edge vs Kofi Kingston (***1/2)

And here we have the only good match of the show, and it was very good. Kofi was more than able to hold his own against Edge, managed to get some near falls (Including one after busting out The Ranhei), and even hit the Trouble in Paradise, though Edge managed to roll out of the ring to avoid getting pinned. Finish came when Edge went for a Sharpshooter, which was countered into a roll-up for two by Kofi. Edge hits a SICK Spear (Which looked awesome due to Kofi) shortly thereafter for the win.


Overall thoughts:This was a one match show, even if the match was indeed very good. You can skip the first two matches (Only you really want to see the opening tag-match), but be sure to watch the Cena promo and the main event.


Very good Edge vs kofi match up. I liked that flip pin kofi did, very impressive. Edge looked good in this one also, more matches like this from edge and i think a face edge could do these matches all the time. other 2 matches were ok the worst being finlay and horny vs kidd/natayla. Kane and show looked a good team once again but you knew mysterio and punk would not win this one.

The Rated R CMStar

Edge looked good in this one also, more matches like this from edge and i think a face edge could do these matches all the time

And as a heel he can't because?


He can get more emotion from the crowd and they way he is wrestling lately seems like the old edge from 2002


When your a face you do, you get them behind you and people cheer for your moves. The crowd get into it more, i think edge lately has been having good matches once again and i think its only a matter of time when the crowd will be cheering edge in his matches.


There are two different kinds of emotion; emotion invoked by a face and emotion involved by a heel. When a heel does a move, the hope is that fans boo (which they do for Edge). Again I ask, how do you know that fans will respond to Edge as a face better than Edge as a heel? How do you know that they will cheer louder than they will boo?

Also keep in mind that since Edge is so hated as a heel, his opponents are cheered even more than they would be against a lesser heel. He helps create that emotion as well.